Uber: 9470 PED Trooper 02 with sword

Whoah! Nice! Grats :yay:!
wow very nice weapon!
big gratz :wtg:
Gratz on a very nice loot!! :wtg:
grats slip! keep the sword!
Wow! Very nice loot there, big grats! :yay::wtg:
Congratulations !

The TT bar looks photoshoped to me, 7k PED should be half the TT value...
GRATZ!!! :D THAT is well deserved! :D :yay:
My congratulations for the looting of this sword

Congratulations !

The TT bar looks photoshoped to me, 7k PED should be half the TT value...

The TT bar now days shows the useful TT remaining
Like most SIB it is limited to 50%
An example for you to see would be an high TT SIB weapon in auction taken to its minimum value, there are several in auction just check the Firefly at 50% limit the bar is at near 0% but the TT value is over 6K.

UL Genesis dragon breath. If someone sold or bought one recently feel free to inform me what the price tag is on it.

He probably knows

(Of course he might be trying to do a reverse auction and not actually have any potential seller for that price)
Congratulations !

The TT bar looks photoshoped to me, 7k PED should be half the TT value...

That is because the Min condition on UL SIB weapons is not 3% as with others, but 50%, thus the min TT value is half the max TT value. You larn something new every day ;)

Gz to the happy looter.
Con grattis lations
Grattis mannen!
GZ!!! :yay:

I knew they could still drop good items.

Ohhh and.... All bots must die!
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oooH, you lucky lucky guy!
TOK SKILLA LONGBLADE...!!!!!!!! gz din löööök
Last sales I saw were TT+14K, though I've seen offers of +15K

and GZ! :)
Nice Trooper gratz ;)
HUGE Congratulations on the nice kill! :yay: