Holy Cow

Nice one. Congratulations.:yay:

It seems that Entropedia needs some correction in deposit sizes: first mamooth then collosal. ;)
OMG did i really saw a 6 digit tower !!!!!


Side Note :
I think i will also have sell my 28 lvl of prospecting if i really want to get my first tower (come on MA even a small one !!!)
wow eceri, i know you said a hof would be nice but....unbelievable

Huge gratz :)

Should pay for mining runs for a week or so i guess :D

That's brilliant...you truly deserve it




So you waste shitload of peds, chip out and hit 100k...:scratch2:

/me runs for the esis


Could you please tell me one thing: Are your career losses close to what you just got? What I mean is: did you loose a lot of money mining during the past few years or were you profiting in general (skill sales included). I don't need a number, just a yes (I lost a lot) or No (I'm making money).
Huuuuuuge Gratz Eceri !! :yay:
Chipping out miningskills seems to be the only way to hit an uber!

Huge gratz! :wtg:

I hope its not the same for hunting skills :mad:
W00t :))
Big gratz. Oh me so jealous ^^ lol. Baaack to mining.
Good luck in the future. :wtg:
huge gratz :thumbup:
wow :O GRATS!!!

Thought it would be an armax COW ath by reading the title name btw :p

Really really grats!! :wtg:

Gratz on the ATH thoug
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:yay: Huge GRATZ! :yay:

Cheers :beerchug:
Really Really nice to See Eceri get this, not only is she a dedicated miner, But she's a real Sportsman too.

Much respect!
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Was talking to Wookie last night...
About my finder compared to his...

I have a 211 (L)
He has a Z25

Paddo: Man my claims suck
Wookie: Get a Z25 (1300 PED Buyout) I usually find stuff @ 700 metres
Paddo: Man thats f* expensive
Wookie: sure worth it
Eceri: WTF do i need a Z25 for, I got a 211 (L) .... and lvl 6 prospector...

I'm taling with a lotta Soc mates and close EU friends now, and we all think the skill system can be thrown overboard after see-ing the Scammer's HOF, Stars ATH, and now this one, we don't know but skills... What are they for?
That is what I call Mammoth Resource :yay::laugh::yay:

Huge Congratz on that :D
XXV :eek:

BIG GRATZ ... Selling Prospecting :laugh:
omg wow so they come in three looks like !

gratz :)

odd thow i thaught xxv was collosal and xxvi mamoth 0_o

huge ( well, mammoth, actually...) Gratz, Eceri!
It's sooooo heartening to see someone who really loves what they do in EU and works hard at it get lucky!
Big Gratz :D

Time to sell mining skills i guess:rolleyes:
Gratz man

Good for me i sold my minign skills 2 weeks ago.
3k propecting ect.

So i probally get a hof or ath soon MA?
WOOT nizeee first saw that it was normal 10k but then started to count the numbers and OMG 100k and then read that it was mammoth :F didnt know u can find that big finds from CND :F
wow, serious gratz! :yay:
Aint that a good feeling? :yay:

UBER GratZ:wtg:
Holy Shit Eceri!!!!! :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

So its official, your the first ATH-er in TV, congratulations girl!! You really deserve this, just WOW ! :wtg:

Really Really nice to See Eceri get this, not only is he a dedicated miner, But he's a real Sportsman too.

It's a She :D
Mammoth gratz :yay:

also gratz to mr. Neverdie, he got himself a nice hof there :laugh:
ooops about the gender, went back and fixed that
Fantastic loot! :yay: well deserved :wtg:
It really sux people skilling and lose money in mining all the time, then someone sells they skills uses a 211 and get this....

MA is totaly fucked up. Nothing more then a casino.

Sorry im pissed. Not with u ofc, with them ;)

Uber gratz.:yay: