Apartment/Estate Rant!


Apr 21, 2007
Auction room somewhere...
Avatar Name
Maria Mesh
Just a thread about frustrations and ideas/suggestions for how to improve estates in game:
(many of these have been posted elsewhere, just posting here for a consolidated listing in case devs decide to read this some day, year, or decade from now... This list WILL be edited over time as new ideas or ideas that I've thought about but didn't post here yetcome in to being.)

Hallways: Several years ago hallways leading to the apartments from the estate terminals on Calypso had their own item points. At some point in time that was changed the item points allocated to the hallways were moved to the interior part of the apartment instead of remaining in the hallways. I think it was changed since some folks were cluttering up neighbor's hallways. Bring back this feature. On other planets such as Rocktropia and Arkadia the hallways can still be used. At the moment the estates all look boring as hell on Calypso since apartment owners cannot put anything in hallways or near front door without glitching it through the walls from the other side... this makes all of the apartments look the same from the televator, and confuses anyone coming to visit since they have nothing to differentiate one apartment from the other unless they just know which estate terminatl to visit, etc. The hallways are very dark. When we could put lights and decorations in them it made them much more visually interesting.

Balconies: Balconies on Calypso have never had item points, so if apartment owners drop any items in the balcony without glitching it in there by pushing it through walls etc., anyone visiting can simply pick up what the apartment owner put there and walk away with it... There are items in game now such as patio furniture that are intended for being put in places like this in the real world, so it makes no sense at all to leave these balconies without any item points... They should have some, just as hallways on Calypso once did...

Given the recent rash of items flying from balconies into the hands of those willing to take the property of others, I think it's time that "items on balcony be non-removable except by estate owner" be put higher up on the priority list for MA's development team.

Apartments with balconies cost more than those that do not, so this certainly implies that MA intends for the balcony space to be the domain of the rentors.


I did a quick search but I did not find anything, apologies if this has been addressed before... but why are the balconies public places? Is there a programming issue, is it a bug? We need to petiton MA to make these private areas in our apartments as soon as possible.

Please MA, make my balcony a useful place in my apartment!

Front Doors: At the moment there's several interesting and weird things going on with doors... If an apartment owner or shop owner has estate terminal set to 'private' others are not supposed to be able to get in. What really happens is that the system stops avatars from going past a certain point just inside of the door when it's set to private, but the door itself still lets them in... so what happens is if an avatar gets too close to the private residence they get pushed inside of the wall by the door and then the system traps them with sticky feet so they cannot move... They are essentially 'trapped' inside of the wall/door and have to hit T to go to nearest revive terminal to get things going again. This is annoying as hell, especially if you accidentally just walked too close to a mall shop set to private while browsing around, etc.

Candy Canes:The old candy cane Christmas gifts from several years back used to sit nicely in estates, with the bottom of the cane being on the floor. At some point in time Mindark changed this and made it so that the pivot point on the cane was higher up... so now if you put a cane on the floor the bottom half of it disappears in to the floor... That's annoying... especially since it didn't used to be that way...

Statues: different statues act differently in different locations. Some statues such as the Zombie Bikers from Rocktropia cannot be placed on top of table tops, but can be put on the floor. All statues should be made to work similarly so you can put them wherever you want in the estate. Along with this something kinda odd is that the zombie biker statues actually act like 'walls' or shelves themselves in certain spots... makes interesting possibilities for placement of things for him to 'hold'... might be interesting if all statues acted similarly... it's nice to be able to put things like tomtebloss or torches in certain spots to add visual contrast to dark corners in apartments, etc.

Windows: It's nice that you can see outside from some apartments, but at certain times of the day the glare from the setting sun makes it impossible to see anything in some apartments. Devs should really look at as many angles from as many apartments at different times of day to investigate this so that things remain visually appealing at all times, not just til the 5:00 shadows come out.

Rotations:At some point in time furniture was altered to allow you to only place items on 'top' of certain shelves at a certain angle. For instance if you turn an L-Quent sideboard sideways on the wall it'll only allow items to sit on top of it at like 60 degrees til flat... more than whatever that angle is, if you tilt too much it won't allow items on top... from a 'gravity' aspect this is interesting, but from an actual interior decorating perspective, it's annoying as hell, especially for smaller estates that take up fewer square feet such as in booths... where you might want to make everything stack vertically instead of horizontally...

More will be added here over time as time permits..
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Non-Sold Estates...

Many, many estates have never left the estate broker's hands on Calypso and some of the the other planets... This causes artificial supply and demand that causes estate prices to really be way the hell higher than they should be. Yes, some did sell and were never sold, but a good number never actually sold, and actually have error messages if you check estate terminal (go check out Omegaton West Habitat for yourself if you want...)

not better now in 2018 than it was in 2012
Concept and formatting ideas snitched from Few Scars' thread on Corinth Marketplace :)

Total shops checked: 620
Player owned, inactive: 103
Owned by Marcus Callender: 97
'Internal Error' or otherwise not implemented: 257

or any better than back in 2007 when there was a promise made...

Post 221
Will there be more shops available at places like Genesis, Omegaton, Sakura?
Submitted by Violet

Set up Marcus the Estate Broker so that ANY estate owned by him may be purchased for a buyout price.

How many times have you seen a little place you would love to own but Marcus owns it and it is not in auction????

Only put special properties ( like confiscated hangars and stand alone houses ) in the AUCTION and put all the other deeds into a "Marcus Terminal", A Marcus beside every auctioneer with listings of all the properties he owns, unlimited time in "the Marcus Terminal"

(instead of the shop idea above, which would likely go the route the ark underground deeds when they were in an npc, why not put em in the webshop?)
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More door idea:

easier entry points...

put a darn door in the apartment shops in places like Omegaton, Treasure Island, etc. Stupid that you have to run around the outside of the building to get to the display area outside of the building. Better if each shop there had it's own door in the wall that it owns or if the walls just got removed completely and display area was open area on sidewalk, like a portico.
Estate Buffs idea

Lets get buffy! :)

as its now Appartments are not very usefull. Its fun to decorate them and you can even set up a shop if you want. Beside that... well... put in the trash you don´t need in storage or simply don´t buy one!

I think it would add more depth to the EU and notch up the Crafting if Appartements would give Meta-Buffs depending on their decoration.

A Meta-Buff if a modifier for Buffs. If you have a high level of a specific Meta-Buff the probability to gain a bonus Buff or the strenght of it, while playing, is higher.

E.g.: You shoot with Laser and get a 40% skill increase bonus for 2 min. as bonus Buff.
Combat-Meta Buff = 100%: You gain 80% skill increase / 2min or 40% / 4 min.
Combat-Meta Buff = 50% : You gain 60% skill increase / 2min or 40% / 3 min.

Each time you gain such a Buff, your Meta Buff is lowered. If your Meta-Buff is at 0%, you still gain the normal bonus Buffs you get today.

Appartements & Meta Buffs
Decorational Items get Meta-Buff Points in different categories
Daikiba-Trophy: 10 Combat-Meta-Buff Points
Atrox-Trophy : 12 Combat-Meta-Buff Points
Potted Wild Flower: 15 Biotropy MetaBuff Points
Simple Chair: 1 Regeneration MetaBuff Point

The System
If you visit your Appartment you charge up your Meta-Buffs.
How fast depends on the Points in the different categories.
E.g.: Decoration with 1000 Combat-Meta Buff Points = time to charge 15 min.

Visiting your Appartment decays those decoration items which give Meta-Buffs. If they are unlimited you reapair them with a Vaccuum Cleaner (L) :rolleyes:

Even i would totaly prefere unlimited Decoration, especially Plants since i have a big bunsh of them .. :silly2:, it is best to introduce:

Decoration Items (L)
Limited items like Plants (collectable by noobs, like stones, fruits, dung..)
Crafted Items like, well, chairs, trophys, beds, lamps...

