Flame Dancer's Diary

Oh my, where to begin, where to begin - so much have been happening lately...

OK, let's begin here: my first few days back ingame:

Globals and a HoF

And then, the new VU of course! :D

Not sure where to begin with that one either - new TPs, new mobs, new plants...

OK, let's calm down and take it section by section then...
New plants

Exactly what it says - new plants I saw when doing my Amethera new TPs run - oh, and by the way, you'll find exact positions of the new TPs on this Entropia Diirectory page....

A plant..

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A tree - or two kind of trees?

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A third kind of tree:

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A tree trunk covered with snow:

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And a beautiful sky that I just had to admire...

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New TPs

As mentioned, and linked to, in my previous post, there are no less than three new TPs on Amethera, and here are three pics from one of them - it looked as if it was cold outside as well as inside.. *brrr*


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A bit closer:

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And inside:
New Mobs: The Chomper

Scanning it was about all I had time to do before this mob finished me off - and the scan pic wasn't big enough to fit in the whole mob, so I tried different angles:

Hmm.... six legs...

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...fury tail...

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...and head? No, darn...

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OK, stats then...

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New Mobs: Chasm

My first encounter with this new mob was rather unlucky:

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I returned to try to scan it - whereupon it attacked me and then quickly changed target... and I felt obliged to help said target against the nasty chasm by fapping her... she managed to finish it in the end, but it took quite some effort from both of us...

Scan pic:

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New Mob: Nexnecis

A bit bigger than the Phasm, but slightly less nasty - at least I could take on the young and mature ones on my own...

Down boy, down!

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Killed it...

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But ended up getting killed by the old one...

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"...makes it worth avoiding..." yeah, no kidding! Not if you're wearing ghost, that is!

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Apologies to those in my team trying to get out of 'Bery Hell' - first I CTD, and now I'm told my avatar is already online no matter how long I wait.. sorry...
Taking a break - maybe for good

A pity, really - I had some pics that I wanted to share with you, but then something happened that made me feel really fed up with this buggy game...

It wasn't the 'lost connection' bug that I encountered time and time again, making it impossible for me to log back on after I had logged off due to a red text server message, once again forcing me to abandon team mates:

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And it wasn't the buggy reviving - I was transferred to the nearest revival terminal, but more dead than alive:

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And it wasn't the radar bug that made the centre of my radar (and the radar of my team mates, I checked with them) look empty - as if there had been no mobs near us, as if I hadn't any team mates right beside me:

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And it wasn't the old 'unable to post in soc chat because I'm not a member' bug, or any of the other familiar bugs.

No, what really broke this camel's back was that my FAP-50 went missing - poof! Just like that.

And guess what reply I got from MA's support - come on, guess!

Yup - they say I sold it to the trade terminal.

The trouble is that I'm 100% sure I didn't.

Now, I had made yet another deposit just the day before, and had repaired my fap in full on that day.

I had not looted any faps recently.

It was the only fap I had in my inventory, so I couldn't have mistaken it for another fap.

So I had simply no reason to left-click the fap and pull it into any kind of terminal window, be it trade or repair.

You know, I've read about similar cases here on the forum, but I just never imagined that it'd happen to me.

I have replied to the message from MA's support - now it all depends on what they reply.

If they don't give the fap back to me, then I'm out of here (Entropia Universe) - this time a fap went missing, next time what? Estate deeds? Armour parts? Clothes?

And don't believe you'll be protected by a gold card - it didn't work for me...
19 July 2006

Still no reply from MA support - I wonder if the guy who has the right to approve company expenses amounting to 50 ped or higher is on vacation?

Because it seems obvious to me that the support people are not authorized to handle 'reimbursements' - right?

For the time being, I am refusing to log in, so I am now spending my spare time as Flame on server Earthen Ring for those who know what I'm talking about - and for those who don't, sorry, but I'm not allowed to name the game...

The update is that there is no update :dunce:

*twiddles thumbs*

*twiddles toes*

*gets bored*

*starts weaving a basket instead*


MA did give me back my fap-50, with zero tt value - and a warning to be more careful when selling stuff to the trade terminal to avoid a thing like this happening again.

Bah - so they still don't believe the players that say the didn't sell a certain item to the trade terminal, because their logs don't show it?

From now on, every time I use the trade terminal, I'll take a pic screen - in case it happens again, I need to have proof.
Still here

Dear Diary,

I just wanted to let you know that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth (or Calypso rather) but that I'm still alive and kicking.

My absence has several reasons - one of them is that my broadband connection broke, and then didn't work quite as it should.

Another reason is that this forum has been loading dreadfully s-l-o-w-l-y for me for several weeks now - I've tried every now and then to catch up with new postings, but I usually end up losing my patience and shutting down the browser.

I've also cut down some on the number of hours I spend playing (yes, playing, I don't care what MA says!) Entropia - their unwillingness to trust their customers rather than their (faulty) logs sort of took the wind out of my sails.

I've also been playing another online game - one which doesn't bring back old bugs (as far as I've been able to tell) when they update (which they do once a week).

Yesterday, I spent 40 minutes of my Entropia ingame time setting the prices on all the items in the Irken shop - again! For some reason, the pricing disappeared in some VU or one of the undocumented mini-updates. This didn't of course make me any happier with MA! :mad:

Good thing I'm a very organized person and had all the prices noted down and available in PEass, or I'd quit playing all together... *grinds teeth*

Speaking of the Irken shop - I'm trying out a new signature (see previous diary posting). Sales have been kind of slow, so some advertising is obviously needed. Please pay us a visit if you happen to be passing by. Thank you.
Nice sunday afternoon

Today things finally started brightning up a bit - it feels as if I haven't had a global for ages (well, except for the spaceship I found yesterday - all PED and no beacon).

Now, I'm going to be lazy and - instead of posting the pics twice - I'll just give you the link to my hof thread ;)

However, when I tried some more mining and hunting later in the afternoon, it was back to the usual crappy result... oh well, let's hope it was just temporary.

My mining skills must have improved, because I keep getting ample (IX) or even Sizeable (XI) at least once and sometimes twice during a 120 ped mining run - and this is with no amp, and down on Calypso.
New haircut

Pinky announced that she had unlocked a new hairstyle in the Achievements' section of the HoF thread here on EF - and, being a :girl: I of course had to have it! :D

I'm pleased with it, brings out my eyes nicely, doesn't it?

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But boy did I have to bother some guys in my soc before they noticed and gave me compliments - guys, guys, guys *shakes head* - this is just the sort of thing you have to pay attention to! ;)

There is one thing about Entropia that makes it different from all other games I've ever played, except one - the sceneries. I often stop to just look, to enjoy the view.

I know it's always in the middle of the day in Entropia, but don't these slanting rays in this picture make it look as if the sun is about to set?

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Found: a new species of plant!

Look, look - a Flameflower! :tongue2:

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Just me fooling around trying to hide from some Ambus while waiting for team mates who went to get more ammmo...

I got another little mining global yesterday - but those pesky mosquitoes are really annoying, getting in your way while your trying to locate the mining rod:

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Latest update

Well, since "discovering" this other online RPG while I was waiting for MA to return my missing FAP-50, I've decided to just deposit once a month in Entropia - but boy, is it tough to make a living when you just don't have the patience to stand in a street corner at Port Atlantis shouting all day...

Good thing that my mining has improved - that is what has kept me afloat recently. I tend to get a small global every other day or so in mining, and here are the latest ones:

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And today, this:

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Now, while I was struggling to get to the nearest tp in slow motion, due to the weight of the growth molecules, I dropped a bomb here and a probe there.

I had noticed a green spot not far from me on the radar but, since I wasn't in a PvP area, I didn't bother much. Then I got a hit on my finder, turned around 180 degrees and tried locating the rod.

Next thing I know, this green spot has moved up next to me and starts firing at me, most probably counting on me being more eager to locate my mining rod than firing back.

But - as I've already mentioned - this wasn't a PvP area.

But this guy just kept on shooting - and shooting - and shooting.

Now, those of you who have been following my postings on EF will know that I definitely don't enjoy being PKed unless it's in a ring or agreed upon in advance, sort of like a challenge - in fact, I hate random PKing so much that I've flipped my lid more than once on this forum.

Once I can afford it, I'll custom my EF title to 'flammable material' - so there! :tongue2:

Anyway, in the end I got so bored with him shooting at me, and this is what we said (got a print screen to prove it if necessary):

Me: "get lost moron"

Illusor: "blah, blah"
Illusor: "it's a game"
Illusor: "piss off"

Well, excuse me - you want me to piss of when you attacked me, and not the other way around?

