What the hell is with these new outposts?????


Nov 25, 2011
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Don Chelms Helms
Why mess around with things that already work? Furthermore, why the hell would you take the damn storage terminals out of some of the outposts??? Now I have to spend more ped to go back to an area that has a storage. But I'm sure that was the point. Make us spend more damn peds. Nickel and fuckin dime everyone until we finally get fed up and just quit. Unbelievable. :mad:
Honestly, the outposts are going back to the way they were pre VU-10.0, I like it. None of the OP's had storage or tech/auctioneer, even if those outposts had a TP.

Frankly, I think everyone was spoiled since then, with all OP's have full service center.

But hey, don't let me deter you from your course of adding mulitple cuss words in every sentence to display your displeasure. Don't hold back on our account!

Honestly, the outposts are going back to the way they were pre VU-10.0, I like it. None of the OP's had storage or tech/auctioneer, even if those outposts had a TP.

Frankly, I think everyone was spoiled since then, with all OP's have full service center.

But hey, don't let me deter you from your course of adding mulitple cuss words in every sentence to display your displeasure. Don't hold back on our account!


How is it good ? Removing storages and auctioneers sucks, mostly for newer players when they get stuck somewhere - We are losing potentional depositors, Ive been stuck a few times before VU10 and it wasn't fun. Noone wants to spend few hours to get out of OP. I understand we dont need 5 TPs on 100m2 area, but the way it is now is bad.
How is it good ? Removing storages and auctioneers sucks, mostly for newer players when they get stuck somewhere - We are losing potentional depositors, Ive been stuck a few times before VU10 and it wasn't fun. Noone wants to spend few hours to get out of OP. I understand we dont need 5 TPs on 100m2 area, but the way it is now is bad.

It's good because it creates a feeling of "wilderness" and makes a diffrent between "outpost" and "city". I agree it's more conventient with storage/auctioneers on all outpost, but i think it's a good thing to do anyway. Better to have some places with storages/auctioneers and call them "cities" to make them to places where people are forced to gather and create population centers.
It's good because it creates a feeling of "wilderness" and makes a diffrent between "outpost" and "city". I agree it's more conventient with storage/auctioneers on all outpost, but i think it's a good thing to do anyway. Better to have some places with storages/auctioneers and call them "cities" to make them to places where people are forced to gather and create population centers.

I really like the idea of a "wilderness feel" but Calypso isn't a new planet anymore. By this point in the game's time I think the old Calypso wilderness new frontier feeling can't really come back. We should be moving forward in time not going backwards. Calypso should be turning into a fully functioning planet with easy to access service terminals at all convinient places. Besides, it really isn't fun to get stuck at an outpost. Really really really really really really really not fun. :silly2: If they were to take out all intermediate outposts and only have wilderness revives at TPs then it would be okay to get rid of the service centers and keep service terminals only at cities to attempt to create a city feeling.
tehy spend hours try to figure out how to make more money.............

they can should easily ask some like:

hey guys we want to re design the outpost and eliminate some inside: do you like it????? and maybe activate the damn vote terminals so people can really...express their opinions.
Honestly, the outposts are going back to the way they were pre VU-10.0, I like it. None of the OP's had storage or tech/auctioneer, even if those outposts had a TP.

Frankly, I think everyone was spoiled since then, with all OP's have full service center.

Agreed, although in my opinion the outposts should have a standard Revive/Trade/Repair/Storage assortment :)

Auction and Technican does not really make much sense to have in the middle of nowhere as you would need to fly in food and supplies for them, while the Revive/Trade/Repair only needs energy and a Storage requires energy enough for an item teleporter (which I assume uses less energy than a human teleporter).

Construction Machine does not really make sense either... Who would (realistically) manufacture stuff in the middle of nowhere? Society terminal would be a waste of energy since it is not needed at the "frontier", or "hunting grounds".

A storage to put loot in, repair terminal to repair gear and trade terminal to get ammo, along with a revive terminal, does fit in though.

Remember, despite this being the future and humans having been on Calypso for a few years, we (colonists) still have limited resources available :)
buy some boxes... or some vehicles to use as boxes... or better yet, boxes to put inside of the vehicles to give the vehicles more storage room... storage solution solved, especially with the vehicles since you can just send them back in to storage wherever your are.

Construction Machine does not really make sense either... Who would (realistically) manufacture stuff in the middle of nowhere?
if you want to go craft where there's not a lot of folks around creating lag, it makes a little sense... maybe not a lot... but what in this game really makes all that much sense deep down? How many times IRL have you see people shooting deer and grabbing used bullets to reuse out them after they die? How many times IRL do you go chasing after animals to get their sweat?
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In this next VU each player will receive their very own service center. Inside each center there will also be a tiny cage where the player can kill mobs.
No longer will players have to endure the harsh enviroment that hunting comes with. No longer must a player transport themselves to mobs. No longer must a player stop hunting in order to get supplies. No longer must players interact with others.. NAY! No longer must players even be in the proximity of other players.
Finally they remove the auctioneers and stuff from outposts.

It will bring players to the citys making them more populated.

Hopefully Port Atlantis will be more populated now aswell so new players dont join the game and get the feeling "shit noone is playing this game, i quit".