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  • Thank you for having me do a mask for you! I truly enjoyed the conversation and am very glad you liked the final so much. Talk to you later! ;>
    Oh, and that dress looks "fabulous" on you LOL "wicked giggles"
    hehe... well I never got a chance to "love" my first love enough to ask her to marry me. Although, I suspect if things had been different, I would have done so. I guess that's why I look back and wonder. Oh well. Glad to hear you are doing ok. Never a fun thing when one is let go and doesn't have something else lined up, so I am glad to hear you are pretty much set. Let me know how it goes.
    Well, I've been doing good :) I've had a lot of time recently to reflect on things myself... I got laid off from my job recently. (It's ok though, I had already applied for another job with the same company, just waiting for security clearances etc. to clear before I can start.) So I'm on a sort of vacation right now lol

    First love eh? I remember mine... he asked me to marry him and I said :scratch2::eyecrazy::wave::tp:
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