Entropia Goes 100% PVP

Think about the above before you try and flame me like you did Ra :)

Why all this talk about flaming? There are only 3 people in this thread that seem to have descended to name calling and two of them are in favour of the idea. ;)
I think the above effectively makes it so people aren't going to WANT to kill other people unless they REALLY REALLY REALLY deserve it. Ubers are not going to keep blasting noobs because it will effectively disrupt any activity they want to persue outside of staying alive (constant health degeneration helps).

Think about the above before you try and flame me like you did Ra :)

This is an interesting idea, loosely related to his post. The flaw -- and I don't state this to flame you -- is simply that there are some people that will WANT to kill others REGARDLESS of the penulty. This intrusion is not an enhancement, it's an annoyance, whether it's dressed up as "frontier justice" or not won't change this. If someone "deserves" it, then what exactly does this mean? If you can't define this better, then your idea won't stand on it's own, and if you can -- well, I think you'll find the answer is already addressed in the EULA.

In other words, you'd just like to prefer an in-game method for addressing violations that should be enforceable by the EULA, and prefer to take the easy way out rather than file a case against the "accused". Rewording this slightly, I could say that you'd prefer to seek EXCLUSION of EXISTING EULA RULES to punish people that have ALREADY broken EULA rules... and let me just say that the old "two wrongs making a right" thing just doesn't seem to want to die. There are always those that want to put that case forward, with good intentions, but ignorant of the results.

NO -- I don't support allowing YOU to bypass the EULA just because it's to punish someone for doing the same. I'd much prefer you just ABIDE by the EULA and REPORT the violator so they can be dealt with. ANY other use for this "justice system" is just a facade for justifying behavior that is ALSO a violation of the EULA.

Let it die. Two wrongs don't make a right.
.... not a good idea !!!

If I had the control to make it that way I would. IMO it would make EU much more entertaining..

Think of it this way... Have you ever been out mining and someone comes running up infront of your position and starts droping bombs? Only to watch them HOF on a claim you where headed towards? (not to say you would have got the claim because maybe their gear and skill is better than yours) Or been killing a mob and had some meat puppet start killing it becuase he/she has a more powerful weapon and you did not have it out of green yet? or any other number of reasons people piss you off in EU.

Would it not be nice to be able to turn to tht person and open fire? I know there have been plenty of times I have wanted to kill people for many different reasons.

So my thought is this:

Make all of EU, including all domes, hallways, apartments etc., PVP.

If you kill a person there will be a bounty put on you for murder. A message will apear in global for the world to see. The bounty can be claimed by anyone by simply pk'ing you.
(bounty hunter will not have a bounty for the claiming pk.)
(the bounty collected will be a loot as like with any other mob killed, NOT player items)

If the murderer can escape "death by PK" for 24 hours, the bounty will end. Every pk after bounty is set adds to the amount time before bounty is over.
(a better length of time before bounty disapears may be in order... since murder is often done for a profit in rl, it might be fitting if the murderer recieves the loot "if any" for escaping the bounty hunters)

Bounties may also be collected by teams as with any other hunted mob.
(giving less skilled and equiped players a chance to global or maybe even get the Hunting ATH from killing one of those big mobs known as the Ubers ;)

All pre-existing pvp zones "1 thru 4 and the fighting rings" will stay bounty free zones with the ability to still loot from players in pvp zones 3 and 4.

Along with the global message telling who murdered who and has a bounty. It will also give the cords for where the murder took place.

now think of the potenial fun this would have to offer.. or vengance if that is your thing.. Maybe that reseller that has a second acc loged on to up the bid on an item you are trying to get at a reasonable price in the remaining minutes of auction, and you just happened to know where this avatar is atm. so you got that auction and kill the person place your new bid and then keep pking the scum for 5 minutes to claim your item for the price you rightfully should get it at. So what if you have 72 hours of logged time accumulated , you can run and hide for that.. maybe :)

I can see it now... Ra Ra KoNRa has killed soANDso at 17033, 8092 (twin peaks) and has bounty placed on his head for 24 hours.. as i run through the tp trying to escape only to appear and see mobs of people opening fire at the next location as I shoot back grabing another pk adding to my time before escaping yet again thru the tp to only finally meet my fate and see that OJ wearing (L) weapon carrying noob hit me with a crit and get a nice 52 ped global.

So have I sold you on the idea? Should we go to MA with it now?

GL Entropians

Well ... tbh. - in some ways i can follow your idea..... (someone KS your mob - or dropping a bomb just ahead of you and hof)..... BUT - i believe MA has made certain area´s for PK ....because im pretty sure a TOTAL PK EU ....would have a MAJOR impact on the servers.... (just look at the recent event with EOMON) :mad: ....

But the idea itself isnt too bad (i play a similar game like EU - but not with RCE) ... if you PK someone in there without beeing attacked of course you get a penalty and are listed as MURDERER .... If you dont "pay" a tribute or remove the penalty by killing Mobs Equavalent to the amount of kills (read strength/HP ) that you have done..... within 24 hours ... you will start loosing SKILLS..... :D
Now THAT would be fun - seeing someone go from UBER to NOOB status in a week :yay:

But in general i think we have plenty of PK areas..... and im sure there would be too much of it..... if it was all over.

Sportsmanship/Fairness is what i believe is missing a bit in this world
I admit there are times I would really like to shot some one out there , but I would care for the idea of getting way out in the middle of nowhere and having a mining find just to get killed by some one.Not fun I don't think.
very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very bad idea

this would kill off entropia in minutes.. if you want this go play bf2 like i do and "loot" kits or go play cs source
This is an interesting idea, loosely related to his post. The flaw -- and I don't state this to flame you -- is simply that there are some people that will WANT to kill others REGARDLESS of the penulty. This intrusion is not an enhancement, it's an annoyance, whether it's dressed up as "frontier justice" or not won't change this. If someone "deserves" it, then what exactly does this mean? If you can't define this better, then your idea won't stand on it's own, and if you can -- well, I think you'll find the answer is already addressed in the EULA.

In other words, you'd just like to prefer an in-game method for addressing violations that should be enforceable by the EULA, and prefer to take the easy way out rather than file a case against the "accused". Rewording this slightly, I could say that you'd prefer to seek EXCLUSION of EXISTING EULA RULES to punish people that have ALREADY broken EULA rules... and let me just say that the old "two wrongs making a right" thing just doesn't seem to want to die. There are always those that want to put that case forward, with good intentions, but ignorant of the results.

NO -- I don't support allowing YOU to bypass the EULA just because it's to punish someone for doing the same. I'd much prefer you just ABIDE by the EULA and REPORT the violator so they can be dealt with. ANY other use for this "justice system" is just a facade for justifying behavior that is ALSO a violation of the EULA.

Let it die. Two wrongs don't make a right.

No....basically I'm saying if you piss me off to the point I felt like killing you, it would be nice to be able to.

Now I haven't actually read the EULA in a number of years, but I don't think pissing someone off would be a violation, and if I decided to submit a support case about someone pissing me off, I probably wouldn't even get a response. PVP is NOT against the EULA and it is not a violation to pk someone, meaning that if I get mad cause someone pked me 3 months ago while I was mining and I see him mining one day, I CAN'T submit a support case to MindArk. In a full PVP environment, if I was mad enough and ready to take the concequences, I could just kill him. I am not parading this as a "justice system," and in fact you either didn't read my post or took it entirely different than it was intended.

Now that you mention it though, there are numerous EULA violations that go unchallanged, this may be a good way to rectify this, IF the parties involved actually think that the penalties are WORTH it.

I don't think anyone is going to want to run around for 24 hours scared that someone will kill them and send them back to a city revive where they can get killed over and over unless they feel they were justified.

The fact that YOU don't want this at all or even to discuss the possibility (in fact I think what I proposed was fair), makes me believe you are of the type to mouth off in cities and make players wish they could kill you.

My two cents. :D If you don't want to PVP, don't. If you don't want to get killed, same as in real life, don't be an asshole.
No....basically I'm saying if you piss me off to the point I felt like killing you, it would be nice to be able to.

Now I haven't actually read the EULA in a number of years, but I don't think pissing someone off would be a violation, and if I decided to submit a support case about someone pissing me off, I probably wouldn't even get a response. PVP is NOT against the EULA and it is not a violation to pk someone, meaning that if I get mad cause someone pked me 3 months ago while I was mining and I see him mining one day, I CAN'T submit a support case to MindArk. In a full PVP environment, if I was mad enough and ready to take the concequences, I could just kill him. I am not parading this as a "justice system," and in fact you either didn't read my post or took it entirely different than it was intended.

Now that you mention it though, there are numerous EULA violations that go unchallanged, this may be a good way to rectify this, IF the parties involved actually think that the penalties are WORTH it.

I don't think anyone is going to want to run around for 24 hours scared that someone will kill them and send them back to a city revive where they can get killed over and over unless they feel they were justified.

The fact that YOU don't want this at all or even to discuss the possibility (in fact I think what I proposed was fair), makes me believe you are of the type to mouth off in cities and make players wish they could kill you.

My two cents. :D If you don't want to PVP, don't. If you don't want to get killed, same as in real life, don't be an asshole.

Wrong on many counts:

  1. Annoying other players or interfering with their enjoyment of the game is INDEED a violation of the EULA. Players *have* been banned for doing nothing more than annoying other players, this is a fact.
  2. You can call it what you want, inacting revenge for past deeds is a justice system by nature. Call it what you will, but my description applies.
  3. Unchallenged EULA violations is not MA's problem, it's the players problem. They are slow to respond for a reason, but when the system is used by the players, they will respond and the offending players are removed.
  4. You can also *believe* what you choose, you obviously don't know me or you'd really feel silly for suggesting that I've annoyed anyone. The annoying ones in *my* opinion are seeking justification for violating the EULA.
  5. Making all of EU PvP would be a violation of existing EULA rules. If you don't believe me, take the time to read them and then ask yourself who is responsible for policing player actions in EU.

While so many people are interested -- it essentially comes down to two sides -- those that believe it's okay to extend PvP to the whole EU, and those that believe it's already got enough PvP. There have been no posts requesting the PvP be removed. You are indeed correct when you say, "if you don't want to do PvP, don't" -- I'm so glad you agree that this should be an option. As suggested by the poster, however, this would not be an option. I'd be subjected to PvP whether I wanted to or not. THIS IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE IDEA. It denies the OPTION to not participate. The addition of a PvP Flag is interesting, but like a lot of things, has no purpose in relationship to the "annoying player" kill process (they are incompatible).

Bottom line: It's a bad idea. It can be made marginally better, but it will never fly without major revision to a EULA that works very well AS IS.
Wrong on many counts:
  1. Annoying other players or interfering with their enjoyment of the game is INDEED a violation of the EULA. Players *have* been banned for doing nothing more than annoying other players, this is a fact.
  2. You can call it what you want, inacting revenge for past deeds is a justice system by nature. Call it what you will, but my description applies.
  3. Unchallenged EULA violations is not MA's problem, it's the players problem. They are slow to respond for a reason, but when the system is used by the players, they will respond and the offending players are removed.
  4. You can also *believe* what you choose, you obviously don't know me or you'd really feel silly for suggesting that I've annoyed anyone. The annoying ones in *my* opinion are seeking justification for violating the EULA.
  5. Making all of EU PvP would be a violation of existing EULA rules. If you don't believe me, take the time to read them and then ask yourself who is responsible for policing player actions in EU.
While so many people are interested -- it essentially comes down to two sides -- those that believe it's okay to extend PvP to the whole EU, and those that believe it's already got enough PvP. There have been no posts requesting the PvP be removed. You are indeed correct when you say, "if you don't want to do PvP, don't" -- I'm so glad you agree that this should be an option. As suggested by the poster, however, this would not be an option. I'd be subjected to PvP whether I wanted to or not. THIS IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE IDEA. It denies the OPTION to not participate. The addition of a PvP Flag is interesting, but like a lot of things, has no purpose in relationship to the "annoying player" kill process (they are incompatible).

