Codex is here - what about attribute tokens?


Nov 14, 2007
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Drake Slade Corbett
Will the Codex release attribute tokens at some point? I have 50 Psyche tokens and I don't think I have any missions to get more. Will MA allow us to turn less than 50 tokens for 0.5 Attribute points? Or will these tokens just become relics to hang in our apartment?
Will the Codex release attribute tokens at some point? I have 50 Psyche tokens and I don't think I have any missions to get more. Will MA allow us to turn less than 50 tokens for 0.5 Attribute points? Or will these tokens just become relics to hang in our apartment?

IN case you havent done them yet, cyrene has many psyche token missions.
Same boat here. Got 50 stamina points that I would really like to be able to turn into a full point. Or as you say perhaps get half a stamina point for.
The day I don't find no attribute token missions in the Entropia Universe anymore is the day I will stop playing.
The day I don't find no attribute token missions in the Entropia Universe anymore is the day I will stop playing.

Indeed attributes have always been a core driving part of this games progression. That is why we do missions and have attribute list, to get Attributes! Hope MA has good plans for the most important part of this games Avatar progression. They are the only priceless mission rewards.

Codex is fine and dandy while you have old Iron missions available you are working on but the Codex system is lack luster, boring and desperately needs a revamp to all their rewards making each mob unique and have purpose.

If Codex doesn't change there is no reason to do any missions for the same boring skill rewards. Not to mention a reason to grind certain mobs if they are all the same skill choices. Codex really lack a sense of adventure and accomplishment for a mission system. It removed the discovery of mission rewards and being the first to find them. The old Iron missions will be missed.

I know MA tried to do something good but.... I could care less about this being a RCE if you remove the MMORPG part of it. I play MMO's because I love MMO's and look for an adventure and unique missions and skill systems. I hope MA realizes the PED I spent trying to complete these Iron Missions but once they are gone so is the reason to hunt. I will be playing other MMORPG's that have an interesting mission system and progression. These type of games are about 2 things and that is missions and progression.
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In case you havent done them yet, cyrene has many psyche token missions.

That is good to know. Are those missions staying in after they pull the Iron Missions?

Indeed attributes have always been a core driving part of this games progression. That is why we do missions and have attribute list, to get Attributes! Hope MA has good plans for the most important part of this games Avatar progression. They are the only priceless mission rewards.

Codex is fine and dandy while you have old Iron missions available you are working on but the Codex system is lack luster, boring and desperately needs a revamp to all their rewards making each mob unique and have purpose.

If Codex doesn't change there is no reason to do any missions for the same boring skill rewards. Not to mention a reason to grind certain mobs if they are all the same skill choices. Codex really lack a sense of adventure and accomplishment for a mission system. It removed the discovery of mission rewards and being the first to find them. The old Iron missions will be missed.

I know MA tried to do something good but.... I could care less about this being a RCE if you remove the MMORPG part of it. I play MMO's because I love MMO's and look for an adventure and unique missions and skill systems. I hope MA realizes the PED I spent trying to complete these Iron Missions but once they are gone so is the reason to hunt. I will be playing other MMORPG's that have an interesting mission system and progression. These type of games are about 2 things and that is missions and progression.

So well said, I was out of rep to give you some.
I thought that the other day - same rewards no matter what. Yea at some point I won't care
So well said, I was out of rep to give you some.
I thought that the other day - same rewards no matter what. Yea at some point I won't care

Thanks and I need to spread rep as well. MA isn't looking long term with the current system and this is a game first that needs engaging missions and gameplay. (core feature of an MMO) Codex is falling drastically short at this time as a system that will live the test of time like Iron Mission have unless they completely rework their reward system to introduce discovery, uniqueness, and of course attributes. Otherwise there is no interest to hunt, explore or travel to different planets. Which would spell death to the economy as we know it, not to mention game. Generic blanket ideas have never done well for any game when talking about something as important as core game play.
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That is good to know. Are those missions staying in after they pull the Iron Missions?


The mission on cyrene is The Miners Psyche each stage is tokens but with that said there are tons of missions all over that are odd numbers.
Cyrene was mentioned, but Rocktropia has a ton of repeatable attributes as well. Pretty much all of them at stage 6.

This is how people like me walk around with 37 stamina. (with more to claim on missions I have waiting on codex to hit those planets)

I have a suspicion that ma has run the numbers on the returns, and skill gains for people like me as well, and is why we will not be seeing them added to codex, and simply why codex even came about. They simply cannot have the majority of the player base with these advantages.
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Cyrene was mentioned, but Rocktropia has a ton of repeatable attributes as well. Pretty much all of them at stage 6.

This is how people like me walk around with 37 stamina. (with more to claim on missions I have waiting on codex to hit those planets)

I have a suspicion that ma has run the numbers on the returns, and skill gains for people like me as well, and is why we will not be seeing them added to codex, and simply why codex even came about. They simply cannot have the majority of the player base with these advantages.

Repeatable you say.... hmmm I will probably be taking a trip to Neverdie’s planet. I wondered how people had such high stamina. I figured it was hax :laugh:
Cyrene was mentioned, but Rocktropia has a ton of repeatable attributes as well. Pretty much all of them at stage 6.

This is how people like me walk around with 37 stamina. (with more to claim on missions I have waiting on codex to hit those planets)

That's right there is many repeatable missions for attributes (agi, intell, etc..), but I doubt there is "ton" of repeatable for Stamina, and I even doubt there is a single one...
Nobody want to name a single one ever, so I guess they want it to stay secret..?
Why not, it's a useless skill anyway.
I'll "investigate" about this, if I find a single repeatable mission that reward whith Stamina, I'll tell it here on forum.

I have a suspicion that ma has run the numbers on the returns, and skill gains for people like me as well, and is why we will not be seeing them added to codex, and simply why codex even came about. They simply cannot have the majority of the player base with these advantages.

Sorry my English is pretty bad, I'm not sure I understand...
Are you saying that Stamina would influence your skill gains, and... Your loot returns ?

If so, you do well to point out that it's only "suspicion".
Cause that's all it is.
Stamina is for now a totally useless skill I'm afraid.

There is already skills to influence your loot return, it's called "looter skills".

I think I remember, it was looong time ago, I had asked an official ingame what was the real "use" of Stamina.
He said there is actually NONE.
But that it was planned to make it the skill that would influence an avatar's regen.
It was around year 2007/2009 if I remember well... Nothing has been made since.

Also, as why Codex came out, the main goal was to make sure that each of the mobs would be hunted equally.
That's why rewards on Codex are very similar on ALL mobs.
And that's also why they could not add attributs in rewards, which would go against the project, since the players would have hunted only the mobs that reward with more tokens, which was precisely the case with iron.

Now I "suspect" there will be a new way to get few attributes someday.
But if it's right, MA is not in a hurry to tell it, since it's good for them that during the time players don't know, they grind mobs like crazy to get as much tokens as they can..

But this is only my "suspicion".. Maybe it's wrong and one day MA will make it possible to trade 1 token for 0.01 attributes, to get rid of the few left in storage, and bye bye to the attributes.. Who knows.. :)
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That's right there is many repeatable missions for attributes (agi, intell, etc..), but I doubt there is "ton" of repeatable for Stamina, and I even doubt there is a single one...
Nobody want to name a single one ever, so I guess they want it to stay secret..?
Why not, it's a useless skill anyway.
I'll "investigate" about this, if I find a single repeatable mission that reward whith Stamina, I'll tell it here on forum.

It's not a BIG secret not sure why you say it is? Forgo just told you the answer to what missions are repeatable stamina! Heck even I made a thread but the whole point in this game is to investigate and explore! That is the main part of the game which is the exploration and discovery! To complete missions where the rewards are unknown. If there is nothing to discover or find out then the game becomes pretty boring quick!! People like Forgo and myself seem to be on their way out because we are mission whores and love the sense of achievement and adventure the old game created. Entropia died in 2 stages.... Loot 2.0 and Codex.

MA needs to make some drastic changes to make this an adventurous MMORPG and clearly Codex isn't it.

PS - Since some people need it spelled out for them. Why do you think there was a HOF on werewolves today? It's because the BOT team is doing them for repeatable stamina. There that is 1 of the many repeatable stamina missions lol.. I mean really do people not play this game, read or try to figure out how it works? Not trying to be harsh but DAM do people really need your hand held? What is the point of playing an MMO if you don't like figuring out stuff? I just don't understand why people log into an MMO if you don't like researching and discovering answers for yourself.
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It's not a BIG secret...

You should read my entire post maybe before you reply...
You'll understand why I never went after Stamina. :yup:

And as for " discovering" and doing missions, I think you're talking to the wrong person here...
I've got 727 missions completed on Caly alone, in the last two and a half years.

So you're saying that Werewolves mission include a repeatable stage that rewards with Stamina tokens ?
Okay, thank you for simplifying my "investigation." :)
It doesn't ruin my fun in any way.

I will remind you, however, that the last time you posted that there were ingame 19 repeatable Stamina missions (

... (Removed on request) ...
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You should read my entire post maybe before you reply...
You'll understand why I never went after Stamina. :yup:

And as for " discovering" and doing missions, I think you're talking to the wrong person here...
I've got 727 missions completed on Caly alone, in the last two and a half years.

So you're saying that Werewolves mission include a repeatable stage that rewards with Stamina tokens ?
Okay, thank you for simplifying my "investigation." :)
It doesn't ruin my fun in any way.

I will remind you, however, that the last time you posted that there were ingame 19 repeatable Stamina missions (

First you misunderstood me and there seems to be a language barrier so perhaps that is why you don't get it. I never said in a PM that my thread and the 19 repeatable stamina missions wasn't true :eyecrazy:

Second when you simply investigation in this game that means there is no reason to play it for many people including myself. So it doesn't bother you because you don't enjoy one of the core aspect of this game or perhaps you don't like MMO's. However if there wasn't great Iron missions like there were many of us would of never played this game or stayed here. We can find other games that fill the need of a fun adventure in terms of MMO's.

Third in that thread I explained it very simply there are at least 19 stamina mission that are repeatable for the players that enjoy discovering them to find them.
At that time I didn't want to ruin the fun for those players, just because you don't care about spoilers doesn't mean other players don't! The joy of trying to be the first to discover a reward for a missions is one of the few good things left in this game. That is being removed by Codex which is why many of us have an issue with it!

Finally I got all the evidence I needed about the Botters and sent that to MA.
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Zzz... yet another whining thread about attribute tokens. LAZY you are. Go to Cyrene, RT, Ark. Tons of useless e-penis attributes to be had:lolup:

The plan is to destroy these planets too with the Codex, just later.
That's right there is many repeatable missions for attributes (agility, intelligence, etc..), but I doubt there is "ton" of repeatable for Stamina, and I even doubt there is a single one...
Nobody want to name a single one ever, so I guess they want it to stay secret..?
Why not, it's a useless skill anyway.
I'll "investigate" about this, if I find a single repeatable mission that reward whith Stamina, I'll tell it here on forum.

Sorry my English is pretty bad, I'm not sure I understand...
Are you saying that Stamina would influence your skill gains, and... Your loot returns ?

If so, you do well to point out that it's only "suspicion".
Cause that's all it is.
Stamina is for now a totally useless skill I'm afraid.

There is already skills to influence your loot return, it's called "looter skills".

I think I remember, it was looong time ago, I had asked an official ingame what was the real "use" of Stamina.
He said there is actually NONE.
But that it was planned to make it the skill that would influence an avatar's regen.
It was around year 2007/2009 if I remember well... Nothing has been made since.

Also, as why Codex came out, the main goal was to make sure that each of the mobs would be hunted equally.
That's why rewards on Codex are very similar on ALL mobs.
And that's also why they could not add attributes in rewards, which would go against the project, since the players would have hunted only the mobs that reward with more tokens, which was precisely the case with iron.

Now I "suspect" there will be a new way to get few attributes someday.
But if it's right, MA is not in a hurry to tell it, since it's good for them that during the time players don't know, they grind mobs like crazy to get as much tokens as they can..

But this is only my "suspicion".. Maybe it's wrong and one day MA will make it possible to trade 1 token for 0.01 attributes, to get rid of the few left in storage, and bye bye to the attributes.. Who knows.. :)

Interesting post..
Hmmm , what does Stamina go towards?
The plan is to destroy these planets too with the Codex, just later.

The plan has been known for a year almost. Plenty of time to ped pew instead of while whine. Also, there will be a grace period, so go unlock missions instead of moaning about future threats.
The plan has been known for a year almost. Plenty of time to ped pew instead of while whine. Also, there will be a grace period, so go unlock missions instead of moaning about future threats.

You're doing an awful lot of moaning and whining yourself, dear Lava. That's no way to go through life! It's going to be fine. Don't worry so much.
