Suggestion: Oil Rig is broken, easy fix

Vehicles in Oil Rig PVP zone or not?

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Well i think all pvp zone should have some risk not only to be killed.

If oil rig field is a "noob" pvp area then add a lesser anti toxin shot with 2 ped value to be able to come inside.

Let the area no lootable zone but reward the pker like when you kill someone without loot in pvp 4.

Disable vehicule like other big pvp area because it's pretty useless atm (you can come with a vehicule but can't spawn one when you are inside).

Do this and i think this place will become less drama.

The battle at rig was also more often when drop size were 8-16 ped :D.
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one thing for sure is pvp needs to be changed, its not fair or balanced and never will be as long as
there are vast differences in competing players due to the gear and weapons they have invested in as well
as skills gained thru either yrs of playing or chipped in

i find it laughable tho cos the people who want vehicles gone and rigs gone dont actualy want to pvp actual pvpers that
can fight them, what they want is the vermin gone that seems to have taken over, and in their eyes steal their oil
from what was once their territory hence why they are often called rig rats lol

the fact that it costs them a little more than they would like shouldnt even be an issue
if they really are there to pvp for fun, vehicles are not that hard to destroy, i know ive blown up
a few sleips and vehicles myself lol

what they really want is for the vermin to be gone and for them oncemore to stand at the pump picking the oil
having a relaxed chat among themselves while kos any who are affordable to kill, or dont meet the level
requirements, remember those days? i do,

when i 1st tried to get anywhere near ashi assuming i wasnt shot on sight i would see 1 or 2 maybe more armoured
players not even fighting each other, i would scanned then shot and maybe a statement RIG CLOSED!!

demanding vehicles to be removed is simply an attempt to elliminate the means for weaker players or should i say vermin
to get back to the rigs or to somewhat defend themselves from attack

as any1 who has gone to ashi knows u cant walk to ashi, and if u are killed then u are stuck
at a outpost surrounded by mobs

it would be interesting to see what would happen if tp chips were banned also?
cos then oh no... they have to ...walk lol
and would have to fight thru the mobs also to get back to the rig, or even
just escape lol

and why should vehicles be banned? my investment was into vehicles cos i like them, and its 1 of the ways i choose to get
around and pvp, i cant exactly hunt with them can i? so why should my investment into my apc jeep and cdf heli be rendered worthless
cos i didnt invest into armour and guns yet?

my investments are just as importand as urs, and i have just as much right to play the game how i want to play it as u do
so cut the lies and the bs crap that any with a brain can see right thu and stop trying to twist the game to suit what uve invested
in to give urself the advantage

if u want to go pvp for fun or exterminate the vermin or whatever then just go do it and stop crying and complaining

maybe 1 day pvp will be actual pvp and be blananced and fair, but this isnt possible without instanced pvp
where people are matched based on their skills and gear

so untill then ofc people are going to use what they can to defend themselves and fight back againt bullying control freaks
that only seem to want to pvp players they know for a fact they can kill and cant fight back, ive seen it enuff times
when other pvpers have shown up and and all that happens is there is a quick skirmish as they suss each other out
then the pvp stops and ass kissing begins

the only place ive seen proper pvp is land grabs which i also enjoy watching ;]

so..what does that tell u?

well when people think they are in a fair fight and have just as much chance of winning against their attacker then they may
be more inclined to do so, but why would any in their right mind take on a player they know is far above their level and gear??
they know they cannot win so whats the point lol

people that go to oil rigs are there for something, mostly duh, the oil, but some also go there to hunt or mine or even all of these,
on occasion some do want to pvp and have some fun but it seems as i said its only if they know they can dominate, and dont seem interested in fighting any that can actually fight back and kick their ass lol

however i can undertand some of the frustration, especially if those at the rigs seem to only take take and take and never have depo or never will
but its easy to forget that some like my self have and do depo, just not as often as some of u, and after all the game claims to be free
to play, even tho tho those that have actually tried it will know its nearly impossible, and there is very little for the free player to do to earn their ped
and the oil rig is 1 of those very few options,

but what will some cry over next? i mean how dare those free or low depositng players get free rocks,fruits, sweat or piece of dung
depoing players paid for that, it starts to make me wonder who is the greediest? lol

