It's not a game, it's service

OMG, so much to read! That hurts, people.
(Dont mention it, I'm just joking ;))

Dear MindStar9, thanks for saving us being misunderstood. Having no info or trust people tend to spread various rummors. [hidden comments here]. We should swallow many bitter things if our goal is construction (=attraction wins versus repulsion) but not destruction (repulsion prevails). Over all my life in PE/EU (and my friends know that there were just few week periods when I wasnt in game; almost each day I spend few hours for EU) I've met the only person (the only! :) that's why I like EU community so much :grouphug:) when both we totaly failed to find even little base for construction. Surprisingly to me, I havent got any clarification on "why?" so was able just to come to "no contacts = lesser problems". I know many who dont like me (though it in most is one-way) but that isnt obstacle to have constructive business not touching in areas where we have no common basis.

We are on EntropiaForum, i.e. forum for EU players. Why we post there? We need help, we bring solutions, we present our experience, we share mood. I support just positives.
I’m sorry gonna bring now some somehow off-topic material. And talk will be about posting topics what are about material hardly dependent on players. And due to inability to solve it it brings just pain to us, lowers our mood. Do we think about community when we address our questions to? Do we hear opponents? Why they said what they said?
Lets take very popular example. What positive we could dig on “MA are bad guys” (various colors appear of that). What we, players, could do with that proposal. I’m not MA officer, I’m not shareholder, I even haven’t had any chat or contacts to any of them other than several support cases asking their help. Will that be OK even if I'm able to influence but how I could be sure to what part of community solution is actual? Could that be that helping one group I'll harm another - very common fault when we fail to determine majority. And how we verify if anything is truth or not? Based on rumors? Based on hacked info? Based on very personal information when people are posting their, I say, confidential information they have from EU support. “You are stupid, guys (post on EF about MA), but please help me with my problem (post to support)”. If you search for honor from opponent – be honorable towards them too. Community haven’t all info about why that happened what talk was about. Personal communication is personal.
“Bring us our profits, MA! Bring more customers to us so we could profit more!”. On almost any whining you could easy read that mind behind text. “MA are bad guys”. What info we got to weigh if they are bad or good. Have we any moral to bring it here, where they are just guests? Shouldn’t we talk to them privately instead (say using support). Ain’t we too addicted on our “truth” and lacking to hear, lack for rational analysis of situation. Why they did what they did? What was overall situation? What were alternatives of solving situation? How much time they have had to make decision? Really You scared me so much with your “NotePad”, Frigid, m8. What I could see that we should be very careful on choosing attractants for constructive talks and your “truth” on [“grinds… grinds…, “luck”, sunshine-blowing] isn’t towards that. No doubt MindArk is business company. And for sure they ain’t interested on sharing you much info on how they do that. And for sure if they introduced hammer into game having mind it will be used on building houses but someone seen it could be used for killing people around they gonna stop that. Be that “hammer” – skills, blueprint or some cool gear.
Lets be constructive, don’t bring pain to many on EF…
Said it was off-topic but really for me it isnt. EU is Fun service for me, I bring Fun making above money making for myself.

