Jeff Bezos launch into space

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It was a pretty cool flight I am curious if anyone lost their lunch on the way up or during 0 gravity. I am really glad he took Wally Funk along and she did well on the trip. The Virgin Galactic flight was really interesting as well. I guess the next Space X flight will be another milestone since they will remain in orbit a few days.

Thanks for sharing! 💫🚀
Well done Jeff Bezos on spending millions of dollars on your vanity project, which could have instead been used to provide Covid vaccines to third world countries, or feed people in poverty, or help the world combat climate change.

(But have to admit, in isolation, it is an amazing thing)
I watched that happen live.

Watching the rocket land back on the launch pad after really impressed me - not sure if the capsule had the lock on the inside or on the outside. I know which I would prefer.

It'll be a number of years before we all get to try 4 minutes of weightlessness - the inside footage was fun (glad no one got kicked in the head)

I wonder if they were pissed that Virgin Galactic got in there first last week, seemed we had a repeat space races of old! Ah well, onwards and upwards for all space exploration and the technological advancement that follows, now the private companies are in on it hopefully :)
gz jeff bezos
Well done Jeff Bezos on spending millions of dollars on your vanity project, which could have instead been used to provide Covid vaccines to third world countries, or feed people in poverty, or help the world combat climate change.

(But have to admit, in isolation, it is an amazing thing)

Yeah, feed people in poverty like US did with Africa from 50s or so...few generations later they die to hunger if pack of rice does not land on their head, because they got no frigin idea how to grow, cultivate or do anything at all.

Fish and rod, you know. Spend money on education, not throwing them with food.

PS! Liked the space dildo though, looked cool, I know a certain someone who would want to sit on it.
PS! Liked the space dildo though, looked cool, I know a certain someone who would want to sit on it.

This.... gives me an idea.... (fires up Fusion360...) :saint::ahh::silly2::nana:

Anyhow yeh it's interesting how there is suddenly a weird uproar about it. I've been following their progress for years and watching the flight I found pretty stressful despite having seen several of their earlier launches. I guess the concern was, if it went wrong, that would probably spell the end. I suppose maybe it's troubling that I was more concerned about the initiative than the lives of the people on board...

But anyway, I think it's good that so much is going on with space these days. There's a lot of cool stuff going on all over the place and not just in space. Sure as hell beats sitting around waiting for "someone else to do it". Space is never a waste of time, and if you think it is, you can chuck away your mobile phone and stop watching weather reports for starters, not to mention a whole bunch of other things that forays in to space gave us.

Yes poverty is a thing and shouldn't be forgotten but even that is better than people think it is. There's a very interesting program by that stats guy who I think died in recent years that shows stuff has definitely improved. Not that there isn't a long way to go and a whole bunch of stuff I struggle to mentally cope with like countries where girls are sent out to huts during their periods because of the lack of education and superstition around them or the fact that so many people still don't have access to clean drinking water or basic lighting. I mean we literally have the tech now to get water from air using solar.

Comedy aside on this, I heard that when the USA was contemplating the moon, they had a few ideas of what impressive thing they could pull off and one of them was sorting out access to clean water for the world. Apparently it was deemed too costly/difficult (at least compared to the moon - which they didn't know how to do at all). I once read somewhere that an estimate of the cost of drinking water for all was a quarter of the US military budget for a year.... this makes me think... if we could convince the US to be just 25% less paranoid, we could cane this one in no time!


PS fun fact. A lot of people in the USA don't have access to clean drinking water either O_O

Thing with poverty is, that short sighted celebrities and other not so intelligent crowd, have finally come to understanding that rather feeding, we should be educating. Education is the key, it moves us forward. Feeding those who don't want to move forward, has zero effect - yes, today they are fed, but in long run it will be even worse, because you have generations of people who have been spoonfed.

Bezos spending money on going to space makes technological advencements, that we might use in the future to better or lives, like NASA. Miss Venezuela and others would think - help the poor, feed the hungry and give us world peace, but that's just comming from idiots who don't understand importance of education and science.

We are all monkeys to outside viewer anyways, spending more money on bullets, rockets and warfare, than we spend on education and scientific advancements - makes me feel like I live on another planet, sometimes :)

EDIT: Most of the time...