News: Introducing Entropia Unreal Tokens

Care to put out the algorithm to explain how this functions in coordination with CLD, AIUD, etc. Also, which functions feed in to this. Do auction fees pay in to it, and if so, exactly how? Previous documentation on the affiliate program that is now in internet archive indicated that there was a 50/50 split between Planet Partner and Mindark, but with this and new splits, it seems new clarification may be needed that explains exactly what portion of what goes to who and how and maybe why.

So much of what you list is already excluded from MindArk Revenue. Unless they're suddenly going to redact a bunch of old statements that have stood for years?

The money has already been through all of this wringer, first.

Also I'm pretty sure you just answered your own question regarding the affiliate part. Actually I'm not sure what the question is there.

I doubt deciding to share a piece of MindArk's piece of the pie for the first time is suddenly going to encourage them to reveal the entire cashflow through the game.
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As usual the hunters would seem to be the only ones MA think of as contributing to the economy and therefore worthy of any reward.
Miners and crafters have no equivalent of codex to help their skills, no mention of these tokens for them either
Mining at least has Sotos but for crafting..nope

Why cant these tokens drop as sotos in both those professions ?
So anyone able to gauge how rare these things will or are to loot?

Has anyone gotten multiple drops?
So anyone able to gauge how rare these things will or are to loot?

Has anyone gotten multiple drops?
So far one in 18k turnover
We are changing name to Entropia Unreal Universe?

Did anyone actually check to see if EU was able to use the Unreal name within the game, surely it's a protected trademark owned by Epic? :D
Did anyone actually check to see if EU was able to use the Unreal name within the game, surely it's a protected trademark owned by Epic? :D
You are unreal :p
So anyone able to gauge how rare these things will or are to loot?

Has anyone gotten multiple drops?
Yes, multiple people including myself. But on average i wouldnt expect more then 1 token per active hunter per day. Topend will have more others will have less.
11k ped cycle and I just looted one. I wouldn't say I'm happy, but I'm not furious.

I'm likely to cycle 3k - 5k PED through the duration of Mayhem.

So TBF I'm pretty ambivalent right now.

Gratz on the first drop though, sounds like earlier than some.
Yes, multiple people including myself. But on average i wouldnt expect more then 1 token per active hunter per day. Topend will have more others will have less.

Makes sense tbh

Got one at some point in the last 10 minutes working on they side so just noticed it was there :p At least if anything Personal verification that they exist lol
Must admit one of the reasons I keep tabs on this game, is MA ability to make me smile and laugh at times (positive smiles). Just not enough time to play these days.

That was quite smart as it goes selling them on the exchange. I assume the exchange fees will cover their 1% easy.

Everything is pretty clear apart from it appears tokens are not tradable until 2023. So tokens can't be added to in game action 'now'.

I like the universe wide revenue stream. So 1% of mindarks total revenue income (obviously paid after PP income). But not caly PP income... that was another clever move.

At the end of the day what matters is potential income.

Roughly 0.0425 ped x 12 = 0.51 ped a "YEAR" per deed. I can't see them selling for more than 2 ped each. Maybe 4 ped max when first tradable.

It's all fun though. Haha.

Must admit one of the reasons I keep tabs on this game, is MA ability to make me smile and laugh at times (positive smiles). Just not enough time to play these days.

That was quite smart as it goes selling them on the exchange. I assume the exchange fees will cover their 1% easy.

Everything is pretty clear apart from it appears tokens are not tradable until 2023. So tokens can't be added to in game action 'now'.

I like the universe wide revenue stream. So 1% of mindarks total revenue income (obviously paid after PP income). But not caly PP income... that was another clever move.

At the end of the day what matters is potential income.

Roughly 0.0425 ped x 12 = 0.51 ped a "YEAR" per deed. I can't see them selling for more than 2 ped each. Maybe 4 ped max when first tradable.

It's all fun though. Haha.

At 10 peds ea that 5.1% annual ROI, what are you on about? :D
I am glad to see this, congrats to MA.
I can only assume there are some major deals in the background for unreal coming that MA has more interest in managing.
Like I have said before, people do not realize players make far more in revenues than MA does.
Its our economy.
Any and all tax in the game is going to players and planet partners far more than MA.
They are the management company who really just wants to manage things and make content as a service, not collect rent.

I hear ya. In game revenue doesn't really matter though. It's simply churning their internal economy. What does it really mean when MA say they earned 51m USD, it's monopoly money.

The only thing that matters to MA is real world cash deposits, less withdrawals. They could sell 100% of their monoply money revenue stream, it's meaningless.

At 10 peds ea that 5.1% annual ROI, what are you on about? :D

I make that a 19.6 year pay back at 10 ped each, if each deed pays 0.51 ped a year. I can buy real world shares at 7 p/e ratio or less (rather than 19).

Happy to be corrected if my maths are off.

This generosity for this playerbase does not compute.

Sure it does. Ma do very well with their internal investment bank. Constant fees on the deed exchange. Huge real money deposits buying resold deeds, that are often not withdrawn when a player sells the deeds.

It's like a crypto exchanges own tokenomics. They printed it for free. What a business I love it haha.
I make that a 19.6 year pay back at 10 ped each, if each deed pays 0.51 ped a year. I can buy real world shares at 7 p/e ratio or less (rather than 19).

Happy to be corrected if my maths are off.

Rick. any investment you never get anything back for the initial instrument you purchase when you sell it right? Because that's how it seems you are calculating it....

Just as a point of reference, most value stocks have a dividend rate of 2%
Prompt reply with clear and helpful answers. Thank you, Ludvig!

I'm curious if there will be new equipment/gear in the TWEN event like there was during FEN. It would be awesome to see new weapons, armors, vehicles, clothing, etc. to celebrate the 20th! 😊
Oh that's good tokens are tradable. Buying unreal tokens 2 ped each. any investment you never get anything back for the initial instrument you purchase when you sell it right? Because that's how it seems you are calculating it....

Just as a point of reference, most value stocks have a dividend rate of 2%

I don't know where ypu live fella, but uk market has quite a few decent shares with at least 12% div yield. 25%+ if bought during covid prices.

Maybe a little unfair comparing with p/e ratio rather than a dividend yield. But just under 20 year full pay back, doesn't tick my boxes compared with other in game deed options. Or real life shares for that matter.

But if you can sell them or want to buy them for 10 ped good luck to you.

I value them at 2 ped, you value them at 10 ped, that's cool we agree to disagree... smiles.

We are changing name to Entropia Unreal Universe?
Did they name it to project gamebreo entropia?

Or to entropia cryengine universe?

It’s like everyone forgets this is the 3rd graphic engine swap…
Did they name it to project gamebreo entropia?

Or to entropia cryengine universe?

It’s like everyone forgets this is the 3rd graphic engine swap…
Was there gamebrio token? Or cryengine token?

This was in download folder.
Was there gamebrio token? Or cryengine token?

This was in download folder.
Because of tokens you want to rename the game? That makes no sense I don’t think I understand what your trying to say.
I value them at 50 ped each all to the moon. 🙌💎🙌