some of the high depositors in entropia get to play the game in ways some can only dream of and its still never enuff for some, they always seem to complain over something and want everything to be their way, i mean after all when uve paid insane ammounts of money then i guess u want control and to make more money back i guess lol
these people are on such high pedastals that those below them seem exaclty that, and appear to be bug like pests they just want to step on lol

having more ped or having played longer than me does not make u a superior gamer or person, and respect is earnt not demanded no matter how many times u kill me
i will never bow to u, respect u, or kiss ur ass, ur just a entitled rich bully and i look forward to when a bigger or same size fish shows up to kick ur ass
and 1 day it just might be me thats comming after u, with just as much mercy and repect u showed to me when i was once noob and weaker than u, i dont get mad or cry but
i dont forget either how people treated me and i will enjoy serving back some of that karma ;]

lets just hope for some of ur sakes i dont ever come into alot of peds and start taking pvp sereously, fighting to win as well as fun,
cos ive seen most of u fight and im not impressed, not that many are using what they have to its true potential
only a very few i would consider worthy opponents to fight on a even playing field ;]

but yes while i know the game is free to play, at least for now, those that do should whenever possible depo now and then, even if it is a small amount whatver they can afford, its just not right to expect a 100% free ride forever without ever putting anyting in and even so to those that think they can freeplay forever and make money taking from the game then i think withrawal should not be possible till at least 50k ped or something has been depoed in over time and must verify their account,
this at least might slow down and deter some that bot and use alts and just in general try n only take money from the game

those that care about pvp and fairness will aggree with most of what im saying and i did like the idea of a toxic shot required to enter and the pvpers getting some reward on successful kills ;]

but pvp as it is now no, its not true pvp its just ped vs ped uber vs noob and those trying to twist the game so it suits them and what theve invested in giving them superiority
and control

so those that really care about fun and fair pvp and enjoy fierce competition on a even playing field then lets try to make this kind of pvp a reality
but until that day im going to use what i choose to use and invested in and play how i want to play

so i think the idea of banning vehicles or removing rigs a stupid idea why take from the game and screw with other peoples investments forcing them to play only 1 way while clearly
handing over the avantage to players that invested and play in this 1 way??

can we plz have more fair suggestions that improve the game making it fair and balanced for all and not biased 1s that want to pay for their advantage and the game shaped to suit them?

or maybe im just wasting my time and the only thing that makes sense is to cash out b4 i become to heavily invested and leave all the cry baby elitists to have their way
ive already lost some friends who have left this game for varying reasons, either boredom or sick of the bugs and unbalanced rigged unfairness and politics of the game

personally i wont be making any more big investments as i dont think this game will be around for long unless things drastically change bringing the game to the
level it should be at, and things in game balanced appropriately according to the players investments, skill and equipment
the game should be enjoyable for every1 regardless of how much they invested atm i get a funny image of 2 guys in armani suits doing a funny looking battle
slapping each other with their wallets and throwing credit cards like ninja stars till 1 runs out of money lol

anyway thats my bag of 2 pecs and rant over lol

have fun

JJ ;]
hmmm... aimbots!

just wanted to drop it here and get my :popcorn:!
hmmm... aimbots!

just wanted to drop it here and get my :popcorn:!

lol, off topic? This is supposed to be a constructive thread about fixing the fecking broken oil rig not the stupidly broken PVP system. But I totally agree with you, seriously needs something done on that subject! You should make a thread with some brilliant ideas how to fix it? :D
added a poll :D
I'm not voting because I do think that if MA does nothing else, in the current state of affairs, we should indeed ban vehicles around the oil field, BUT...

I believe that in reality vehicles should be allowed in PvP (including PvP lootable).

I'd prefer that they really think about it, and work on making PvP more interesting, more attractive, and more fun.

So rather than just banning vehicles, I think it's a good idea (as Leya said) to implement an anti-toxic shot of 2PED (I would even say 2.5 PED) for the whole PvP area of the oil rig.
This would also be needed to go and mine Pyrite, and people would really fight for it. :wtg:

And as for the oil rig itself, put a penalty that prevents someone from coming back for at least 5 minutes after they have been killed by another player. (so anti-toxic + 5 minutes penalty on the oil field)

If they do this, then Sleipnir should not be a problem anymore.
Noobs could still come in team, whith vehicles and mounted weapons, I'm ok to fight. :)

Eventually increase the amount of oil droped there.

And then the players will start to really fight, for good reason...
Do it and you will see wars there..

