So why not think your way out of the situation that you are talking about instead of saying you have to look over your shoulder.. Transport your stuff in a mothership (which it is very hard to loot members of the crew especially in just one quad) and contract people out to protect the ship that you know well..
The first time I went with a mothership, we got shot down two times trying to leave Calypso space station (the "captain" swore over the fact that the pk:er could see us but we couldn't see him).
As for "contracting people": I'm a depositing mid-level player in a mid level soc. I don't have a top-10 uber soc behind me who'd join if I wanted to go to another planet. And the last few days I've been in Twin Peaks, there has been no mothership captain offering a ride, only "normal" pilots in normal ships.
I know some people are on the guestlist of quite a few motherships, I'm not one of them.
It really is just as simple as pvp4 used to be and in fact much much easier to get away and hardly ever be put at any type of risk..
If I was in pvp4 and felt it was time to get out I could teleport way into safe territory in 15 seconds. If I had someone after me I could try running for a red dot. If I was in no hurry to get out I could "T". Those options aren't availible in space. I would't say that hiring a mothership crew and escort hunter aircraft just to get from point A to point B is "much easier".
If your ship gets shot down in space, you will arrive at a known location with surrounding lootable pvp space (in most cases), not like pvp3/pvp4 where if you die you get sent "outside" the danger area. If you get shot down close to a space station, the pk:er that shot down the ship the first time can turn around and try a second time.
That is what i don't understand about people's arguements that lootable pvp is altering the course of the game so much with people being so afraid to enter lootable space.
If Twin Peaks became lootable pvp, do you think Twin Peaks would be the same?
Well there are mainly two reasons why people at least think twice before entering space:
First, it's pvp. Someone who just like to piss people off can shoot down at least non-pk:ers for hours. Not everyone likes to get killed and sent back to revival when minding their own business.
Secondly, it's lootable. You aren't guaranteed that your stackables will arrive with you. And you probably don't want to support a pk:er either.