Bottom line: It's a bad idea. It can be made marginally better, but it will never fly without major revision to a EULA that works very well AS IS.

Quote the EULA then because I don't feel like rummaging through that loosely worded garbage.

And in my four years of playing, I've never heard of anyone being banned for "annoying" another person.
Hm, apparently I can only repeat what others have said before me. And that is what I will do ;).
Turning EU into a complete PK-zone would scare away everyone (the less skilled first, and eventually the others --> see reasons above e.g. DRDoom).

I for one am not very interested in PK (I see it as a waste of peds, I rather go hunting --> just my opinion, I know a lot get a thrill by PK-ing). I would feel uneasy the whole time I went hunting and/or mining. Suppose I find a biggy, and a green dot is near..... I'll get a heart attack immediately (squeamish, I know :rolleyes:).

Ofcourse, there has been times I wished PVP was on --> think of the many examples people gave of KS. CP is a perfect example. How frustrating when you kill half of the mob, you die, you return and you see your mob is gone (whether it be by KS or someone dragging it to the turrit). But then again, I must have done it as well, without realizing :ahh:..... So there is a bit of (frustrating) balance .

I also read Nerishimo's post about the adaptation of Ra's suggestion. Here is why I think it wouldn't work as well (sorry if I misunderstood your post Nerishimo). Suppose, you are a noob (e.g. Nexia) and get a tower :wtg: (somehow, noobs seem to get those very often). I am very happy, finally peds to buy e.g. a TP-chip. Running all those miles can be tiresome! Happy as can be, I start running to the tp. It is quite some distance..... Someone meets me on the way (e.g. DRDoom :)), we say 'hi'. DRDoom notices I'm the one with the tower (or big hof, whatever). He jumps (because he HAS a tp-chip) to whatever location to put a bounty on our poor Nexia :mad:. He jumps back (Nexia can't walk very fast, too heavy with loot, so DRDoom catches up) and kills yours truly. NoobNexia can say 'byebye' to her uberloot (and tp-chip). :mad:

Ofcourse, the PK'er can have a new bounty on his head, but who says the loot he took from our noobie will get back to the noobie? :scratch2:

Therefor I vote (as I mentioned in the beginning of my post): leave it as it is. There are places enough where you can drag your tushy and get looted (in my case) or loot someone else. I think there is a reason EU is quite successful (getting the bugs out would make it even more pleasant).

With regards
Copied directly from part 17 of the terms of use:

"Harassment, defamation, abuse, or threats against others through words, pictures or actions are not allowed and could result in Account suspension or termination."

If the above isn't enough, it clarifies directly below:

"c. You cannot interfere with any other Participant's ability to enjoy the Entropia Universe according to its rules.

d. You cannot harass, threaten and cause grief or distress to another Participant in the Entropia Universe.

It wasn't hard to find, I just wish that more players would persue support cases when it is violated -- if they did, we'd get rid of annoying players much quicker. They RELY and THRIVE on player's complacency and lazyness.
having pvp in certain areas is MORE than reasonable. !! IF, this world EVER went to total and complete PVP, i will just stay with Lineage2 forever.

This world having limited PVP areas is much better. it is difficult enough with thoughtless folks bringing mobs trains into the town gates. And, there IS a complete LARGE island that is PVP (Zone 4) south west of Amethera proper.

TOTAL pvp for EU is thoughtless (in spite of all the thought that OP put into the bounty system).
Go back and read post 11, and then tell me why I should not be pissed, My topic will not make pvp 100%, it is there for discussion, as I asked in post 11, give me better ideas instead of wasting time posting childish responses suck as go live in pvp
This neg rep comment is what you left for me in a totally unrelated thread which has only 3 posts in it at the time you left it. If you have something to say, say it in public.