Back to topic
Why I created this thread? What was my goal? What information I do operate bringing the proposal? Does my info got objective background? What impact I do to community by creating this thread?
The need on creating this thread came from reading e-lite’s post on “Entropia Universe Press” section (“Huge article in the newspaper METRO …”). I was about to join discussion there but seen thread was already closed by admin.
Creating my own thread I’ve extracted just single topic from there which I thought is much significant to solve for us in order we could enjoy our stay in EU. I was gonna attend to things what are dependent on us, EU players, EUnauts :p.
So, who we are, EUnauts? Well, lets take very ultimate (?not sure if I’ve used right term) view and imagine that 100% of us are thinking of their own business and profit making. Does it means “EU is business” for player? I think, it not yet true statement. To have business is just our dream. But what is reality? Lets see what players are at majority? Are true businessmen at majority who already realized their dream and making constant profit? Lets take into account what I’ve stated before that MA is business company and making profit on us, EUnauts. So, one part of our investments goes to MA. Another part – to EUnauts who already grown enough to make profit. I came on my logics that players-businessman should be at minority. And as a result if we state what EU is, we should look from view point of majority players. Majority ain’t businessmen, so am I right stating EU isn’t business (based on majority)? Who are they at the moment while not yet dream realized? No doubt – customers. They need skills (so, Level, they could come to ask for your skill making service), they need efficient gear, so will be looking for trading, crafting service and finally they need FUN not to be killed by BORRING, so they seek for friends, societies, quests, information services… As the result, Customers are taking SERVICE from businessmen. So, for myself I concluded – Entropia Universe is Service. What service it is at final within that VIRTUAL universe. What is provided to customer for his/her money – fun, mood, joy. Pixels, skills are good just to take service more efficient, cheaper, to have more fun for same money …
... until “Gratz joining businessmen club. Be fair fun making service provider!”

If I look to businessmen in EU I could group them into two groups at least:
1) people who make profit and withdrawing main part of it
2) people who make constant profit but investing 100% of it into expanding of their services and fun, mood, joy making (I belong to that group)

group 2 for me seems more service providers ("material" providing service + "non-material" providing service)

I very hope to have more time this weekend to read all your comments and thoughts. Posted just some of my further thoughts. Sorry if it was distant from what you talked about or expected. What is my own fun in EU is on "non-material" part and when/if we defined EU is service it will be huge task to offer FAIR service. We still havent good solution about fairity and that is main reason why life in EU getting more expensive and hurts newcommers in EU. I'm not sure if I'll be much with my thoughts on EU - posted some "test" - it gave hopes to me - and also with that "test" for sure I've got my responsibilities higher. Seen Your "good post", "I agree" ... and as well i've read behind it - "What's next?". Dont hurry people, step by step we will build our life. I'm optimist, and I'm verrry patient. Let's hope some shock wont burn my main chip, hehe

HF+GL, my friends. Laterz
Hi Auk,

Nice read and I agree with what you are saying about the circular nature of entry of service provision in all areas of EU/PE from others and to others, especially within the context of Calypso/CND/CP, current areas of entertainment within Entropia ...

The universe expansion with partners coming online will bring us a whole lot more to the scope of what we are used to and shall open many new and exciting possibilities and avenues into new areas of service provision, using the tools available to use provided by MindArk/Creative Kingdom/China Cyber Research & Development ... or via creating our own avenues as many of us have already done here within EU pointing to JamHot as one prime example as one person whom has already made leaps and bounds toward integrating real world business into the virtual world arena. See more in the news roundup -

Many exciting times do face us in the many years ahead, EU going into the platform concept is something that will outlive many of us, I expect the platform (Having CRD using it as it's main infrastructural basis now) to be around for decades to come.

For those whom have built up expectations and/or have pedestalled MindArk based on past things they have said they will do, please do go back and have a read about the development side of things I wrote about and realise that within this area of virtual life, they really are at the bleeding edge of development. Some of the things they think they can do, they may find out they can not due to whatever limitations they may come up against (Client Engine/Hardware requirements that may be required server or client side/Internal financial constraints/list goes on). But this does not mean that what they have said they would like to implement will not be implemented one day. I am sure they have it as a concept still on the drawing board to be implemented at some point when it is more feasible to do so and when they have the time and resources to do so.

I am finding more and more when I read peoples posts on whining about this or that or disappointment over this or that, that they have built up huge expectations upon which they themselves are at fault for the inability of the need to have such things deflate afterwards.

MA are not the bad guys, they are a very very small team working on a relatively small budget (To give a comparison, WoW's initial development budget *not* including the additional expansions was 80 mil USD, 560 Mil Swedish Króna (SEK) and included a team of over 200 people)

EU is not a game, it is financial platform which includes skill & item based mechanics to give flow to turn of currency within that financial platform. To achieve this, MindArk, the creator of the underlining financial platform also is the creator of entertainment based worlds within this platform (Obviously the best form of testing the platform via a free access service, the skills based mechanics and item based mechanics is to do it via offering an entertaining service of which people, if they so do wish to, call it a game).

Upon the success of this financial platform being refined over time, along with it's security and road-tested/proven capabilities in performing what it was intended to do has attracted many businesses interest, especially those in the e-commerce circles around the world. CRD along with Creative Kingdom will bring the platform (which MA has envisaged for a long time now) into fruition and bring the financial platform to greater and more diversified height's that many here yet are still to conceive. (General due to being too caught up in what they are involved in within the entertainment arena of what Calypso has on offer for them).

Anyhow, the services which Creative Kingdom will bring to the table for the universe will help integrate real world business & activities into the virtual space and promote the flow of commerce here within on many levels.

No we are not talking only in entertainment. You will start to see worlds dedicated to education, other worlds dedicated to real world business, for example, china has aspirations to bring a virtual universe concept of order to door policy in place where by part of this is the ability to create an avatar within Entropia universe, visit the associated Chinese business online and be taken around to look at the product range .... They may also include down the track the ability to virtually walk through various things on offer ... new apartments for sale, vehicles, public works projects ... transportation offerings such as new trains and even ships, the list goes on ... where-ever this all leads is totally up to their 10,000 employee CRD strong development force. yes they are in the process of employing 10,000 workers to fulfil the needs of what they are developing for Entropia (Please refer to DoTMan for future info)

Auktuma has raised some really good points to think about within the scope of what we have on offer today thus far and yes, I would agree, less contact with people equals less problems :D Most of the friends on my own friends list already know this :laugh: Yet this does not mean that people can not interact with others in a productive way to get things done.

Ok EU has it's problems, yet folks, give it time, don't whine about it having being 5yrs yadda, I mean give it time, this is not a 1yr, 3yr, 5yr development process, this development process will be going on for years and years. Much will come into the universe when it is good and well ready to come into place, upon which will be mainly based upon MindArk's priorities (as you can see they are of a much larger scope than most thus far have conceived) along with time, resource and funding capabilities to get the job done.

Complaining about things is extremely counter-productive if done on a regular basis. I can tell you now, having worked with development teams for many years now, the majority of things criticising their work and being wrapped in a complaint wrapper is read and simply put on a pile of things to do and usually forgot about 30 mins later until it comes time to take on a new task;

yet with that being said ... Rather than being part of the problem and complaining about it ... try to become part of the solution, try to work out ways to improve things through suggestions. I have made many such postings if your not sure on how to do such things ...

Examples ...

* People whine about footguards ... whine whine whine !
Anyway who has heard of armor without protective footwear anyway ...
Everyone remembers this thread -
Here is a solution to improve things to lessen people's whining ...

Now I am sure MA officials and devs have seen this and that it may have sparked some interest within the team, something like this is going to stay on their minds and within focus groups for a longer period than people going whaaa I don't wanna pay for footguards.

Another example, this one is not a whine, though it is an attempt of a request that won't get very far without sparking some of the though process that needs to go with it ...

Additional Mindforce chips poll ...
Great a poll of people wanting more MindForce chips, but where is the suggestions to go with the poll ... the ideas, and yes you guessed it, several of the posts again are about whining about MindForce abilities sucking right now. (Something that will be easily cleared up with the comms routines included with cry2 engine)
Anyhow I decided to post and say, well ok, here are some suggestions posted earlier to get things rolling ...

I have posted these to demonstrate that whining about things and/or staying you want this or want that is not going to get things moving along without constructively creating a case example of what you would like to see within EU to get the people at MA inspired and thinking of such things. You need to put things in a wrapper that will stick in their minds ... No Pink elephants with purple pokerdots please :eek: haha :D

Anyhow something that stuck in my mind that Auktuma said and is a great concern to many of the new-comers, including myself having started out in mid-2007 on Calypso .....

