Doesn't ANYONE play for FUN?!?


Mar 7, 2008
Eastern USA
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Mono Chrome Monochrome
I was browsing through the forums, and read this thread:

profit on skills (proven)

From the amount of statistical anaylsis involved, there seem to be some players who are really into "making money" with Entropia...

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for profit ingame. I'd much rather be making a small "profit" while hunting, or at least breaking even on the loot I receive vs my equipment decay costs and ammo consumption.

However, can it go too far and become work, instead of fun?

Doesn't ANYONE play for FUN?!?
I play for fun. I make my money at work not in a video game.
I play for fun, to forget the fact that the money i make at work is normally a loss:)

I play for "fun"
...but "fun" can be playing with goals they profit, skills, or professional standings.

The fun of this game got lost long time ago... Its not fun to lose money in everything u do, before u actually could break even on almost all ur hunts etc or even sometimes get a profit! Ofc, u could lose aswell, but not as much and often as u do now.
And dont get me started on items... :silly2:
ITEMZ R THE FUN! even if its the same ol'crappy tt food.

Reason why ppl are more interested in making money now, is because they are tired of loosing money for so long and want to get something back.
red; increase of traders/scammers/resellers/hackers.
And newcomers all they hear when they join is "Dont do that, u will loose ped" and "dont buy that, it will make u lose ped". So they start with the one thing that is almost a 100% guarantee profit. Trading

almost done at work now :wtg: forum whore fender off
fun fun fun

same here.

and I doubt that I could make same amount of money in an hour in EU as I do at RL work much do ND make/hour? :D

I play for funz! :yay:
I was browsing through the forums, and read this thread:

profit on skills (proven)

From the amount of statistical anaylsis involved, there seem to be some players who are really into "making money" with Entropia...

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for profit ingame. I'd much rather be making a small "profit" while hunting, or at least breaking even on the loot I receive vs my equipment decay costs and ammo consumption.

However, can it go too far and become work, instead of fun?

Doesn't ANYONE play for FUN?!?
A lot of people have fun crunching numbers, playing the eco card, trying to squeeze the max from their peds. I am not one of those, but I do understand them.

A lot of us play for fun, but, we have people like the poster a couple posts above that think fun involves money....

While money often does enhance your ability to have fun, money is not fun.

Oooo woe is me, I didn't global/hof/ath in days/weeks/months/ever... I don't give a shit..... Did you have fun? No? Then why are you still playing? Yes? Then why are you complaining again?

Yes, fun goes far beyond profit... like I've said before, my profit is my fun. The money aspect is a mute point...

If you are LOSING money, GOOD!!! You are PAYING TO HAVE FUN!
I pay for fun :D
I was browsing through the forums, and read this thread:

profit on skills (proven)

From the amount of statistical anaylsis involved, there seem to be some players who are really into "making money" with Entropia...

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for profit ingame. I'd much rather be making a small "profit" while hunting, or at least breaking even on the loot I receive vs my equipment decay costs and ammo consumption.

However, can it go too far and become work, instead of fun?

Doesn't ANYONE play for FUN?!?

For us Type A personalities, being serious and doing math and organizing shops is Fun!

And there are a handful of people who make their living from this universe.

It takes all kinds to keep this virtual planet turning.
It's all about fun!

I play for fun.

This is how i see it.

I used to go to the bar and drink and dance and play pool. All of that cost me between $40- $100 a party night. Did I make money on that?? no...usually a headache and sore feet.

Or i'd go bowling...I'd pay for my lanes, my shoes, my dinner, my drinks...easy $50-$60 dollars.

Or the movies...$10 for a ticket, $10 for coke and popcorn, $10 for dinner before...and if i took the kids...hell multiply that by 4....

Now...i let the kids go to the movies...i never wanted to see the scary moves they saw anyways.

Now i get to play a really cool game...I don't have to put make up on, clothes and shoes are totally optional...there is no chance of getting a DWI, PI or having to wear a pair of shoes 4 thousand other people have

The money i would have spent on other activies now goes into the's's's's awesome!!

I play for fun...purely for fun. Love the globals and the Hoffs. (I got my first one last night...:))
I play for fun.

This is how i see it.

I used to go to the bar and drink and dance and play pool. All of that cost me between $40- $100 a party night. Did I make money on that?? no...usually a headache and sore feet.