Unfortunately in EU, owning an estate is nothing else but a status symbol and a source of extra storage space. And is a shame that is not much else to it, except for land owners.
I was thinking that having an apartment should give an extra benefit. And that can come at an extra cost to. It should be a resting facility.
You can choose to connect your apartment to utility system, like electricity, water, gas, TV... whatever. That should give you benefits from resting there.
Having a utility installed, you will have the option to get an attribute boost of 5 points on all your atributes, except HP. HP will be boosted only as a result of attribute increase. The boost can last 6 hours and can be used only 1 time in 24 hours. Different utilities can add more benefit to attribute boost, but you can get maximum 5 utilities in one day. Each extra utility will add 1 less attribute increase. That means 4 points for seccond utility installed, 3 points for next and so on. You get maximum 1+2+3+4+5=15 points boost.
Using the apartment resting facility, will generate costs to different types of utilities, a form of decay that is subtracted from your ped card each time you use a facility.
In order to have a utility installed, you need to pay a tax to the owner of a power plant, gas company, TV provider or whatever.
Poer plants and all the rest of the utility generators, are owned by players, and sold in auction by MA. You can only use the services of a plant on your continent.
In order to provide service, a utility provider must consume resources, like oil, melchi, robot components animal oils in order to charge the plant. When the plant has 0 charge, the service is unavailable.
Each utility provider can choose the price he wants to use for its service.
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Rent keepers idea

Rent it out...
I've suggested this many time, I'd love to see it put into play.

Rent-Keeper-Pad it operates much like a Shop keeper, only it manages Estate deeds with week to week renting or Monthly.
The rent-Keepers allows the person on the guest list to set out items, without risk of losing their stuff. unless the option is set by land owner, "Collect Collateral For Back Rent" after x-amount of days have passed. Which would lock the Estate doors to the renter until Land manger was able to make contact, If no contact as say 72 hrs and Collect Collateral was checked when renting started. The land owner can collect his loses from the tenant.

Of course allow MA to a % of tax made from the property. (property tax) we will call it.

This 1 item would breath life into the STALL real estate market. Would also open doors for lower income players to be able to have a slice of Entropia to call home. As well as allow Deed holders to generate income from the properties, if they didnt wish to buy/sale for Markup. All around it be an amazing feature for entropia, think of all the vacant empty properties that are collecting dust never getting used. Could now be used to generate income and happiness for many involved with real estate buy/renting/ managing.

Similar idea would be to rent out the deeds themselves for estates:
I'd very much like MA to reconsider a Rental system that could allow Estate owners for Hangars, Land Areas, Apartments, Shops, Etc. to use their Estate Terminal to create Leasing or Rental Deeds that have an expiry date.

After the owner Creates the Leasing / Rental Deed by setting a Date of Expiry he can auction or sell it. Once sold and if used to claim on the Estate Terminal for the duration of the Lease the Estate is under the Control of the new claimant until the Lease Expires. When the lease expires the owner of the original Deed can reclaim his Estate using the terminal.

The obvious thing here is that those who are tentative about becoming a heavy depositor have the chance to "test" the market and also show their entreprenaurial streak. Subsequently they may become heavy depositors themselves after seeing how much PEDs they've made (hopefully anyway!)

This will also eliminate trades where Owners of expensive Estates require Collateral in order to complete a "rental" agreement.
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Better auction subsections for estates idea...

overall, auction needs major rehaul in a lot of ways... skeleton gloves are still listed as armor, etc.
With the ever so growing deeds market, auction is becoming increasingly confusing and error-prone.

