The estate bug is NOT FIXED YET...


Apr 21, 2007
Auction room somewhere...
Avatar Name
Maria Mesh
just took these screen prints tonight. Look at the number of items in the shop and the max item count...

I guess I was singled out to have my items removed because I posted about the bug on the forums... since others are still using this bug, and the bug seems to be related to my booth not working, I figured it's time I post some pics of what I see when I look around in game... Please note, when I was doing this sort of stuff I was sent an email from FPC asking me to remove my items in like 24 hours or else risk a temp lock of account!

pa mall floor 2 #10 L (pic with name of avatar that owns the shop removed from this thread per pm request):





(image removed with the avatar name associated with the above estate per pm request)





The actual wording of the email was
Dear participant,
It has come to our attention that you have used a currently known bug which allows you to place unlimited items in your estate. Using a bug to gain advantage in Entropia Universe is against the EULA. Please move your items so that you no longer exceed the stated limit. If you have not done so before 2010-12-17 10:00 UTC we will move your items for you, and you may receive a warning or a temporary lock to your account.

Kind regards,
Entropia Universe Support

I have taken action and the problem with one of my two estates is fixed - but the other is not fixed, and as the screenies show, the problem is obviously not limited to my estates. I can't even put anything in the second estate yet. i get the message that others can pick up items if I put it in the booth... so much for all avatars being treated equally...

posting this here in the forum instead of just sending in the support ticket since posting here seems to maybe get the issue addressed quicker then just sending in support tickets...

might add more later.
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Its only because FPC wants to gain money you are getting to place 20 more items for 2000 peds. lol lol lol
they are stupied would be better to pay dubble rent and get so we can put in 2:ce so much items then i think ppl would start to do that but pay 2000 peds for 20 more items......

I can only say to MA/FPC keep dreaming.:laugh:

To buy a new apartment and pay rent for 10 years is cheaper and then you can store 140 items and not only 20 items.

And look here on what date MA wrote (before 2010-12-17 10:00 UTC) they are fast when they think they lose money but wath about when we lose money on theres bugs. lol lol lol
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booth is still not fixed... dropping items in the estate gives me a message that other participants can pick up the items. Ihave not checked the mall today, but I'm guessing the problem there and elsewhere is not fixed either.

Last time the booth stopped working like this was when vu 10 came last September. I believe it took them around a quarter of a year to fix it (September - December, 2009 if I remember the timeline correctly). I am hoping these problems get fixed quicker then that this go round, but it does not look promising since the problem has already gone on a couple of weeks.

I think the problem this time started somewhere around the time when rent became free in estates in game, or the vu before then since that vu was implemented 12/8/2010 and this was going for at least that long
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... and the booths still are broken. I assume the other issues appear to still be here too but have not had time to check yet today... Happy Holidays.
Gee, what a great idea: make a thread and rat out your fellow shop owners. Happy Holidays indeed!


U seem to be missing the point m8, this bug also prevents some shopkeepers from operating properly(or at all) while inside the bugged shops/booths. My booth in control room2 on FF has been broken for well over 2 weeks now, none of the 3 shopkeepers i have up there are working, neither can i pick them(or anything else) up or drop down. So this bug is not all that fun
If I can't exploit the bug no one else can...

(And I have peds invested in a bugged store which had a 3 item limit)
it started before that, right at the same time first batch of shops in Deer mall were sold on auction
Darn concrete worms. Guess since they can't be living in the deer any more they had to find homes elsewhere.

Hope they fix this before the Medusa final bid time is here since part one of this 2 or more part bug (part 1 involved 65k max limit in some estates) actually affected all estates, including those in Medusa. Would really suck to pay that much for a huge estate like Medusa only to find that every shop on it might potentially be bugged.

Bidders beware.
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and the problem still is there today...
still broken when I logged in this morning... I know it's only 10 slots (at least for now), but come on, fix this problem.
Problem still exists for both the broken booths and the shops with too many items in some locations... I created a few videos that I sent to support after they asked me to provide more information. I also uploaded them to youtube for historical purposes... Here they are.

As the above illustrates, the problem is not fixed yet. Hopefully FPC|MA can fix the problem soon. Another week or so and this will have been going on for a month... The "threat" to have my account locked was over 10 days ago, but apparently not much is being done about others using this bug...

Would to like remind all estate owners that according to FPC, " Using a bug to gain advantage in Entropia Universe is against the EULA."

If you find more estates like this with more items then the max allows, feel free to let support know. I don't have enough time to visit every blasted estate in game to provide more info on everywhere in game.
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Okay well first you are taking advantage of a bug, drawing attention to that got you noticed, and thus caught for it. I see no reason why you have made a thread complaining about being caught breaking the rules.
The only thing you have done here is show the thread users other estates that are breaking the rules, although we can't do anything about those ones. All you can do is report them via a support case.
If your looking for sympathy you will find none from me, you clearly violated the EULA and then told everyone about it. Thus estate owners who didn't know of the bug now do know about it, and you have given them the first tool they need to cheat.
Okay well first you are taking advantage of a bug, drawing attention to that got you noticed, and thus caught for it. I see no reason why you have made a thread complaining about being caught breaking the rules.
The only thing you have done here is show the thread users other estates that are breaking the rules, although we can't do anything about those ones. All you can do is report them via a support case.
If your looking for sympathy you will find none from me, you clearly violated the EULA and then told everyone about it. Thus estate owners who didn't know of the bug now do know about it, and you have given them the first tool they need to cheat.

What I did was notice the problem, and did something using the system provided. My original intention was to just have my own estate as it was for a short time to send in a support ticket along with a pic or two to explain the problem - in much the same way that a hacker will usually hack a system in order to prove the security flaw exists to the company that has the buggy or flawed system that they think is secure but is not.

Actually, I was in hopes that the new vu would fix the problem, but it did not. Half of the problem is fixed because the max item popup does come up now, so I'm not showing anyone how to cheat as the cheaters have already cheated. I suspect they cannot put that many items in the estates now, but did already... now it's up to FPC or the estate owners to do something to get below the maximum. The balls in other folks courts.

Hate me if you want, all I am doing now in this thread is just showing the fairness of all avatars that Marco says exists, and showing the world just how buggy this darn virtual world is that is supposed to be a safe system where people can use real cash. The estate terminal is one of the most public systems in game. Anyone else in game can look at any estate terminal and do just what I've done. Perhaps no one else cares a hoot about estates. Next time your weapons and armor are bugged and not working right, giving others a bit of an advantage over you, lets see how long it takes you to report it to support or here on the forums. Estates are pretty big investments. It is really sad that this sort of problem is taking them so long to fix.

What's even sadder, we are currently in what could potentially be one of the biggest auctions of estates in game - and this problem just continues going on and on and on... Really makes ya want to go take out a huge loan IRL to buy Medusa doesn't it?
Yes it sad that people can sometimes exploit bugs to gain an advantage. That's why there are rules against it and offenders should be reported.
This is true in real life aswell.

So you broke the rules to demonstrate that it could be done. That was a bad choice. Better option would have been to send some of those screenshots you posted here to FPC.
Your example of a hacker exploiting a vulanrability to gain access to a secure system just to prove it is not secured is flawed. If the hacker did not have written permission by the the systems owner, it is still a crime and they can still be charged.

EDIT: I have nothing against you personaly, I am just trying to show you the problem of complaining about getting caught breaking the rules.
have not visited other's estates today, so don't know if that part of the bug is not fixed yet...

but the booth bug is still there since I can't put anything in my booth.

Here's an interesting read from long, long ago... 2008...

Found out yesterday Hades Booth owners got FREE shopkeepers on the VU to compensate for the booth bug. Should mean ~20 new shopkeepers in game.

Before long this booth bug will have left the booth not working for over a month... add on the 4 months or so from September - Decmeber 2009, and you have almost a half of a year of this sort of thing booth owners have been putting up with.

Might be nice, when the booths are fixed if they add a few slots or hand out shopkeepers like they did back in 2008... :)
Well I'm not sure if the actual bug is fixed now, but I did notice this morning when I restocked my shop that the item limit on my estate terminal is back to normal again.