Okay, let's look at post #11 in this thread:
-Ra said:
Well this is a start, I don't care about the negative responses, they are helpful in perfecting my idea.

If there is one thing I have learned in life, it is that every question has an answer, and every problem has a solution. Try answering your own question and problem solve your own problem. being critical is good, but try and add a positive idea to go with it.

I agree that most people are not fans of pking, but I disagree that only the ubers would benifit from this. you must remember even the ubers can be taken down, maybe by other ubers maybe by a large group of med skill players.

maybe the loot idea won't work, maybe a fine or something different is better, but as a large community of mostly intelligent people, I'm sure a great idea good be made.

In real life I coiuld walk up to and stuff my .45 in your mouth, pull the trigger and watch you drop to the floor, so why should it not be in EU?
You asked, so I'll tell you why you shouldn't be pissed.

1. The very first thing you say in the OP regarding EU being 100% PvP:
If I had the control to make it that way I would. IMO it would make EU much more entertaining..
Your opinion, it's what you would like to see.

2. Post #11 that you refer to above:
I don't care about the negative responses, they are helpful in perfecting my idea.

But then you show that you do care. Or more accurately, when you are given reasons why it would be a bad idea, you react like a spoilt brat who's told that he can't have something (posts 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 25)
By which I mean this response to these points (post #29]:
-Ra said:
You people need to get e life. A simple thought and most of you show how stuck up and childish you are. If you did not agree with the idea STFU and go play with your mouse. There was no need for the flaming that has taken place here. You act like my post could actually change the game. Now I truly get the joke about those who play mmorpg's and I'm now kinda embarrassed that I actually pass the time at night playing one.

TO those of you in EU that are actually decent human beings and don't flame people for a harmless idea. you people are great and an honor to share the time online with..

To those of you who are the want to be elite know it all... please Kill yourselves, but just before you do, You can suck my ass!!!! That’s right you lifeless Geeks, Suck It!!!!

And to the mods, I am sorry I had to post this, happy deleting or locking or what ever it is you want to do..

As I said before, those aren't flames; those are reasons why, in the posters' opinion, your suggestion is a bad one. What happened to "I don't care about the negative responses, they are helpful in perfecting my idea."?
You have their thoughts on why it is a bad idea but I don't see you coming up with an improved version of your original suggestion. And as to your idea that we should answer our own question and problem solve our own problem - we haven't asked the question, nor do we see a non-PvP Calypso as a problem.

And also from post #11:
I agree that most people are not fans of pking, but I disagree that only the ubers would benifit from this. you must remember even the ubers can be taken down, maybe by other ubers maybe by a large group of med skill players.
So you agree that most players are not fans of PKing - but you still want to impose it on everyone regardless?
And so what if a large group of med skilled players can take down an uber?
Do you really think that we have nothing better to do than go around in gangs for our own protection from something we don't want?

One of the posters in here is someone with whom I had an argument about the reasoning behind his comments in another thread.
Because of his better reasoning and posting here he got a +rep from me.
I hope I can do the same for you one day.
Why don't you try and have some constructive critisism, next time, I also assume you only read whant you wanted to read. it was supposed to be a discussion, not an ignorant dismissal, ty for the neg rep, here is one for you as well

I assume that you also read what you want to read, I stated that I think it's a bad idea. I gave some reasons why I think it is a bad idea. I provided counter arguments to some of your reasons why this should be enabled.

You are absolutely correct in that this is a dicussion, but you must understand that not everyone likes this idea. I can't give constructive criticism the way you want. I think this is a horrible idea and I don't want it implamented in any fashion. I believe the system is fine the way it is. I don't pvp. I don't want to pvp. I see no reason why I should be forced to pvp. For them to implement your pvp system in such a way as I would like it, you wouldn't like it anymore. You want open pvp. I want no pvp. They have areas where you can go to pvp. They have areas where you can't pvp. I like this system. I do not want it to change. I wasn't dismissing your proposal, I was rebutting it. I'm terribly sorry if my responses caused you any confusion.
I think this is a fantastic idea...

...we can pvp all the traders and loot their stash...then take all our winnings to auction where we can be charged a fair percentage for placing it in front of everyone so they can decide wether to buy it.

I mean, heck...who hasn't wanted to shoot a trader in their time.

Isn't it a good thing the idea will never come to nuke's and the auctions ;P
What pisses me off about the responses to this is not that people don't like it. It is the stuck up want to be elite replies. It is the absolute imposiblity of creativity. Most of you answer in a dismisive way without putting forth any idea of how it could be done. Weather it was a 500 ped fine or a ban on your account for a week. Maybe someone could have been creative enough to come up with a ingame judicial system wher emaybe we all could use the vote terms finally and vote in a bunch of judges to hear the case and decide the punishment if any. But very few of you did such a thing. To say it's a stupid idea is not constructive critism.

And Yes, I should have chose my words more carefully. Or at least kept them between those I know.

Mod can you please lock this topic, there is no need to continue with it now.

Most of those that agree with you have added their ideas, those that disagree have add their reasons why it should not be done. That seems like a normal discussion to me, you feel attacked for no reason.
This has been an interesting discussion, but it appears that some people are unable or unwilling to accept that there are multiple viewpoints. I see many creative and thoughtful responses, but also hot tempers and flaming from those very persons who accuse others of flaming.

Ra, this is a censure from Jurai Blood mate, thats a slap on the wrist. You got it for shamelessly flaming and denigrating those posters who disagreed with your point of view. This is a forum for all points of view. I expect more from JB members.

Ra does not express the views of the leadership of Jurai Blood.

Jasis, Jurai Blood :cool:
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I vote for official PvP All-Day Day!

then your and idiot and no-one will log in that day except you..... MAwoudl lose 10's of thousands of $$$$
I vote for official PvP All-Day Day!

then your and idiot and no-one will log in that day except you..... MAwoudl lose 10's of thousands of $$$$

Actually, a single, all-day PvP event will probably draw in more people than it will drive away. Official events are always popular, with many people logging on out of curiosity to see what is going on. As long as you can't loot anyone during the event I don't see any harm in the idea. ;)
login.......ganked by semi uber...... respawn.......ganked by noob with opalo shooting the 10health you have after respawn.......respawn.....ganked by same noob........respawn.......ganked by same noob

see a pattern?

o0o also midori hate to shoot a soc mate down but whats the beenfit to players in EU wide pvp where you cant loot? ONly people winning are MA on spent ammo, but losing as people get pissed of being ganked and logout until the next day
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login.......ganked by semi uber...... respawn.......ganked by noob with opalo shooting the 10health you have after respawn.......respawn.....ganked by same noob........respawn.......ganked by same noob

see a pattern?

o0o also midori hate to shoot a soc mate down but whats the beenfit to players in EU wide pvp where you cant loot? ONly people winning are MA on spent ammo, but losing as people get pissed of being ganked and logout until the next day

What is the point in hunting giant mobs like Eomon when you know that you are almost certainly going to lose more than you earn back in globals and hofs? The answer is because many people seem to find the events entertaining enough to be worth the cost. Either that or they like to see that the "only people winning are MA on spent ammo, but losing as people get pissed off" because they don't like the way MA has distributed the loot.

As long as they announce the event in the client loader news as they do with all events, a one day PvP event will work. Some people will get upset as some people get upset in every official event that has been arranged - you can't please all of the people all of the time. However, if it is for only one day most people will see it as an interesting novelty, even if they are "ganked" by a noob. And a simple answer to your respawn problem is to retain a safe zone within a short radius of each revival terminal.