We still havent good solution about fairity and that is main reason why life in EU getting more expensive and hurts newcommers in EU. I'm not sure if I'll be much with my thoughts on EU - posted some "test" - it gave hopes to me - and also with that "test" for sure I've got my responsibilities higher. Seen Your "good post", "I agree" ... and as well i've read behind it - "What's next?". Dont hurry people, step by step we will build our life. I'm optimist, and I'm verrry patient. Let's hope some shock wont burn my main chip, hehe

The insight given as a response could have not been termed better by myself.
Patience is the KEY ! And a lot of it. EU will above all else if nothing else, teach you patience. To give you an idea, most combat related skills are geared to be levelled to 10k within at least 12 months if not longer of consistent skilling. Yes that is 12 months of at least 8 hours a day hard core skilling. For the average part time participant, that is roughly 24-months to 36-months.

So as Auktuma has expressed and i will re-enforced, step by step, everything here in EU is done in baby steps. There is no other way to do things without burning yourself out in the process. (Yes Auk, I hope you don't burn out your chip also, I need someone to get my ghoul set off one day ;))

The development process is very much the same, MA side. Things are done step by step, very small steps at that with their rather small team of busy developers amongst other team members. You know they don't sit on their hands all day. There is no way EU would or even could be close to what it is today, with bugs/issues included if they had done that within the 5 - 7 odd years it has been around.

EU is here for the long, long, long ... did I say LONG ... Stay and will not be going anywhere, there is no rush to demand things to be immediately now now now. I am sure they are working on things at the rate they can and will have things brought to the live servers when they are ready to be. Please understand that badgering them will do nothing except wear yourself down and all those around you who have to listen to you until you do eventually fizz out.

Refer here -

Anyway, I hope you all can find a common ground within your own beings to come to a level of appreciation for and of EU, your own involvement within EU and with each other and find a comfortable level of acceptance for what has been achieved thus far with the knowledge that MA is working on milestones for months, years, decades to come.

Take Care and Stay Safe,
Most of all, be kind to yourself and each other,
And stop whining ! Be Productive and become part of an inspiring solution :yay:
Sparkz ;)
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Thanks Lava, for taking the time to give your perspective. You certainly gave us a great deal to think about for sure. I can appreciate (and respect) how long development can take, and that sometimes things don't effectively work out as planned, but I'm a little confused about something now.

That is ... when PE was initially launched, and for a time after, the concept was based on unique storylines that were leading us somewhere. Substance if you will, with exciting game play that we became accustomed to, and looked forward to with anticipation as to where it was going to take us next. These storylines have fallen by the wayside, and it appears that EU is now being taken into a direction of e-commerce where we will have an opportunity to browse shops or other planets that will offer us real world items, and seemingly more business entities pushing their products as they have been doing for quite a while now on our ingame ad screens.

My question is ... will EU ever be that exciting space exploration with storylines again that engage us as a community to protect our planet from invasions, and other such adrenaline-pumping activities, or are we gravitating toward a business-based virtual universe where these types of things become secondary? I'm fully aware of the Space Pirates theme that ND has published, and it all sounds quite interesting, but as it stands right now, we have very little information as to what's on the table with regard to any of this stuff other than what the two gentlemen from Creative Kingdom have shared (total respect and appreciation to them for that), so there's very little for us to wrap our minds around, other than past experience.

I think perhaps, that once we get something more concrete, and after CE2 is implemented with hopefully an array of features that will excite us all, the community might take on a different perspective and understand more the value of just what this development stuff is all about. All we have right now is what has transpired, and while concept and content has been exciting (along with future intentions), people's perspectives are based on experience, and perhaps why they are less forgiving than those who either work in development, or understand it more than most.

Epic, from Delta Forces, has written a tremendously informative, and incredibly interesting historical PE/EU background at the EU Blog site (Entropia Gateway).
I offer the following if anyone is interested:

Entropia Universe Timeline Phase 1

Entropia Universe Timeline Phase 2: Calypso Discovered

Entropia Universe Timeline Phase 3: War Escalates, Battle Over Calypso

Entropia Universe Timeline Phase 4: The Present

Entropia Universe Timeline: Epilogue

For the most part, the community understands advancement, but it seems now that we're headed into big business if you will, rather than on course with our
sci-fi based content that drew many into this universe. Is game play going to become secondary to business now?

Just to make it clear, I'm not knocking anything, or bashing MA, because I can appreciate how difficult it can be with what they have to work with. I'm just asking what I feel are valid questions so that we can at least have a solid understanding with regard to what's happening with our originally-intended sci-fi universe and exciting storylines. We can only formulate our opinions based on what's presented to us, or by what hasn't been happening any more, and for some, it has become rather challenging to be all that excited about the future of EU when we have very little to go on with regards to the game play aspect of what future intentions are.

Also, no disrespect meant to what you have presented, and it's fully understood ... speaking for myself ... I have always loved PE/EU, and the unlimited potential for making it personal with regard to how we engage ourselves in this virtual universe. However, I also appreciated the foundational basis of this endeavor, and the excitement of the storylines, and where we were headed with them. Now, it seems like tomorrow is based on associations with countries and companies with full intent on selling RL products, rather than adventures in space. Sure, we might need to travel in space to get to these other planets, but what will we find, other than the intimated prospect of browsing product lines.

The main question is ... has MA foresaken the "entertainment arena" as you have termed it, for big business?

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Hmm, my post is very brief compared to many here :)

First, Happy Easter Auktuma and all.

Due to language difficulties i found it had to get clarity on what Auktuma was trying to get at, but from reading the posts in the thread i think i agree with Frigids point of view , although Auktumas attitude and outlook are positive and admirable and i have no criticicism of this aspect.

Also after reading this thread it is easy to get the impression many here are mesmerized.
Regardless, this is a game.
It is full of opportunities to provide and utilise services,for some, not all, but it's a game, not a way of life or a spiritual awakening, as some seem to be perceiving it as.
There seemed to be a touch of over-seriousness in some :eek:

I would just like to add that MS9 as usual is very well written and extremely fair to all, and displays an extraordinary level of objectivity, nice to see :)

Lava, i think you are being very biased against Frigid, treat each interaction fresh, i dont know your history but he was very fair and entitled to his opinion without being denigrated.
Having criticisms of things is not whining, without criticism we would still have the wall in Berlin and have segregation in various countries, etc.

Nice post with nice thoughts, all good Auktuma, but i dont know if i agree with it fully.

Merry Easter :)

p.s. and yes, EU is a GAME, it is awkward that some seem to like stating it is not, but MA would have a fair idea and they deem it a GAME :)
The main question is has MA foresaken the "entertainment arena" as you have termed it, for big business?

Not at all, from everything I have read, this is exactly what MindArk intends to stick to. MindArk intend to continue as they have stated .... I believe in the last Dev chat ... They will continue to create worlds for entertainment.

One things to keep in mind at is time is that 90% of the work force currently working upon ... As Marco stated in Twin Peaks not too long ago ... 'Cool Stuff' for us guys in relation to the opening of space.

Though this also includes the massive overhaul of the client engine, reworking all models within EU to adapt them to the new engine, reworking the entire landscape framework and meshing, reworking textures in EU upon calypso amongst other things to make sure they are correct, recoding all the routines that relate to the client/server communication and the way in which data is sent too and from each to make sure we do not have item swap over bugs, MindForce Lag, Loot lag etc ... Recoding all the new Avatar and Mob models with the new requirements to make sure they all move and act as intend ... Wow the mind boggles with the workload :eyecrazy:

To be really honest, I have my doubts, even though they are working to a pretty tough schedule that all this will be ready by fall 2008 as intended. I would not be surprised if you see delays spanning into the first quarter of 2009 upon the completed *initial* overhaul.

