Eomon Migration Update

Bertha Bot

Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006
RDI officials reports that Eomon pheromone levels have dropped considerably, indicating that the migration will end shortly after the weekend.

Some pockets of Longtooth separated from the main herds can still be found in locations around Eudoria.

Originally Posted Here
Where, though? :scratch2:

Probably those shared loot event areas, like 'Massive Longtooth Herd' on the beach near Argus.

...so it seems big snables aren't coming back. :(
Robot event coming.... soon
wonder if i will be around for the next one....
In case I was less than clear... I'm not happy that migration is ending :mad:
In case I was less than clear... I'm not happy that migration is ending :mad:
It's a good thing you cleared that up. I was under the impression you thought it was too long! :silly2:
Gl and hof fast! :beerchug:
In case I was less than clear... I'm not happy that migration is ending :mad:

Migration lasts for a few weeks in the summer and then it ends, you've played long enough to know this! ;)

Happy shooting this weekend, hope you have a good Red Bull supply! :handgun:
In case I was less than clear... I'm not happy that migration is ending :mad:

Don't worry apparently it wont. It's almost Friday and the last announcement was that they'd be gone "shortly after the weekend". In true MA fashion though, they don't say what weekend they're talking about. :scratch2:
If you expected them to be gone by tuesday you were dumb dumping all your ped in it, if you were expecting them to be gone by this server maintenance this morning you were wrong again.
They by "mistake" put this announcement in a week early or was it just on purpose? well enjoy them while they are still around :) nobody can whine about it
RDI officials reports that Eomon pheromone levels have dropped considerably, indicating that the migration will end shortly after the weekend.

Noooo, FFS
Im coming back this weekend