In order to avoid this, and just like the Items category, MA should implement categories in the Estate part of the auction, sub-dividing at least into 2 categories (Deeds and Other Estates). But would be exceptionally better if divided into 4 categories:
  • Deeds (CLD, CPD, and AUD);
  • Land Areas (LA and domes);
  • Housing (castles, hangars, houses, and apartments);
  • Commerce (banks, stables, shops, and booths);

Not necessarily in that order. Not sure if I left any estate type out.

Note: I'm aware AUD could also be placed under Land Areas since it's the tax in a LA that provides the results for them. However, these deeds only grant you the tax. AUD owners can't set tax values, or DNA settings, in sum, a saying in the LA management (for the moment and afaik).
Jack O' Lantern

Jack O' Lantern doesn't light up the way it used to... what's weird about it though is if you are in middle of place command in estate it does look like it does, so I think there's something weird going on here in the coding.

Used to have a nice glow to it like the torches do, but now it just is really dim looking.
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Scary Pumpkin Facemask is screwed up in texture...

For a long while now the scary pumpkin facemask's textures have been screwed up around the chin area on the left. My guess is the poly is not attached right to it in the programming code or something.. This wasn't like this from the start... started happening a year or two ago I think?



Annoying that vehicles cannot be placed in to the estates. I understand not wanting to have them spawned there since they can be big, but why not create little mini-versions of the vehicles that can be in the estate similar to the way pets can be placed in estates, essentially acting as statues in them when placed on the floor or on a shelf, etc.

Better yet, do something interesting like Arkadia did with the toy trains... animate the vehicles with interesting animations to liven up the estates when they have vehicles sitting in the 'garage.' I'd love to see something interesting like flying vehicles hover around in the estates, etc. Maybe have land vehicles have a specific path they travel that estate owner can choose they drive around in a straight or circular path like the animated train does, etc.
Annoying that vehicles cannot be placed in to the estates. I understand not wanting to have them spawned there since they can be big, but why not create little mini-versions of the vehicles that can be in the estate similar to the way pets can be placed in estates, essentially acting as statues in them when placed on the floor or on a shelf, etc.

Better yet, do something interesting like Arkadia did with the toy trains... animate the vehicles with interesting animations to liven up the estates when they have vehicles sitting in the 'garage.' I'd love to see something interesting like flying vehicles hover around in the estates, etc. Maybe have land vehicles have a specific path they travel that estate owner can choose they drive around in a straight or circular path like the animated train does, etc.

Well if I remember right you can spawn vehicles in hangars, so there is at least 1 use for hangars left (Garage).

That vehicles are not spawnable in comon estates (appartments) makes sense, for shops (intention to sell the vehicles) there is a workaround, as you can drop vehicles into shopkeepers.
Annoying that vehicles cannot be placed in to the estates. I understand not wanting to have them spawned there since they can be big, but why not create little mini-versions of the vehicles that can be in the estate similar to the way pets can be placed in estates, essentially acting as statues in them when placed on the floor or on a shelf, etc.

Better yet, do something interesting like Arkadia did with the toy trains... animate the vehicles with interesting animations to liven up the estates when they have vehicles sitting in the 'garage.' I'd love to see something interesting like flying vehicles hover around in the estates, etc. Maybe have land vehicles have a specific path they travel that estate owner can choose they drive around in a straight or circular path like the animated train does, etc.

uhhhhhhhhhh :scratch2:

did you ever try to park your car inside your home?

hmm, no?
So, why should it be possible here???
uhhhhhhhhhh :scratch2:

did you ever try to park your car inside your home?

hmm, no?
So, why should it be possible here???
if garage is attached, yes.
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wouldn't mind seeing this added as well as option to sell a 'set' of armor or set of clothes, or set of whatever all combined on one 'hanger' in the closet for a package deal.

The Ultima Closet would make a great new craftable item :D

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
Shared estates...

I guess technically societies can own an LA together and get taxes from it, so why not?

Reading over all the couple topics i was thinking. I would like some sort of Marriage action put into PE. I've been wanting it since my wife started playing shortly after me. What do you guys think? what would it involve? what would be the benefits? Disavatages?

I would like:
-Shared items, housing/appartments, storage
-Mabey some extra skill gains of some sort when you hunt in team, or work together in some way.

Now that we have houses, apartments, and shops, we need offices.

What would be the point about getting an office?
It would be used like an apartment (or a house) but the difference is that it would be managed by the whole society. That would add some meaning about having/creating a society.

For example, some soc. could use them as a "storage" for the whole society, others could create services (like a beauty center where more than an employee would work ... like IRL), or create a workshop for the society (a place always filled with materials, and that has some portable crafting terminals impleted), et caetera.

For a long time, Project Entropia participants wanted a place that they could share with their friends ... I don't think that's something really hard to code (ok I'm not a coder, so you are free to flame me on this ^^) ... but maybe that MA never added this possibility (with the apartments and the houses) because they would have to revamp their current system (and probably lose benefits).

Just an idea.
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better shopkeepers...

I suppose shopkeepers have advantage over auction selling since you don't loose peds if no one buys (other than initial markup for the shopkeeper), so why not offer something to compete against the auction orders too?

I know we've been thinking about this for a while but i was thinking....

1st New Shop Keepers

Lets say new shop keepers are implemented as followed

Trader - He/She will automatically buy ores from people at specific rates. To set up the rates you must put in 1 of the objects such as a Lyst ingot then set a buying rate. Then users with what ever amount can come and sell it to your trader at that price. Also they can in turn buy sold matterials (except the 1 put in as a "model" for pricing)

Advanced Shop Keeper - for the person that usually has 3-6 Shop Keepers on there land. You would not have the problem of shuffling items around but you would be ale to browse things either in just a much bigger window or more like auction interface where you click on text to get details. I think simply a bigger buying windows would be better as it would show off everything much better.

2nd Trade Skill Gains

These new items when the owner clicks on them would gain trading skill. This would give the usefull traders like the fold at SMA a chance at having it as a Profesional Status.

Each time a trade was recorded they would gain certain skills according to dollar amounts tranfered. Now i know this would easily be cheatable so mabey some ideas on how to make it work better....

How about skill is produced as per how many unique people in a week or day or month come and buy/sell to the shopkeeper. Maybey 1 time Skill gains per month or week for return customers.
closed signs for shops...

not sure this is 'needed' but it might make it easier to keep yourself from getting stuck in the walls of a closed estate that you can't get out of when system glitches you in to the border of the closed estate when you are outside of it... just make a gigantium type sign on the door that indicates place is closed. The extra pixels in the sign would help keep avatars that wonder by from getting 'stuck'... doors should do that but don't as not all estates have em, and those that do don't keep avatars out.

It would be great if MindArk could create some kind of sign for closed shops.

For the moment, there is no visual indication for a closed shop. The only ways to figure if it's closed or not is to bump in the door (and remain stuck for some seconds ... or even being teleported at the opposite door (on CND)), or to right click on the estate terminal.

I know it's not the most important, as it won't bring better loots or free shadow armors, but it would add some profesionalism to MA's universe (imo it could use some).

How about an holographic projection with some "energy shield" effect ? So we actually knows that trying to enter inside the shop would be a waste of time ?

Along a similar line of thinking, what about a popup message that tells estate owners when others are entering their estates, etc. sort of similar to how mothership owners can broadcast beam up messages, etc.
This was my friend Chaz's idea, but he won't post it .. so .. :)

The idea is for a doorbell for your condo/estate ... something in between "public" and "private" .. where the door can be locked, but visitors can announce themselves so you can let them in. It would allow you to have visitors, but only when you know you're having them.

Yes, when friends come to visit, they can just PM you. But for people running businesses from their property, not all guests will have you on their friends list. So either have an option to PM the homeowner from the estate terminal, or have some other means of announcing yourself.

Maybe you push a button on the estate terminal, and it pops up a dialog for the property owner (only if you're home???) where you can click "YES" or "NO" to allow the person to come in. That would also eliminate the need for the owner to go outside and mess with the terminal to let the person in.

This would of course, just be an option which could be turned on and off. Besides Public and Private have an Ad Hoc option of sorts.
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In game games...

Long ago, some did do 'live chess' matches in game, but something more 'fun' and simple would be interesting...

This has likely been suggested before, but it would be interesting to see some small, basic games that our avatars could sit down and play with other avatars in game. I'm thinking things like dice games, chess/checkers, card games, connect 4, etc. More social-based activities for people to sit and entertain themselves.

Items to play the games (i.e. tables, machines, etc.) could be helpful for estate owners to get people to come to their store/shop/condo. And/or have them in public areas and/or have a minimal fee to play.

And then there's the gambling side of things ... I'm not sure if that's a good idea, or not ... I've seen the poker table in a shop at TIC, but where is the poker? :) Slot Machines? Blackjack? ooh boy.

For gambling, It could be something on which property owners could charge "taxes" where they keep a portion of the winnings, to help pay the cost of the machines, etc. Or, owners could deposit ped, and have to maintain the funding .. they set the stats and payout %'s, and keep the profits/eat the losses.

The we shop and holiday boxes do open a new screen. Perhaps add simple games to that screen. Could be real interesting if for instance you could access compete via something like that and additional games m.a. develops in future or outsources to new partners.

More global games all can reach like mayhem instances could be interesting as well
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Since mindark's going on to vr meeting tech, why not? I know at least a few teachers that had avatars in game and had their students make avatars to meet em in game before... so how about it...
I would like to see a building in the game that would be a learning institution.
A building like the malls, but the goods are information and classes.

Perhaps rooms in the building could be owned like an apartment and tuition could be paid at the estate terminal to gain entrance to scheduled classes.

Each room would be equipped with a large blackboard (screen) that could be written on, a table/counter top, and chairs.

And of course, the building would be taxed at 2.5% to the owner.
Better 'my items' section on website...

I'd love to see this one implemented myself since it is annoying not remembering which planet my stuff is on when I have it scattered among several apartments on different planets...
Wishlist thread;

I wish my inventory list on the EU website would accurately show which estate I'm holding stuff in...

When you have a few apartments and a fwe shops, it gets rough to look at your inventory to find something. I realize that Mindark didn't program it that was because they may have thought 'oh, people will only own one peice of real estate', but, really, c'mon. If you own a shop and an apartment/house/castle, it's difficult to remember what's where.

So, just like with blueprint books, please show me WHICH estate my stuff is in.

Thanks! :)

More revives...

More revive terminals, especially at locations that have apartments where 'avatars live'

It's very annoying with the way 10.0 is for there to not be a revive at Omegaton West Habitat. The revive you end up at if you die at Omegaton is to the Southwest and is surrounded by mid-maturity atrax. What's worse is that just a few moments ago when I landed here, I ended up here becuase an atrax was sitting on the TP at Omegaton... at least get some turrets up there at Omegaton if you aren't going to put a revive in... Lots of estate holders up there like myself need to be able to get there and stay there a while once apartments are active again.

pre-10.0 spiders attacked the trade center there on occasion, but that was not too big of a deal since it didn't happen too often, and there was a revive. With no revive up there, and no turrets protecting the tp, this does not look good... Please fix this ASAP!
Birthday gifts...

Actually, more holidays celebrated would be nice, not just birthdays...

Christmas brought us not only an event, but also some small, cute gifts. I recall something with Halloween as well, and probably other stuff to.

This evening, I find myself thinking of many things (mainly because I got a birthday coming up, and I now have to start admitting I am actually an adult)... thinking about everything... career moves, the loves I had, I lost, and the one I kept, the future.... everything

And then suddenly....

I wondered: does MA give you a birthday present if you play on the birthday?
Gosh, it's only been 11 years since I posted that comment that you've quoted in the your initial post in this conversation. You're so damn impatient! ;-)

Surely, MA has top men working on it.

Pre vu 10 placement of estates


We are aware of the shopping booth issues and are working on relocating them back to their pre 9.4 positions.

There will also be an upgrade to the booths in the near future ;)

This is just a quick post to let you know that we are working on it and sorry for any frustration caused by this delay.

is justin even with mindark still?

Promised upgrade never came...
terminals are annoying...

something kind of annoying with all estates is that the estate terminals are sort of ugly things next to the front door usually... Rocktropia made some 'cool' terminals in some apartments in tangerine by changing the terminals in to npcs, etc. Why not do something more pretty than ugly ass terminals at everyone's front doors... maybe a little button on the wall... maybe stylized npcs or items that you allow players to control the look of?
upside down stuff...

Although you can currently use various 'features' (i.e. glitches) to place items in interesting locations on the vertical plane, you cannot currently place most items 'upside down' unless it's hanging on a wall in an estate... You can rotate items on the walls upside down, but cannot rotate most other items as most other items either hang from the ceiling or stand on the floor, and are restricted in that way... I'd like to see ability to flip items upside down for some weird and interesting interior design stuff...

I remember walking through an amusement house once in real life that was an upside down house that had all the furnishings on the ceiling. I also see in real life that some are starting a trend of hanging Christmas Trees upside down. We cannot do that type of thing in game at the moment... (well unless you count the original christmas star that hung from ceiling, and the mayhem stars that 'hang' from the floors)...

Would love to see an upside down version of the Christmas Trees that hang from ceiling so we could do weird hourglass shaped patterns, etc.
pet summoning...

pet summoning doesn't work in some estates... but in others it does... annoying... just let pets be spawned anywhere since after they are spawned they can just follow you to where they are not allowed anyways... so the limitations don't really stop the summons... just remove it... stupid silly 'feature'

Also seems to vary from pet to pet which one can be spawned where... again, silly stupid... fix it.

Also, I think the flags are screwed up on this... since sometimes you can summon a pet in an estate but it still gives you the message that you cannot summon it here even though it summons anyways.
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Although not exactly 'estate' related... fix the issue with pets being 'stuck' at the front door of most service centers, malls, buildings, etc. It does impact some estates, but it's a much bigger bug than that I think... I think it really gets to the core of how you use the back buffer since it sort of creates a clone of the pet that is there that isn't there, which stays there when you despawn and respawn the pet... Mentioned this in a few other threads over here and on some other forums... it's actually possible to 'clone' an entire army of pets to block service center doorways if you know what you are doing. I don't think anyone's ever tried that on purpose, but it's definitely doable as the system is now.

You'd simply have to let pet get stuck at doorway, go inside near the auctioneer, despawn, respawn, run around outside to where the original ghost pet is at the front door, get a second one stuck, and just keep doing that an unlimited amount of times. As long as pet owner doesn't log off those clones will stick around like a wall blocking movement of folks trying to walk through em. Never really tested it with other avatars to see how much it impacts em, but I've read some forum replies that indicate that other avatars than pet owner can see the clones.

Not really reportable as it's not really been exploited as far as I know, but under certain conditions in certain events, it might make stuff difficult for someone trying to get in to a service center quickly.
How about, giving Fruitfarmers the abillity to place a shopkeeper and a gigantum sign PC on the outside of hut but inside plot borders please. This will promote the commerce aspect of this fruit thingy crazyness. Heck if you MA devs wanna go all-out, install or give the option to build a fruit-market-booth, incorporated with the front wall, which unlocks for use, when Hut and Grow-Beds are built. That would be even better. But deffinitelly do the sign thing for us. Its handy and good that visitors can see whos farm operation is where from the paths. Ads some nice character to farm districts.
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