ever had a "brand new" disciple who knew way too much about PE?


Rogue Banker
Feb 1, 2006
Fat Rats
I took on a disciple, on her "first day" to PE. now, I have mentored a few people, gotten the gifts and what have you. Every disciple I have had {except this one}, has been amazed when I drop a bomb or probe....use a plasma, or a nerveblast chip. Always a "whoa, what was that", or something to that effect. This one knows what all these things are, and what they do. Now, I grant that these things can be read about in a tutorial, but they look just a bit different when actually seen. This person spawned on CND, as well. Now, I have seen nothing on the homepage that advertises that you can register to spawn on CND...only on Neverdies site. A lot of these things a newbie can figure out, but the amount of knowledge that this one has about PE is more than any newbie I have ever met. I need input on how to best handle this situation. Maybe I am just overly paranoid, but there is also an old adage that states "even paranoids have enemies".......
yeah I have met few of those myself...
some ppl even ask if I pay their ammo, they will complete mentorship :p
could possibly be a old player that has return from a long holiday??
I have a mate that use to play approx 15months ago and just returned but made a new char so he dosen't really need mentoring except Im gonna give him the item.

This is probably along shot but maybe MB and CPH could check to see if the emails used to register on EF & RP are for more then one account...if it's possible to have more then one on a email??.

Apart from that,I wouldn't worry to much about it....what harm can be done as long as you keep your Precious items and Peds to yourself!!
When I got my mentor, he was amazed at what I knew. Of course, I had been around for a day or two by then. Everything was on entropia poneers, you just had to search for it. The available resources have gotten much better since, because of the wikipedia thing :wise: So it's pretty possible for someone to know all this today...

You're prolly correct that this is not a real noob. But what exactly is the problem?
noobs have started spawning on cND? hmmmm very suspect, just wait until this person starts to ask to borrow your items or peds.
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kygon said:
noobs have started spawning on cND? hmmmm very suspect, just wait until this person starts to ask to borrow your items or peds.

The download client exists and is linked from www.realityport.com.

So some people have been spawning there.

I know EXACTLY what your talking about, a few days ago a newbie came up to me, we've been chatting for a while, but she seems to know alot for a newbie. Makes me a bit paranoid, but I dunno.

This newbies knew things it takes at least 30 days for a regular newbie to grasp, who knows, maybe this person is genuine and learned their stuff before coming to the game. Good luck, just keep your items and peds to yourself ;)
When I started I knew a fair bit due to EF! But the first time I saw someone use a TP Chip my jaw hit the Keyboard.

I would say ask the noob if he/she is a returning player. If you dont believe the answer you can kick as a diciple if your not happy.

As far as I know you can still re-mentor them upto a point if they then earn your trust.
i had one diciple which did act like a totally new player. Then i was the nice and friendly mentor who gave him a full TT fap 5, and full pixie armor and opalo..

Never seen him online since :(

That learned me to use a "progress & Gift system" which meen they got to reach some specified goals to get a little gift for it ;). so that i can avoid the scammer diciples in the future
NoBion said:
i had one diciple which did act like a totally new player. Then i was the nice and friendly mentor who gave him a full TT fap 5, and full pixie armor and opalo..

Never seen him online since :(

That learned me to use a "progress & Gift system" which meen they got to reach some specified goals to get a little gift for it ;). so that i can avoid the scammer diciples in the future

Nice idea - but I really have to go with the best advice I had once:
NEVER EVER give away free stuff to disciples. I have met several "noobs" being very open about only wanting a mentor who would give them such and much...

Disciple my butt, I say. Just some wannabe uber who made his forty-fifth avatar to sweat, steal and beg :mad:
Solaris said:
NEVER EVER give away free stuff to disciples. I have met several "noobs" being very open about only wanting a mentor who would give them such and much...

First of all when i started i knew SOME things, but never seen them. This guy might have been around more than me and seen these stuff.Or maybe like solaris said, he can have another avatar?i am sure but i think you can have more than 1 registered to your name right..?

Maybe try and give him opalo and 10 ped ammu?and tell him to go kill exos E of PortAtlantis.(thats what i did).

Now bout solaris quote, if mentors never gived anything to their descplie, there wount be that much ppl around.

Like in my case, when i started, met Stryker and he intrudusted a lot of the game to me.He gave me i belive 3 parts of pixie armor, a fap5 and an opalo with 20 ped ammu i belive. The next day he bought me the rest parts and gave me 30 more ped ammu so i can continue my skilling. Now if he didnt give me these stuff i prob wount be playing by now.Because i woundnt know that PE has so much stuff. I prob would sweet 2-3 days get bored and leave. Thx to him i liked the game. And have deposited 170$ my self so far.
Striker Logan said:
Like in my case, when i started, met Stryker and he intrudusted a lot of the game to me.He gave me i belive 3 parts of pixie armor, a fap5 and an opalo with 20 ped ammu i belive. The next day he bought me the rest parts and gave me 30 more ped ammu so i can continue my skilling.

Ooh, Stryker the tight arse, Pixie!!! Wait till I see him in PvP. Jeff, I'm comin' for ya :laugh:

My mentor, although I didn't see much of him, did set me up with a 1x0 and full Goblin. That was the best start I could have had really. Then I deposited and it all went to pot :/
Solaris said:
NEVER EVER give away free stuff to disciples. I have met several "noobs" being very open about only wanting a mentor who would give them such and much...

Common practice for me, when taking on a new disciple, is that I make them a disciple and show them the ropes. If they like the game and are going to stick around and I can evaluate them as not being a scammer (hard to do, but some you just know aren't a real 'player') then I will set them up with full Goblin, like I was.

I do not provide weapons as the sweat they get should be more than enough to pay for the first weapon and some ammo. I do however point them in the right direction for the weapons though.
i knew about alot of the game i had played about a year ago and figured my first char was deleted so i made another and got a mentor to re-show me the ropes (so to say).

also he did give me stuff and i think that once a disciple shows hes legit and commited to finishing, i think that giving items is good and fair being that once i finish the mentorship he gets a prize not me even though i did most of the "hard" work, i got the skills he just told me how and where.
Teilk said:
I took on a disciple, on her "first day" to PE. now, I have mentored a few people, gotten the gifts and what have you. Every disciple I have had {except this one}, has been amazed when I drop a bomb or probe....use a plasma, or a nerveblast chip. Always a "whoa, what was that", or something to that effect. This one knows what all these things are, and what they do. Now, I grant that these things can be read about in a tutorial, but they look just a bit different when actually seen. This person spawned on CND, as well. Now, I have seen nothing on the homepage that advertises that you can register to spawn on CND...only on Neverdies site. A lot of these things a newbie can figure out, but the amount of knowledge that this one has about PE is more than any newbie I have ever met. I need input on how to best handle this situation. Maybe I am just overly paranoid, but there is also an old adage that states "even paranoids have enemies".......

These are major warning signs and red flags in my book!

Just don’t lend or give anything that you will regret and you will be fine.

There is no point in kicking this person if they are working hard, just make sure you don’t get scammed or miss used by this person!
i'm not much for mentoring, nor giving away free gifts... however i have one deciple i have been working with... teaching her the lay of the land and such.

we do alot fo team hunts and stuff, and yes i have provider her with basic stuff, but as an incentive to progress further, and graduate, i have a started a stockpile of items for her.

so far, when she graduates, she will get the follwing items...

fap-50, justifer mk2, ep-32, enbalde-3, ghost armor.

These are all things we have looted or picked up cheaply during our time. there have been times where she has let me in on a good deal (ghost armor) and at times these where items that even i could not just pass up.

she has depo'd zero dolars and is slowly working her way though the game quite nicely. now if you think she is just buring thorugh her decipleship to earn a massive prise at the end, keep in mind i have been working with this deciple for 4+ months, and i honeslty think she has earned her knowledge and graduation prises.

yes i do pay for ammo on our hunts, and collect all the loot until the end of each hunt, and she still uses an opalo, but through our hunts we have managed to loot her a full set of gnome and shogun, she has clothes with she has gotten through trading looted materials, she has globaled and even hof'd and seem to understand the game in general.

she comes to me peroidcly and ask about pistols, axes, and such like that and i'll explain whats what, and that she should continue to use her rifle until she graduates. she understands and continues to skill and learn.

sometimes the longer things take, the better the final result is.

to me, this is how a mentor / deciple should interact, and thus why i only have one deciple at a time, and i am very picky about even chossing one.

anywho... maybe i rambled a bit to much about this...

i don't see a problem with a deciple knowing too much, as long as they are not begging for items, ammo, or whatever.

there is a flipside to all this - when ur a noob , u get a mentor, u go out and do your stuff, then as soon as the 'grace' period is up and u cant stop the mentorship, they bugger off and u never hear from them again :mad: , its happend to me , ive still got 500 pts in rifle to get yet, and when i do i wont be happy cause they will get an item for doin absouluty nowt :mad: ,
its lucky that ive had a few good soc members to help me when ive needed it (like getting stuck at the outpost from hell ne of jason center)

anyone else had this happen?
whug said:
there is a flipside to all this - when ur a noob , u get a mentor, u go out and do your stuff, then as soon as the 'grace' period is up and u cant stop the mentorship, they bugger off and u never hear from them again :mad: , its happend to me , ive still got 500 pts in rifle to get yet, and when i do i wont be happy cause they will get an item for doin absouluty nowt :mad: ,
its lucky that ive had a few good soc members to help me when ive needed it (like getting stuck at the outpost from hell ne of jason center)

anyone else had this happen?

That happened to me I had a mentor who was very nice for a few day then use me mob bait for week show me how do a few things then boom never see him again... I graduated from color skilling in 2 months and I wrote to mindark suport sayign I dont think he deserve any prize for never even being online to teach and never gave me any item or anythign just used me for mob bait. But by the time they reply I had already graduated.

Teilk said:
I took on a disciple, on her "first day" to PE. now, I have mentored a few people, gotten the gifts and what have you. Every disciple I have had {except this one}, has been amazed when I drop a bomb or probe....use a plasma, or a nerveblast chip. Always a "whoa, what was that", or something to that effect. This one knows what all these things are, and what they do. Now, I grant that these things can be read about in a tutorial, but they look just a bit different when actually seen. This person spawned on CND, as well. Now, I have seen nothing on the homepage that advertises that you can register to spawn on CND...only on Neverdies site. A lot of these things a newbie can figure out, but the amount of knowledge that this one has about PE is more than any newbie I have ever met. I need input on how to best handle this situation. Maybe I am just overly paranoid, but there is also an old adage that states "even paranoids have enemies".......

had the same..until dissapeard with items of 400 peds one day when was at 94%
just take care
i had one of those myself, and me the big noob was way t nice once again lol cost me 300 ped ish.

Anyway they are great as long as u never trust em with a bit.

They wille ven try and give u some to lure u and then bam they got u

Folks, this is my absolute first post, and it is fitting that I start posting in this thread; because I have an absolute freaking passion for helping other newbies and answering the simplest questions over and over again, etc.

I am going to state however, that a good society that helps newbies and enlists them into their ranks is way far more important than even the most fantastic single mentor!

When I first started PE (not too long ago) I was a danger to myself, and those near me; because I was so clueless! I imposed and imposed and probably wore peoples’ nerves to the frayed and boiling point.

On my first TP run, the kind soul who took me from Port Atlantis through Billy’s and onto Camp Phoenix; was perceptive enough to notice that I steered my avatar around trees and bushes and large objects, and informed me that I could actually just run through them!
At the end of that first night, he directed me to EF, where I spent the next four nights just reading.

Those thread reading marathons were very much worth it – there are just so many things I needed to know before I gained a threshold of understanding.

I had a mentor for a while; but we were not compatible with each other.

Although I knew alot technically about many aspects of the game from EF, and my questions each night were few; they quickly wore her out!

While I was mostly sweating around PA, she was mining somewhere in near TI; and the PMS were cutting into both game experiences.

I am sure now, that looking back, my level of questions must have caused her to doubt my newbiness.

That’s’ all right, I have had many women question worse things about me!

We agreed mutually to part ways and I mostly confined my game experience to sweating and TPing myself around the place!

After about 20 games sessions, I was becoming very disillusioned with the experience, although I was amassing a good amount of sweat and seen alot of territory.

