Entropia Universe Unreal - Bunker concepts and early render

if font size remains unreadably small, i will say good bye to the entropia, cannot literally be playable ;(
there need to be unlimit font size adjustment feature, as most entropians are getting real old and have difficulty to read tiny letters...
Here is an example of the composition test we did together with that structure that could answer some of your questions. All buildings are un-textured so that is why they appear "clean".
As you can see many people fear that they will have to travel too much to reach the utilities... maybe make everything portable? That would be nice...
Please share more of the upcoming stuff. So far so good :)
You can make the game as awsome as you like in terms of graphics however the game has other isuses that need to be adressed expecially in the economy department. In this day and age there are less and less people willing to spend the high ammount of $ that takes to play entropia at monthly/yearly basis!
You can make the game as awsome as you like in terms of graphics however the game has other isuses that need to be adressed expecially in the economy department. In this day and age there are less and less people willing to spend the high ammount of $ that takes to play entropia at monthly/yearly basis!
i don't think there's going to be too much to solve that problem, that's a business model thing.

that said, there's definitely room for more "game" in this game.
Send it... what's the worst that could happen. lots of planning... execution where the magic happens:cheer:
that said, there's definitely room for more "game" in this game.

Just got back around Port Atlantis yesterday, and those missions feel fully fleshed out with dialogue and shorter trips around the environment. I'd very much like that to be the case over all of Entropia. Hiring a writer (or even enthusiast) to produce content over a year would be a solid investment. It doesn't have to be superbly complex missions that require new art, but some nice story building that doesn't require days of gameplay to complete would be nice. "Kill 500 x at y" can only get you so far...

But - Unreal Engine has a very good scripting engine, so I assume missions can be crafted more easily moving forward.
This is really cool, however without a new loot patch you won't keep any players and all the players that quit and come back for unreal wont stay once they realize the game is the same game. Your changing nothing without changing the loot patch.