A Strange Game. The Only Winning Move is Not to Play

The tracker is to show proof that im hunting the same mobs that the people who are telling me that they are doing well are hunting. You can look it up for yourself's.

No I cant tell you what my TT in and TT out was for past runs. But I can tell you before every run I clear my inventory of loot and ammo, EXCEPT UNI AMMO which I remember.
Then I buy 500 ped ammo or 1k ammo depending on the size of the run and gear I plan to use. Anything UL such as FAP and ARMOR and AMP I always repair fully at end of each run.
At the end of run, I place all my ammo *unconverted sharp* and any loot, including items looted INTO the TT.

I subtract the UNI AMMO value I had for the total in TT at the end of run.

So if my TT is 380 ped BACK out of 500 ped ammo, I know I have had a bad run.

I DO NOT INCLUDE THE REPAIR COST, so I have had an even worse run when the repair bill is paid.

If I see the same results over and over each and every run I know where I stand. EASY

Note: I do have some plus runs, VERY VERY RARE and not by much over the ammo amount I bought.

Making accusations and tring to make it look like im hiding things in this discusion is flat wrong, I have been nothing but honest here and in game. Post in any of the major chat channels and ask about Kull and see what reputation ive built in this game. If you can find one who says im dishonest or anything shady at all, please post it here.

So whats the bet?? Can I try to prove youre doing it wrong if we try together??
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Just wanted to add one more thing, I am not selling out as I have alot of good friends in this game and I am well invested in some things such as CLD's.

But I will stop all my hunting and sell the rest of my gear. Otherwise ill keep socializing, tring to help soc m8's and friends out like always.

My skills ill not sell, and will try to RENT my ava to close friends or long time trusted players so that there families can play with a skilled ava instead of making a new one. The loot return would be the only downside to this...

But this topic is far from over, I will keep compiling what you guys are saying until I can hopefully find some kind of fix. From this post and all the others in past and im sure are coming in the future.

I suggest you step out of EU for a good while and come back with a clear mind able to see what these folks are saying WITHOUT any of your ingrained opinions (which is clearly the issue here). You complain, advice is given by folks that even i can see know what their talking about and you choose to oppose rather than say hmmm yea ok, maybe i need to refine that or this etc.

Old school staff have a hard time adjusting to to new environments because they are stuck in their ways. I thin k the same thing is happening here with you. Your not open to change anymore even though you say you are and you say you are doing what they say you must. Youre not. ! Step out for a good long while mate.......
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+1 Rep, you might be right and is clearly a good idea. And I am complacent against what people are saying, most of it I have tried or was tring and have heard over and over but didn't seem to work in game. I do think at this point I do not have a clear enough outlook on things to catch somethings being said here as my emotions are one sided in this issue.

Dont need to leave the game completely, but you need to get your head out of the loot game so you can see clearly again.

I (a non hunter learning to be one) actioned their advice and as a tester i tried it out today on some baby mobs (past the luck factor) resulting in 6 mini globals on 4 mini 10ped runs today using what i have read here. But im coming in form the outside, so i see this with fresh eyes.
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You already said it, it's a game. Game is designed to entertain you and you paid for it.

Isn't that strange if you think you can win the game?

Of course, you did win, i did win too... but those winnings didn't last you right? All same to me. There is no way for you to get the answer even after you put this post as you last resource. Half of the people here, will not understand your feelings too. If you still want to keep pushing forward for those winning, you wont get what you want and will regret seeing your ped = zero.

Time to change your mindset for this game, bro. It's a game. Play it with friends and enjoy it. If you ever HOF xxxxxx, lucky for you and MA bless you. Contribute back to this game instead of tell people you HOF big time. Just like those people keep saying oooooooh I make $ from this game. Lucky them, MA bless them. Let's see their future with this game.

Conclusion, people who think of profiting from game, wont help the game. Which side you are on? I am sure, many old gamers here love this game including you. Happy New Year to you and your families.

PS: IT IS a strange game. The only winning is to sweats and picks free items. :laugh:
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My only regret is I kept trying to believe....

I never looked to profit, but I never looked to pay a fortune to play for a few hours of game play (beyond your reasonable means/budget if I must say).

I believe this herein lies the crux of your entire misery.

Your trying to play Entropia Universe like you would with other typical MMO games.

Its not possible. It simply cannot be played that way.

First and foremost, I believe, you already knew that Entropia Universe is an RCE. It involves real life cash to play. With that in mind, how can you expect to play this game like you would with any other? How could you expect progression (in terms of challenges) to be the same like in any other typical MMO games?

When I first heard about Entropia Universe, my first thought was...yeah right...as if you can play this game for free...when its an RCE.

Next, it was to read more about the game...through its forums and other people's posting...to know more about it...but that's beside the point.

Point is...if it involves real cash....you gotta approach it like you would in real life cash situations.

You gotta plant both your feet firmly on the ground and take one solid step at a time.

The way your acting (in playing the game)...its like your one of those kinds who would buy plenty of stuff (or satisfy your wants) using your credit card and go way beyond your means....ending up only to pay them through your nose monthly....and become a slave to your monthly credit card payments...only to have them ballooning faster than you could pay back and lose them all after you start defaulting on payments.

(In that sense only...not to say that your really like that in real life.)

Anyway, just PAUSE...and have a good look at Entropia Universe. A GOOD, HARD LOOK at what it is...its essence. And when you can start to see clearly what it is, then ask yourself how you can approach to play this game.

- You know that its payouts are random.
- You know that without luck on your side and the 4%-5% of good loots that accounts for 35% of the cumulative returns...what your left with WILL BE 60% in TT returns.
- You know that its payout mechanism is somewhat proportionately related to its "cost to kill/search/click". And this means, in other words, that if you want to progress in the game...you gotta pump in more and more money...in order to hunt tougher mobs, craft higher level items or see larger value swirlies.
- You know that without sufficient number of kills/search attempts/clicks...you can never reach the "expected average".
- You know that in playing this game, your vying with other fellow players for funds that still remains in the system. A zero-sum competition...or rather...a negative-sum competition...if you consider that MA takes a portion out of the system.
- You know that you have a limited budget...wherein you would still consider as "fair entertainment".

So my question is how should you choose what to do next? What is your logical course of action? How should you play this game called Entropia Universe?

Since your talking about hunting, let's just do that then.

Have you ever thought about adapting your game play to your budget?

Ask yourself how much is "fair entertainment" per month? How lucky do you consider yourself to be? How much is the "Average TT Return" that you expect your avatar to get? Is it 60%, 70%, 80% or 90%? How many hours do you expect to play per month?

Factor all those in and find yourself the appropriate gun to use. (By looking at its "Cost/sec".)

And by logic, that is the MAXIMUM "cost/sec" that you can afford.
With your budget anyway.

Then with that gun in mind, find yourself the "appropriate mob" to shoot using that gun.

You'll live a much happier life in Entropia Universe.

Naturally, you can also choose any other guns/weapons to shoot...so long as it doesn't pump out beyond that limit (in costs).

Good Luck and Take Care.
You got to believe in something, due to the people in this game I believed in both the people and the game. How could so many great people be in a game that doesn't reward honesty and deep rooted values. But even with our upstanding status and dedication to Entropia we still get ran over when it comes to returns?

My only regret is I kept tring to believe....

I never looked to profit, but I never looked to pay a fortune to play for a few hours of game play.

Click and Listen, you will understand
I love these threads. The gamblers vs. the fanbois. lol.

FACT: In order to make a constant profit in this game one of two things needs to happen.

1.) Endless mindless grinding and hoarding loot and excessive math which will equate to about 1/10th of real life minimum wage per hr.

2.) MASSIVE real financial investment into a game that may or may not pay back your $200k investment. After this massive investment on skills and gear you could likely withdraw $15k/Year.

The other option would be to go back in time and start pre gold.

Those of you who think differently are either new around here OR you don't value your time as much as a normal person would.

FACT: In order to make a constant profit in this game one of two things needs to happen.

1.) Endless mindless grinding and hoarding loot and excessive math which will equate to about 1/10th of real life minimum wage per hr.

2.) MASSIVE real financial investment into a game that may or may not pay back your $200k investment. After this massive investment on skills and gear you could likely withdraw $15k/Year.

I do not agree with your opinion.
Playing for 2-4 hours per day with an investment of about $3000-$10000 can bring you $100-400 a month. Note: Not for newbie. You must know the game.
I do not agree with your opinion.
Playing for 2-4 hours per day with an investment of about $3000-$10000 can bring you $100-400 a month. Note: Not for newbie. You must know the game.

