Flame Dancer's Diary

Support case

Ah yes, forgot to mention (gosh, I am babbling today, am I not?) that part of my frustration in the 'game' is the automated support response I got...

MindArk Support said:
Sometimes resources are inaccessible. They might be stuck under trees, stones, and turrets or in buildings. This is all part of the game. Therefore there cannot be any compensation for an inaccessible resource.
Entropia Support

I bet they didn't even bother to look at my print screen where the mining rod is fully visible and the reason I can't extract isn't because there is a tree, stone, turret or building in the way, it's becaused there is nothing visible to the eye between my avatar and my mining rod in this picture - but whatever the invisible thing is, it's inpassable. Grump, grump, sulk, sulk. Don't know why I expected them to be helpful...

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Yes, I know - boooooring - but hey, if I were to global or hof more often, I wouldn't feel the need to count the lesser blessings *nudge, nudge, wink, wink at Lootius*

060514: Manufacturing Tools
060514: Drilling
060514: Light Melee Weapons
060515: Mining
060515: Rifle

There - done. Next post will be of more interest, promise....
How *not* to trade me

I guess we all learn (from reading the posts on this forum or - if unlucky - from personal experience) that not all avatars are to be trusted.

This past weekend, while in the service centre at Cape Corinth, there was an avatar that immediately caught my eye when I entered, for the reason stated below.

  • Do not take off all your clothes and wear only the basic underwear supplied by MA. If you feel the urge to run around in your underwear irresistable, please get something more pleasing to the eye.

You'll see this advice often enough in both the Scammer Alert threads - do not trade people only dressed in underwear.

The other thing that made me suspicious was the avatar name - out of consideration for the player (who might be a perfectly honest person) I'll rephrase it a bit:

  • Do not name your avatar 'Miss Sexy X-land'

Replace 'X-land' with the Entropia equivalence of what in RL is known as 'Nigeria letters'. Yes, it's sad that a certain country has become infamous in Entropia for its many scammers, and I do feel sorry for those citizens of this specific country who are honest, hardworking and fairplaying - but nevertheless, several scamming avatars seem to be based in this country.

  • Do not try to trade me unless I specifically said I'm buying or selling something - especially not if I'm busy with the auctioneer or a terminal.

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Once I had finished checking the auction (and refused to trade with said avatar) I scanned it:

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  • Sorry, but being as unexperienced as the scanning picture above implies, I doubt very much that you have anything to sell that would interest me.

The reason I erased the name of this avatar? Well, there was another avatar around at the time who greeted this one, and seemed to know him/her so... uh... not sure what this implies... reasonable doubt?

Any which way, I hope I have explained clearly enough why I'd never trade with an avatar like the one described above - and I hope all new players take their time to read through at least some of the posts in these threads:

Scammer Alert

Scammer Alert II

Apologies to anyone who was unfortunate to run into me ingame today, either this morning (when I was desperately trying not to think about it) or this evening (after having gone through it) - I had a Gastroscopy today, and it was even more disgusting than I had pictured it.

Nasty thing - 10 hours after the gastroscopy I still feel very much like throwing up.

And they didn't find anything that was wrong - gee, so I went through this for nothing? That feels about as encouraging as spending loads of ammo on a high level mob only to get the no loot message.
Miscellaneous pics

Self portraits

This is what I usually look like - when I'm not wearing armour, that is.

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But one day while I was out on a mining run, I suddenly discovered that I had been transformed into a castle. ;)

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Nah, it's not me, of course - but please note that the picture above has not been manipulated in any way, except for leaving out some of the landscape surrounding the castle. So how come my name, rank and soc was shown in the upper left corner when I tried to take a pic of the castle?

Mining trouble

When I tried to access this mining rod, I got a really odd error message. Oh no! Come on! Not another mining bug! But the problem seemed to go away when I tried accessing it from a different direction.

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Don't you just hate it when you're busy extracting a mining find, and meanwhile, out of the corner of your eye, you can see a mob getting closer and closer to you?

Well, I hate it at least - especially when I've run out of ammo. Shooo! Go away!

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Miscellaneous pictures (continued)


I had been doing some hunting in the Land Area NW of Genesis Amethera when I ran out of ammo, simply because I didn't have the sense to withdraw while I still had ammo left, but kept shooting mobs until I was all out of ammo.

I decided to run back to Genesis Amethera, but the area was extremely crowded with mobs. Being an incurable optimist, I decided to run right through the heards, hoping I'd be able to outrun any mob that might decide to attack me.

Any mob? Every mob in the area seemed to spot me, and soon I had a whole train of them after me:

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Too late, I realized I had taken on more than I could cope with - the mobs were merciless:

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Do I look unusually small in the pic above? That's because the mobs were freaking big:

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Oh, and I did decide to deposit again - but unless I get some nice returns soon, I'll have second thoughts every time the deposit date approcaches.
Various thoughts on EF: Rating

Rating of threads


Yes, very nice indeed! :)

What would be even nicer was if I could see who has rated this diary, and with how many stars – for all you know, I might have rated it five stars myself.

Not that I'd do that – hey, I grew up heavily influenced by the Jante Law and, as the Wikipedia article on Jante Law says: "It is frowned upon to appear to elevate oneself"! :wise:

But I'm a curious type of person – it'd be interesting to see the rating in a way similar to the reps. Which brings me to the next point.
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Various thought on EF: Repping

The EF reputation system

I have only –repped someone on EF when I was still quite new to the forum, not yet familiar with what kind of postings I should expect to see.

There is one exception though where I –repped someone who was being a complete jerk – but his/her reputation was down to red, so I guess I wasn't alone in thinking this.

I always write something in the comment field when I use the rep system – but I've noticed that not all users do that.

In the cases that I have received a –rep myself with no comment attached, I have always followed it up with a PM to the user in question, trying to figure out what caused it.

Some reply with an explanation, some do not bother to reply – and some offer a very lame excuse. The lamest one yet must be that it was "a mistake".

Mistake, my *ss! The posting in question was one of my diary postings, where I simply stated what I had been doing in Entropia - no whining, no complaining, just an objective listing of actions (and those actions didn't include scamming or PKing).

In order to –rep someone, you need to:
  1. Click the "Add reputation" button.
  2. Actively choose "I disapprove" since "I approve" is the default choice.
  3. Click the "Add to reputation" button.

My guess is that I received this –rep as a retaliation for my –rep of one of his/her postings. And then not to have the guts to admit it - that is lame IMO (you'll rarely see me use IMHO, because a lot of the time I don't feel humble at all! :silly2: ).

Yes, there are forum users who will –rep you simply to retaliate. This is a sort of "an eye for an eye" mentality that I find extremely immature, but still seems to be a common behaviour, even among some of the users that have been Entropians for years.

+repping I use for two things: either as a sign of appreciation for an effort someone has made, or as a way to comment on people's diairies. Ah yes, there's a third reason – offering sympathy to someone I feel is being treated unfairly in a thread. Which neatly leads me to the next point:
Various thoughts on EF: Tolerance


Some of the longtimers display a deploring lack of understanding, patience and empathy when a newbie starts a thread on EF. There is a pretty recent example, and guess where?

Yes, in the "n00bs Corner"! Now, if a newbie can't post first impressions there, no matter how negative or frustrated, then where? It seems some forum users think that you're not supposed to whine, criticize or bitch about Entropia, at all, ever.

Here's my advice: if you can't stand it, then don't read such threads! Posting condescending and arrogant replies is not very constructive, is it?

I almost –repped the user in question, but then I realized that wouldn't have been very constructive of me – would it now?

Besides, the user has a too high rep for a single –rep to make much difference (Edit: overly hasty reflection removed after having read more of the user's postings) and has that deplorable habit of –repping you right back for having the nerve to –rep him/her.

Sheesh – you were all n00bs once – don't you ever forget that!

From some of the comments I've overheard from longtimers, life in Entropia was even easier in those days way back.

If you've forgotten what it was like to be a newbie, it's high time you try it yourself, with a new avatar (yes, some might say it's against the EULA but, as far as I can tell, MA has never bothered doing anything about it – hence we have scammers with multiple avatars).

Don't transfer any items or PED to your new avatar from your other avatar/s.

Don't deposit more than the minimum 10 USD needed to activate your method of payment.

Don't get help from your ingame friends, but try to rely on complete strangers for trading and stuff.

And then we'll see how long it takes before you start bitching about deplorable loots, poor mining results, unsuccessful crafting attempts and possibly even PKers… :laugh:
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Yep, back to counting the small blessings, as long as I don't get any bigger blessings ;)

060518: Geology
060518: Coloring
060518: Color Matching
060518: Coloring
060518: Manufacture Metal Equipment

Eh - and then nothing for a couple of days, I wonder why? Was it because I didn't pay attention, or because you can't gain new skills each and every day? Hmmm...

060522: Perception
060522: Laser Weaponry Technology
060522: Psychotropy
Graphic bugs

Frankly, there are loads of graphic bugs, or graphics of poor quality ingame. Here are a few examples:

Rocks on a hillside

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Eh - floating rocks? How is it possible to completely miss placing those rocks on the ground, rather than in thin air?


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Well, where should I begin? Oh right - let's start with the toes of my right foot mssing.

The stiletto boots cut my knees off - see the line?

Most of my right thigh has sunken a bit too deep into the armchair - too deep to look natural.

The bomber jacket - ah yes, infamous for its ability to cut off your wrists - look at my left wrist to see they blue colour iin my beach shorts shining right trhough.

Also notice the patch on my right elbow - my bomber jacket has those patches on both elbows - why?
Miscellaneous pics

When mining in a new location (attempting to mine, rather) I came across another of those abandoned feffoid camps.

The rain was pouring down, so I decided to seek shelter in one of the abandoned huts:

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After the raining had stopped, I walked around, and stopped to examine the fire place. Hang on - doesn't that look human? :eek: Those ribs, that skull - omg - are feffoids maneaters?

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Recently while out hunting, I came across the biggest berycled I've seen so far - a pity I can't remember what level it was...

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Doing time

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New kind of dots detected on the radar!

I was out mining, peacefully minding my own business.

I came across an ample find of enmatter, and just as I started to extract it, I spotted a group of blue dots, close together, moving across my radar screen.

It was a different kind of blue than dead mobs, so I asked in soc chat if anyone knew what it was.

"admin" someone replied.

MA officials? Wow - so many? There were something like 14-15 dots and, judging by the speed the dots moved on my radar, they must be running.

ESE - hmmmm, what could be their goal? Oh - the oil rig (I was mining not far from the PvP area)!

By now I was really curious, and eager to find out what they were up to.

But I was short of PED (like so often lately, at least until my little global yesterday), so I was anxious not to waste the enmatter find.

The find was not sizable enough to allow me more than 1 hour to extract it - if I was to run after the MA people, would I be able to make it back to my mining rod before it expired?

While I was pondering, the dots were getting close to the edge of my radar - I'd have to make up my mind quickly, or I'd soon lose sight of them.

Stay or go? Stay or go? Or maybe stay and finish the extracting and then try to catch up with them, maybe by using my tp chip?

Arrrgghhh! I couldn't make up my mind and meanwhile the dots started disappearing off my radar! :eek:

GAAAAHHH!!!! The frustration became too much for me, and I...

...woke up! :dunce: Dang - just another Entropia dream!
Miscellaneous pics


Allez-hop! How about this trick? Something for the Entropia Circus?

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As soon as the other mobs saw it, they all wanted to try for themselves - it was all I could do to talk them into standing in an orderly queue:

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Insect or plant?

Well, it's hard to tell the difference sometimes, isn't it?

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The likeness is even more obvious in this pic:

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Miscellaneous pics (continued)

New personal record in crit hit

121! :D

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Ground patterns

Sometimes the border between one kind of ground pattern and another becomes really obvious:

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Too much

Sometimes I think to myself that a player really has gone a bit too far when designing an avatar - and the result is often quite repulsive, IMO.

This avatar, for example - is just too much of... of... everything!

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One day, while waiting for a soc mate to shop up for a little trade, I amused myself by looking at the ads - something I rarely do, because they cause me lag...

And I couldn't help but thinking that I could have done better!

Here are some examples:

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Bigger is not always better - this ad would have looked a lot better with a smaller font that had fitted inside the frame.

Also, lower case letters are actually easier to read rather than capital letters... like in the next ad:

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There is just one thing I'd like to point out - it would have looked even better if the text had been broken up into lines like this:

For all of your Ore & Enmatter Needs
Visit Omegaton City
Delta Building, Block C, Shop #5

Next one contains way too much text and should have been shortened down considerably - who has the patience to read through all that text? And is all of it really of interest?

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Also, here we see capital letters being used again - and let me once more stress that they don't make the text easier to read - quite the opposite!
Ads (continued)

Picture backgrounds

OK, so pictures look cool, you know? Yes, but you should still think twice before using a picture background rather than a single coloured plain background.

In the following ad, the text doesn't stand out clearly enough:

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At first, I was thinking that it might be because the font is blue, and so is parts of the background - maybe red letters would have worked better?

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Nope, not really. The trouble in these ads is that the image of the woman to the right is in too sharp colours for any text to show really well.

What should have been better would have been to group the text to the left, in the empty blue area to the left of the globe, above the landscape - using a smaller font.

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Another pic that doesn't work very well as a background - while it certainly is dark enough to the right, the left hafl of the pic is really too bright, making it hard to see the date clearly, for example.

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Now here's a pic that works much better as a background - not perfect, but much, much better than the examples above. The reason? Because the colours are pale, as if seen through a mist.

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This background pic isn't too bad either - except for the light line that almost seems to be drawn over the word "marking" - but it's just a minor disturbance to the eye, the text is still fully readable without too much effort.
Pics posted elsewhere on EF

Yeah, just what the title says, really - I know some people appreciate the pics I post in my journal, but I've also posted some pics in other threads on EF, so I thought I'd give links to those threads....

Crafting Daikiba

Posted in the Taming forum.

Atrox Beach

Posted in the Hunting forum.

A litttle mining global

Posted in the HoF forum.

Then there's a pic I forgot to take - sorry about that - this morning, while out mining, I accidentally trapped a Faucervix with my mining rod. That should teach the mobs that when I say I don't want to play, I mean it! ;)

Yes, I know there are some spaceships ingame that seem to be added merely for decoration purposes - but this was the first time I had come across one, and I was soooooo excited! :D

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Here's another pic with the coordinates in the lower left corner:

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The ship from beneath - beam me up, Scotty - please, please, pretty please (wouldn't it be awesome to see this ship from inside?):

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And another pic, from a slightly different angle:

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Wolverine Hope Biodomes

While managing my storage at Cape Corinth the other day, Vortexy asked if I had seen the biodomes at Wolverine Hope (as he knows I love to take pics).

Biodomes? I wonder when they appeared, because I can't remember seeing any last time I went to Wolverine Hope (during the robot wars).

When Apathy added 'have you seen the estate terminals?' I couldn't resist it anymore - this I had to see with my own eyes!

Sure enough - no less than two biodomes, not far from the TP:

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And yes, both domes had an estate terminal next to the entrance:

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These are the details for Biodome #1:

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...and here are the details for Biodome #2:

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Wolverine Hope Biodomes (continued)

Wouldn't it be cool to have your own biodome? :D I decided to have a look inside.

What struck me as a bit unnecessary was this door right next to the big entrance - why? I examined the entrance closely, but I saw nothing that would imply the possibility to seal off the entrance. Odd...

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Inside, I saw another door - and as usual, I couldn't resist fiddling with the buttons on the panel next to it. And as usual, nothing happened - I never seem to be able to guess the right combination!

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I decided to have a look inside the dome itself, and starting running around a corner when BANG - I hit my nose on something! Stumbling back, carefully checking if I had broken it, I squinted at the wall. See how there is a difference in the shade on the wall? Reinforced glass, that's what it was!

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Duh - when checking the estate terminals I had failed to notice that the domes were not public. This struck me as odd, as most estates that are for sale by Marcus are public, so that you can have a thorough look before you decide to buy. But both of the biodomes at Wolverine Hope are closed to the public. I wonder why?

Oh, and my nose is fine, just slightly sore...
Miscellaneous pics

Scanners' Mafia

Scanners' Mafia at Cape Corinth - I thought they looked amusing, standing there side by side! :D

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Power failure

This was in one of the service centres on Amethera - either the one at Omegaton or Treasure Island City. I had just entered when I noticed the lamps flickering on and off - only to go completely dark.

The only thing glowing in the darkness were the terminals, storages and the ad screen - I have made this pic a lot brighter than what it actually was, otherwise you wouldn't be abe to see anything:

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Has anyone else experienced it? Was it a 'genuine' incident - or graphic bug? :confused:
Busy times

I've been rather busy ingame lately - the Irken Invaders recently bought a shop, and I've been appointed the main shop keeper! :D

I didn't realize that the shop walls are just as unsticky as the walls of an apartment - all this fiddling around with a display panel drives me nuts!

Tips on which model of display panel is the easiest one to work with would be muchly appreciated - I'm using a round red panel.

But you've got to admit it looks neat!

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In the Irken shop this week

  • Pixie Harness F (7 pieces)
  • Pixie Harness M (10)
  • Component Blueprints Level II-IV (9)
  • Medium Nerve Blast Chips
  • Omegaton 102 (2)
  • Omegaton 103 (4)
  • L/Murdand Groover (6)
  • A&P Series Brave Mentor Edition (1)
  • A-3 Punisker Mk.II (1)
  • Mann MPH DLx (1)
  • Sollomate Crusho (3)

Where to find us

Go to Omegaton West Habitat on Amethera.

From the TP, run down the hill to the southwest. Follow the alley between the two buildings. The one to your right is the Delta building.

When you reach the end of the Delta building, turn right to enter it, right again, then left into Block C.

The Irken shop is #2.
Miscellaneous pics

Hair cut

Tired of having my hair bundled up in a bun, I took advantage of the very generous opening offer of Pinky's Parlour and got myself a hair cut.

