What lvl are you in your highest ingame prof ?

What lvl are you in your highest ingame prof ?

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Jul 9, 2007
Titans of Space
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John Black Knight
Independant of mindarks recent challenge with mayhem and inflated ingame currencies as well as the lack of carrots for the players to strife for i think a big factor contributing to the current flat ingame economy is the amount of players who want the same stuff and dont value 90% of the other stuff much anymore.
This is related to everyone closing in to the highlvl range while new items are continuously offered in the same old low to mid lvl range with only very few option for higher lvls which do not keep up with player lvlspeed.
To give mindark a better idea on where their active playerbase is i figured why not have a poll stating a rough range of your top prof lvl and to keep trolls at bay lets not make it annonymous.
And maybe if they see where we are lvlwise then maybe we wont all have to complain why the one lvl50 item everyone wants is out of stock again ;)
Well tbh they have access to everything, they can with a simple search see each player level and probably sort it by level to see highest to lowest etc.
So not sure how it would help them. But for my own curiousity I think it's interesting info. I'm thinking the "old" 100 lvl is, or is getting to be new "200" lvl. I was quite disappointed once I reached lvl 200 that was gonna be the last rank I could get.
It's clear that MA has not cared for and neglected the skill progression system for many years.

There ain't really much point to go beyond 200 so the skilling start to become a bit meaningless with exception of defense/hp and looter skills (though even there after 100 looter I'm not sure how much it actually matter).
Atm not too many people see the point past 100lvl or looter.

Especialy considering latest discuss and economy pace.

Prestige is cool thing but if you go bankrupt while at it without way to regain hardly makes sense, not to mention more people reach the prestigious point harder the competition comes and profit on that stage too.

I am not asking to scrap current lvls or making the gap shorter, more options between would be nice tho, same as mentioned on another post that could provide demand for some other gears too. So entire community wont focus on only 10 items. 🤷‍♂️

Scrap old lootables and resource caps.

Rework economy remove anything that has no use or has no demand.

Work overtime on those and make every profession to work linear path so people dont have to jump between just to make it work out.

Specilization should be meaningful and matter more in the future. In all professions*

Perhaps with Unreal MA could try to turn skilling and profession system into bit more sensible one, mind you i have nothing against grinding and investing as long the end result is sensible lol.

I see the personal value being able to do everything yourself to cut cost, but that does not stimulate the economy. Then again sandbox enviroment should support soloing too. 🤷‍♂️

Off topic and all around the places bit but still related to the professions 🤷‍♂️
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it would be nice to have yearly official MA stats like these, active accounts only.