LeeLoo Faith Oct 20, 2009 HeeHoo Grecu! How are you? I am doing ok. No SGA luck here, maybe you are doing better? May the HOF be with you! LeeLoo
HeeHoo Grecu! How are you? I am doing ok. No SGA luck here, maybe you are doing better? May the HOF be with you! LeeLoo
Green Rowan Aug 3, 2009 Team Romania? Bai frate, nu poti sa faci doi pasi in Entropia fara sa te impiedici de un Roman... Green = banatean stabilit in Olanda....
Team Romania? Bai frate, nu poti sa faci doi pasi in Entropia fara sa te impiedici de un Roman... Green = banatean stabilit in Olanda....
Lugzan Jul 11, 2009 we cool! =) less than 10 weeks to go. I think... and then I'll have another cryengine of my own at home =) J.
we cool! =) less than 10 weeks to go. I think... and then I'll have another cryengine of my own at home =) J.
Lugzan Apr 28, 2009 actually, I think a boy would be preferred by me personally (to teach him as a fine calypsian) but you know, higher forces will decide it for us anyway thanks! J.
actually, I think a boy would be preferred by me personally (to teach him as a fine calypsian) but you know, higher forces will decide it for us anyway thanks! J.
h0n3y Feb 12, 2009 eh nu ne-am hotarat.. eu am intrat pe la 21:45 cand el iesea.. am stabilit ca ne intalnim toti in weekend sa vorbim, tu poti?
eh nu ne-am hotarat.. eu am intrat pe la 21:45 cand el iesea.. am stabilit ca ne intalnim toti in weekend sa vorbim, tu poti?
h0n3y Feb 11, 2009 off te lasa omu´ sa te ocupi de treburi si tu.. ) pe unde umblai oare ca pana si eu m-am intalnit cu Paul pe la 10.. dar a trebuit sa plece.
off te lasa omu´ sa te ocupi de treburi si tu.. ) pe unde umblai oare ca pana si eu m-am intalnit cu Paul pe la 10.. dar a trebuit sa plece.
h0n3y Jan 1, 2009 La Multi Ani! am incercat vreo juma de ora sa iti trimt mesaj.. dar na.. cosmote'u :/
MindStar9 Dec 25, 2008 Happy Holidays ... and may your virtual flame burn bright in the New Year with many blessings!
Chopper Sep 29, 2008 Gratz on looting the Bull Tail, Grecu. I hope you get a bundle for it. Does Qetesh know you have it? He was certainly looking for 1...
Gratz on looting the Bull Tail, Grecu. I hope you get a bundle for it. Does Qetesh know you have it? He was certainly looking for 1...