Suggestion: Legends' Wishlist of Game Updates/Expansions


Dec 31, 2006
Twin Peaks mall, 2nd floor
Dirty Dingos
Avatar Name
Inherent Marxus Legends

1. Roles better defined for each type of gun, i.e. Laser, BLP, Plasma and Gauss
What is the difference between these? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? I believe that traditionally BLP has always had a higher firing rate than Laser but less range, though this may not be immediately obvious when comparing them. And yet within each segment of guns, this trade-off already exists when choosing between handgun/pistol or rifle/carbine. So this distinction between Laser and BLP is one without much appeal for hunters in general. If instead BLP did slightly more dps and laser was slightly more eco, I think that would make a lot more sense for people when choosing which path to take as a hunter.

And what about Plasma and Gauss? There's a lot of interesting things that could be done with those other gun categories. For example Gauss rifles could be used for high range (taggers), Gauss handguns could have high efficiency but low dpp. Plasma could be low dps but highly efficient...

2. Add a new series of low tt Gauss taggers in the loot pool
I'm not aware of any series of limited taggers (specifically designed to pick (get the aggro of) mobs from far away). There is the JUELZ-MIC Killa from RT which is crafted and seems to sell rather well when available, but it's a very low level tagger. I think the community would welcome a new series of limited taggers of all levels and would buy them and use them. Since these are very useful because they afford a hunter more time to deal a mob damage before they reach them, they would be valuable and just like the new Restoration (L) chips, I'm sure the markup on them would be quite good and if these new taggers were placed in the loot of mobs, this would improve returns for hunters as it would put more ped back in their pockets. The Gauss category of gun is what makes the most sense for this as the technology is useful in increasing the range of weapons.

3. Unlimited level 1000 weapons
I remember when I started playing Entropia back in 2006, we were looking at level 100 guns and thinking "Who the heck is level 100??? It's impossible to reach that!" Just think about it: we had no Codex, no Iron missions, there were no Leviathan or Proterons, the biggest mobs were things like Allophyl/Estophyl and Kingfisher, there was no skill pills or buffs of any kind... Reaching level 100 some day just seemed like a pipe dream; like it would take 10 years at least. Nowadays, almost every soc has some level 100 hunters, it's become a rather common thing. But having these level 100 guns was something to work towards and dream about, it caused players to imagine Entropia persisting far into the future, a future where they are level 100 and have a leg up on everybody else.

Today, if we draw a straight paralel back to those days, we'd have to imagine a level 1000 gun. Who's ever going to be level 1000??? Messi91 isn't even halfway there yet! That's going to be an impossible level to reach! But sure as the sun rises and sets everyday, level 1000 will be reached at some point. It might take another 10 or 15 years but it will happen.

I think it would be great if MA added some level 1000 items, hopefully this time they will start with Melee and/or MindForce, which I think have been neglected for much too long now.

4. Mob kill counter
Self-explanatory. This has been requested multiple times by the community. I believe the code that does this already exists somewhere within the old Iron mission system so it shouldn't be too hard to do.

5. Do something with MindForce above level 60 (great suggestions in Captain Jack's thread here)
There is a Kinetic chip (level 15) which requires profession level of 67 but all other attack chips stop at level 60. Many professional hunters are now much higher than that. I think some higher level chips are long overdue. 2023 EDIT: MA finally added some level 90 MindForce chips to the game (via TWEN Vendor). But Captain Jack's suggestions are still very relevant

6. Change the default Ammo to the correct Ammo type first (i.e. Weapon Cells, BLP Pack and Synthetic Mind Essence)
This is something that has been requested for a long time, probably since the introduction of UA. I'll give you an example of why the current system is cumbersome: Let's say I use a Laser tagger, a BLP handgun and a Regeneration 6 (L) healing tool. They all default to use Universal Ammo FIRST. I start out with a stack of UA so everything works, but I only have 500 ped UA. I don't really know in what proportion to buy the Weapon Cells and the BLP so I just buy 500 ped of each. I go hunting and after 2 hours my UA is gone and I realize I forgot to buy Synthetic ME so now I can't heal myself. I convert the stack of Shrapnel I have to UA so I can heal but once I do that, my guns quickly burn through all the UA and I have the same problem again and can't use my Regeneration (L) chip to heal myself. I have to go find a TT to buy Synthetic ME.

It doesn't make sense for all of the weapons and tools to consume UA first because this makes it impossible to have any control over what Ammo stack each item is going to use. If you didn't want your weapons or tools to consume Ammo from the Trade Terminal, you could just simply not buy any, then the weapon/tool would be forced to use your stack of Universal Ammo. In the example above, upon running out of UA to heal myself with, I could convert my stack of Shrapnel to UA and continue healing myself. My guns would continue to use BLP or Weapon Cells and leave the UA for the Regeneration (L) chip.

7. New Armor professions (and other Armor related suggestions here)
It has been promised again by MA in the last AMA. It's understood that it will come, but timeline is uncertain. I think this will be a good change because it will add a new dimension to defense skills/professions and add value and opportunity for players.

8. Fishing boats (new underwater team instance)
There are docks and harbours throughout Calypso that aren't really being used much. Would love to see MA release Fishing Vessels for players to purchase, which give access to a new endgame type of team instance that occurs underwater and that progresses in waves of mobs (probably Leviathans among others) and ends with a boss. This new team instance would require a key of some sort but would only be able to be entered by "going" to it using one of these Fishing Vessels. This would immediately give the owner of these a stake in this part of the game, but not full ownership. This would work similar to the player owned instances on RT where the "owner" just has the unique BP to make the keys, but doesn't actually own the instance. In the case of this new underwater instance, the key would be available on the open market. There could be 5 or more of these Fishing Vessels; 2 or 3 stationed at PA, 1 at Isle of Troy settlement, 1 at Hestia settlement, 1 at Southern Ithaca settlement. Other contenders could be Nymphtown, Boreas, Atlantis Archipelago, Fort Cayuze, ... You could have as many as 12 of these, which would "go" to similar underwater instances but maybe not all exactly the same.

9. Upgrade missions that destroy a wider variety of UL items at once, in exchange for 1 item
I think we need the next series of upgrade missions to require a wider variety of items in trade, as a way of example, a new weapon upgrade mission could ask for all of the following: a full set of UL armor (example: Adjusted Jaguar), a set of armor plates (example: Mk. 5B Imp), a tier 5 UL gun (example: EP-41 Military Adjusted), an UL fap or heal chip (example: Adjusted Restoration chip), a Ring (example: Ares Ring Modified) and a level 7 pet (example: a Ruby Kanin). All of this adds up to a value of approximately 35k ped. The item you get for trading in all this stuff could be a really cool level 55 weapon with an efficiency above 63%. The effect that this would have on the economy would be really amazing; for the creation of 1 cool item, you have raised the demand for a very wide variety of looted items such as looted Jaguar armor parts, all of the Jaguar armor part upgrade materials, Mk. 5B plates and Mutated Aurli bones, EP-41 handguns and all their upgrade materials, all of the mats involved with the Galactica mission, and nutrio, all of this to get 1 cool, mid-level weapon.

Armor upgrade missions would be very similar; in order to upgrade your Nemesis from Adjusted to Improved for example, you could have to trade in a bunch of stuff like a FAP (example Ek-2600 Mod), an UL weapon (example: Adj Maddox 4), a set of Adj Nemesis, a set of UL plates like for example Mk. 6A Adjusted, etc... This would restore a balance in the UL item economy if worked out carefuly. Removing only 1 set of Adjusted from the game to create one set of Improved is not sustainable. Same goes for UL weapons; you can't just remove 1 UL weapon when adding a new one.

It may seem at first glance that this would result in making UL items very scarce if done to a large extent, but the idea is to use this mecanism as a way to re-supply the loot pool with fresh items to start the cycle again, allowing for perhaps more regular drops of UL items, which would help hunters' returns. In other words, increasing the rate at which UL items are removed from the economy could hopefully help to increase the rate at which UL items can be looted in the game.

--PvP (Planetside and in Space):
1. New low tt limited PvP armor in Combat vendor (example armor design here)
Right now if I want to go to lootable PvP I'll have to either a) go without (adequate) protection and take a big risk, or b) spend over 2k ped to buy a set of Infiltrator (L) or Pegasus (L) with high Burn or Shrapnel armor plates. This isn't very realistic for everyone who might want to take part in PvP. The idea with this new low tt limited armor set is to make PvP more accessible to everyone. If you were to add a nice set in the Combat vendor with a TT of 30 ped, I guarantee you people would use it. I know because I get a lot of requests for low tt parts of Pegasus and I just can't fill the demand.

2. System message listing items lost in PvP when killed & looted
EVE Online has the 'Kill mail' which does this. In an RCE such as Entropia, I'm amazed we still don't have something like this. I want to know if I've been looted in PvP if I lost something. The system should tell me.

3. Hall of Fame section for PK'ers (Player Killers)
Again EVE Online has the 'Kill mail' and keeps track of how many battles each player has won or lost. We should have this, otherwise there is no ranking among PvPers and no 'fame' or 'high score' to strive for.

4. Make it more rewarding to Hunt/Mine in lootable PvP
I don't really see any reason for hunters or miners to spend time in lootable PvP atm..

1. Spread out Categories a little better (e.g. 15 levels between each Category instead of 10)
If a participant wishes to use an ArMatrix rifle to compete in the Mayhem, e.g. Cat 4, he'll go for the LR-45 (closest one to max dps allowed in Cat 4). To max the LR-45 requires he be level 50 which only gives him 5 levels to play with in Cat 4 before he lands into the next Category, I think that's too short. Either spread it out a little bit more or give a weapon option which is already maxed when entering the new Category (see #2 below). 2023 EDIT: this doesn't really matter anymore since MA changed Mayhems

2. New line of high(er) dps crafted limited guns that are already maxed upon entering a new Category
I'd love to see a new line of craftable Improved GeoTrek guns that have slightly better efficiency than ArMatrix and more dps for their level (the traditional crafted GeoTrek guns had a lot of dps for their level). This would be valued by many hunters who need more dps or are looking for better efficiency. Crafters would benefit too by having something new to make since the prices of ArMatrix weapons has now tanked to where on most guns it's hard to make a profit.

3. New 2500 PED ESI (L) from Mayhem vendor with 20% skill loss, one time use (if you don't fill it, you lose the remaining tt)
Before every Mayhem there are posts on this forum of hunters trying to give away their skills for free in order to drop down to a lower Category. And I also know of some 'ubers' that just don't participate in Mayhem at all because they feel that they have absolutely no chance at winning in their Category, but if they could lower their skills would probably participate in a lower Category. There is a common thread here which is that it is very difficult right now to 'lower' or get rid of skills, even if you are offering them for free. Small ESIs are expensive and just don't take away enough skills to make a difference really. What is need is something that can take away more skill faster (at a cost). A new supply of large ESIs is needed in order to allow more people to play the game at the level that they choose to play it at. However in order not to disrupt the market of looted ESIs, these should have some disadvantages.

These disadvantages I mentioned are just some ideas and could be different but I thought that making them good for only one extraction could be appropriate. This in effect would probably have the end result of stimulating the looted ESI market because for example, you could extract Laser weaponry or BLP weaponry using one of these 1 time 2500 ped ESIs and although that would drop you down several levels, ultimately, you'd still have to keep your (hit) and your (dmg) balanced and for that you'd need to also extract some Rifle and/or Handgun as well which you'd most likely want to do using some smaller ESIs.

