When playing PE, you often drink:

I use to drink diet coke with a Gothenburg !!!!' in my mouth :) That sounds wrong i know, so i have to show you what i mean- cause its not !!!! !

Happens i take a beer later on the night too :)
Max Proteon said:
Energy & protein drinks :tongue2:

Now That is just for pure "Welltrained-highscool-wannabees" :p

Eat proper food instead of drinking something mixed up! :wise:

Naa, Beer is too man-like. I like fresh juice :D
Baldurn said:
I use to drink diet coke with a Gothenburg !!!!' in my mouth :) That sounds wrong i know, so i have to show you what i mean- cause its not !!!! !

Happens i take a beer later on the night too :)

:laugh: like me. But "portion" and the not diet coke.
Water :)

.... if I forgot to buy wine :rolleyes:

and serious.. just water. its the cheapest one.. i need all my money to play pe ;)
shoockis said:
:laugh: like me. But "portion" and the not diet coke.

well portion here too, but didnt find a suitable image for it
Couldnt sit still if i drank some alcohol, juice never lasts for too long and coffee makes me run... really, it does... i drink tea, the overwhelming classic
Baldurn said:
I use to drink diet coke with a Gothenburg !!!!' in my mouth :) That sounds wrong i know, so i have to show you what i mean- cause its not !!!! !

Happens i take a beer later on the night too :)

same here m8 but take away the diet coke and add some coffee :)
dropkick said:
same here m8 but take away the diet coke and add some coffee :)

OY! and you manage to stand still after "participating" in that?
dropkick said:
same here m8 but take away the diet coke and add some coffee :)

coffee will do too :) but dröpkick isnt it hard to drink coffee with that ryamatta on your back? =P

* sry internal joke * :O
Well, if im mining i drink this.....


If im hunting, its more of this....


So i chose other in your poll :D
Damn, most people are on the soft stuff. I was hoping for more alcohol related answers to make me feel like a little less of a piss-head. I love slurping through a chilled bottle of white wine on a evening in front of PE... Sometimes more, sometimes less...
It has the usual consequnce of memory loss and next day appologies, as in real life.
Must drink more water, must drink more water, must drink more water.
Where is the option for H2O?
Rooster said:
Damn, most people are on the soft stuff. I was hoping for more alcohol related answers to make me feel like a little less of a piss-head. I love slurping through a chilled bottle of white wine on a evening in front of PE... Sometimes more, sometimes less...
It has the usual consequnce of memory loss and next day appologies, as in real life.
Must drink more water, must drink more water, must drink more water.
I am sure that alot of people get drunk alot. They just don't do it while playing PE because they don't want their judgment impaired.

Why do you think people that have been playing for a while fall for things like the armor upgrade scam? They have had a few to many.
mostly water and occasionnally juice and coffee.
Rum and Coke everytime :drink:
I've been known to drink the following while playing PE:
- Ice Tea
- Red Bull
- Beer (Bavariaaaaaa!)
- Dry White Wine
- Whisky (single malt scotch)
ok iam 14 :D
but sometimes some beer or wine ttttssssssss.......... dont say police :laugh: :laugh:
and mostly water or coke something like that
I must drink strong alcohol to play this game. lol
Have to drowned my sorrows of losing so much peds.
Beer helps (actualy, I dont drink beer, I drink Bitter)....
Then you are not noticing your losses....

After 6 cans, you fail to notice your feet, let alone what peds you have lost....

But it also works the other way...

I woke up one day, and found I had Found quite a lot of Lyst....
Buggered if I could remember wher i mined it, but I was not fussed.....
I was expecting alot of alcohol drinkers but guess i'm one of the few.

Whiskey w/a splash of pepsi or water....lot's of it in between the Marby mediums...not in the house so i spend just as much time outside as i do inside and the bathroom. I need a wireless laptop.
Still hardcoreing my coke since im a addict.. no damn diet here!!
and i always get grumpy if i dont get coke :p
shoockis said:
:laugh: like me. But "portion" and the not diet coke.

your parents should kick your ass.

I drink powerade or water.
Strong alcohol offcause, only time the game seem logical.

kinda like the swedish communist party members
when making their action plan i guess.

when sober it just dont make any sence at all....


Ps and its also a great practise before LG playing with like 1 bottle of wiskey
down the hatch, i mean you have like -5000 in aim or so :laugh:

Definetley beer, sometimes too much... One night I was out sweating at camp phoenix with a group, and Noggin was there healing us... talk about impaired judgement- i sold him my sweat and I think he felt bad for me so he offered me more than it was worth... wich i wouldn't normally accept, but i wasn't exactly thinking straight. I must have been fun to watch that nigh.