I was born outside of Jason Center pre-Gold in late 2002, and have only ever been me from the start. Every time we've had to re-do our avatars, I've tried to always look the same, and I've hardly ever seen another avatar that looked similar. All my skills were earned the hard way, by actually earning them, not buying them. I've never sold any skills, but if I could chip out my luck, I gladly would.
Over the years, I've seen a lot of n00bs become legends, and before auctions came about, I was quite famous and reputable as a weapons dealer in my own right, and it was fun besting 3 of the more mouthy cK in the boxing ring when I was but a n00b myself...but with auctions all but killing meaningful trading and player interaction, I've stepped back into anonymity, for the most part.
If you see me out and about, you'll know it's me.

If you're not sure, try chatting in Spanish or French...and I'll reply. I don't know Swahili, though...