That's what PvP is for, right ?.. :sniper:
i do want to pvp a fair fight... atm there is no point

cos as i said pvp is unbalanced .. there is no contest at all as the difference in player skills and gear is to vast

and as i also said.. even if pvpers are balanced they dont seem to want to fight each other anyway
and only kill the weaker players lol

well at least ive never seen any fair fights with evenly matched pvpers, certainly not at oil rigs
well a fight that lasted more than 5-10mins lol

i stand by my suggestion of making all pvp instanced where players of similar skill and gear are matched fairly

and also yes add a entrance shot or something with some penalties and rewards
oooorrr since there is plenty of land where some players will probably never ever go to why not simply just make another rig or 2 with different rules risks and rewards so that way people get to play how they want using what they want within that rigs area rules?

this way mind ark can see what types of rigs and pvp works under differing conditions while catering to players differing preferred play styles its really not that hard to slap down another rig prefab and set the rules for the area
hmm i get that the vehicle haters want vehicles gone from oil rigs but what if they want it gone from all pvp
even land grabs?

if u think they might stop at oil rigs think again

perhaps i should sell my vehicles now b4 they are rendered pvp useless lol

and maybe some1 should inform the other rig rats .. i mean players?

im sure there is alot of rig rats/ players that will want to have their vote ;]
i stand by my suggestion of making all pvp instanced where players of similar skill and gear are matched fairly

Personally, I want people to have a reason to skill up and gear up. If we move towards systems like this, it does not encourage people to invest in high end gear.

People who want to grind hard invest in good grinding gear. People that want to compete in Mayhem invest to good event gear. Just as people who want to pvp invest in good pvp gear.

MA can't even figure out how to code pets or guns correctly, I don't think they have any means to be able to do a match making system.

EU is a MMORPG with a RCE. We want people to invest in different aspects of the game, we want them to skill up, we want them to gear up. This is the only way the game can keep a heart beat.
Stop complaining about The remaining Rig on Calypso or Mindark may give it 'The Hadesheim Solution.' ;)
Personally, I want people to have a reason to skill up and gear up. If we move towards systems like this, it does not encourage people to invest in high end gear.

People who want to grind hard invest in good grinding gear. People that want to compete in Mayhem invest to good event gear. Just as people who want to pvp invest in good pvp gear.

MA can't even figure out how to code pets or guns correctly, I don't think they have any means to be able to do a match making system.

EU is a MMORPG with a RCE. We want people to invest in different aspects of the game, we want them to skill up, we want them to gear up. This is the only way the game can keep a heart beat.

i agree we should never stop the grind and try grow and evolve our avatars as best we can, but with some it can take longer than others when their is progress is help back cos they are not as rich as others
if ped was no object i would already be caught up and uber

there are systems however that already exist that bring people to the same gear and levels etc such as the hub in cyrene i think its called? and then three is mayhem which can also place people in categories so im pretty sure they could figure out something

im not trying to take away all the hard work that some players have done getting to where they are at today and nor do i want to stop or deter people from also working hard trying their best to also grind and skill up

what i was trying to do is make it so people can compete with others around the same sort of levels they are at

what i also didnt mention is that there should be a reasons to reach those top tiers as even greater rewards and challenges would open up to players along their journey as they become even stronger in the game

atm growth is strictly limited to peoples wealth, and the motivation to pvp is almost non existent when u know there is no way u can win against a player that has thousands of peds worth of gear and yrs of experience and skills giving them a massive advantage over u

and pvp is an area i think thats overlooked when it comes to rewards, in hunting u get rewards in mining u get rewards in crafting u get rewards hell even sweating there are rewards but where is the rewards in pvp other than lootable? where if u do that ur the sum of the earth and a thief lol

and when i do try to compete with people that look to be on a similar ish level to me they dont want to fight instead they cry to a uber that outguns and our armors me and kills me in 1 shot, assuming they dont miss heh heh ;]

ive noticed some despite their gear cant seem to hit a barn door without a aimbot and i have had fun teasing them making them miss lol

it would be nice to get better skills and some sort of rewards for pvp wither it being brutally murdered or killing other players, considering the amount of peds that can go into pvp the rewards seem a bit crap lol

i have very little interest in peds but unfortunately its also the lack of decent peds that holds me back

i care about having fun with friends and getting a little skill along the way i dont care if i die many times and lose
as without failing and losing i cant learn from my failures ;]

i had wondered if such a thing as pvp mentors existed, it sure would be fun to learn from them and even more fun trying to kick their asses lol .. anyway offer is there if any are interested in a sparing partner thats not a cry baby cowardly bitch and will adapt and learn and wants nothing but knowledge skill and most importantly of all fun ;]

and as for the "The Hadesheim Solution" sorry i dunno what that is lol
JJ you are adding the most sense to this thread.

