Calypso Land Deeds will be migrated to the Entropia Exchange

Bertha Bot

Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006
Heads up Entropians!
In the near future, Calypso Land Deeds will be migrated to the Entropia Exchange.

Each Calypso Land Deed will be converted to 100 shares in the Calypso Land Deed Trust corporation on the Entropia Exchange. The relative value of current Calypso Land Deed holdings and revenue share will not be affected by this change.
Avatars who hold Calypso Land Deed items (not including Calypso Land Deed (X) items) will also receive one Calypso Land Plot token per deed held, for future use in the Land Plot system.

For more information about Calypso Land Deeds, please see the original announcement on the Entropia Universe website.
for future use in the Land Plot system.

but cool. All should be on the Entropia Exchange IMO.


Very important also cause now we know exactly how many are in the game.

Also Also...This is like a 100-1 split.
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Good news that they're converted to the newer system!
The land deed plot system we were told they were abandoning? Yea okay....
exactly what I thought xD

Could someone remind me how many deeds one needed for a land plot back then? Was it 9?
9 for the smallest and up to 18 if i remenber right for the large
Reason they want them migrated it cus once they are on the exhcnage mindark will charge you for each transaction you make with them instead of ppl using them as trade currency
Yes, Calypso Land Plot tokens will become tradable.
This eliminates some of the sting.

The loss of a tradeable collateral is still there.
IMO very bad move for the player base, but good move for MA....

Biggest problem is they can no longer be used for collateral. Next is that any player will have to pay MA to move them, harder to acquire and sell them means the price of CLDs will change. Look at all the ones on the stock exchange system, they do not carry the same value as CLDs have.
So CLDs will be broken down on the exchange at 100:1 ratio, the payout will remain the same so each deed will recieve at most 5 pec per week (if the payout was 5 ped for the old system) this would make the cld's value around the same as the current ones that we have on the market right?

Do you think they would hold the price of 30p each after the split that they have right now?
Well, 3, 4 or 5 pecs a week is somewhat similar to Ark Underground payouts, although on the lower side, maybe 2/3 the payout (maybe 1/2 is closer). That would put the value at something like 60 peds 45 peds if AUDs sell for 90?
Compared to the couple of 10 pedders that pay out 1 pec a week, it would be something approximating 40 peds.
Compared to CP shares it'd be something like 60 peds.

So, the disadvantage of costing 3k peds, once removed, may turn into a relative value of 40 to 60 50 peds each after the split. To heck with using CLDs as collateral... I think my CLDs are happy about this move!

What makes me laugh, though, is the tokens and tradeability. Nice to see the theoretical plus of the non(X) deeds being kept, but what the heck are the tokens supposed to be good for, now YEARS after the last plots were sold and development having .... faltered?!
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This is a good move, thank you.

I hope this won't cause the prices to drop because that would suck.
now we need to alter the exchange system so that we can have a BID on the propducet to have a "Vook" of each product and not just SALES offer

having a Best BUY order and a best SALE order is the keyof efficient markets
as per the collateral use... this is what banks hsould be for... pledge at DECENT interest land shares, bank receive weekly payment, and give ped for collateral

next revamp is the FAIL bank system that is just an outrageous pawn shop
Excellent news! The new exchange is a superior system. And dividing it by 100 is WAY more manageable and doesn't put a massive barrier to owning a part of calypso. 3000ped was way too much just to get a single share.
Also should stop market manipulation and predatory orders being placed.

Great 👍 👌