He then ran off, but returned, continued shooting at me as I was struggling to get to the service centre, then swapped to trying to whip me instead (and all the while, I was biting my tongue trying to ignore him) and in the end, he called me "lame" and finally left. Idiot!

Now, if any knight in shining armour should happen to come across this individual in a PvP area, feel free to PK him with my blessing :D :

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Society: Blood of Kings
Support case

Edit 3: OK, no panic - as someone wisely pointed out to me, I obviously spent 101 ped purchasing my mining stuff - so I must have clicked on the wrong amount when making the purchase :dunce: so consider all of this posting to be just rubbish! :rolleyes:

I'll post some pictures here for a support case.

Here's what happened:

I bought 80 bombs and 80 probes at the trade terminal at Nea's place for a total cost of 120 ped.

Exhibit 1:

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Before the purchase, I have 340.75 ped, after the purchase I'll have 239.75 ped according to the picture above.

When I started mining, I noticed that my matterfinder only showed 40 probes, while my orefinder showed all 80 bombs. I had read on this forum about items not auto-stacking properly any more after VU 8.6, so I thought no more about it.

To be more precise, I thought there'd be another pile of 40 probes in my inventory once I had finished the first 40 ones.

My usual method of mining is dropping a probe, running 50 metres, dropping a bomb, running 50 metres, repeat.

But once I had ran out of the first 40 batch of probes, I checked my inventory - but there were no remaining probes to be found! :eek:

Exhibit 2:

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As you can see, I have my matterfinder equipped, but it shows no probes.

Note the credits in the lower right corner - they're exactly the sum shown in exhibit 1 that I'd have left after the purchase.

Also note that I have roughly half of my bombs left, so I should also have roughly half of my probes left by this time, considering my mining method.

Good thing I've been taking pics of *all* my purchases (and repairs) after MA support claimed that their logs showed I had sold my missing FAP-50 to a trade terminal - which I'm still today am convinced I never did.

Edit 1: Before submitting this support case I'll try logging in again, just in case that might solve the problem.

Edit 2: Nope, relogging didn't help, so I've now submitted a support case.
Last edited:
OK, so why did I I leave the previous posting up?

Because, my friend, once you start looking for mistakes, you'll jump at any possible opportunity and forget to

1. Check your evidence
2. Double check your evidence
3. Triple check your evidence

I guess I still bear a grudge towards MA's support for that fap incident - so my attitude has had a slightly negative tinge ever since.

Which, in short, means that I'm looking for faults even where there are none.

If an MA support person should happen to read this, let this be an example on how easy it is to cause mistrust among your clients...
I'm sure I had some nice globals recently, but I seem to have forgotten to clear old images from my PE Ass file, leaving no room for new ones... :(

Oh well, at least I found this one - while checking out auctions (what happenend to the auctioneers, btw?) Nakia decided to try her hand at some interior decorating. :D Too bad I didn't take another pic later on, because she kept on going after I had taken this one:

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A bit of this, a bit of that

First the good news...

A wee global - but, as usual, I wasn't really out hunting, I was trying to do some mining, but these bulllies kept interfering:

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Wohoo! I even gained a new mining rank! *sings* I'm a mining girl and I'm okay, I mine all night and mine all day....


Ewww - I came across this plant and found it a bit creepy - looks like it's more meat than plant...

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This is the reason why I always drop another probe or bomb next to a find - and you know what? These were all crude oils! Odd, eh?

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Then the bad news - while no longer being jerked around all the time, I now find myself to be underwater ever so often - on dry land! How come a bug fix creates a brand new bug? I complained to one of my friends, and you know what? I'm not the only one to be grumpy:


Yes, I'm a winer - I deposit every month, and what do I get? New bugs with every new VU, old bugs remaining, never to be fixed, obviously...

Finally, from this 'other game' I'm playing: in the equivalent of the client loader window, there was a scamming warning. Not only did it describe the scamming method in detail, it also gave a link to a forum thread with more info.

Will we ever see MA do the same thing? Nah, don't bet on it...
Ouch, ouch, ouch

When I logged on yesterday (Sunday) I remembered I had logged off at a remote Eudoria outpost, still carrying my mining finds from my previous session.