Or i'd go bowling...I'd pay for my lanes, my shoes, my dinner, my drinks...easy $50-$60 dollars.

Or the movies...$10 for a ticket, $10 for coke and popcorn, $10 for dinner before...and if i took the kids...hell multiply that by 4....

Now...i let the kids go to the movies...i never wanted to see the scary moves they saw anyways.

Now i get to play a really cool game...I don't have to put make up on, clothes and shoes are totally optional...there is no chance of getting a DWI, PI or having to wear a pair of shoes 4 thousand other people have

The money i would have spent on other activies now goes into the's's's's awesome!!

I play for fun...purely for fun. Love the globals and the Hoffs. (I got my first one last night...:))

Could not have said it better my self..
I play for fun. I make my money at work not in a video game.

same here.

and I doubt that I could make same amount of money in an hour in EU as I do at RL work

Yes... you'd think most people RL professions will bring them more RL money per hour.

A lot of people have fun crunching numbers, playing the eco card, trying to squeeze the max from their peds. I am not one of those, but I do understand them.

I agree... crunching numbers can be fun, a puzzle of sorts, or a challenge. But at what point does that number crunching become too much like a job was my question. If the money aspect of the game is ALL you think about when playing, well... maybe that is fun for some, I don't know.
From the amount of statistical anaylsis involved, there seem to be some players who are really into "making money" with Entropia...

Doesn't ANYONE play for FUN?!?

You're going to see that a lot in any RCE ;)

A lot of people have fun crunching numbers, playing the eco card, trying to squeeze the max from their peds. I am not one of those, but I do understand them.

I'm sort of one of those.

I find much fun in trying to be profittable in EU. I'm an investor and an entrepreneur at heart so these aspects of EU appeal to me greatly. After 2+ years I'm roughly breaking even. (Which in certain subscription MMOs I'd be down $500 at least :) ) So that makes me happy as well.

Trying to "beat the system", figure out new ways to generate income, become more knowledgeable of the right mining locations, which mobs I should hunt, use the right equipment.

In a virtual universe with an RCE, if I wasn't playing for $$$, then I'd go somewhere else.
There should be no chance of getting one of these in IRL either.

Your totally right...I agree...:)
Although the last party i went to last year for my going away party at of my co-workers stayed much later then i did (i had a designated driver) and is still trying to keep hold of his drivers license after getting stopped.
I play for fun(even though it not that fun in EU anymore) But now im of to a night with my friends, that is real fun! Dont forget youre real friends!
I agree... crunching numbers can be fun, a puzzle of sorts, or a challenge. But at what point does that number crunching become too much like a job was my question. If the money aspect of the game is ALL you think about when playing, well... maybe that is fun for some, I don't know.
Well... Check out all the numerous websites and apps made by players. I'm sure most if not all of these started out from a desire to get more grip on the game's inner workings. That's how far some people are willing to take it. Compared to that, keeping track of a few hunts on the back of a coaster isn't such a big deal! :D
My main reason is fun. However, when looking at my bank statements over the months I played, I can honestly say that most likely I'll enjoy my experience more if I can "provide for myself" within the universe without having to deposit.

If at some point in time I can make my money last much longer than before (check), or perhaps stop having to deposit altogether, or even upgrade some nice items without having to drop in more money, I'm sure my whole experience will be even more, well, fun.

Like most, I easily make more money doing an hour of work over a day of playing PE, so PE is entertainment. And if entertainment can be sustained without requiring to bend over backwards, it's prolly the best entertainment one could wish for :)

For now, that's not an option (you reading this, Marco? I noticed a shocking lack of mod faps in my loot window!), but if at any given point in time it is, the time and money "invested" now will have been worth it. If not, well, if I couldn't afford it, I'd not do it.

And I'm sure the nun feels the same way :love:
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I play at work. I make money for fun in a video game.
I play for fun and deposit to buy me fun.
Also play 4 fun, even if the game aint that fun no more, as it used to be.

after change of loot skill nerf.. bla bla, it was more fun, at that time u did have a chance to breake even some more, think MA did change the game a bit to mutch considering loot etc..
but problem aint that big, i just play less, and deposit less

( Way to go MA, at the time the game was fun a made huge deposit, and lost it all, but still i had fun, now i got more time in RL :lolup: )

But yes, i play the game 4 the fun, never think ill make cash on it, that i do working RL :)