So AT BEST.... as per your opinion. I can "INVEST" $10k so that I can make $6.66/hr. So half minimum wage with a $10,000 investment. Wow.... Epic..

And your worst case scenario of 4 hrs/day for $100/mth equates to $1.20/hr. 1/10th of minimum wage.

Don't get me wrong.... $1.20/hr is GREAT compared to other games that don't pay a dime.... But new players need a reality check. They need to understand that "logging in and earning a living off the game" is a pipe dream.

To my knowledge even the top earners have all but slowed to a crawl. Star was withdrawing something like $60-80k per year (as per an online stream I watched one time).

He ain't grinding that kinda cash outta the game now. If he is making that kind of money it's through land areas and investments. And for a NEW player to get to that point it would require a $100+ investment,
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logging in and earning a living off the game

It is almost impossible already. But I'm here not for earning for living. Just for fun and money for icecream. This should know all. But there is possible depo and win (not constant losing). I'm only about that.

$6.66/hr after $10,000k investment. That number and investment range almost matchs the biggest solo hof I ever got after $12,000k.

Already said, you are doing something wrong. I do not know what, but absolutely sure.
It is almost impossible already. But I'm here not for earning for living. Just for fun and money for icecream. This should know all. But there is possible depo and win (not constant losing). I'm only about that.

Exactly I made close to $0.50 an hour last year. But I had fun it's a hobby that helps fund my RL hobbies. Even if I broke even or minor loss I would probably just continue on trying as long as it is fun.
I love these threads. The gamblers vs. the fanbois. lol.

FACT: In order to make a constant profit in this game one of two things needs to happen.

1.) Endless mindless grinding and hoarding loot and excessive math which will equate to about 1/10th of real life minimum wage per hr.

2.) MASSIVE real financial investment into a game that may or may not pay back your $200k investment. After this massive investment on skills and gear you could likely withdraw $15k/Year.

The other option would be to go back in time and start pre gold.

Those of you who think differently are either new around here OR you don't value your time as much as a normal person would.


Total Truth.
Since I don't do either, I end up paying $10 an hour somedays to play. $1 an hour model is dead.
Very good advice has already been given to you KullXP, do take a moment to listen to that please. To sum up the ones I noticed as being the best: :wise:
I suggest you step out of EU for a good while and come back with a clear mind able to see what these folks are saying WITHOUT any of your ingrained opinions (which is clearly the issue here). You complain, advice is given by folks that even i can see know what their talking about and you choose to oppose rather than say hmmm yea ok, maybe i need to refine that or this etc.
Anyway, just PAUSE...and have a good look at Entropia Universe. A GOOD, HARD LOOK at what it is...its essence. And when you can start to see clearly what it is, then ask yourself how you can approach to play this game.


So my question is how should you choose what to do next? What is your logical course of action? How should you play this game called Entropia Universe?

Since your talking about hunting, let's just do that then.

Have you ever thought about adapting your game play to your budget?

Ask yourself how much is "fair entertainment" per month? How lucky do you consider yourself to be? How much is the "Average TT Return" that you expect your avatar to get? Is it 60%, 70%, 80% or 90%? How many hours do you expect to play per month?

Factor all those in and find yourself the appropriate gun to use. (By looking at its "Cost/sec".)

And by logic, that is the MAXIMUM "cost/sec" that you can afford.
With your budget anyway.

Then with that gun in mind, find yourself the "appropriate mob" to shoot using that gun.

You'll live a much happier life in Entropia Universe.

Naturally, you can also choose any other guns/weapons to shoot...so long as it doesn't pump out beyond that limit (in costs).

Good Luck and Take Care.

I get the impression that you are where I was years ago. 1) Desposit at the start of the month. 2) Hunt, hunt, hunt ... OoOOooOops all PEDs are gone. 3) Wait 2-3 weeks till the first of the next month. Feeling depressed, angry, and jealous that I couldn't archieve what other could. :bomb:
I then did what Daisy, sawachika and others has given you as advice. I took a break, think it was about half a year. I thought what I was hunting, how, with what kind of weapons, armour. I read on forum what could possible be wrong with my setup, and I came up with a plan. I changed dramaticly, downsided my mobs and gear, and I started experimenting my setup. Same mob, same location, change only one thing and after n hunts, draw a conclusion and adapt accordingly. Then change another setup and start a new experiment. You know what, I both enjoy doing these experiments (just about to finish #2 - I'm a slow hunter), and I increase my general return.

I want to give you an impression about how my Entropia life evolved. It's eleven years, so this will be a long list I'm afraid, and I might be inaccurate here or there as well.
1. I started in the last days of 2004. Sweating, running TP's, sweating some more. :sweat:
2. I always knew I would be a mêlée hunter. After I sold my sweat I bought Settler armour and a Castorian Combat EnBlade-1.
3. I needed to sweat in order to keep hunting. Realized Settler was a mistake, TT'ed it, bought Pixie, and continued like I did before. 19-apr-05 I got my first HoF (yes HoF, I skipped the globals!): ~275 PED Exarosaur. Next day I got my second HoF: ~300 PED Exarosaur.
4. My first desposit. I think I've bought a Katsuichi Honor or Valor and Axe 1x0 with the two Exarosaur-HoFs earlier. I loved to hunted Allophyls, but they killed me sometimes, so I bought a 4a-plate (Elc. protection). One plate per desposit, one desposit per month, so gradually I got more protection and could hunt the Allo's better.
5. Trip down memory-lane looking at my globals and HoFs. I've hunted mobs like Foul, Molisk, Argonaut, Ambulimax, Allophyl, Atrax, Cornundacauda, Daikiba, Feffoid, Snarg, ... . This was years ago, they were different mobs back then. Not the high regeneration like we got today.
6. I kept losing. Every month I needed to desposit in order to keep hunting like I wanted to. I also bought a Katsuichi Pride, Shogun, 5b-plates, FAP-50 then. That was 2007-08 I think.
7. The Opalo was introduced in the game. I went back to my old setup with the Castorian CEB-1, and the old way of losing every hunt. (Or so I thought, didn't track anything). I got fed-up and bought one of those Opalo's too. Hunted small game, didn't like it much. Also the start of my Mêlée-Collection. :mad:
8. Later I started despositing more heavily (for a student). I bought Thunderbird, FAP-90 and hunted Eviscerators and Ocolus among others. Also enjoyed the teamhunts on Hogglo, Atrox, Furor, Proteron, and the like. That was 2010-11.
9. I don't know what I did in 2012, but it wasn't much, because I got zero globals. Nothing solo, nothing in team. Maybe that half year break was twice as long?
10. In 2013 I travelled to Planet Arkadia with everything I owned. I sold most of my loot before. On 07-may-13 I got my first global there on a Madana. I tried a few other mobs, Oweko, Scoria come to mind.
11. I contemplated that I was doing something very wrong - the point where you are now KullPX! I put all my armour in Storage, only to take it out on the rare teamhunts. The Katsuichi went likewise in Storage, I got a range of Mêlée-SIB weapons. FAP-90 I changed into a Vivo T10 or what the TT-Vivo back then was.
12. Then I started my first Experiment. Test of Eco vs. Loot on Halix. (Link to Ark.Forum). Spoiler Alert! Yes, eco matters a lot! :laugh:
13. Jun-14 I started my second Experiment on small Hadraada to see if the size of the hunt matter. (Again, link to Ark.Forum). I unlocked Coolness along the way. It's Jan-16 now and I'm almost done with that. I use no armour, Khorum Ice Dagger as main weapon and rarily have to take out my 'panic-fap'. Out of 14.400 planned Hadraada, I need to hunt just 160 more. The result now is 93.81% and that won't change much. Even when the last 160 shall bring me 40% return, the total will still be at 93.33%.
14. The next Experiment will be on either small Oro or Dromia or both.

To put things into perspective:
Highest Pro-standing: Lvl 42 Swordsman (Hit)
Hadraada Young & Armax Bull Young & Bristlehog Provider & Oro Provider = Lvl 9.
Highest solo HoF: 571 PED Snablesnot-Female Young :yay:

I have never enjoyed the game more then I did in 2015.

Oké, oké, I'll bring to you to on a golden plate:

Ardorj :)
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Did a hour run on Caudatergus Level 15 - 17
5 Dollar Run

All of the loot but the caudatergus skins and ammo have a decent amount of MU.

The used weapon cells are from,
  • Castorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M.
  • Genesis Icerage E.L.M.

