EBN: Calypso under attack

Bertha Bot

Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006
Jermaine: “We interrupt tonight’s broadcast of “RX - Enemy among us?” to bring you a special report from our reporter in the field. CJ?”

CJ : “Thanks, Jermaine.

Calypso is under attack.

I am reporting to you live from Fort Ithaca, where a CDF heavy tank company under command of Captain Lena Belmont is currently making last preparations before joining the frontline.

Captain Belmont, what is happening?"

Captain Belmont: “ You said it: Calypso is under attack. My company is just about to move out to help lift the siege on Athena.”

CJ: “What can you tell our viewers?”

Captain Belmont: ”If you can help, then come help - if you can’t, then stay out of our way.
Attacks have so far been reported at Nymphtown, Minopolis, Port Atlantis and Athena Spaceport. Robots, of course. But we’re ready for them. This is what the CDF was made for. This is what we live, and die for.

Hold on, I’m receiving a transmission.

Okay, listen up, boys and girls; plans have changed. Man the turrets and get in your tanks, they’re coming our way!”


Jermaine: “Well, folks, there you have it. Calypso is under attack. But don’t worry: your’s truly will keep you updated with the invasion from my secure location here in Exodus Space Station. Stay tuned for the latest official casualty reports!

For EBN, I’m your host, Jermaine Johansson.”

Originally Posted Here
Steel Bird Elite @ Athena (no people though) at the moment.

EDIT: Big Bulk 09-10 are at 87785, 78600 (North of Nymphtown)... Not shared loot.
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invasion? now it’s a full on assault, and looks like they only have boys and girls manning the tanks....were sending our kids up against the bots, mmmm......well guess it keeps them out the house for while...LOL

Hey Jermaine from your cozy spot in the sky...can you see any Hydra?

Nothing at Mino or Nymph, Jamraider at PA, Steelbird Elite at Ithaca
steel birds elite at athena spaceport, but not many hunters to defend and the "stolen" revival dont make it funny there :(

edit: not shared loot here :'(
Are drones usng the big LAG cannon again?
'cuz then i'll be on holiday to ark.
Will you pay me if i help defend calypso or we should spend our own money?
YAY!! I love Bot invasions!!

I love when Mindark does this!! :yay:
Love..love..love Bot invasions! Are they "shared loot" though or is just some of them "shared loot?" :tongue2:
Jamraider also at Camp Icarus. Reporting :laugh:
Dude, it's a patriotic act, in the events like this you should not ask for loot at all :)

Ask not what Calypso can do for you...

May the Force be with you all! :launcher::cowboy::bandit:
I was in the field at PA eradicating some punies when a wave of ugly flying bots terminated me and the other poor souls around (well... maybe some high-health, i-hunt-puny-in-big-armor-avas survived). Also lag instantly kicked in.

Hopefully this egg business will crack open by Western Easter time, the ubers will have their fun with Rabbitatroxosaur and we all get a nice Easter present (a lamb suit or a continuation of the polar bear would be nice).
I wonder where Exodus Space Station is.

Steel Birds at Ithaca also. Oh, and a few large mothership-type vessels high up in the sky in the area. So high, in fact, that I couldn't reach them in my quad without getting the "Do You Want to Enter Space" message.
Steel Birds at Ithaca also. Oh, and a few large mothership-type vessels high up in the sky in the area. So high, in fact, that I couldn't reach them in my quad without getting the "Do You Want to Enter Space" message.

"Jermaine: “Well, folks, there you have it. Calypso is under attack. But don’t worry: your’s truly will keep you updated with the invasion from my secure location here in Exodus Space Station."

Have a funny feeling this attack may prove at some point that Jermaine is not as safe as he thought, or that space might just get interesting before the finale of this event :laugh: Time will tell.
BB 01-02 S ithaca

BB 08 at nymph
Hopefully we'll have warp flights from ark to Caly at 4:30 est. *hint* *hint* pilots.......

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*tosses down his hoe and... a flat of chicken eggs?*

This damn chicken farming wasn't working anyway. Maybe I was planting them too deep. Screw it, where did I bury my nemesis and guns?
*tosses down his hoe and... a flat of chicken eggs?*

This damn chicken farming wasn't working anyway. Maybe I was planting them too deep. Screw it, where did I bury my nemesis and guns?

Holy Craptastic toaster ovens! Good to see ya around! Catch ya on the killing fields old friend! (I'll be the guy flying my VTOL up the Anus of the Robot mothership Independence Day style!)

Hopefully we'll have warp flights from ark to Carly at 4:30 est. *hint* *hint* pilots.......



We have warps on demand 24/7 whenever you want.
Just get on the the website and chat with the crew an they will hook you up.
This just in (in Local Chat):
Objects from Akbal-Cimi system have reached Calypso. Objects have been identified as meteorites. Crash sites have been reported near Ashi, Minopolis and Cape Corinth. No casualties reported. Colonists are no longer required to stay within reach of shelter.
End transmission.
Toasters seed lies on our broadcast network. To arms, brothers, to arms!
Alert! An unnamed item has just hit auction!

We have sources reporting that it's from an unnamed alien trying to scam Calypso! Beware!!