I guess I was singled out to have my items removed because I posted about the bug on the forums...
Its a bug that affected a lot of estate owners. When I noticed it I filed a support case right away to report it, and asked how many of the item points I was allowed to use (I'm waiting on +60 exta item points... so I wasn't sure if they were supposed to be added after that VU.)
Affected me negatively since my shop showed less item points then I had before, and I was asked to remove any items over my lowered limit, so my shop stock got smaller =(

I wouldn't look at it as being singled out... I was told to remove my items so it wouldn't cause any problems when they do get to fixing that bug. At least you got a warning, who knows what will happen to the shopowners that are abusing it... I wouldn't want to take the risk that all the items in my estate vanish into thin air the day they fix it =)

As for compensation, I doubt they will... stuff is just taking a long time to fix nowadays it seems =(
I had to wait over 14 months for my shop location fix.. several closed weeks+ many closed days due to items vanishing....16+ months of waiting on getting the trade center back in Genesis and still counting... still waiting on my pre-ordered estate upgrades, signs still bugged, etc. etc... it's very long list and it's annoying.
But if you think of those in the make-up and taming professions, they have been waiting for a very long time now too without even being able to do anything related to their profession. I really feel sorry for those people and I hope they bring it back soon. But I doubt even they get to see any form of compensation... eventhough they'd more then deserve it imo.

I just try to think of the rentfree estates as compensation for the trouble (not much for me, my rent was really low), but the rentfree estates & estate item point bug seemed to occur around the same time lol.
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Well, the booth related part of the problem is not fixed yet. Video from this morning...
Still not fixed. but at least, MA relised, that the estates show wrong numbers (I have 13 outside, display says 90). Support says, warning is solved... still makes me nervous though.

Wish you GL with your booth.
Hmmm how do i give -rep?
Be careful Mastermesh, you don't want to be on FPC's "list". These people are mighty incompetent and you may find your account locked for any silly reason...
Be careful Mastermesh, I wouldn't want to be on FPC's "list". These people are mighty incompetent and you may find your account locked for any silly reason they can come up with.
Having a booth that does not work for nearly a month now, and for about a quarter of a year from Sept-Dec 2009 makes it almost feel like I'm already on that "list" if it exists... Even Foma is having problems with this, as previously noted... One of the main reasons, among the many, that I think he bought CND was to use the booths up there on the astroid, but just like mine, they are not working currently.
Having a booth that does not work for nearly a month now, and for about a quarter of a year from Sept-Dec 2009 makes it almost feel like I'm already on that "list" if it exists... Even Foma is having problems with this, as previously noted... One of the main reasons, among the many, that I think he bought CND was to use the booths up there on the astroid, but just like mine, they are not working currently.

I admire your persistence. I myself have given up. The shit you have to put up with as an estate owner is just too much...
the ongoing problem is still not fixed with booths.

Booths still are not working today. Here's another video of what happens when estate owners in the affected estates try to put things in the estate.

and the problems continue another day...
Booths are still not fixed!
and... the booth bug still is there... been here since 12/5/2010 I believe...

support ticket said there is no eta on the fix yet :(
You know, initially I questioned your method of exposing this bug. However I have recently found myself in a position where I would like to be a shop owner, but have held back for two reasons;
1)No shops are for sale on NI
2)This bug.

So free bump. MA, fix this bug, NI, please put some shops on auction.

EDIT: I would like to be a shop owner on NI so I don't have to stand around trying to sell newbie gear at fair MU. Not so I could be a one of those resellers rippining newbs off with pixie at tt+25.
time for another bump. Hope a new vu comes soon to fix the booths.

Also, for you folks that were not around back before vu 10, here's one of several threads about when the booths were screwed up last time.

It is sad that history has a tendency to repeat itself so much in game. It's sad that bugs and programming glitches like this can go on and on for days, weeks, and even months. It's sad that this known problem has no eta on the fix according to support. It's sad that this problem could crop up again at any point in the future if they fix it. It's sad that such unreliability is in what they want us to call a safe environment that holds a real cash economy. It's sad that this problem could crop up on any of the planet partner's planets at any given time once estates are introduced there. It's sad that this problem was going on while the Medusa sale was going on, which probably caused some that would have paid more for Medusa to not do so.

We can only hope that the fix is coming soon, and will be a permanent fix this time.
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What I have seen is that there is still shops that have more items than the shop can have. Like that one In PA with the xmas decorations that nearly kills your computer when you run past. There is like 300 objects in the display of the shop. Keep on recording videos and link MA to every one you place on youtube, and remember to link the clips to all the other EU clips so that more ppl intrested in the game can see the level of incompatince and lack of care from MA.