I became an Arbos Space Academy fan the very first day I got on Professor Fluidum's Pathfinder XV.
As a noob in space, I just let myself learn all the things everybody on ship kept telling me from all sides.
The first days there on ship were crucial to me. I was like a sponge, absorbing all the words every1 told me and stored them in my mind for later use.
Very helpful information you need to know was comming from all the persons around me.
All the info they provide is very valuable information for everyone who wants to explore EU space and all the posibilities it has to offer to a player like me. And believe me, posibilities are vast, I tell you that!
You just need to experience this! Because is real team-building there on Pathfinder XV.
Consider this: you are asked to help a team hunt in space. As a noob all you have to do is skill up around them on ship doing repairs. nothing you can possibly do to help them more, because all you need to do first is keep reactor and propulsion up and running.
And you stay there, around some other guys, with no ability to see what is happening outside. You just see the force chat and you pay attention to it for new orders to come: "Repairs, go propulsion!", "Repairs, go reactor!", "Repairs, please split even over propulsion and reactor!"
And all you have to do is trust your Captain and his gunners crew, because they are the only ones to see a pirate or a mob coming over to the ship you are in. Only them can estimate damage and only them can protect you there in space. All you do is survive there based on the messages you get from your crew, when problems show up and they need your intervention ASAP.
When you see messages pointing to you, then you know the hero moment reserved for you is there.
And you start repairing and you jump from here-to-there to do the repairs on ship so everyone can make it at Space Station alive and well.
The entire crew is AWESOME, and I need to tell you guys, once you get to understand how ship, professions, crew and space works, you will feel a WHOLE LOT DIFFERENT. I say this because once you grow in skills and experience, you will notice space is really good playground we should not ran away from.
In like 2 weeks I almost got to lvl 20 in VSE, and all my other skills are blowing up.
I have lots of skills to take the real advantage of my hunts and mining now.
I can use most of the loot I get in crafting because all my manufacturing skills grow each day passes on the ship. And this is just great.
As a member of Arbos Space, I say come join us and you will not feel sorry at all!