Remember once this is done, there is going to be a 3 months period of bugs that will annoy the community whilst the dev team sorts them out. Cry2 is an extremely powerful and development feature rich engine. It is not just a bombastic look good engine and it is still very new to a lot of them.

With MMO's and not going too much detail into this, there are generational cycles of which they are given to represent. For example Ultima Online and Everquest is considered a first generation MMO, EQ2 & WoW a second generation MMO, Vanguard was the first of the third generation MMOs along with Age of Conan fitting into the 3rd generation but also pushing the limits to the 4th as far as realism and detail goes.

I strongly believe that EU in it's initial overhauled state, keeping in mind it will take a good 12 months of updates ranging through 2009 will come out at the 4th generation status and then over time continue it's realism into the future in time to come coming closer and closer to true virtual reality one day ... but that is still a long time away ;)

Needless to say. You will find MA will be able to do far greater things with the cry2 engine, along with technology and graphic adaptors following suite in being much cheaper and s lot more powerful, they will be able to implement as time allows and resource is available a lot of the things they have said in the past they would like to.

I will not call them promises because anyone who knows about MMOs will already know that any idea conceived by development of that product should be kept as that. An idea or concept which will be implemented as per the development teams ability when they are able to.

You can clearly see MindArk, yes is a young company, and yes they have learnt this simple fact of life not to make such promises in recent times as they have in the past ... It just becomes a quick way to hang themselves, and again yes, are partly to blame for helping in the process of their user-base previously upto date pedestalling EU of which they now need to deflate (Really not as easy a process as it sounds, much like letting go, it can be much harder to 'Let Go' of something than it sounds ;)

So to answer your question, no they have not forgotten or forsaken us for big business in the entertainment arena as this will be their core business for future success, of which they intend to add additional worlds ... ** Points to the potential of the bot world in the other system mentioned in the last XFire Dev Chat ** :D

The platform system with other worlds from partners will be very much only a small percentage of their business, most likely commissioned along with licensing involved with using the platform of which MindArk will be in direct competition with these new worlds also for retaining it's current particpant base along with attracting new participants from other regions of the virtual universe. (Even though they may be getting a commission from everyone within the universe, this will be only a tiny percentage)

It is just with a team of 50 odd people, mostly half of them dedicated to the Cry2 implementation amongst other things and 10% of that team, 2 or 3 at max dedicated to the *current day workings* of the platform and any minor tweaking that needs to be done, I can not see a lot being done right now on any major fixes required at this time.

I hope this irons things out just a little. From everything I have read, MindArk has no intention to abandon any of the original storyline as this would be as abandoning Calypso itself ;) Of course we all may get a surprise with additions to the storyline down the track. Only time will tell.

Take Care,
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Real quick post from me...

I have read most but not all of this thread... and I have to agree with 90% of it..

PE CAN be a gr8 place to do business/have fun/ interact etc etc.. but tbh it takes a lot of work from US not just MA.. if we're here just to play a gain... fine, but if 100% of ppl doing this.. PE would be obsolete real fast.

Auktuma has my utmost respect and covers off a lot of opoints in which I have thought PE has lacked... not due to Ma but more the players that occupy the universe! ppl should work together a lot more here... with this.. and a bit of direction (soc leaders/ biz leaders or w/e) then profit can be easily made through non exploitation!

Thank you for the indepth response Lava ... and for being constructive in your intent to further inform us. Again, not being one of those sexy-geek types, I am at a loss (as are others) with regard to understanding the dynamics of such an undertaking. However, I for one believe that communication of intent does absolute wonders to keep the naysayers and speculators, and "whiners" as they're called at bay. Just look at the wonderful feedback that the guys from Creative Kingdom received as a result of approaching us with what they had in the works (as much as they could), and there's no denying that it fed into the community's need to remain connected, instead of often disjointed.

I can certainly appreciate the magnitude of MA's involvement ... and am quite excited about the implementation of CE2 as I actually have the game Crysis and have been exposed to the potential of the engine that delivers possibilities. Perhaps what's key now is to take a wait and see position with regard to what transpires as our universe expands, and have a more clear indication of where this is all leading. While I can understand that there are opinions based on what we've experienced thus far, maybe this might just be that moment when it all explodes in our favor, and we get more than we ever expected. Just maybe the hard work, trial and error, and input from the community will pay off ... we can hope this to be so, and just wait it out to see the results.

With regard to Auk's original message ... I am in full agreement that we as a community do provide a service to each other in one way or another, and that collectively, we create the environment with what we are given to work with. I also agree that we are limited only by our creativity and thinking, so the potential to expand our involvement beyond the basics is there. Some are service-oriented in an honorable way, some are not, but it's how we deal with it as a community that either makes it work, or fail. We provide for each other's needs in a multitude of ways, and while it's easier for some than others due to cost, there are still enough opportunities to provide services that are not so costly, and it keeps the wheel turning, rather than having to reinvent it.

I think all that's left now ... is to have a modicum of patience ... and to continue feeding our ideas, thoughts, and suggestions to MA in hope of providing more food for thought for them in an effort to arrive at some amenable solutions to frustrations that seem to come to light more often than I'm sure they would like.

Viva la SPACE!! ... now where's my personal spaceship, I'm ready to go! :wtg: ... Oh, and it has to be purple in case you forgot! ;)

Just look at the wonderful feedback that the guys from Creative Kingdom received as a result of approaching us with what they had in the works (as much as they could), and there's no denying that it fed into the community's need to remain connected, instead of often disjointed.

This I totally agree with this, MindArk really does need to reconnect with the community ... But where do they start this process right at this point in time. Seriously as of late, upon EF, it would like being placing a young school child in the middle of a war zone with a war raging.

From previous attempts in the last 12-months I often see MindArk getting totally chewed out about small things which are *almost* insignificant in the grander scheme of what is being worked upon right now (In that these small things will iron themselves out with either the cry2 implementation, or in the natural course of other planned overhauls).

With that being said, yes I do agree they have to play a much greater role in keeping us informed. That of course would not be including exactly what is under development, as their are warranted concerns at this stage of competitors in the marketplace keeping a close eye on Entropia. Especially from the 'Afterworld' perspective I would imagine.

I can certainly appreciate the magnitude of MA's involvement and am quite excited about the implementation of CE2 as I actually have the game Crysis and have been exposed to the potential of the engine that delivers possibilities. Perhaps what's key now is to take a wait and see position with regard to what transpires as our universe expands, and have a more clear indication of where this is all leading. While I can understand that there are opinions based on what we've experienced thus far, maybe this might just be that moment when it all explodes in our favor, and we get more than we ever expected. Just maybe the hard work, trial and error, and input from the community will pay off we can hope this to be so, and just wait it out to see the results.

I truely believe this will be the case. There is also a lot of intra-communications to be held with partners too, CRD & Creative Kingdom as to what exactly will be placed in the their worlds before MindArk can give us a real picture of what the final outcome will be. I would say this would be part of the hold up on information flowing to us at this time. Keeping in mind, CRD are to have 9 or more planets to begin with. It is still a little unclear on the Chinese Government DoTman portal all the worlds that will be created. And any temporary ones that may also be showcased ... ie. Olympics etc.

I think all that's left now ... is to have a modicum of patience ... and to continue feeding our ideas, thoughts, and suggestions to MA in hope of providing more food for thought for them in an effort to arrive at some amenable solutions to frustrations that seem to come to light more often than I'm sure they would like.