About that time, I was able to associate myself with a fine society who has taken me, and my self-inflicting damaging ways under their wings! I have really enjoyed the gaming experience and I have learned so much of the game, the right way.

If you encounter a new gamer and you sense they know more about the game than a new person should; find out if they have an account on EF.

A serious gamer, worthy of a good mentor, should be willing to subscribe into the forums and study up.
A serious gamer, worthy of a good mentor, should be willing to email with the forums and stay in touch, at least weekly.
A serious gamer, worthy of a good mentor, should be able commit to a consistent play time schedule; keeping in mind they and you both have a real life that is going to need some attention.

But most of all, a serious player – who is seeking help from a good mentor, will also realize the advantages of being part of a larger group of players, and seek out the membership of a society that is willing to help and grow newbies into Calyspoians!.

I would have cause to doubt an apparant newbie, if they were quick to judge otherwise about society membership at large.

Disciples should NEVER expect more then information so be very very carefull. There have been many that start new avatars and say mentor me mentor me and give me stuff and i'll complete and then they just give the items to there real avatar.

Tell him your never going to give him any free stuff and that he'll have to work for his own money. If he doesn't kick you and actually goes out and gathers sweat and gets some gear of his own. Thats when you start being nice and throwing him a ped or item or two.
sites like this and ep and er are amazing, all the help you will ever need. my hat goes of you dedicated people..
Hi all...

Very well then, i believe i am one of those so called "enlightened" newbs, and not for a moment will i hide it!
Before coming to Project Entropia i didn't spend four nights readin like Buck, i spend a whole week contemplating page after page of information, dedicated web sites, online helpers, and so on...

I won't deny that my knowledge of this game was extensive when compared perhaps to your regular player, but not all in Project Entropia come to the game so "blinded", and i did not! Economics and math may not be hobbys for me, but here, in this game, they are a tool for survival and one must learn to use it in order "stay alive"! For me this game works both ways; a combination of fun and actual comittment to the sistem!

It's not in me to make excuses or justifications for my actions and this is not one! I'll not disguise what i have learned just to be more "veteran" friendly, no way! But i do refuse to let myself be judged before actually doing something wrong or so called "evil"... For me, one's actions in the game are far more worthy then PEDs, but since i'm here for the long run, you'll have plenty of time to figure this one out... And you'll have a better chance of being hit by a comet while holdind a winner lotary ticket than beign bothered by me, asking for PEDs and items! :mad:

With nothing else to say, i do wish the best to all...
BlackRose said:
Hi all...

Very well then, i believe i am one of those so called "enlightened" newbs, and not for a moment will i hide it!
Before coming to Project Entropia i didn't spend four nights readin like Buck, i spend a whole week contemplating page after page of information, dedicated web sites, online helpers, and so on...

I won't deny that my knowledge of this game was extensive when compared perhaps to your regular player, but not all in Project Entropia come to the game so "blinded", and i did not! Economics and math may not be hobbys for me, but here, in this game, they are a tool for survival and one must learn to use it in order "stay alive"! For me this game works both ways; a combination of fun and actual comittment to the sistem!

It's not in me to make excuses or justifications for my actions and this is not one! I'll not disguise what i have learned just to be more "veteran" friendly, no way! But i do refuse to let myself be judged before actually doing something wrong or so called "evil"... For me, one's actions in the game are far more worthy then PEDs, but since i'm here for the long run, you'll have plenty of time to figure this one out... And you'll have a better chance of being hit by a comet while holdind a winner lotary ticket than beign bothered by me, asking for PEDs and items! :mad:

With nothing else to say, i do wish the best to all...

I have met many new players recently who are just not interested at all in putting in the hard yards at the start of their EU time. They are not interested in running off and exploring and gathering tp's on their own (or with other newbies), nor are they interested in in taking the time to peruse the forums in order to gather knowledge. Many straight up, want to hunt uber mobs, collect uber loots, but cannot (or dont want to) understand that its best to start from the ground up, gathering as much information, experience and skills as possible.

Of course though, there are exceptions - I have met them and worked with them :)

+rep for showing that you have taken the time to gather knowledge before embarking on your EU quest.

Good luck to you.
