Info: Current Withdrawal time

Currrent Withdrawal - Time

Withdrawal Committed -- 24th October 2024
Deposited to Account 27th December 2024

Roughly 2 actual months
Withdrawal #7 of 10

Made - Nov 6
Committed - Jan 22

50 swedish business days on the dot.

See you again in a couple days.
When we initiate a withdraw, there is a column of information from MA on the right side of the website:
The time frame between submission of a withdrawal request and payment is primarily due to the risk of chargebacks. The large majority of deposits are made via credit cards, while withdrawals are made directly to the account holder's bank account. Chargebacks can be submitted up to six months after deposit, but most frauds are discovered within two month. After 50 business days, the risk of chargebacks is minimal while giving MindArk time to perform internal security checks.
This is all just word salad they toss to try to misdirect from what is really going on. They could easily start profiling players based on their history to speed up withdrawals for players that have been playing for like 10+ years without ever having a single chargeback. You deposit $50,000 over 10 years without a hiccup, least they could do is grant some leeway to insta-withdraw up to $1000 (or remaining TT value of items in account). If you do a chargeback or fraud for that $1000 they recover it via liquidating your account - easy as that. Time provisions could be made here too... instant "withdraw $1000 today but have to wait 50 business days to do another" type of thing to mitigate risk.

They could also start accepting crypto stable coins tomorrow that have zero possibility for chargeback and granting instant withdrawal for amounts up to whatever you deposit via those methods.

But they have no interest in doing this because the real reason they have a 50 day wait has very little to do with chargeback risk and more to do with... shall we say.... disrupting the balancing act that is the financials of this company? If everyone insta-withdrew tomorrow I doubt the company would be solvent.
Withdraw initiated - January 25th 2025.
Committed - TBD
This is all just word salad they toss to try to misdirect from what is really going on. They could easily start profiling players based on their history to speed up withdrawals for players that have been playing for like 10+ years without ever having a single chargeback. You deposit $50,000 over 10 years without a hiccup, least they could do is grant some leeway to insta-withdraw up to $1000 (or remaining TT value of items in account). If you do a chargeback or fraud for that $1000 they recover it via liquidating your account - easy as that. Time provisions could be made here too... instant "withdraw $1000 today but have to wait 50 business days to do another" type of thing to mitigate risk.

They could also start accepting crypto stable coins tomorrow that have zero possibility for chargeback and granting instant withdrawal for amounts up to whatever you deposit via those methods.

But they have no interest in doing this because the real reason they have a 50 day wait has very little to do with chargeback risk and more to do with... shall we say.... disrupting the balancing act that is the financials of this company? If everyone insta-withdrew tomorrow I doubt the company would be solvent.

Accepting stable coins will happen. You will see
Withdrawal #8 of 10

Made - Nov 10
Due Jan 27th - LATE
Committed - Jan 29 (52 days)
Last edited:
initiated: 14 Nov
Committed: 3 Feb
51 days business days

Edit: in bank next day
Last edited:
Withdrawal #9 of 10

Made - Nov 16
Due Feb 3rd - LATE
Committed - Feb 4th (51 swedish days)
Last edited:
Initiated: 27 Nov
Committed: 7 Feb
47 days business days!
Initiated: 20 Nov
Commited: 7 Feb

Initiateed 19 Dec
Commited: Not yet

Good enough for me so far. Thumbs UP.
Looks like MA is holding up quite well in spite of the onslaught of withdrawals lately :)