Simply saying that when a person makes sense, doesn't make it somehow true lol. Love these non arguments and insults, shows what lvl of discourse ur able to hold. You were NOT a debate team champion i'm guessin. You were probably the douchebag who picked on em.
You refuse to even ADDRESS the fact u never cared enough to even apologize, even 2 yrs after the fact, douche douche. But i'm the prick... Mhmm... Yet ur so adamant that i should not KS an EXPLOITER, which by every right i should. Fk off, and hope i don't run into u ingame, cause i sure as hell won't b pleasant, and i'll b as ignorant as u and make believe YOU'RE the one overreacting. FFs all i did was warn gamble u guys ksed me and laughed it all off, bragged, etc, and never cared to apologize even, and u started a fkin war, even went lookin to comment on my thread, yet i'm the one unstable. You haven't even TRIED to respond to a single point, just insult insult insult.