You Missed Your Target


Mar 20, 2006
Dark Hunters Inc.
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John "Johnny Proud"
Quite a simple idea really, and a usefull one too.

Basically, when your hunting, and you shoot, instead of a message when you hit, and a blank when you miss; It should give you a miss message.

The advantages of this, is that people could now more easily see if their misses are due to lag, or due to their skills.

It's always been an undecided topic, when it comes to 'are you hitting less this VU', but this could stop the whiners in their tracks, or confirm the problem to all.

The latter is the only reason i can think of why MA would not impliment this idea, as it may cause a sudden mass of support cases on people frequently missing due to lag.

Also, on the same sort of lines, you could get the message 'You Are Not Aiming At a Valid Target', when you shoot air, weather by accident, or whatever. This could be useful imo too.

Well, what do you think? :)
a great idea, but i think that would make MA look bad lol :rolleyes: because i got the feeling that most misses is because of lag/bad coding

its not natural to miss a target with a rifle when its standing 2m in front of you 5 times a row :wise: even if you use a scope :p
Since I play 3 year , i ask for it , and believe me , i was not alone to ask for it , neither the first.
som said MA dont create it for lag ..... what a lame excuse.
Fact is if MA dont add that meassage ,its because they create "fake" miss on purpose.
PE (EU ,casino , call it what you whant) is the only game i ever played where the miss are not writen...
It does not ask roket sience to write it , neither it need to be a genius to think to it , all other in the world since the first RPG on computeur write the miss...

An other time , MA show cleary what they are doing...They cheat the miss , with "suposed" lag , or skill or ....

PS: its not very clever ask to MA to put their Fword finguer in the domage code ... we all know what will happen if MA add a feature in that....
5 VU with hunting total bugger + 5 VU with coming back bug +2 or 3 bug left in the spagheti sauce for ever...
Etopia said:
An other time , MA show cleary what they are doing...They cheat the miss , with "suposed" lag , or skill or ....

i actually managed to get my hands on the code they use in this spesific situation. im amazed by the level of complexity they have used :eek:

chance_of_hitting_target = hit_ability * 10 - modifier_adjusted_accoring_to_quarter_budget

chance_of_hitting_target is only valid when you aim inside the box of course

when i say they, it could be anyone... this is not directed directly towards MA. by reading this you agree to that i cannot be held responsible for sharing this bogus information
i thought its somewhat with hit ability * 10* MAF
(MAF is the MA factor, used to calculate the loot too, and its usually around 0, or not really much above :rolleyes: )
Dom_sufc said:
Basically, when your hunting, and you shoot, instead of a message when you hit, and a blank when you miss; It should give you a miss message.

The advantages of this, is that people could now more easily see if their misses are due to lag, or due to their skills.
And a major problem is that all those messages could also CAUSE lag...
The more stuff your computer need to display and the more the server have to calc, the higher chance of lag, either clientside or serverside.. or both..
Tigerman said:
And a major problem is that all those messages could also CAUSE lag...
The more stuff your computer need to display and the more the server have to calc, the higher chance of lag, either clientside or serverside.. or both..

This is true, but wouldn't your computer already be receiving information about a miss, and relaying it to the server, or vise versa. Would it take that much more 'power' (bandwidth, CPU, whatever :D ) to display a few kbs worth of text?

This isn't rhetorical, genuine question, my computer knowledge is limited :dunce:

Maybe if this was so, it could be enabled/disabled in the CL? For people with lesser systems, or for people that do not like the clutter.

This way there's no arguing :D
Dom_sufc said:
This is true, but wouldn't your computer already be receiving information about a miss, and relaying it to the server, or vise versa. Would it take that much more 'power' (bandwidth, CPU, whatever :D ) to display a few kbs worth of text?

This isn't rhetorical, genuine question, my computer knowledge is limited :dunce:

Maybe if this was so, it could be enabled/disabled in the CL? For people with lesser systems, or for people that do not like the clutter.

This way there's no arguing :D
Without having verified knowledge about the PE client/server communication and workload distribution.. No, you wont neccesarilly need to contact the server for every shot, it can be all clientside and updated towards the server when you kill or loot the creature or every x shots/seconds..

However, can you remember the problem we had with a little lag/freeze with every shot fired after they changed the friend chat stuff?
That was caused by the text that was displayed in your "all" chat.. Or atleast it was related to it, as if you shot and missed, there was no lag, if you shot and hit, there was a new line of text and lag..

Thing is, if you want to contact the server and check if you lag for every shot, this create more data to be sent to/from the server (even if youre already connected it need to send a "hell? are you home?" and a "yes, im in the kitchen" type communication extra..
Kerham said:
If a "no loot" message can be displayed, I don't see the problem for implementing "no hit" message. But then again, 4 misses with 10/10 gun is a bit.. hard to explain :D
1 no loot message for every mob killed is a LOT less text (data) than 10 "you missed" messages for every mob killed..
Tigerman said:
Without having verified knowledge about the PE client/server communication and workload distribution.. No, you wont neccesarilly need to contact the server for every shot, it can be all clientside and updated towards the server when you kill or loot the creature or every x shots/seconds..

However, can you remember the problem we had with a little lag/freeze with every shot fired after they changed the friend chat stuff?
That was caused by the text that was displayed in your "all" chat.. Or atleast it was related to it, as if you shot and missed, there was no lag, if you shot and hit, there was a new line of text and lag..

Thing is, if you want to contact the server and check if you lag for every shot, this create more data to be sent to/from the server (even if youre already connected it need to send a "hell? are you home?" and a "yes, im in the kitchen" type communication extra..

Yes, i do remember that. I kind of liked it, i looked forward to it every time i pressed fire :laugh:

I can see what you mean though.. It would be quite annoying to have it back, after getting used to it being gone.

I suppose that MA wouldn't want to introduce it, if it wasn't going to be polished, and not lag at each text display. Actually... MA always release things unpolished :laugh:

It seems like a pretty realistic idea, assuming our misses are not due to lag, so MA has nothing to hide.

Who knows... maybe they're working on it right now ;)

Pssst Marco, now's a good time to come in :dunce:
Lag and problem was caused by the dumb who code with their feet...

If 1 message display can make the game lag on my computeur , that mean MA is not even capable to code for make IRC chat ...No wonder why evrything get worse and worse with such a fantastic coder....

The lag caused by chat is lamest escuse that could be given...
All korean game , diplay evrything ... there even game that display the whole calcul for eatch hit...

There no valid excuse to not deisplay it , and the only reson i see for MA to not display it , its for hiden an over missing rate..
If MA have nothing to hide , then they better put a "you miss" message.
Keep Critical Hits, take away all systemcreated missed shots, and use the
bonus from ads as a "payment" for all missed shots instead of giving us the
extraloot imo .... ;)