4. Live Scoreboard (no more surprise high-scores in the last few hours of Mayhem)
Every Mayhem it seems, on the last day you see the names at the top of the list change. People 'hide' their scores by waiting until the last day to 'reveal' them by completing the run. If the scores of runs that haven't been completed were also shown, this wouldn't happen. Last summer MsPudding held an event on her LAs and showed the benefits of such a scoreboard, everyone loved it. MindArk hopefully took notice and will think about implementing such capabilities into their Mayhem event system going forward. 2023 EDIT: Mayhems just don't work like that anymore so this is no longer relevant
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Other Professions

1. Ability to save crafting run results (or export them)
The way it works now, as soon as you start clicking something else, the results of your previous run are gone forever. It would be really useful I think if it was possible to save those results so that they could be viewed again later, or at least if we could export them to a file on our computer (like an excel file for example). Otherwise everything has to be tracked manually and this can be very tedious to do. It would also be really nice if you could recover your crafting run results if the game crashes or logs you out for inactivity. We can check Entropia Life to see if we've had a global or HoF but it can be extremely hard, impossible even, to figure out the actual costs/profits of the run without the report at the end.

2. Keep in memory more than just the last 1000 clicks (until crafting window is closed)
If I set up 2 hours worth of crafting that's approximately 1560 clicks in total, but when I'm done, if I sort my results to show the biggest loot at the top, it will only 'remember' the last 1000 clicks. The other ~560 clicks are no longer available. I wish you would make it at least about 8 hours worth of crafting, i.e. ~6k clicks or so that you could still look at.

3. Add left and right arrows to Quantity-Condition slider for small increment adjustments
This would be very useful for veteran crafters that have learned to use this slider to their benefit. In combination with #4 below, that would add up to a big quality of life improvement for professional Crafters.

4. Show Success Rate percent value in item crafting window (responsive to Quantity-Condition slider adjustments)
I can't tell what my current success rate is just by looking at the progression bar... Add the number in there, just like what you have done in the Codex, that way I can set my Condition-Quantity slider more precisely every time.

5. Show Boosted blueprints in yellow at the crafting machine, add filter option
Currently the only way to see if a Blueprint is a boosted blueprint, you have to have the actual blueprint item under your cursor. You cannot see if a blueprint is boosted from the 'Item Info' panel, or from the crafting UI. At the very least, it should be easy to see within the Crafting UI which blueprints are boosted.

6. Make the double arrow page forward and backward work like in auction
I currently have 66 pages worth of blueprints. I prefer to navigate to them to find them rather than type in the name and do a search. But navigation one page at a time is very tedious. In the auction you can navigate (click forward/backward) 10 pages at a time. This would be useful if it also worked that way in the Crafting UI.

7. Add quick link button to search auction for more clicks of that BP (like there is for the ingredients)
This would be very useful for ArMatrix and AP plate crafters for example. Sometimes I'm crafting items to order, if I run out of clicks necessary to fill the order, I'd like to be able to just click one button and have the auction open up and show me what's available, just like how it works for the ingredients.

8. Purchase Empty Enhancer Components and Nanocubes automatically while crafting (and remove from TT)
This is becoming annoying frankly. Eliminate these unnecessary steps and streamline the whole process. Another quality of life improvement for professional Crafters.

9. Remove useless Garment Skill Boost from crafting armor (totally different profession)
I never understood why I get these garment skill boosts while making armor... Frankly it's kind of frustrating. I don't make clothes, I make armor. Please give me a Manufacturing Armor skill boost.

10. Fix Whip BPs that have the Tool BP icon
I'm confused by this and it has happened to me to search in the wrong place for them. Either move them under the Tool category in the crafting UI or give them the weapon BP icon.

11. Organize Blueprint Categories alphabetically in the Filter drop-down menu
I remember that this was confusing to me at first. Of course I'm used to it now and I know where each category is in the list, but it's not intuitive and therefore should be rectified.

1. Fill in the gaps with new gear of all levels with varying Depth capabilities
It appears that the original intention with mining Finders was that the deeper it can go, the more desirable it will be. From this we can draw a parallel to the new 'Efficency' parameter for hunting weapons. If this is to continue to be the case, there should be gear made available for all levels with varying depth capability (desirability). The deeper the Finder can go, the more expensive it should be. Of course, this may require further balancing of the mining profession and shouldn't be done without also doing #2, #3 and #4 below.

2. (Re)balance the mining profession by making the Prospector and Surveyor skills more relevant
We can draw another parallel here with the hunting profession, between the Prospector/Surveyor skills and the new Looter skills for hunting. I believe the intent of these new Looter skills is to bring increased stability to a hunter's returns over time the higher his skills become. The same thing should be the case for miners and the only way I can see to make that happen is to make his Prospector/Surveyor skills play an important role in determining the rate at which the miner will be able to find rare ores and enmatters. The higher the skill, the more rares he or she is able to find per claim, or some similar mechanism. Lower level miners would still be able to find these rare resources but at a much reduced rate.

3. Rebalance depths of finds
If #1 and #2 is done, then it may be necessary to rebalance the depths of various resources for it all to make sense.

4. Give Miners a reason to level above 60
Afaik, there currently is no advantage to mining beyond level 60. A level 100 and a level 65 would pretty much be on equal footing. This needs to change. It may be that new gear will need to be designed and released, but there should also be aspects of the mining profession that are only available to professional miners of high level to make the skilling worthwhile. Just like in hunting there are mobs that a level 20 would just not be able to kill, there should be something in the mining profession that only high level miners can do.

5. Upgrade missions for mining gear
Give miners better tools and goals to work towards. Use these to give miners a reason to grind.

6. Mining rings/pills
Find other ways to give more dimensions to the mining profession.

1. Space mining
The ability to mine asteroids in space is a feature that has been requested many times before. It would open up a lot of opportunities for players and should make lootable PvP in space a much more interesting place.

