D-Low Jun 20, 2008 I talk to sim, he said to tell you hi. and btw Happy happy joy joy........ Happy Friday
Queen May 10, 2008 Just dropping in to say hi, hope everyone is doing good and getting the hoffers. I have been so busy lately no time for pe, but this is cool can say hi to everyone this way.
Just dropping in to say hi, hope everyone is doing good and getting the hoffers. I have been so busy lately no time for pe, but this is cool can say hi to everyone this way.
Harald Apr 24, 2008 Hva bra LedEye Alt er bra her ute ved du. Akkurat nå forsvant sola på grunn av tåke
LedEye Apr 24, 2008 Tjo! Nu har jag jobb! Arbetar som varvsarbetare (small boat yard) Hoppas allt e bra!