That's the spirit ! :yay: :wtg:

Viva la SPACE!! ... now where's my personal spaceship, I'm ready to go! :wtg: ... Oh, and it has to be purple in case you forgot! ;)

Aye ! :D
Love the purple text in your replies, sorry for editting it out of my replies, it makes me feel a little like I am on a psychotropic trip sometimes. :eek: :laugh:

~ Sparkz
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Aye :D Love the purple text in your replies, sorry for editting it out of my replies, it just makes me feel a little tripped out sometimes :eek:

~ Sparkz

Hey, not a problem whatsoever ... I'm used to the colored text issue for some, but at least you were sweet about it. It's a good thing you weren't around when I joined this forum in June of 05 (or maybe you were) :laugh: ... my multi-colored text drove quite a few bonkers, and it was only after I stopped and just used purple at the beginning of each paragraph that I realized how bad it was before. My posts are a walk in the park now compared to those who continue to use multi-color, or all one color, as opposed to just black.

Thanks again for your response ... much appreciated ... even the purple thingy! ;)

Hey, not a problem whatsoever ... I'm used to the colored text issue for some, but at least you were sweet about it. It's a good thing you weren't around when I joined this forum in June of 05 (or maybe you were) :laugh: ... my multi-colored text drove quite a few bonkers, and it was only after I stopped and just used purple at the beginning of each paragraph that I realized how bad it was before. My posts are a walk in the park now compared to those who continue to use multi-color, or all one color, as opposed to just black.

Thanks again for your response ... much appreciated ... even the purple thingy! ;)

Hehe no problem, glad I could help out a little in bringing some light to concerns you raised. You have a great attitude towards EU MindStar and are understanding of the workload MA are currently undertaking. :)

No I was not around in 2005. I would have love to have been, though I was entrenched in my full time career at the time. I started research on Entropia Universe in depth back in late 2006 and joined EU mid 2007.

The purple thing, aye, you must have quoted my response will I was changing it :D I was a little worry for a moment, I did not want to offend ;)

Take care,
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I am a new player, I have not fully read every thread in this topic but in essence is what attracts me to playing this game. I have no goals to be rich or famous, I simply want to enjoy a game. I have played almost every MMO to date, and really you do not enjoy something someone else created for free. In some way, form or fashion, you pay to experience something. Thanks for this post Auktuma, reading negative posts from veterans drives away new players but this post, gives players insight which they need to adopt and keep.

Sticky this post mods, please

MA does not owe anyone anything, only that the servers stay up and content to enjoy keeps coming, even if it is alittle slow. :D
I am a new player, I have not fully read every thread in this topic but in essence is what attracts me to playing this game. I have no goals to be rich or famous, I simply want to enjoy a game. I have played almost every MMO to date, and really you do not enjoy something someone else created for free. In some way, form or fashion, you pay to experience something. Thanks for this post Auktuma, reading negative posts from veterans drives away new players but this post, gives players insight which they need to adopt and keep.

Sticky this post mods, please

MA does not owe anyone anything, only that the servers stay up and content to enjoy keeps coming, even if it is alittle slow. :D

Welcxome to game and good luck.

Try to avoid the negativity on the forums at present,
The members of the community are in the midsts of sorting out pressing issues in this substancially financially invested environment where thousands upon thousands of our real life US dollars are involved.

You may not have read all the threads, however the latest resolution to one of these issues has come to light today:

As has several others in the past where unethical changes were made to participants investment involving tens and a few cases assets equating to hundreds of thousands of US dollars which are now in the process of being restored:

You are incorrect however on the part on what MindArk does and does not owe their invested customers for that which they no longer own in virtual assets which they have sold the rights off to yet have a legal responsibility to maintain the back-end systems which support these virtual assets and their ethical upkeep over time.

BTW, Calypso is being transformed into a MMO game by the new CEO.
However we as participants do provide a service to each other in the RCE context ;)

Hopefully in the near future new arrivals such as yourself will not need to go through that we have been putting up with for so long and shall not need to see such negativity.

Progress in achieving this is slow, but we will get there.

Welcome aboard and I wish you luck in your journeys.
May your standard issue new arrival glasses never need to lose their tint :)

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