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  • Happy Holidays ... and may your virtual flame burn bright in the New Year with many blessings! :hug:

    Hehe ty. Only problem thats surfaced is that I'm close to getting another rep bar... which'll screw up the alignment of the green glow I put behind it here :/

    EDIT: Bah, gonna have to correct it now
    New profile look. Made some new backgrounds from scratch in CS2. More of a dirty industrial game feel now. Y'all like? :3
    Hrm, since there's a choice of the two... I don't want your trick. So will have your treat instead. :D
    Hehe, heyas Puck!

    Yeah, things aren't going too badly after leaving T.V. Still feels odd to log on and not have soc chat there and be seeing 'Freelancer' over mah head. And have been getting harassed to join a bunch of socs (90% of which I've never even heard of before). *shrugs*

    Hows the new soc going?
    Tee hee, just noticed your avatar pic. Remember seeing that online a while back - prompted me to do it IRL :D

    This is SPARTA!
    lol missed my insane rantings? xD i did semi quit, gonna keep poping in to see people though

    So I Guess I will see ya aroud :p
    All is well ta. Wondered where you'd disappeared to... thought you may have quit or something. o.o

    Guess I'll see yas around eh?
    Hey dude how's things going man? I haven't been on in ages cause my PC broke but I'm back now :D

    Hope things are okay your end
    hey baby, great to hear from u...did u enjoy London? I had a blast! I also had a fab time last weekend as i went to my first ever Burlesque club night in Glasgow..called Club Noir - waow.. totally wild. Think I might try out the workshop that is coming up. I also moved house at the weekend so have been offline as i was changing over isp etc. house is awash with bags and boxes needing a home. Need to go and get some pots and pans etc now, as the ex kept all those. Still in the words of Mel Gibson.... FREEEEDOM!!!!!

    So what u been up to hun?
    xx Silva
    A dragon friend of mine. Had to take wings off to hug though :3

    Still, thats the only half decent pic of me. The few others stored on this PC are either really outdated, weird, or simply embarassing. :whistle:
    Hi.. I mean rarr, looking nice in here :)
    is that a dragon you're hugging, or a blue donkey?
    For those who don't understand what Corps in on about, apparently I'm like an EU version of Yahtzee. Apparently.

    Okay, your challenge is on Corps. Find three people to honestly agree with you.
    lol dude you sound like that guy like the way you say stuff...that guy is a legend and should recieve a knighthood :D

    i didn't reply cause i manged to break EU by still being logged n but couldn't move speak or logg out :S
    The one on the right :3

    Maybe need to change that picture, few people have asked that before. Not to mention it's kinda outdated. hehe
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