Info: Space Mob Locations


Dec 6, 2010
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I thought it might be an idea to do a quick wee map of where the mobs are located also. It would be fab to get some more keen hunters in space.

I do apologise that my map looks like a 4 year old made it, that's the absolute max of my paint abilities :laugh: but hopefully its readable :ahh:

Please find below clickable links to scans of these mobs kindly provided directly to us from MindArk.

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In connection to current on going thread where the Space Areas were being sought - (This one)

I thought it might be an idea to do a quick wee map of where the mobs are located also. It would be fab to get some more keen hunters in space.

There will be some real space mob info coming soon :) :cool: but just thought a wee easy to read map with all of them listed in the one place, would be helpful for now. Especially for those who fancy a trip up to meet the beasties face to tentacle! :eyecrazy:

I do apologise that my map looks like a 4 year old made it, that's the absolute max of my paint abilities :laugh: but hopefully its readable :ahh:

Ty for the extra info. I'm quite shocked that this hasn't been asked before! :beerchug:
Ty for the extra info. I'm quite shocked that this hasn't been asked before! :beerchug:

It maybe has and has been lost in the depths of deepest darkest space! But at least this one is super simple :ahh::laugh:

Or kept as a closely guarded secret!
It maybe has and has been lost in the depths of deepest darkest space! But at least this one is super simple :ahh::laugh:

Or kept as a closely guarded secret!
Most likely secret! ;)
Most likely secret! ;)

It makes sense to not tell people where you are hunting in PvP, or to discourage people from over crowding a good spot - particularly those who deplete mobs without killing them. However, I'm a great advocate of active space :D ( and more people filling the loot pool is never a bad thing ;)
What's a Hermit? I've forgotten? :scratch2:
Poor buggers got sucked into the oblivion when Cyrene was formed :(

I'd say "Bring them back!" but they seem to be sticking two fingers up at me. ;)
Great map, tyvm for sharing! :)
You just want to lure unsuspecting hunters there so that you can loot them!

Joking of course, thanks for sharing this info which I was clueless about.

MS Paint ftw!
On a further note in regards to mob density and amount:
Dropships (~lvl57-61), sparse wide spread about 15 total at the same time in the universe
Dymleks (~lvl28-32), sparse wide spread about 11 total at same time in the universe
Skyflails (~lvl26-30), medium low density spawn, about 70-80 at the same time in the universe
Locusta (~lvl26-40), medium low density spawn, about 120 at the same time in the universe
Space Horror (~lvl24-48), common low density spawn, found in space la's - amount per space la depending on la between 50-250 (exception Bartons Corridor - amount 0)

PS: Makes one wonder why certain mob types got developed at all, as it is near impossible to cycle any peds on them , especially considering the collection times at these low density spawns.
I have updated the first post with Pictures and links to the mobs creatures threads :) :cool::cool:
Any info on cost to kill?
On a further note in regards to mob density and amount:
Dropships (~lvl57-61), sparse wide spread about 15 total at the same time in the universe

Dropships are too sparse. We need a denser spawn, especially now that there is a good reason to look for them :)
I was just wondering about this yesterday when I flew for what seemed like an hour from calypso to NI and didn't see a damn thing to shoot at. I did spend part of that time in the shower so I could have missed it. :laugh:

Thanks for going through the effort to put this together :)
I am very excited to announce that MindArk have kindly provided me with the full scans of these space Mobs, which I have now updated in the OP.

You need to add Cyrene Training Grounds @ [61918, 59975, -1555]. I think it's new :yay:
Please be aware that as of today, space mob locations now look more like the map below. I will get it all labelled up asap :)

Hermit are back! :yay:

Thanks for posting, though I am baffled by looking at those H's which would be what, at least 600k ped in warp ships? Or is that spliced somehow?

If not, I close my jaw, and tip my hat...that is impressive by any standard.
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Can someone confirm if it's now possible to hunt with a quad in space outside of lootable pvp zone and have a 100% safe way back to TT? XD
Can someone confirm if it's now possible to hunt with a quad in space outside of lootable pvp zone and have a 100% safe way back to TT? XD

Yes you can hunt within non lootable areas. But only around the planet you are on. Otherwise you need to cross lootable to get to the other areas/ planets.
Yes you can hunt within non lootable areas. But only around the planet you are on. Otherwise you need to cross lootable to get to the other areas/ planets.

This is actually very exciting for many who wanted to hunt in space without so much risk

Hoorah for all you space junkies
Yes you can hunt within non lootable areas. But only around the planet you are on. Otherwise you need to cross lootable to get to the other areas/ planets.

That's really epic news. Thanks.
Now i can hopefully get some spacepilot skills and gain extra HP!
That's really epic news. Thanks.
Now i can hopefully get some spacepilot skills and gain extra HP!

You’re welcome

I’m hopeful it’s going to make space much more vibrant!

I’ll work on the new labelling today so everyone can see what is where :)