Larkin Oct 26, 2010 Bah... must spread rep blah blah blah. I will get you back when I can. Thanks for the subscribe and rep!
Bah... must spread rep blah blah blah. I will get you back when I can. Thanks for the subscribe and rep!
Larkin Oct 1, 2010 Hey buddy Just updating you about any progress... unfortunately there has been none since last time we spoke. Still no one has bought the amp. Obviously I will keep on going until it is sold or unless I hear otherwise from you!
Hey buddy Just updating you about any progress... unfortunately there has been none since last time we spoke. Still no one has bought the amp. Obviously I will keep on going until it is sold or unless I hear otherwise from you!
NaomiScott Sep 3, 2010 A little belated but thank you for the +rep - hope to meet you in-game sometime. Naomi
Xavier_Jr Jul 31, 2010 Hola Javier. Si hablas español como me lo indica tu nombre; te invito a participar y colaborar en el foro de mi sociedad. Asimismo te invito a mi website:
Hola Javier. Si hablas español como me lo indica tu nombre; te invito a participar y colaborar en el foro de mi sociedad. Asimismo te invito a mi website:
Mordrell Jul 20, 2010 Thanks m8, when I have peds for a powerfull Mf chip I will start organising swunts again
Jeoff Mar 31, 2010 Thank you Javier for the +REP! I honestly don't know what to do yet with my tier X gun. =)