2. More ships with different roles (healing, logistical support, defense, offense, etc...)
Especially once space mining is introduced, there will be a clear need for a wider variety of ships which can support mining operations.

3. Transport missions
This one has been requested (and promised) for a long long time. Transport missions would obviously create more opportunity for players and should be introduced.

--Pets & Taming:
1. Make Pets cheaper to use
The price in terms of Nutrio / hour for an Autoloot pet is a bit insane when compared with the cost of using Autoloot pills from the Trade Terminal. This makes most pets a pure extravagance. Instead, if there was a built-in mechanism which reduced the cost of the pet over time, people could justify it to themselves more rationally to go for the pet as a long-term strategy. For example it could be built this way where every 10 levels, the food consumption/hour reduces by 10%. It would like this: @L10=90%, @L20=81%, @L30=72.9%, @L40=65.6%, etc... Until you get to level 100 and your food consumption per hour could hit a floor of 35%. The highest level pet I know of at this time is level ~60, so don't go assuming that reaching level 100 would be easy and everyone would do it, it's not.

2. Make Pets rewarding to level beyond their buffs
For example add new tricks or new features to unlock at higher levels - some examples here

3. Do something to balance cost-to-tame vs reward for tamers
It never made sense to me (or anyone) why a high-level tamer could tame an Atrox Stalker at great cost but still only get an Atrox pup pet that is no different from the one that a low level tamer can get from an Atrox young. This shouldn't be the case. The Atrox Stalker should give you a much more desirable pet or should not be tamable at all.
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--Land Areas:
1. Add more functionality and Event creation Tools (some good suggestions from Captain Jack here)
Over the years MindArk saw the popularity of player created events (such as WoF) grow more and more. Sometime around 2011 or 2012, MindArk began dedicating some of their resources toward the development and administration of their own version of yearly events called Mayhem and Migration. While doing so, they have completely neglected their Land Area owners and other partners who have traditionally been the ones to create interesting events for the community. Even NEVERDIE in recent years has stopped doing the MMO Championship that he used to host on Planet Rocktropia every year.

I believe that what has happened is that MindArk has been hogging all the attention with their events and not really leaving much room for others to create their own. I think MindArk might have been a bit cautious in years past about giving others tools to create events which could then compete with their Mayhem and Migration events, but I believe that the time has come for them to give Land Areas something better to work with than the current set of totally defunct tools. This would not only serve LA owners, it would also serve the community considering the scandal a couple of years ago with a Land Area being sold right in the middle of an event, and the participants never being compensated for their investment into it up to that point.

If Land Area owners had an adequate set of event creation tools, then this sort of thing would not be likely to happen, Amathera (among other places) would be a much more diverse and interesting place to explore, and players would have more options and opportunities then they have ever had in the entire history of Entropia.

2. Add the possibility for LA owners to add (purchase) real estate properties for their LA
Nothing new has been created for LAs in a very long time. I believe right now is probably a really good time to look at what sort of real estate could be made available for Land Areas to purchase and add to their LAs. Given that apartments on Calypso are now nearing the 2k ped mark, it would probably be a good idea to explore whether apartment towers might be something they should make available for Land Areas to purchase and add to their Land.

--Land Plots:
1. Persistent polling stations to elect Mayors
Each Land Plot Settlement should have their own persistent polling stations which are used to elect the Mayor of the Settlement. Votes would be weighed based on the size of the Plot that the voting player has, e.g. a Small plot owner's vote would count as 1 vote, a Small+ owner's vote should count as 2 votes, etc... When a Land Plot owner has voted, his vote would get 'locked-in' for a certain period of time (maybe a couple of months or something like that).

The elected Mayor would have tools at his disposal to further develop the Settlement and make it overall more interesting for other players to come to. One way this could be done is through a Settlement tax (similar to the current Shopping Mall tax) which would accumulate in the Settlement's account. The proceeds from the taxes could only be used to purchase Settlement upgrades (i.e. the Mayor cannot withdraw these funds or use them for personal benefit). Some of these upgrades should be unique to ensure that each Settlement has their own flavor. Other upgrades would be available to all Settlements.

2. Texturing workshop buildings where people can make/skill textures
The market for Skins and Texture extractors is not healthy; the markup on looted Skins and Texture extractors is quite consistently low, except for the items required for the lower level Textures (level 0 to ~5). I believe the reason for this is that it just takes too much time, money and effort to actually skill up Texturing. Many get interested with the idea of being able to apply textures but soon give up when they see that they aren't getting anywhere. For that reason, the majority of looted Skins aren't worth anything because only a handful of players in all of EU can actually use them.

To remedy this situation a new system is needed where players can cheaply and consistently skill up texturing. What comes to mind is the repair system which was introduced for Motherships and the Fort Walls which players can get Engineering skills from. A similar system should be implemented in a Land Plot building where players can come to 'make' textures and gain cheap skills for doing so. With time, many will have the requisite skills to apply textures and this I believe will cause the markup value of Skins and Extractors to go up. This in turn would serve to increase returns for Hunters and Miners, and would make use of a system (textures) which sadly hasn't been very useful in the game to date.

The building comes with a feature which allows the owner to set persistent 'buy' orders for Skins and texturing materials. The building owner can then 'load' these materials into the texture equipment in his building which players can operate to 'make' textures and gain skills from. The Building owner gets completed textures from this operation which he can then sell (preferably right there in his building). The players get 'free' skills (in exchange for their time). It's a self-feeding loop which has the added benefit of increasing demand (and therefore value) for some hunting loot, as well as mined resources which can also be used for making textures.

3. Miner's guild buildings that host Mining Dailies/Events in exchange for gathered resources
Another building that could be erected on a Land Plot where the owner can set persistent 'buy' orders for mined resources and have the ability to create some events for miners. This building owner gets cheap resources which he can then sell (preferably right there in his building), the miners have a place to go to offload resources 24/7 and have (hopefully) some events that they can take part in for a chance to win a reward.

4. Factory buildings where large one-of production runs can be done
There is already some discussion on-going at MindArk to create a new type of manufacturing system which utilizes time as a resource (works in the same way that the manufacturing system works in EVE Online where items take a specified amount of time to complete, freeing the avatar to go do other things while his item is being made). The best place for this new manufacturing system to be implemented would be in a new Land Plot building.

The building owner would 'rent' out time on his production line, this would function as a tax on the item being produced. Depending on the amount of revenue that can be generated for the building owner (which in turn would depend on the value of items that can be produced), this new building could potentially be a very expensive one to erect on a Land Plot. For example, if this building has the potential to generate 1k PED per day, than it should probably cost in the neighborhood of 300k PED to erect. But if it only has the potential to generate 100 PED per day, it should only cost around 30k.

The building should require millions of crafted components to make, which would create a boon for crafters, hunters and miners. Examples of items that could be manufactured in this building are: new spaceships, space mining equipment, other spaceship attachments, Perfected Mk. 5B/6A plates, Perfected Viceroy (on Arkadia), etc...

5. Other buildings that could be available on Land Plots:
- Society guild buildings that add functionality to Societies
- Beauty/Hair salons that can place permanent 'buy' orders for makeup and beauty products

1. Fix the issue of shops having to compete with auction for sales
The biggest issue right now in EU in regards to owning and running shops is that shops are constantly competing with the auction for sales. An in-game auction is supposed to be used for getting rid of items fast, often at under market value prices, to whoever bids the highest. So typically, players use the auction to hunt for good deals, but they know it's often not the best place to find some specific item reliably (every day). Conversely, a shop is supposed to be a place where people can reliably find what they are looking for, at a fair market value price.

However in Entropia, this is all backwards: shops are so limited on item points that it is often very difficult for shop owners to have a wide range of items AND in sufficient quantity at all times. While the auction system in EU is often a crafter's only means of offloading the items he/she has crafted. So the end result is that the in-game auction is always well stocked and items are often offered there at a very competitive price because crafters need to get rid of them so they can keep cycling their ped. Since players cannot reliably find what they are looking for in a shop (due to limited item points), but can pretty much always find it on auction, at a good price, this causes people to abandon shops altogether in favor of the auction.

The shops that are succeeding right now in EU have to sell items at well below auction prices to even attract anyone at all, and even then, it can be very challeging to get traffic. What this means is that those that have invested a ton of money in shops often find themselves having to sell their items for less then what the other crafters that don't have shops sell them for on auction, in order to even have any sales at all. This is backwards. I know crafters that bought shop keepers and opened shops only to close it down a couple months later and sell the shop keepers in favor of just selling their crafted items on auction instead; way easier AND more profitable.

In an attempt to remedy this imbalance, we have seen a drastic surge of item point purchases (estate upgrades) on the part of active shop owners over the last few years however most active shops have now reached their ceiling and even added as many shop keepers as they can (as seen by the huge increase in the value of shop keepers from ~2k to ~5k each) but these active shops are now totally maxxed out and can no longer add any more item points.

To illustrate what I mean, let's take a large shop at Twin Peaks mall, which maxes out at 250 item points indoors. Let's say I want to create an ArMatrix shop. There are 20 levels of ArMatrix guns in 4 distinct categories: BLP handgun, BLP rifle, Laser handgun and Laser rifle, so 80 in total. There's 14 level of Longblades and I think also 14 level of shortblades. So 108 DIFFERENT ArMatrix weapons. So what am I to do? Have 2 of each? After stocking 2 of each, I have already used up 216 item points, I only have 34 left, some of which are used up by signs, display panels, tables, etc. That's a pathetic stock and of course the weapons that are most in demand will always be sold out, no one will bother to visit the shop again after a while.

Some ideas to begin to address this issue could be: A) increase shop item point limit by 100 across the board, B) drop more shop keepers, C) lower the number of item points used by shop keepers from 6 to 5, D) items in shops that don't have a price set should not count as an item point used, E) lower the number of auction slots each player has from 30 to 20, F) allow shop owners to advertise their shops in the auction house interface, under specific auction categories G) shop keeper upgrade mission to raise item limit from 20 to 25 or even 30.

2. Change default 'Pick up' on click (which makes mouse navigation impossible by owners)
I used to navigate around my shops with one hand by holding down both mouse buttons. When the new camera system came out I soon discovered that doing this caused my avatar to pick-up items in my shops at random, items I had meticulously set prices for already. This was very frustrating and ultimately I had to stop this habit and use both hands again when walking around in my shops. I wish MindArk would change this, I'm not the only shop owner that has complained about it, I know of at least 2 others that hate this new feature.

3. Being able to sell a Shopkeeper or Mannequin in a shop (for example inside another shopkeeper)
Currently there is no way to put a Shopkeeper for sale in a shop, it's just not possible. The only way to sell a Shopkeeper is on auction or in private trade. In addition to this, when selling a Shopkeeper in private trade, there is a bug that gives you an error message when trying to place a Shopkeeper in a trade window the first time which says that the 'container isn't empty' even when in fact it is empty. A relog is necessary in order to make the error message go away.

4. Pet level visible in tooltip
The tooltip shows the price for a pet but doesn't show it's level. Seeing 2 identical pets side-by-side with different prices can be confusing since there doesn't appear to be any difference and yet one of them is much more expensive. Adding the Pet's level in the tooltip just above it's price would really be helpful.

5. Show remaining tt in tooltip on limited items for sale in shops
For (L)imited items, the remaining tt should be shown. For UL items, the tier level should be shown. This information is quite relevant when looking at the price of an item (e.g. a higher tier item is worth much more than a lower tier one).

6. Fix issues with light sources often not loading in the Malls on Calypso
Whenever coming out of a shop or the room with the terminals back into the main space of the mall, several light sources fail to load. This causes certain Shopkeepers and display counters to be very dark in appearance. I believe the reason this happens is because there are actually more light sources than the game engine currently allows (11?). Please fix this for the benefit of all shoppers and shop owners.

7. Allow to set a price as %mu as opposed to exact PED.PEC format
The current price setting UI requires an amount in PEDs and PECs be entered while the model for the market of limited items is based on a markup expressed as % of the tt value. The UI for setting the retail price of a limited item in a shop should follow that same model. As it is I have to 'guess' the amount of PEDs and PECs in order to reach the desired %mu price of the item I'm putting up for sale. If it wasn't for the tax, I could use a calculator, but since there is a tax to take into account as well, the math gets too involved and generally speaking it is just easier to 'guess' and then make small adjustments from there which makes setting the price for an item several operations instead of just 1. I find this process quite tedious and I think it would be much easier if I could just enter the %mu desired instead.

8. All armor parts default to upside down when being placed on a vertical display
It doesn't really make sense why an armor part should default to upside down when placing it on a vertical display but it currently does. For the last 4 years or so I have had to rotate all armor parts 180 degrees to display them upright in my shops. There is no 'snap' built-in to the rotate function so all has to be done by eye. It hurts my OCD because I want everything to be perfect in my shops and I have dropped and picked-up armor parts several times before to try and get them perfectly straight, which is really not that easy to do sometimes (I don't really bother with this today as much as I used to in the past, but still I wish for quality of life improvements from MindArk in this area of the game).

9. 'Buy' Shopkeepers
A Shop Keeper which a Shop owner can use to set Buy Orders for things. A Shop owner could set prices for up to 20 distinct items, and a buy price for each. Shoppers could sell their items to this Shop Keeper anytime when the owner is not online. This is different then Banks (pawn shops) where you are putting up collateral for a loan.

10. Dispensing Shopkeepers for stackables
A Shop Keeper that has a UI where a shopper can set and buy the exact number of a stackable item which he needs, e.g. if a shopper only requires 12 Blausariam Ingots to tier upgrade a piece of armor, or say 5 defense enhancers, he would be able to buy exactly that amount by setting the quantity desired in the Shop Keeper's UI and buy them at the price set by the Shop owner. A Dispensing type Shop Keeper could hold say up to 12 different item stacks at any given time, and require 25 item points when placed in a Shop.

11. Shop Directory (or External API containing the data so players can make their own)
Though there are some really great shops in EU, the game lacks shop discovery features and what that has resulted in is most players just using the auction for everything.

In recent times (the last 2-3 years), I know of at least 2 players that have even attempted to resolve this lacking feature by creating websites of their own where shop owners could add their inventories and players could go to search for specific items. None of these attempts have succeeded (the closest one to succeed was morey's but ultimately was abandoned), and I suspect mainly because it is just too laborious and requires the participation of all shop owners, which is practically impossible (due to language barriers, time or just interest). The only actual shop directory in existence today is the one DME created for Monria shop owners which I suspect is only being used by the Monria community.

But I feel like this is something that could be solved very easily if MindArk just created a link on their website where savvy internet programmers could acquire up-to-date data on the contents of all shops in EU in a common database format. If this was available, no shop owners would actually have to go to the site to update it, this would all happen automatically in the background. And if an external API for shop content data was created, I guarantee you that it would be used. Someone would create a website that Entropians could use to browse and search for specific things they are looking for.

1. Add benefits to owning an Apartment other than just a secondary storage (some ideas here)
Apartments don't have any functionality or benefit other than having item points. Though there are some people that like to decorate them to create a nice space, they tend to be used mostly as a secondary storage unit. Adding some additional functionality and benefits to them would make them more relevant and interesting to own.

One example of how this was done in the past is when NEVERDIE made Estate ownership a requisite in order to vote in the presidential election a few years ago on Rocktropia. It added a new dimension to Estate ownership there and boosted demand for Apartments and shops on Rocktropia just before the election took place. Though that experiment has long since failed, I think Estate ownership should come with some perks, at least within the local economy. One thought I had along this line was to grant the owner of an Estate (apartment, house, shop, etc...) some additional slots on the auction. This may be a bit tricky to do but it's something I feel is worth taking a look at, especially now that apartments on Calypso are nearing 2k ped each.
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Very good suggestion
Especially in --Land Plots:
but don't give me hope
for estate craft bulding /machine etc. let's crafter craft a special compo for make that . in the basis of 1 compo = 1 building deed.
so if we need a full new energy craft central wich need 1 million of 1 ped compo. everryone can craft some and have a share of that with maybe 5% revenue system on globals craft. someting like the plank.
2. Keep in memory more than just the last 1000 clicks (until crafting window is closed)
If I set up 2 hours worth of crafting that's approximately 1560 clicks in total, but when I'm done, if I sort my results to show the biggest loot at the top, it will only 'remember' the last 1000 clicks. The other ~560 clicks are no longer available. I wish you would make it at least about 8 hours worth of crafting, i.e. ~6k clicks or so that you could still look at.

You can see the top loots by hitting the arrow on the "Value" column , which will arrange by the highest or lowest.
You can see the top loots by hitting the arrow on the "Value" column , which will arrange by the highest or lowest.

Yes I know that but what I'm saying is that it only 'remembers' the last 1000 clicks, the rest is gone.

If you want to test this, do the following:

- Do 1k clicks of something, sort your results from biggest to smallest, note the biggest
- Do another 1k clicks, sort again from biggest to smallest, try to find the biggest result from your first 1k clicks

It's not there anymore. The crafting machine 'forgot' it.
Made a few edits...
Recently MindArk has hinted that they are working on a new Mayhem system. I hope that this new Mayhem event system will resolve some of these issues I spoke of in the OP:
1. Spread out Categories a little better (e.g. 15 levels between each Category instead of 10)
If a participant wishes to use an ArMatrix rifle to compete in the Mayhem, e.g. Cat 4, he'll go for the LR-45 (closest one to max dps allowed in Cat 4). To max the LR-45 requires he be level 50 which only gives him 5 levels to play with in Cat 4 before he lands into the next Category, I think that's too short. Either spread it out a little bit more or give a weapon option which is already maxed when entering the new Category (see #2 below).

2. New line of high(er) dps crafted limited guns that are already maxed upon entering a new Category
I'd love to see a new line of craftable Improved GeoTrek guns that have slightly better efficiency than ArMatrix and more dps for their level (the traditional crafted GeoTrek guns had a lot of dps for their level). This would be valued by many hunters who need more dps or are looking for better efficiency. Crafters would benefit too by having something new to make since the prices of ArMatrix weapons has now tanked to where on most guns it's hard to make a profit.

3. New 2500 PED ESI (L) from Mayhem vendor with 20% skill loss, one time use (if you don't fill it, you lose the remaining tt)
Before every Mayhem there are posts on this forum of hunters trying to give away their skills for free in order to drop down to a lower Category. And I also know of some 'ubers' that just don't participate in Mayhem at all because they feel that they have absolutely no chance at winning in their Category, but if they could lower their skills would probably participate in a lower Category. There is a common thread here which is that it is very difficult right now to 'lower' or get rid of skills, even if you are offering them for free. Small ESIs are expensive and just don't take away enough skills to make a difference really. What is need is something that can take away more skill faster (at a cost). A new supply of large ESIs is needed in order to allow more people to play the game at the level that they choose to play it at. However in order not to disrupt the market of looted ESIs, these should have some disadvantages.

These disadvantages I mentioned are just some ideas and could be different but I thought that making them good for only one extraction could be appropriate. This in effect would probably have the end result of stimulating the looted ESI market because for example, you could extract Laser weaponry or BLP weaponry using one of these 1 time 2500 ped ESIs and although that would drop you down several levels, ultimately, you'd still have to keep your (hit) and your (dmg) balanced and for that you'd need to also extract some Rifle and/or Handgun as well which you'd most likely want to do using some smaller ESIs.

4. Live Scoreboard (no more surprise high-scores in the last few hours of Mayhem)
Every Mayhem it seems, on the last day you see the names at the top of the list change. People 'hide' their scores by waiting until the last day to 'reveal' them by completing the run. If the scores of runs that haven't been completed were also shown, this wouldn't happen. Last summer MsPudding held an event on her LAs and showed the benefits of such a scoreboard, everyone loved it. MindArk hopefully took notice and will think about implementing such capabilities into their Mayhem event system going forward.
Added to wishlist:

3. Unlimited level 1000 weapons
I remember when I started playing Entropia back in 2006, we were looking at level 100 guns and thinking "Who the heck is level 100??? It's impossible to reach that!" Just think about it: we had no Codex, no Iron missions, there were no Leviathan or Proterons, the biggest mobs were things like Allophyl/Estophyl and Kingfisher, there was no skill pills or buffs of any kind... Reaching level 100 some day just seemed like a pipe dream; like it would take 10 years at least. Nowadays, almost every soc has some level 100 hunters, it's become a rather common thing. But having these level 100 guns was something to work towards and dream about, it caused players to imagine Entropia persisting far into the future, a future where they are level 100 and have a leg up on everybody else.

Today, if we draw a straight paralel back to those days, we'd have to imagine a level 1000 gun. Who's ever going to be level 1000??? Messi91 isn't even halfway there yet! That's going to be an impossible level to reach! But sure as the sun rises and sets everyday, level 1000 will be reached at some point. It might take another 10 or 15 years but it will happen.

I think it would be great if MA added some level 1000 items, hopefully this time they will start with Melee and/or MindForce, which I think have been neglected for much too long now.

8. Fishing boats (new underwater team instance)
There are docks and harbours throughout Calypso that aren't really being used much. Would love to see MA release Fishing Vessels for players to purchase, which give access to a new endgame type of team instance that occurs underwater and that progresses in waves of mobs (probably Leviathans among others) and ends with a boss. This new team instance would require a key of some sort but would only be able to be entered by "going" to it using one of these Fishing Vessels. This would immediately give the owner of these a stake in this part of the game, but not full ownership. This would work similar to the player owned instances on RT where the "owner" just has the unique BP to make the keys, but doesn't actually own the instance. In the case of this new underwater instance, the key would be available on the open market. There could be 5 or more of these Fishing Vessels; 2 or 3 stationed at PA, 1 at Isle of Troy settlement, 1 at Hestia settlement, 1 at Southern Ithaca settlement. Other contenders could be Nymphtown, Boreas, Atlantis Archipelago, Fort Cayuze, ... You could have as many as 12 of these, which would "go" to similar underwater instances but maybe not all exactly the same.

Added Fishing boats.
Added to wishlist:

1. Fix the issue of shops having to compete with auction for sales
The biggest issue right now in EU in regards to owning and running shops is that shops are constantly competing with the auction for sales. An in-game auction is supposed to be used for getting rid of items fast, often at under market value prices, to whoever bids the highest. So typically, players use the auction to hunt for good deals, but they know it's often not the best place to find some specific item reliably (every day). Conversely, a shop is supposed to be a place where people can reliably find what they are looking for, at a fair market value price.

However in Entropia, this is all backwards: shops are so limited on item points that it is often very difficult for shop owners to have a wide range of items AND in sufficient quantity at all times. While the auction system in EU is often a crafter's only means of offloading the items he/she has crafted. So the end result is that the in-game auction is always well stocked and items are often offered there at a very competitive price because crafters need to get rid of them so they can keep cycling their ped. Since players cannot reliably find what they are looking for in a shop (due to limited item points), but can pretty much always find it on auction, at a good price, this causes people to abandon shops altogether in favor of the auction.

The shops that are succeeding right now in EU have to sell items at well below auction prices to even attract anyone at all, and even then, it can be very challeging to get traffic. What this means is that those that have invested a ton of money in shops often find themselves having to sell their items for less then what the other crafters that don't have shops sell them for on auction, in order to even have any sales at all. This is backwards. I know crafters that bought shop keepers and opened shops only to close it down a couple months later and sell the shop keepers in favor of just selling their crafted items on auction instead; way easier AND more profitable.

In an attempt to remedy this imbalance, we have seen a drastic surge of item point purchases (estate upgrades) on the part of active shop owners over the last few years however most active shops have now reached their ceiling and even added as many shop keepers as they can (as seen by the huge increase in the value of shop keepers from ~2k to ~5k each) but these active shops are now totally maxxed out and can no longer add any more item points.

To illustrate what I mean, let's take a large shop at Twin Peaks mall, which maxes out at 250 item points indoors. Let's say I want to create an ArMatrix shop. There are 20 levels of ArMatrix guns in 4 distinct categories: BLP handgun, BLP rifle, Laser handgun and Laser rifle, so 80 in total. There's 14 level of Longblades and I think also 14 level of shortblades. So 108 DIFFERENT ArMatrix weapons. So what am I to do? Have 2 of each? After stocking 2 of each, I have already used up 216 item points, I only have 34 left, some of which are used up by signs, display panels, tables, etc. That's a pathetic stock and of course the weapons that are most in demand will always be sold out, no one will bother to visit the shop again after a while.

Some ideas to begin to address this issue could be: A) increase shop item point limit by 100 across the board, B) drop more shop keepers, C) lower the number of item points used by shop keepers from 6 to 5, D) items in shops that don't have a price set should not count as an item point used, E) lower the number of auction slots each player has from 30 to 20, F) allow shop owners to advertise their shops in the auction house interface, under specific auction categories G) shop keeper upgrade mission to raise item limit from 20 to 25 or even 30.
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As proof of what I am talking about in the last post, I have 4 sets of Perseus in my shops at Twin Peaks mall which are anywhere from 6-9% cheaper then the parts on auction right now and my Perseus just sits there, day after day, very few sales, while on auction, Perseus parts sell quite regularly.

I also have many LR-60 and LR -65 on sale roughly 6-7% below auction prices. They have been there for 10 days, only 1 sold in my shop while on auction, dozens sell each week.

Some might say "lower the price more". If I do that, resellers will come buy it all and relist it on the auction to make some quick ped, and that just perpetuates the problem further.

There is a significant issue here which needs to be looked at because shops are a significant investment and should give the owner an edge but this is currently not the case in EU, especially for crafters.

As a temporary solution I have proposed in another thread to give deed holders more auction slots, for example 2 extra slots for apartment deed holders and 5 extra slots for shop deed holders, and to consider reducing everyone else's to 20.

It's not ideal but at least that way shop owners do end up having a bit of an edge.

The long-term solution however requires some thinking to resolve.
I've always thought it to be a good idea if shop owners had their stock listed for them on the auction automatically. Duration would be infinite until sold or is removed from the shelf. The auction fee could remain in a reduced capacity, and like the sales/mall fee, only be paid upon the successful sale. This could of course all be optional and toggled via a checkbox when setting pricing for the item.

Instead of the seller name being listed, the shop name could be instead, and players could have the option to right click>teleport to the shop to see the item in person or check out other deals, as a shop owner it could be beneficial to set a few bait items to draw in traffic.

The increased activity would create a strain on existing IP limits as you mention, but there are plenty of great ideas out there to solve this issue.

This also might also be very taxing on the existing auction system trying to display and sort through a planets worth of stock, but I'm sure some bright spark out there can figure that stuff out.
Added upgrade missions that "remove" many UL items:

9. Upgrade missions that destroy a wider variety of UL items at once, in exchange for 1 item
I think we need the next series of upgrade missions to require a wider variety of items in trade, as a way of example, a new weapon upgrade mission could ask for all of the following: a full set of UL armor (example: Adjusted Jaguar), a set of armor plates (example: Mk. 5B Imp), a tier 5 UL gun (example: EP-41 Military Adjusted), an UL fap or heal chip (example: Adjusted Restoration chip), a Ring (example: Ares Ring Modified) and a level 7 pet (example: a Ruby Kanin). All of this adds up to a value of approximately 35k ped. The item you get for trading in all this stuff could be a really cool level 55 weapon with an efficiency above 63%. The effect that this would have on the economy would be really amazing; for the creation of 1 cool item, you have raised the demand for a very wide variety of looted items such as looted Jaguar armor parts, all of the Jaguar armor part upgrade materials, Mk. 5B plates and Mutated Aurli bones, EP-41 handguns and all their upgrade materials, all of the mats involved with the Galactica mission, a strongbox ring, and nutrio, all of this to get 1 cool, mid-level weapon.

Armor upgrade missions would be very similar; in order to upgrade your Nemesis from Adjusted to Improved for example, you could have to trade in a bunch of stuff like a FAP (example Ek-2600 Mod), an UL weapon (example: Adj Maddox 4), a set of Adj Nemesis, a set of UL plates like for example Mk. 6A Adjusted, etc... This would restore a balance in the UL item economy if worked out carefuly. Removing only 1 set of Adjusted from the game to create one set of Improved is not sustainable. Same goes for UL weapons; you can't just remove 1 UL weapon when adding a new one.

It may seem at first glance that this would result in making UL items very scarce if done to a large extent, but the idea is to use this mecanism as a way to re-supply the loot pool with fresh items to start the cycle again, allowing for perhaps more regular drops of UL items, which would help hunters' returns. In other words, increasing the rate at which UL items are removed from the economy could hopefully help to increase the rate at which UL items can be looted in the game.
Made a few edits to the Hunting section