The reason why a lootable PvP event won't work is that many people will log in without knowing the event has started. They will pop up in Twins or PA with an inventory full of stackables and lose them before they have had a chance to move. Also, if there is little point to unlootable PvP, why is the ring at Twin so popular? Or the Oil Rig PvP zone? Most people that battle around the rig lose more than they gain back in oil.

Hate to shoot down a soc mate Morb, but I just can't stand people dismissing an idea without at least giving the possibility some consideration. :laugh:
Go back and re read posts 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, (my personal fav) 24 and 26. I understand that to some of you that is all constructive critism, I don't see it, I see some people that don't like pvp trying to dismiss any ideas by anyone, even if the idea's might work.

But you know what, it does not matter. So in hopes to maybe work with those who would like to, I now apologize to those whom I have offended and or hurt with my comments. I can, will and do feel as if the words I have chose have not been the proper words to use. Nor did I do well in discluding from my comments of anger, those of whom may have disagreed with me, but did post in a constructive manner. And I would also like to thank those who have been supportive and posted along other idea's and hope together we can come up with an idea that could work.
PvP is a bad idea compared with co-operative Player vs Environment with many layers of trading, supply and crafting.

I do realise that some Tostesterone-challenged Yank boys do like it, so I propose creating a place for them (let's call it The Ring) where they can go to keep them and their griefer attitudes away from us normal productive people.

Or maybe we could create another game called Doom or something where they can get their rocks off firing big weapons and killing their peers?
My origainal idea of looting people was not meant for the person pking another to ever be able to loot his/her victim. I was thinking of the possibilty of upon collecting the bounty one would be able to collect a loot, which I thought might make it a slight deterant from random pking. As some have pointed out random issues with this Idea, others have given alternates to them and have caused another thought in a bit more detail.

What if people could be elected to serve as a judge, lets say every 3 months there is a vote held at the vote booths spread around the game. for lets say 30 positions as judges. people who want to be one may advertise at their own expense. Now say person one kills person 2 for no reason other than to pk someone. the person killed now has a screen pop up with a few options
1- forgive
2- place a bounty on the killer
3- take them to court

the first is self explanatory,
#2 Bounty could be like the one Nerishimo had proposed in post #57, great idea of how to do a bounty IMO. (maybe or maybe not allow looting of one's stackables or ped. maybe just a normal loot from the "loot pool" maybe nothing)
And #3 having judges. My thoughts are so far, out of the 30 elected judges those online at that moment will be given the option to enter into a court chat with the two parties. Out of the judges an odd number 3, 5, 7 and so on (undecided atm) will be randomly chosen at which point both parties get to pleed their case, and then the judges will determine wther or not the defendent is guilty of murder or that the pk was justified. If found guilty the defendent must pay restitution of 50 ped to the victim. So to keep the judges honest the defendent is allowed to appeal once toa set of different judges.

This IMO should keep people from walking around randomly pking as well keep people from purposley decaying others armor with a MPH.

I never have stated that I am a pk'er or even good at pk'ing, infact I'll admit I probably could not pk my way out of sweat camp. But I like that idea of pk'ing being an option. I agree there can be down sides to it and negative things could come out of it, if not done right.
I'll make a reply now, been told about this thread and read it some.

The idea of making EU 100% PvP is NOT going to go down well. Think about this:

1. 2 people are crafting, one is losing his ass crafting OA-101's, and the guy standing next to him gets multiple hofs in a row. If it was PvP enabled, the guy losing his ass would be pissed enough to pk the other crafter. What do you think would happen to prices if people like, say, Auktuma and Buzz were pk'd while crafting, simply because the other guy couldn't stand it?

2. Some newbies are sweating mobs that people are killing, let's say ambus/exas or the like... someone gets tired of seeing the lines & hearing the sounds, so kills all the newbies... continually, preventing them from sweating. Actions like that tend to escalate, and pretty soon you have an entire "anti-sweater" squad going around killing the sweating newbies, "Cuz if they want to fight back, they'll deposit! hyuck, hyuck!".

