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  • I would like to offer my debugging services when you are ready for it with the new Skill Scanner!
    I hope you are still playing. I have enjoyed the skill scanner all these years since 2009 (when i first got it) . and well now the Game has upgraded to a new interface as of a few days ago.
    the skill scanner (version 59) does not work now - I have tested it out.
    I so hope you can help us (those that use your program) .
    Hi mate,
    I had an account a long time ago, would like to reactivate. Donation made via PayPal 10 min ago :)
    Hola Jdegre, buen animo y energias en la sociedad, queria ingresar a la soc de un amigo que hace mucho tiempo no juega y me canse de esperar, Kike me recibio en la sociedad y espero poder dar aunque sea animo, me estoy poniendo al dia con lo nuevo ya que hace mucho no juego, espero que me tengais paciencia:p nos vemos aya dentro, Gracias!

    Hey I would like to be able to save Avatar details on scanner. What sort of donation do I need to give?
    Cheers in advance
    Hola Jdegre!!
    Te renuevo la invitación para que visites y postees alguna vez en nuestro foro. Estamos tratando de ser útiles a toda la comunidad hispanoparlante, especialmente a los que recién se inician en EU. Tus aportes serían muy importantes para todos y un honor para la web.
    En cuanto vea que te registras en la misma te asigno permiso de "autor" para que puedas, si lo deseas, subir algún artículo que sirva de guía o tutorial. Para todos los efectos te reitero nuestra URL: http://www.argentropia.com.ar
    Desde ya, ¡Muchas gracias!!!

    JoseM Tacoral
    I am not sure to understand all about this... Is it the right place to ask for an account ? If so I'd like much to get one to use 100% of this nice proggy ! Thank you and gratz for all :)

    I saw that you programmed the skilling optimizer. Grtz for that :). So i guessed that involved ocr screen capturing ? Maybe you can help me find a tool, program that can capture trade screens.

    Maybe you can check this thread Screen capture to see what i mean.

    Thx in advanced anyway.

    ps: no i don't ask you program that for me;) A little hint where i start to look should be ok .
    I should stop beeing subtile and sarcastic...ppl. tend to try to explain me things if I am :( ;)
    Hi there,
    I thought I used to have an account for the skill scanner. (used to be able to see the professions calculated) Just don't remember it.
    Could you please check with me to provide my login data?
    Hi ! I heard that you was the man to talk to about Java programing. Throw me a pm please.
    Good Tool. May I Please Request an Account For Skill Scanner that I begin to use .
    My Best Regards.
    Good Tool.
    May I Please Request an Account For Skill Scanner.
    My Best And Warmest Regards
    Saludos Jdegre.. Avanzando de a pocos con la nueva version cry no es asi?... Recien me estoy librando de los bugs principales ¿como te va a ti?
    Thanks a lot for the kind words Commodore, and great to see you find the tools useful.
    My conscience finally caught up with me, and I decided to make that donation. Not having realised the impact the extra functionality would make, I asked casually about an account. Within no time jdegre has responded an in no time (limited only by my own expectations) I'm using these extra features, and loving them.

    Just wanted to post an extra thanks.
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