Thanks dirk: its hard to be visible and not expect to get tuff questions and even the ones that hate us. They see we are growing and it does alarm them.Thanks again for the comment Dirk !!
Hi Mate yes ive been lazy for some months now..... Long story... : ) Having a break from game it seems altho im on here alot now keeping upto date with news. Seems same old s#*t diff day to me. But will find u at our old TP to catch up over a beer! Hope ur Hofs are Big!.
Cheers Kane
Heya DR, how's it goin, I miss getting healed by you at the swamp camp =(, I wish MA would hurry up and re-implement the MF stuff haha, and introduce sweat powered cars =P lol. Anyway, cya around man, hope ya still keepin SG in line lol
Yeah not to bad mate, Ive been buying up the last few bits of my bear so a little short on ped at mo but happy to be almost done Just arms to get non L Soon all the peds will be going towards skills & going aftre my 1st ever Hof.... lol
See u at the usual auction spot some time soon mate