And the Hadesheim Solution in one word Robots (a bit like what happened at the "noob" rig, only more extreme)
I believe that in reality vehicles should be allowed in PvP (including PvP lootable).

I'd prefer that they really think about it, and work on making PvP more interesting, more attractive, and more fun.

So rather than just banning vehicles, I think it's a good idea (as Leya said) to implement an anti-toxic shot of 2PED (I would even say 2.5 PED) for the whole PvP area of the oil rig.
This would also be needed to go and mine Pyrite, and people would really fight for it. :wtg:

I'd agree to this, but if vehicles are allowed in all lootable areas, MA needs to change being able to recall vehicles to planet storage while inside the PvP zone.
Since the current system permits you to basically TP your loot to your storage if mining / hunting inside the lootable areas where vehicles are permitted, I'd say vehicles have no place in PvP lootable at this point.

Otherwise, just let me use portable trade terminals while inside, same difference.

- VH
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Easy fix - remove the free oil, there is no need for oil to be dropped.
After all you are going there for the PvP right?!?

The ideea of free oil was to help the non depositors to gain something, but was a good ideea to make it pvp. Its the only place that you could get some fun and not just do mechanics like always.
The ideea of free oil was to help the non depositors to gain something, but was a good ideea to make it pvp. Its the only place that you could get some fun and not just do mechanics like always.

Absolutely not.

The rig's certainly not here to help the noobs to play for free..
That's unfortunately what it's become, but that's not its primary purpose.

It's PvP, the oil is there to give a reason to fight.
And I remind you that it's a RCE, a money game, so the oil is there to eventually reimburse the costs of the fight, or even why not to make it profitable.. :eyecrazy:

To help non-depositor noobs, there are a lot of other things that have been created, like freebies at the beginning, and a tool called VSE.
I'd agree to this, but if vehicles are allowed in all lootable areas, MA needs to change being able to recall vehicles to planet storage while inside the PvP zone.
Since the current system permits you to basically TP your loot to your storage if mining / hunting inside the lootable areas where vehicles are permitted, I'd say vehicles have no place in PvP lootable at this point.

Otherwise, just let me use portable trade terminals while inside, same difference.

- VH

Yes I know that, I've even made several posts about it, but I didn't want to go here too much.
MA already have a hard time taking an idea into account, so I try to go gradually to give them time to think about it... :)

There are 2 main reasons why vehicles have been banned from the lootable areas at first.
People were hiding in the carcasses of destroyed vehicles (at LG as well) during a fight, for healing mostly while you can't reach them.
And in fact I'm the one who came up with the idea of sending the vehicles directly to storage when they're destroyed in PvP.
MA did it a few weeks/months later and that's good.

The second problem was that people were sending their resources to the storage through the vehicle so they wouldn't get looted.

As I explained several times, it would be enough to condemn the vehicles storage in PvP.
And in my opinion it would be even simpler, and safer to simply remove all vehicle storage, which are used for nothing else than to store stuff in the planet's storages...
Vehicles shouldn't have storage, and that would solve the problem completely.
Then MA create new boxes for the planet storage and that's it. (I think the vehicles are for moving around, and the boxes are for storing stuff..)

For those who don't know it yet, Aegis PvP lootable allows vehicles...
You can still mine or hunt down there by sending your resources to storage as you go... So it's a so-called "risky" area that's actually risk-free. :rolleyes:

It just goes to show, once again, that MA doesn't know what to do with PvP, and even less so with lootable areas.
Then I tell them, if you don't know, some of us know, so just listen to us. :yup:
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i agree with what vandal said vehicle calling back with loots in while in lootable should be blocked with a msg u cant do this in this area or something lol

i have some vehicles that are specifically designed for pvp like the apc and cdf heli, these at least should be allowed in pvp as its almost as dumb as buying a racecar to race at a race track then the people who control the racetrack tell u sorry u are no longer allowed to race ur race car here only foot races lol

and since when is vehicles not allowed to be used in warfare?? u may as well call the army the navy and the airforce and tell them sorry guys using vehicles in battle isnt the done thing anymore apparently its too expensive
for the enemy to shoot lol

well ....if... this comes to be then i want to be able to exchange my armored vehicles for an armored mech or something with the same level of armour and weapon capabilities as my my vehicles had
or to exchange for armor or weapons that offer the same

and if that isnt possible then i want a re balance on what players can use at the oil rigs

such as since vehicles are not allowed anymore then teleport chips shouldnt be either
armor above the graduation armor or armor purchased from the webstore should also not be allowed
same goes with weapons nothing above tt or weapons purchased from the web store

but u cant do that i hear some scream ..what about all those thousands of peds i invested in armor and guns??
well its not nice is when some try to mess with ur investments and try to force u to play 1 particular way trying to tip the balance is it lol? at least any balance tipping im trying to do is to make it more balanced and fair i cant say the same of those that want vehicles gone lol

ok the rigs may be swarming with noobs and russians etc but at least some have just as much chance to try n get oil and can shoot them, and they can shoot back if they wanted to, but if the vehicle haters get there way it will become a vip club only

only players above a certain level allowed, only players with decent armor and guns allowed, in other words be
too expensive to kill and be able to kill them back and they wont really bother with u and u too can stand around and claim the oil lol

want to come for just some mining and hunting and maybe some oil? aww shame... BANG! RIG CLOSED!!

am i the only 1 that can see clearly right thru the bs and whats going on here lol??

well dont say i didnt warn u, il be a bit irritated ofc that some of my vehicles will be worth a bit less and cant use them for what they were designed for, but i can still play im not 100% rig dependent so if u were trying to get rid of me aww shame lol ;]

and if u think that will keep me from the rigs, think again if i want to go il go, and maybe i might bring an army, lets see if its still cheap kills when thousands are relentlessly storming the rig ,the lag will be horrible alone lol

im sure im not the only 1 that wont allow rich crybabies to lay down the law and get to have their cake and eat it, the game is meant for every1 to enjoy regardless of how much they depo, not just for rich greedy control freaks that want to make sure they have and control it all

i think pvp overall needs and overhaul and re balanced but taking away vehicles i think is just silly
i can afford to blow up a few sleips and im not even rich so why the hell is it such a big problem?
can the aim bots not target them properly? or is some peoples aim so bad they cant hit a massive
sleip lol

i had no problem blowing up a sleip twice at ark rig and he
was using it to troll and attempt to fly away, trying to get just out of range but both times i destroyed his sleip and killed him ;]

and i dunno about any1 else but i kinda like the sound it makes when it explodes, why would u want to take
that away from us lol?? + the excitement of him thinking cammon cammon almost out of range and
me thinking cammon cammon its gonna blow up any sec then BANG! YEEssss got ya ya little shit n
u thought u could escape me muahaha, and the guy that dies is like ah ffs i almost made it but that bitch
got me ..again -_- lol

but how boring is it the other way? pop 1 shot dead, pop 1 shot dead, pop 1 shot dead, ..YAWWWN! lol

unless wait are pvpers who also have good armor and guns actually gonna fight??

well whatever happens if i can be bothered i dont mind taking a dirt nap while filming whats going on ;]
Always wondered how those automated targets worked. :scratch2: Thanks for clearing that up.:smoke:
They should block flying vehicles. However land vehicles should still be allowed.


Some mayhem and extra decay to actually get rid of most free leechers there.
havent been to the rig in ages, so I dont know about this.
But how about vehicle weapons, do they work in PVP?

How awesome would it be when vehicles can actually shoot other vehicles and avatars!

Megingjord Mk1 anybody? :wtg:

I'd say vehicles add spice to the game. If they could be used fully.
havent been to the rig in ages, so I dont know about this.
But how about vehicle weapons, do they work in PVP?

How awesome would it be when vehicles can actually shoot other vehicles and avatars!

Megingjord Mk1 anybody? :wtg:

I'd say vehicles add spice to the game. If they could be used fully.


Please MA drop more and loads more of Meginjords Mk1 - Mk.10. World of Tanks in RCE, The only place and only Entropia Universe. :ahh: :cool:
yes u can use vehicle weapons and blow up other vehicles and people
and yes u can use tanks i got blown up by 1 a few times lol

but vehicle haters want us all to roam around like cybermen from dr who in our armour and guns only
why they dont just bloody blow up the vehicles i dunno i love the sound it makes when vehicles explode lol

i also assume that most do know that they also can use vehicles and attach weapons to them so why not chase them down when they try to go out of range and blow them up ;]

and i did kill some1 today without even once using a vehicle i tested them to see if they were human by whiping them lol and 1 at least wanted to play back and tried to shoot me was fun ;]

i would also have liked to have been able to get a tank but apparently u cant the 1s that already exist can be used and bought but once they are gone they are gone forever.. i guess many vehicle haters cried over those also?...wah its not fair the tanks are too powerful over my armor and guns wah change it and remove anything thats a threat to me, force every1 to buy the same stuff as me or less i want to win damn it i pay more money lol

well it seems they got their wish partly its no longer possible to get new tanks the tanks are L so once they are destroyed they are gone forever and thats why some that are fortunate to have them dont use them in pvp that often .. a weapon of war.. reduced to an ornament to show off in non pvp how very tragic indeed
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Reread carefully, you'll find that there's not a single "vehicle hater" in this thread.. :confused:

lol hmm well i always thought that a hater was some1 that has a strong dislike towards a person or persons
or a thing or things etc and would rather those people or things were not around them

so with some quick ctrl f in my browser i thought id list these :

post 1> simple fix is to make the entire oil rig PVP zone a "No Vehicle" zone!
post 5> MindArk, PLEASE consider making the oil rig PVP zone a NO Vehicle zone!!!
post 17> The cost to kill a vehicle right now is far too expansive
post 18> indeed, vehicles should NOT be allowed in the oil field and 50 meters all around.
post 54> They should block flying vehicles

so its apparent to me that some dont want vehicles anywhere near them at oil rigs in pvp that to me is expressing a dislike or hatred to vehicles being in rig pvp there is even a poll lol

but to be fair i can understand what u are getting at its not so much a hatred to vehicles as such
its more towards how they are used by some people

but to want vehicles removed cos some abuse them is not a fair move as it takes away some of the elements of pvp for those that like to use vehicles in pvp combat, if i wanted to medieval combat on horseback or on foot or something then thats the kind of game i would pvp in

also vehicles are a form of armor so to make it so people cant use them is like asking them to remove armor will the pvpers not using vehicles remove their armor? some i know might in the interest of somewhat fair ish sportsmanship but lets face it the majority want a 1 shot cheap kill on easy targets ,

they want to take their territory back i guess and resume the rig closed policy bringing back kos and silly rules and pick the free oil for themselves and kos easier cheaper targets making sure they dont spend more than they pick in oil lol

so taking that into consideration i have a suggestion to try and ensure that pvpers do pvp each other also,
so i think they should change how the oil spawns

so free oil that spawns randomly, that amount should be very low, however on a successful kill oil and maybe some shrapnel should be given as loot to the killer, the value being determined by a few factors such as true cost it took to kill their opponent as it would with a mob, penalties for overkill also taken into account

this i think would help to deal with the freeloading problem and encourage people to pvp as there would be rewards for doing so

to deal with mob trains im surprised the obvious hasnt been done yet, mobs cant agro on players in air vehicles so why not do the same for land vehicles? if mobs cant follow vehicles then it means no more mob trains, so then they have to use their vehicles to fight with, with mounted weapons as intended, it also goes without saying being as a vehicle costs more to blow up apparently then it would also reflect on the killers loot once they successfully destroy the vehicle this i think is a good idea as the rig would reward players using it for what it was intended and only giving crap scraps to those that dont making it not really worth it lol
anyways i think ive said as much as there is to say really
i try to call things as it is from my perspective and have even tried to make it as fair as possible for all involved regardless of their skill level gear and play styles and even tried to come up with fair solutions

ofc there is always gonna people people to try to pick at every little thing i say, either trying to twist it or make out im a stupid idiot that has no idea what im talking about, or perhaps trying to bait me into arguing with them so i get banned or the thread locked

but im sure there are those that have seen and do understand most of what ive tried to say and will come to their own conclusions, some will think im talking crap, some will probably think im making alot of sense and coming up with some good ideas

i know im not very good at wording things in a perfect english way, but id like to think i get most of my msg across,
i try to be respectful and considerate of all players regardless of wealth and where they are at in the game and how they play, and want to try and be helpful and make the game as fair as possible and enjoyable for all