Lokabhu Electrifier Sword
-8.09 PED​
Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
-8.21 PED​
Weapon Cells
-33.94 PED​
Total expenses.
-50.24 PED​
Animal Eye Oil
+7.45 PED​
Animal Hide
+1.31 PED​
BLP Pack
+0.73 PED​
Caudatergus Skin
+5.25 PED​
Infrasound Emitter Component
+3.20 PED​
Nova Fragment
0.00 PED​
Second-Rate Cloth Extractor
+0.17 PED​
+9.65 PED​
Total returns.
+27.76 PED​
-22.48 PED

Hunting Caud with only 50 ped? You have to cycle at least $500 USD for 90% returns. At LEAST 5000 PED.

With 50 PED I suggest you stick to level 1-2 punys or chirpys if you want to see 90%.
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You clearly haven't learnt anything huh?

Have you even seen Ardorj's post on Ark Forums? Do and track as much kills as similar to that...then we can have something to talk based on.

Just in case your lazy to go there and read for yourself...


There's no voodoo or magic in there. (You NEED sufficient number of kills AND over a sufficient period of time.)

And no one else can help you unless you start helping yourself.
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Did a hour run on Caudatergus Level 15 - 17
5 Dollar Run

Do it, but do a 30 Dollar runs.
Do it 3-4 times in a day (20-30 in a week).
Check results. Judging about results in EU in one 5 Dollar run is nonsense
entropia is a curious animal.

pet the beast wrong, and it bites your fukn arm off.

thats my advice take it or leave it :wise:
Im not saying your wrong, im saying your right and thats the problem.

That's the crux of the issue right there.

For the most part, people that think it's right for them are active players and what's getting called fanbois or defenders of the game.

People that think it's wrong lose what they can afford to lose (sometimes more than they should) and then quit.


I had an hour to play the other night, similar experience to your caudatergus hunt but combibos. Did everything "right" except maybe a little overkill on the youngs. I only had an hour or two to play so I recycled my shrap/UA. I wound up killing a couple of brood mothers, which didn't help on such a short hunt. But it was a challenge since I had really geared more for young/provider. The brood mothers made me FAP :laugh:

I came home with something like 35% after some minimal repair costs. TT'd that shit and cycled EPII on condition until the PEDs were gone. Well I keep my extractors and some odds and ends but, for the most part...

The only real difference is I signed off my 40 ped before I started, knew what was going to happen and went to it with the attitude of "I'm fixing to blast $4 worth of combibo" so I enjoyed the wee bit of time and money I had budgeted to play and went to bed happy.

A silly waste of a couple dollars, GL to whoever's HoF included my carelessly spent PED I guess.

That's all I do any more. I didn't play for a couple of years, but I have too much in game, and I love it here (as silly as THAT is) so I haven't sold out or quit in any real sense. Mostly for fond memories I guess, of when I had more time and more money and an oddball society that was, for a while, just really great.

I'm thinking about dropping in a few hundred ped and cycling combibo for a while, trying the grinder version of the game. I have the right armor (no extra damage types) and plenty of low level weapons, it's probably fine to use my trusty old opalo for mixed combibo with some use of enblade-6 on the mid size ones and my ASI TT-R (or whatever it's called) for some finisher action.

I haven't started it though because I don't have what most here would call a "real" budget for it right now, and I can't really play for long sessions. So I'm afraid that even with something like 100 ped/week I'll just have a weekly repeat of the exact experience KullXP is talking about.

Especially since it's not just the number of kills, the timing is important too. Playing for an hour or two at a time, seems to be pretty good odds that I'll repeatedly hit the "down" part of the cycle. You can kill 100,000 mobs, if every session comes out with 35 - 50% return it's never going to add up to 90%.

And if I personally need to build up a large ped base and slowly deal with auction, traders, etc.. to get from 50% to 60% return, I'm as likely to just TT it all. Same with spreadsheets and loot tracking and all that. Personally that's not what I'm after in a gaming experience. I don't find it entertaining.

So I would say based on what I'm reading here repeatedly, you need to find a similar place, even if your budget and your numbers are a little different.

I'm not a gamer and I've only ever spent significant money on one game besides EU. Since I'm not active enough to identify or join a soc that's anything like the one I enjoyed so much before, the options of regular team hunts or group activities are not so much on the table for me right now. So I treat it as money budgeted to be spent, like I would with a movie or a show. Or a dinner out.

Most days I can have a lot more fun for two hours in EU than I can at a movie theater, with a ten dollar budget. My shop and booth churn up a couple peds on the side, so that occasionally replaces my (L) gear or whatever and that's it for me. I mean, I hardly make anything on them lol but its a sunk cost for me so that's how it goes.

It sounds like most of your frustration comes from the fact that MA isn't giving you the game you want to play. So I hate to jump on the bandwagon but a break is in order. And an attitude adjustment. MA offers a very particular experience. It's been pretty consistent in how it works, though they tweak it around, the whole time.

It may not be what you thought it would be, or what you wanted it to turn into when you started. That's ok, sometimes things don't work out the way we expect. It sounds like you've spent heavily, these forum and many players, metors, etc.. in game really screw people up with their misuse of the word "invest" IMO. But in any case based on what I've read from you here and in your gear thread, etc... you can possibly recover a good part of what you've put into the game to date, and that's an option that few other games offer you when you find yourself in deeper than you like and no longer enjoying things.

Anyways, I've rambled a bit in this thread. As I quoted you saying above, I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying you're right about the experience, and about how the game works, in my (also) experience, for the "average" player.

But the "average" player isn't really anything like the 1-2% of the player-base that are long term players and wholly enjoy the EU experience, ara active on these forums, and competing in events, etc...

EU has had what, something like 300,000 accounts? and how many of those have never, ever even created an account on the forum? Most. Even if fully 50,000 of them were fake, or alts in the first place.

My bet is that really, talking actual numbers, that "average" player never with draws from EU at all. And probably doesn't play for more than a couple of months before they move on - having spent as much or less as they would on a console game or something similar offering a few tens of hours on a first play through.

This RCE is wound up so tight, MA is taking such returns, people are literally tripping over a thousandth of a cent worth of ammo destroying the economy of their shot/slash/whatever. It's too intense.

And some people, a very small percentage of the rest of society, find it quite enjoyable. Those people are the long term players, the careful hunters and miners. These are the people you're talking to here, on PCF. You're not ever going to have the satisfaction of making your point in this forum because THEY WANT THIS.

They have supported and defended and encouraged this for years and it's just what they want. You're not going to convince the choir of angels that god is doing things wrong. For lack of a better analogy.

So anyways, I say stop before you ragequit. Unless you want to give me your gear during said ragequitting process, in which case that's fine go ahead.

Cold turkey for a month, and see if you even miss it. Screw all these guys I totally agree that spreadsheets and loot tracking and worrying about how many pec you have to wasted on a mob because you don't want to have to change weapons 2 times per kill are not a desired aspect of a game for most people.

But that's the foundation of the EU experience :(

So if you can't get on board with it, you need to let go of the any notion that you are going to "break even". You need to drop this idea of "cycling". You need to take a real look at the (mis)use of the word "invest" in much of this community lol.

Then if after a few weeks you want to log in and "spend" some money because it sounds more fun than whatever's playing at the movie theater, or going out to dinner, welcome back!

If not, well it's up to you how much you need to recover from what you have 'invested' to date. You have a lot of nice gear and it would be time to start the sad process of selling out.

Because IMO, MA will continue on this path as long as they can eke a living out of a few hundred well off and dedicated players. Even if they understood the notion of a balanced and sustainable economy at one time, those people are long gone, the company is a company now and long since more worried about "the business" then they are about "the game".

The likeleyhood of a smooth transition to the sort of thing that "freemium" players have come to expect while MA sat on what they had and gloated is pretty low. EU is not free to play, it's only free to try and as someone noted above, even the idea of a $1/hour experience seems to be a thing of the past. As long as they can continue to attract players to the current model, they will. As long as they can survive on the churn of new players learning their lesson and burning out while a few dedicated fans continue to preach the dream, they will.

Anyways, at the end of the day, it's a matter of love it or leave it. THAT part of what they're saying is true. There's the middle option of hanging out complaining about what it could or "should" be but in the end it's not really been effective or satisfying for anyone. At least that I have heard of.

wow I spend way too much time on this forum , I hope one or two people at least bother to read all this rambling it's surprising how much thinking I've done, during the hour or so that it's taken me to ramble all of this out onto the forum in a way that shares my experience, makes my point, and hopefully doesn't offend anyone too badly :rolleyes:

I'm not a "good" player and I don't play "right". It's not because I don't know how it's supposed to work, it's because if you don't do it JUST FUCKING RIGHT it's a money pit. Not to complain or put any sob story on the forum but it used to be a little different (just a little though) and I had the disposable $$$, and the time required, to fall in love with it.

Right now I don't, and it took me a good long break and a serious attitude adjustment to come back and try it again, with a more managed set of expectations and a realistic outlook, and still be able to find the fun in it. And even at that it's more like the occasional bit of chocolate than any sort of bread and butter, if that makes sense.

Getting a six ped global is such an odd mixture of excitement and sadness, rofl.

If you don't have both the money and the time, well one will not cut it without the other. If you don't have the disposition to do it "right" (and this means as the makers intend it to work, not as you want it to work) then you can spend all the time and money you want and it is, at best, a bit of a gamble. If your budget is going to be under $50 a month, well all I can say is that the little maffoids up by half moon cove loot pretty good for punys.

Dunno man, sounds to me like most of the folks here are trying to help, in their own way. I think they figure no one would invest the time and effort you have (disregard the money your financial 'investment' isn't large among this particular crowd) if they didn't want to be successful at EU. And they're telling you repeatedly, not only what it takes to achieve what passes for success here, but that they'll continue to try and analyze what's going on if you take the time to do what it takes.

There's no winning here, there's no endgame. The only winning move is to set goals you can achieve, and achieve them. If that means, for you, profiting, then you are getting solid advice here. If that means, for you, having some fun, then you need to determine whether or not you can adjust your expectations to achieve that within the parameters of this particular game.

If you can't get some or all of that into line then, yes, the only winning move is to stop playing. Take that money, take that time, and put them someplace that satisfies you. Personally. Then you will have won.

Or, just keep this up as long as you like. As I posted somewhere else (maybe in this thread) I've been spending a lot of time at the forum since, when all else fails, the drama is free :wtg:
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You are listing 3 weapons and 1 amp:
  • Castorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M. (L)
  • Genesis Icerage E.L.M. (L)
  • Lokabhu Electrifier Sword
  • Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
Can't make heads or tails out of this. Which weapon did you use? All of em?

And the amp was used with which one?
From the similar decay it seems the amp was used with Lokabhu.
Now, the rule to match amp with the weapon is simple: 1/2 of weapon max dmg = max amp size.
For all the excess dmg u're simply pissing ur peds into wind. With every hit few PECs lost. It will add up to PEDs real fast.

Icerage is the only one in this list that could use the amp but it requires at least lvl 35 in Swordsman hit and dmg profs. U sure u have that skill?

Cauda young - 80 HP
Cauda old - 100 HP
Icerage+Melee VI is 134 dmg each hit.
Hmm. I'm not sure how this could possibly add up in any meaningful way. :scratch2:

Besides, as others already pointed out, 1 hour run doesn't allow u to make any conclusions. It's just too small. Loot keeps going like a wave, up and down. Short run can fall entirely into the low period.
By the time the next upswing starts u have already given up and left, leaving your PEDs on the table. If your not there to pick em up, the next guy will do that for u - and wonder how come the loot is so good here?
You are listing 3 weapons and 1 amp:
  • Castorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M. (L)
  • Genesis Icerage E.L.M. (L)
  • Lokabhu Electrifier Sword
  • Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
Can't make heads or tails out of this. Which weapon did you use? All of em?

And the amp was used with which one?
From the similar decay it seems the amp was used with Lokabhu.
Now, the rule to match amp with the weapon is simple: 1/2 of weapon max dmg = max amp size.
For all the excess dmg u're simply pissing ur peds into wind. With every hit few PECs lost. It will add up to PEDs real fast.

Icerage is the only one in this list that could use the amp but it requires at least lvl 35 in Swordsman hit and dmg profs. U sure u have that skill?

Cauda young - 80 HP
Cauda old - 100 HP
Icerage+Melee VI is 134 dmg each hit.
Hmm. I'm not sure how this could possibly add up in any meaningful way. :scratch2:

Besides, as others already pointed out, 1 hour run doesn't allow u to make any conclusions. It's just too small. Loot keeps going like a wave, up and down. Short run can fall entirely into the low period.
By the time the next upswing starts u have already given up and left, leaving your PEDs on the table. If your not there to pick em up, the next guy will do that for u - and wonder how come the loot is so good here?

I already believe the guy is just trolling :D