I had quite a long run ahead of me to the nearest TP (and no, I don't use my tp chip unless I absolutely need to) so I got myself 60 probes and 60 bombs to have something to do along the way (taking care to avoid the big Atrox bullies).

Mining was absolutely dreadful! I dropped half of the bombs and probes before getting my first find - and it was just a small one. The rest of the mining run was much in the same style - disastrous, in short.

In the middle of the run, I got a red text message saying the server was going down - as I had just found two enmatter rods, I dearly hoped they'd still be there, tiny as the finds were.

And yes, they were there - and a third find had respawned right between them while I was logged off. That was about the only nice thing that happened yesterday. Mining continued to be bad, and two of my soc mates agreed - and a third soc mate told us that hunting was bad too.

By the time I had finished my mining ammo, I was within reach of a TP, so I pressed 'T' and ended up at PA. Now, this place normally lags like <bleep> to me, so I usually get out of there as fast as possible. But yesterday, nothing at PA would load, so I kept running into things I couldn't see - service centres, walls, you name it...

When I finally made it to the TP and arrived at Cape Corinth, I found that the ground was heaving beneath my feet - as if I was standing on some not-too-firm grass turfs in the middle of a swamp.

Some avatars had actually sunk down into the ground, almost to their knees. I'll post some pics of that later. When I tried to walk up the ramp to the service centre I kept sliding back down - I had to *run* to get up. Once inside, I kept sliding back and forth, but finally made it to the storage.

Now, this swampy ground and sliding back and forth was *after* a relog - I had been online less than 20 minutes! That, combined with the bad mining, made me give up trying to play Entropia, and instead I spent the rest of the evening playing 'the other game' - I'm currently exploring the concept of battlegrounds, which I enjoy very much!

The advantage with these battlegrounds is that you're usually up against players with avatars much at the same level as yourself. Quite different from Entropia, where playing 'King of the Hill' is only for ubers...
Swamp at Cape Corinth

I promised I'd add some pics, and here they are:

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You know, just for once, I'd like to have something nice to share with you, but nope...

So... Rant warning!

Tuesday night: I had a meeting with some of my soc mates and, since they were waiting for me, I tried to hurry to get there - but I was unable to run, I could only slide.

As if that wasn't bad enough, once I had arrived to our soc leader's apartment, I found myself completely unable to sit down in an armchair. I tried sitting down on the floor, but they couldn't see me there.

So in the end, I jumped up on the sofa table and sat down there instead - good thing I wasn't wearing a skirt, or we might not have had much of a constructive discussion... :tongue2:

Yesterday: My hopes went up a little as I noticed a patch downloading - but when I logged on, I found that things hadn't improved much.

I went on a 120 ped mining run, if you can call it 'run'. I'd run a few steps, then slide some, then a few steps, then one step back. And of course, I still find myself unable to run up even the smallest of hills or bumps - I have to walk.

You know, if running had been this buggy and laggy when I was a noob trying to collect TPs, I think I'd given up playing long before really gettting the hang of it all...

In my opinion, MA should just go back to the back-up version that they hopefully saved before implementing VU 8.6 - all these minipatches seem to have little if any effect...

OK, rant over - for this time...
Getting my hopes up

Last night when I tried opening the client loader, a mini patch started downloading itself.

'Wow' I thought, 'could this mean the game will finally start running with normal smoothness again?'.

Well, I never found out - once the client loader window opened, it said server status 85%.

I closed it, and tried again, later. Still at 85%.

And yet later: 85%.

Bah - in the end I gave up and played 'the other game' instead. I was lucky enough to actually have the cash needed to buy a mount once I reached the level that would allow me to buy - and ride - one.

I was getting fed up with all the running around, and it makes such a difference riding a nightsaber.

This is something I'd REALLY like to see in Entropia - the possibility to ride a pet...
Whoppeee - finally a bit of fun!

I'm still having trouble slipping and sliding inside and near buildings - and I still can't run but only walk uphill - but this Saturday I at least got to have some fun! :D

One of my soc mates (thanks Josh!) wanted to set up an amped Opalo team. After some discussions, we decided to go hunting Formicacidas.

Now, these big ants make some nasty damage, sometimes wiping you out with just a single hit - but we had fun none the less. We tried fapping each other but, since it was in a PvP area, it was a bit tricky not to get into the line of fire when moving up to someone to fap.

No less than 3 globals - mostly PED, but still a nice change lootwise to what I've experienced lately. You can read about the globals here

Bah! Yes, that describes my reaction to the new VU rather accurately.

Do I like it? No.

Why not?

Because the radar has turned into a pretty useless tool now, and because MA still haven't fixed all the sliding/gliding/lagging issues caused by the previous VU.

Amps? Don't care much about them, since my main profession is mining - when I kill, it's usually in self defence. I use my EP 38 for that and, even after the VU, it still does some nice damage.

Globals? Yes, I had a few, but MA has put me off - I'll only share those with my soc mates now...
'MA has put me off' indeed :laugh: Well, that was until I got a HoF...;)

Anyway, first things first - on my way to the Irken Shop I spotted a new wall decoration that I had never seen before - the head of an Equus!

Not just the head, it turned out - as I approached it, it bit me on my bum! And, as usual in situations like this, the Equus could harm me, but I couldn't harm it...:(

Anyway, did I mention I got a HoF?:D

After one of my soc mates had mentioned that there was less lag on CND, I decided to try my luck there.

The last run I made turned out to make the whole trip profitable! I got a Ganganite HoF!
The Return to CND; Day 1

Hey ho - when it comes to how I feel about this latest VU, I seem to have mood swings...:rolleyes:

Returning to Calypso, I bought myself 60 bombs and 60 probes and went for a mining run.

It took me two (2!) hours because of the damn lag - and yet, I didn't even get to finish them all before I got a CTD - and the finds were rubbish, on top of that.

This was Sunday, and I didn't bother to log on again until yesterday, I was so pissed off.

Guess what MA? I'm not going to buy myself a new computer just to be able to play EU, and that's that!

I decided to go back up to CND, as there definitely seems to be less lag up there, at least on my laptop.

While waiting for the pilot, I discovered I've completely missed the introduction of some new items - what caught my eye was this skirt and helmet:

This morning, I decided to do a quick mining run before leaving for work. I spent 60 PED on bombs and probes, and all I found was 9.75 tt value of magerian mist.

Persistence is the key word though, so once I got home tonight, I spent another 120 PED on bombs and probes - good thing I did.

First, there was this Atrox bothering me while I tried to mine:

And, among other finds, I got this:


I had to take a break and just enjoy the view - this is what thrilled me the first time I visited CND, and it still draws my eye:

The loots were very nice, all in all:

I'll try to stay up here a little bit longer this time - the pilot gave me a ticket for this event, so I registered. I thought I'd have a go at it, since I'm up here anyway...
The Return to CND; The Weekend

Since I was up there anyway, I thought I might as well partake in the first levels of the MMOWC.

Gahhh - Lootius, why hath thou deserted me? I must have killed what felt like hundreds of mobs - a lot were non-looters, and not one gave me a global!:eek:

Which, I guess, means I should feel pretty OK with ending up on 8th place...

Despite not globaling, the loots were pretty OK - my problem is that if I have PED burning in my pocket, I'll spend it. I paid a little bit more than I had intended to, but...

And then I had my first 'Flame in space' experience. I somehow ended up on top of a docking level...

...and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get to the TP below me. I started running around randomly and, before I knew it, I was suddenly outside the space station. The oxygen in my lungs was enough to enable me to run around for a little while, but after that... poof....

While mining in one of the domes, I spotted something in the corner of my eye. Walking backwards, I found a pile of fruit - surrounded by fluttering butterflies! They were beautiful, but moving way to fast for me to get a good pic of them...

Butterflies? I can't remember ever seeing butterflies before - is that another new thing I've missed about the latest VU?

Latest VU... *sighs* ...I'm still not very happy about it. Looks as if I might have to limit myself to activities on CND unless something changes. Lag is definitely much worse on Calypso, as I was once more able to confirm when coming down to take care of some soc shop issues.

So there was a CND event, and I missed it because MA forgot to announce it in time? Announcement

Forgot? In time? Yes, I simply don't believe that they didn't know this was coming!

Oh well, who cares, I'll be going up to CND again anyway, got some stuff in my apartment that I need to pick up.

Ooopsie, I guess I won't - seems the party broke the servers:




So MA can fix a fancy event, but not keep their servers up and working?

This is just another nail in the coffin, I'm afraid...