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Poo smiley

While out mining, I came across this - it made me smile too! :D

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Curiousity killed the cat or - in this case - me. See, whenever I come across a mob that's new to me, I try to kill it - I won't know how much damage it'll do until I've tried, right?

Guess I'll have to skill some more before attacking an Itumatrox again - or get myself a bazooka:

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Discovered: Robot Factory!

When peacefully mining my own business (peacefully? yeah, if it hadn't been for all of those über Corns bothering me!) I came across a building new to me.

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There were a lot of robots guarding it, and I wondered if this might be where robots are constructed?

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Carefully maintaining my distance, I circled the building, taking shot after shot (must have used up a whole roll of film):

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Hey! Look! Is that what I think it is? Is that the entrance? :eek:

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Discovered: Robot Factory! (continued)

I waited for a while until most robots had moved away some, and then I made a dash for the entrance. Oh-oh - I've been discovered! :eek:

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I made it to the doors, but before I could try them, the drone managed to finish me off (you might notice some scrap metal in the lower left corner - that's me).

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View from the doors towards the outside:

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I noticed that my body had practically fallen into the doors so, in ghost form, I tried to peek inside. Alas, there was nothing to see...

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See my radar? This place is absolutely swarming with drones generation 03-05, second entities level 3 and possibly other levels as well. I didn't really look that closely, since I was focused on the building itself.
Miscellaneous pics

Let's get these out of the way first, before I zoom in on a specific topic...


A couple of days ago, while out mining, I experienced a bug quite new to me - all of a sudden, instead of just 2 bombs left, I had 192! :eek:

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Beeing the greedy little moneygrabber that I am, I mined my way back to the closest tp, with the intention of selling the bombs to get PED. In retrospect, I don't know why, since I would probably have used the PED to buy more bombs and probes anyway...


A mob new to me - and too tough for me, unfortunately:

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I used to enjoy going mining around Ithaca - but since the steep increase in Atrox spawn, I can't do that any more.

I've tried, believe me - only last week, I managed to find an Atrox-free stretch east of Ithaca but the other day, it was crammed full with über Atroxes.

Heartless, cruel Atroxes - after gangbanging me, they gathered in a ring around my corpse, roaring with laughter... *sniff*

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I ran into Aviril at Cape Corinth today, and just had to stop to have a closer look at her beautiful dress and drool a little - I don't know if I'll ever be able to afford one of these, but I'd sure like to have one!

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Umbranoid village

Vortexy told me about a new umbranoid village (thanks Vortexy!) knowing that I'm always on the look out for new areas to explore and take pics of.

My first attempt at getting there (on my own) didn't succeed - big crowds always cause me bad lag, whether it's mobs or avatars... so, of course, I got killed before I could reach the village:

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But today, while out team hunting with two soc mates, we decided to try the umbranoid village.

Here's a tip to anyone going there - only a few umbranoids spawn inside the village fence, so if you're inside, you have a pretty good change of getting to kill umbranoids one by one rather than a whole heard of them.

The village is situated east of East Scylla tp, exact position shown in this pic:

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In the centre of the village, there's a well:

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Around it are some buildings that most of all look like garden sheds - very simple in design and standard:

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Something that looks like guard towers - but they're not manned:

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Umbranoid village (continued)

Someone in this village obviously likes to sleep outdoors, gazing up at the starry sky:

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Another shed but - hang on - what's that in the middle? Could it be.. no... surely not?

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A grave yard! Amazing! This made me feel a bit guilty about killing umbranoids - maybe they're more closely related to us than we think?

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On the stone to the right, that's an umbranoid face, but on the stone to the left? What is it? A cat? They have pets? This made me feel even more like a PKer... a feeling that I got over quite quickly when some umbranoids managed to squeeze through the village fence and attack me.

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Turning around, I tried to see if there was any detail I had missed - and indeed, there was something that caught my eye. A building quite different from the others - in fact, doesn't this look like a piece of a plane wreck? Do you see the wing? Possibly from the tail, since it's so short:

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If you go here, make sure to have a good look around - it's the coolest umbranoid village in Entropia so far! :cool:

You won't be hearing from me for about a week - to keep myself from spending all my vacation on playing PE, I've decided to take a trip to the Austrian Alps - to Badgastein.

It's a small village 1000 metres up on a mountain side, with no Internet cafés, so I won't even be able to check postings on EF.

But I think I'll have a lovely time nevertheless - the scenery is breathtakingly beautiful!

Here are some pics I took when I went there last year:

Alp meadow:

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View from mountain top Stubnerkogel - in the middle of summer:

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