3. Original example of someone getting in your way and mining, then perhaps getting a global/hof in place of you. I'll be blunt here... TOUGH SH*T! If the two of you drop bombs in the same place, and only one of you gets a claim - then it was meant to be! (though the same cannot be said of mobs - KSers get my "thumbs down" look :mad:.)

Perhaps allowing 1 day a month where almost all zones outside of cities/towns are PvP enabled *might* be entertaining, but we already have 90% of the total land in Amethera as PvP enabled... with Eudoria being the "play safe" continent.

Put simply, IMO, this is NOT a smart idea. It's an idea that IS well thought out (so far) and has garnered a lot of attention, but it ISN'T an idea that will garner a lot of "thumbs up" from the people in the game! Especially the ones who CAN'T fight back!
So, as someone else put it - go play some Doom3, or some CS:S (like I do!) or some other game where you can frag/kill/blow up/destroy your enemy in any fashion you wish when you get upset in EU - but don't think that this idea will be "Better than sliced bread", because it isn't. I know. Trust me on this (or PM me and I'll tell you why... didn't want to take this thread OT and it references another game anyway).
If its all pvp around u have to protect some ppl like crafters etc. so they dont get killed all the time.. I way to secure this would maybe be to have no weapons allowed in some area`s (u cant fire ) like some bar`s in old west when they had to leave the guns outside.

For me im not sure on wich side im on here..i see both + and - in the daily EU life..

PS. I havent read the hole thread so i hope im not copy anyone here, just what to comment this:rolleyes:

I'll make a reply now, been told about this thread and read it some.

The idea of making EU 100% PvP is NOT going to go down well. Think about this:

1. 2 people are crafting, one is losing his ass crafting OA-101's, and the guy standing next to him gets multiple hofs in a row. If it was PvP enabled, the guy losing his ass would be pissed enough to pk the other crafter. What do you think would happen to prices if people like, say, Auktuma and Buzz were pk'd while crafting, simply because the other guy couldn't stand it?....

First off, I'm sure Buzz ans Auk both have their own personal crafting terminals and can easily just det their apartments to private, now they can't be killed.
Second, go back one post before yours and read it, the point is not to allow people to kill without some sort of consequences. An earlier attemt to say this was my comment about shooting someone in RL. anyone can just walk up and shoot you in RL, but it does not mean they won't have any consequences. So the idea is to have the ability but with a way to keep it from getting out of hand.
In real life I coiuld walk up to and stuff my .45 in your mouth, pull the trigger and watch you drop to the floor, so why should it not be in EU?

Im sorry but this statement right here screams out I am 12 years old and dumb as a rock.
Ever hear of laws?Not some bounty you can log off and avoid.Someones been playing a little to much grand theft auto I think.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
If its all pvp around u have to protect some ppl like crafters etc. so they dont get killed all the time.. I way to secure this would maybe be to have no weapons allowed in some area`s (u cant fire ) like some bar`s in old west when they had to leave the guns outside.


So what if you are at auction bidding on something and the guy next to you is one of the reseller's second avatars bumping up you bid to try and rob you of a fair auction?

that alone is enough for me to say guns everywhere, pk him and let the judges decide wether or not you have to compinsate him for an unjust pk.
You people need to get e life. A simple thought and most of you show how stuck up and childish you are. If you did not agree with the idea STFU and go play with your mouse. There was no need for the flaming that has taken place here. You act like my post could actually change the game. Now I truly get the joke about those who play mmorpg's and I'm now kinda embarrassed that I actually pass the time at night playing one.

TO those of you in EU that are actually decent human beings and don't flame people for a harmless idea. you people are great and an honor to share the time online with..

To those of you who are the want to be elite know it all... please Kill yourselves, but just before you do, You can suck my ass!!!! That’s right you lifeless Geeks, Suck It!!!!

And to the mods, I am sorry I had to post this, happy deleting or locking or what ever it is you want to do..

Then again maby 12 is being optimistic...Talk about over the top calling the kettle black:laugh::laugh: