Recent content by Snakecharmer

  1. Snakecharmer

    Rocktropia is dying?

    If that is the case the new planets are already doomed imho. FPC is already too big for the current number of players and a change of scenery could have been done with a new continent, no need for planets which cost 40 peds to get there on top of being the same old same old with new...
  2. Snakecharmer

    Rocktropia is dying?

    So true, imho the biggest reason that FPC doesn't appeal to new players for long or older players are leaving is the screwed up economy and the insane amount of money needed to get better than mid-level. Now just having all the same stuff with different graphics is totally useless. I'm sure a...
  3. Snakecharmer

    Asteroid 4 Sale!

    Just had a look at Rocktropia. Do yourself a favor and keep the rock.
  4. Snakecharmer

    What to expect in 2010!

    - Sell out items and skills - Withdraw - Never come back
  5. Snakecharmer

    Achievement: EPIC FAILing an ML-35 TIER UPGRADE

    Ok, so Mindark takes a lot of money from high-stakes gamblers instead of adding anything nice or usefull for the mmo-style players. Nothing new here.
  6. Snakecharmer

    Whats the point of SGA

    I could have done without SGA because there's just the same problem over again: Too few people loot decent gear. Best idea i've read i this thread is nutters "simply return the drop rate of normal items including those that have been 'discontinued' such as UL laser amps , mid range armour etc...
  7. Snakecharmer

    Discovery: Angel Arms M SGA

    GZ mate:beerchug: now go complete the set :D
  8. Snakecharmer

    40,000 PED ~ (M)vs(F)

    Yes, indeed it is all MA's fault. Resellers wouldn't be a problem if enough stuff was dropping in the first place, it would also not be a problem to implement a time-limit before you can resell bought items again which would make it harder for resellers. And if you don't want rich noobs in...
  9. Snakecharmer

    40,000 PED ~ (M)vs(F)

    It shouldn't but MA has messed up the ingame economy for a while now either because they can't get it right or because there are still enough people who deposit that kind of money for virtual items so they rather take 10000 USD from one nutcase than taking 10 USD from 1000 average joes, which...
  10. Snakecharmer

    Would you like to see a gender changer?

    The only reason for me to change gender of my avatar would be the discrepancies in armor prices. Imho it would be way better to balance this, it's one of those things about EU where people just shake their heads when you tell them and can't believe that any company can be so stupid :mad:
  11. Snakecharmer

    MA needs a Balance Manager?

    AFAIK MA already has a balancing manager but it seems that atm they have decided to attract gambling type players instead of mmo types, the current balancing is perfect for that :D
  12. Snakecharmer

    is this harassment?

    I fail to see how it could possibly be harassment to kill someone in a pvp area. If you don't want to risk not being able to pull a find don't drop bombs there in the first place. That doesn't imply that i would have killed you if i was in their position but i also wouldn't complain about them...
  13. Snakecharmer

    The Last Landgrab?

    Cheers mate, thx for clearing that up, i haven't been keeping track of these things since i decided no to drop one more cent into EU. But Full Infil, LR66 and Shear Pro 600 still adds up to more than 500 USD for L equipment which basically vanishes when used, and there's still a good fap, ammo...
  14. Snakecharmer

    The Last Landgrab?

    Oh well, i couldn't care less. LG is only for people who started early, got extremely lucky or are insane enough to spent thousands of USD on a computer game anyway. EU has more important problems.
  15. Snakecharmer

    What frustrates you today in Entropia Universe?

    No particular order: 1. This item cannot be equiped-bug 2. Uneven loot distribution, too high cost to play for the average Joe if he wants to see some kind of progression/goal to keep him playing. 3. Seems most item drop rates are bugged because nearly nobody loots any interesting items...