Mining for profit

Leeloo Miner

Jan 5, 2020
You can play Entropia in different ways, but I chose to go for the win, and from my experience mining is definitely one of them.
A little common sense, knowing how the economy works and patience can take you a long way.

But first a little explanation about my ava.
Started playing together with my BF in 2002 and then already to mine. Years went by, we broke up but I kept playing with the same ava we used.
Then "destiny" struck, because the ava was on my ex's name who, as it turned out, had passed away, so that ava was a thing of the past.
But because I have so many friends here, loved mining, I decided to make a new ava and come back.

How do I mine.
I have decided to mine goal missions (but not daily's) and at the moment I am working on 1K Alicenies @ LA58.

So I will keep mining in the same place until I complete that mission. ;)
Once I have it, the last enmatter unlocks will be released.
The last unlocks will be Garcen, Mage and Typo what I'm also getting on this LA and lyta I'll have to mine somewhere else.

Mining gear
Which finder(s) I use ... let's say I go for diversity .... and I use +20 different finders at the moment, L and UL :sneaky:
Extractors : Demonic excavator (but not for oil/nexus) - Exhumer MK-1
I also carry 2 x RE-101 :D
Refiner : Imperium resourse refiner B1
As you can see, I use mining gear that is available to everyone, and is certainly not expensive.
The only thing I would replace is the refiner for a Transformer T-105 depending the price.
There is very expensive material available that is cheaper to use. I will certainly never buy it. Why not? Because it is always possible that something new drops or new BP comes out that replaces the expensive material and then you lose your investment.

Mining in 3 sections : EDITED 7/10/23
First I'll do some unamped runs with different finders.
Second run will be with pre-amped finders.
Third, I'll use the same finders but will be amped.

I'll cycle the finders from lowest to deepest depth all the time
Here, also the pre-amped will be included.
If I have done 5 runs with a finder, I will start amped runs with that finder, starting with amp 1 and going up if results are good. Mind you, if I really get too much oil in the return, fewer resources that have a decent %, or loosing, I stop amped and go back to unamped or use a lower amp again.
Because I did not buy all the finders at once, a particular finder may only be tested with amps later.
If the results of a particular finder is so bad that I keep making losses, testing with that finder stops.

Do skills matter? NO
No matter what finder (if maxed) you use at any level, the results stay the same.
Skills are only important if you want to mine for more rare enm/ores that are deeper, cause you need a higher level finder that goes deeper, but you get the same results with UL finders and depth enhancers at lower lvl.

Sales of resources and economics
In this part of Entropia it is decided how much profit or loss you will make.
ALL prices go up and down regarding availability, so I stock up if needed and try to sell as high as possible for the highest profit. 💲
This means that I wait until my resources can only sell at a minimum fixed price determined by me and higher if possible, but never lower.
I do some calculation that I think is marketable, but in the beginning with the highest possible profit margin.
This is especially important for the fillers. You know that the sales % is low, but due to the large amount you receive during your runs, this price is very important. If your stock becomes too high because you are selling too slowly, lower your price a bit and create different stacks with different quantities and test the sales.
Also, your return is based on your avatar's profit/loss in TT, so sell cheap and cut your own profit.

Taxes on LA's
Depending how you mine, if you look at the numbers, mining on a LA with taxes will make it a lot more difficult for you to make profit.

My mining goals besides fun :
1) Making profit
2) Doing planet missions (no dailies)
3) Checking different finders + also pre-amped
4) Checking different amps

My way of mining
Along the way, I want to show that you can make a profit with any finder, as long as you max the finder and completely independent of your skills.

As soon as you start using pre-amped / amped mining, the profit percentage will decrease because you get more fillers (low % resources) in your returns.
I never do double/triple drops, just single drops between 50-100 ped/run for enmatters, or up to 200 ped/run for ores. No need to do bigger runs to get multipliers/globals ... and you still will have profit. Once I sold enough to do another run, I'll go mining, it's that simple. Somethimes it takes a few hours, somethimes a few day's ... be patience.
Between runs you can go and try to find fruits, sweat for the nexus you mining to sell essence or start trading ... Even as a noob you can make 10-20 ped / day easy.
If I go for 1K enmatter, I have to stock most of it, especially fillers, all depending on how much % I can sell it (economy)
Once my goal has been achieved, I will aim for 1K ores missions. This way I can slowly but surely sell my enmatter stock.

So be smart, stock up, calculate the % you want for resources first and decide for yourself how much profit you want to make when selling.

That's about it for now.
Time for some results.
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According to analysts, you don't need to compare thousands, even 100 is more than enough to get a correct % of the average result.

To make better comparisons, I will post the (provisional) final results here divided into 3 sections :
Unamped / Pre-Amped / Amped

It is now clear to me that your TT return % of FILLERS increases as you use higher amps

Mission 1K Alicenies @ 600/1K @ LA58

In the meantime, I have made a summary to show the % of fillers depending on how you mine, in this case oil.

ComparisonCost netTTTT+%SalesSales+%Profit/lossAlicCave sapGarcenMagerianNexusOilTypoVegatation
Pre-amped63,7254,8386,05%67,21105,48%3,4912 probes12,58%5,69%12,00%3,19%9,28%47,46%5,75%2,92%
Pre-amped78,0171,0191,02%80,44103,10%2,4215 probes11,76%0,00%2,40%1,41%15,72%57,81%10,77%0,00%
Amp 1397,30374,3894,23%427,32107,56%30,027,48%0,59%4,40%1,64%11,78%57,88%10,46%0,00%

Cost (all decay/MU included) 4345,50 Ped
Netto TT return 4352,17Ped : 100,15%
After sales net (so with % and minus fee) 5106,45 Ped : 117,51%
Profit/Loss so far : 760,94 Ped
Minimum TT needed to break even : 82,64%
3/10/2023 With the Ziplex 10 : [Globals]: Leeloo Leeloo Mining found a deposit (Crude Oil) with a value of 77 PED at OLA#58!
DpthCost netTTTT+%SalesSales+%Profit/loss10 probesAlicCave sapGarcenMagerianNexusOilTypoVegatation
205,00TM1261,67261,95100,11%295,71113,01%34,04TM 113,40%0,00%5,04%1,34%9,40%59,95%10,88%0,00%
213,90DSEC L251,9138,1973,57%43,5083,79%-8,41DSEC L218,07%0,00%8,09%0,00%13,33%53,68%3,93%0,00%
303,05Ziplex 5296,24266,9090,10%312,18105,38%15,94Ziplex 510,27%2,19%3,21%6,56%6,46%60,00%10,96%0,00%
303,50Sabad 2153,97105,0368,21%124,9081,12%-29,07Sabad 211,47%4,83%1,30%2,14%7,46%58,34%13,85%0,00%
403,00Ziplex 10157,96279,12176,70%312,67197,94%154,71Ziplex 107,58%0,98%3,99%0,45%3,83%80,50%4,41%0,00%
408,00TM 2260,63249,3595,67%291,22111,74%30,59TM214,20%3,28%5,03%2,41%10,38%58,76%5,71%0,00%
477,60Ziplex 15156,80231,04147,35%270,45172,48%113,65Ziplex 156,67%3,21%4,85%2,60%4,87%58,98%20,39%0,00%
552,3Ziplex 2051,9540,678,15%46,5289,56%-5,43Ziplex 206,16%0,00%4,23%3,69%14,04%55,17%15,52%0,00%
626,9Ziplex 25108,2979,1173,05%92,2685,19%-16,03Ziplex 2512,01%1,97%2,68%4,42%9,25%51,42%15,74%1,52%
631,8TM 3184,43236,88128,44%286,80155,51%102,37TM 37,75%3,79%5,21%2,96%21,75%29,46%29,07%1,18%
741TM 4108,7581,7475,16%105,7397,22%-3,02TM 49,91%10,50%4,51%7,65%10,84%47,77%4,40%2,94%
830,8TM 550,3037,8175,17%44,3088,08%-6,00TM 55,16%4,13%0,00%2,64%4,71%67,10%13,09%3,17%
4345,504352,17100,15%5106,44117,51%760,94Totall ped575,25113,10160,70159,25370,471954,67460,2014,80
6,67760,94Totall %13,24%2,60%3,70%3,66%8,53%44,98%10,59%0,34%
Minimum needed82,64%17,51%

Pre-Amped with a 12 probes drop
Cost (all decay/MU included) 63,72 Ped
Netto TT return 54,83 Ped : 86,05%
After sales net (so with % and minus fee) 80,44 Ped : 105,48%
Profit/Loss so far : 3,49 Ped
Minimum TT needed to break even : 80,57%
First conclusion :
the amount of oil is very nicely between unamped, pre-amped 15 and amp 1 as expected

DpthPre-ampedCost netTTTT+%SalesSales+%Profit/loss12probesAlicCave sapGarcenMagerianNexusOilTypoVegatation
462,70DSEC 1263,7254,8386,05%67,21105,48%3,49DSEC 1212,58%5,69%12,00%3,19%9,28%47,46%5,75%2,92%
Minimum needed-80,57%5,48%

Pre-Amped with a 15 probes drop
Cost (all decay/MU included) 78,01 Ped
Netto TT return 71,01 Ped : 91,02%
After sales netto (so with % and minus fee) 80,44 Ped : 103,10%
Profit/Loss so far : 2,42 Ped
Minimum TT needed to break even : 87,92%

DpthPre-ampedCost netTTTT+%SalesSales+%Profit/loss15 probesAlicCave sapGarcenMagerianNexusOilTypoVegatation
253,80Roctec S1678,0171,0191,02%80,44103,10%2,42Roctec S1611,76%0,00%2,40%1,41%15,72%57,81%10,77%0,00%
78,0171,0191,02%80,44103,10%2,42Totall ped8,350,001,801,0011,1641,057,650,00
-7,002,42Totall %10,70%0,00%2,31%1,28%14,31%52,62%9,81%0,00%
Minimum needed87,92%3,10%

Amp 1
Cost (all decay/MU included) 397,30 Ped
Net TT return 294,04 Ped : 94,23%
After sales net (so with % and minus fee) 332,66 Ped : 107,56%
Profit/Loss so far : 30,02 Ped
Minimum TT needed to break even : 86,67%
DpthAmpedCost netTTTT+%SalesSales+%Profit/loss+Amp 1AlicCave sapGarcenMagerianNexusOilTypoVegatation
205,00TM179,4974,8194,11%85,89108,05%6,40TM 116,71%0,00%5,66%3,34%14,73%45,77%13,43%0,00%
303,05Ziplex 580,1880,34100,20%94,66118,06%14,48Ziplex 55,79%2,91%5,61%2,49%12,70%56,88%13,63%0,00%
Totall397,30374,3894,23%427,32107,56%30,02Totall ped29,702,3417,506,5046,82229,9741,550,00
-22,9230,02Totall %7,48%0,59%4,40%1,64%11,78%57,88%10,46%0,00%
Minimum needed86,67%7,56%
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Why do the missions that give skills if skills do not matter?

What are the 21 finders you're currently using and why?

How long do you play each day?

How do you determine each session (run)?

What size bankroll is sufficient in order to time your sales for the cyclical market trends?
Why do the missions that give skills if skills do not matter?

What are the 21 finders you're currently using and why?

How long do you play each day?

How do you determine each session (run)?

What size bankroll is sufficient in order to time your sales for the cyclical market trends?

Why do the missions that give skills if skills do not matter?
I'm not doing missions for the skills, just as a goal.
Cause I'm also stocking up and wait for the highest %, mining the same thing over and over gives less different resources in my inventory.

What are the 21 finders you're currently using and why?
Any finder between MD-10 and TM5 for the moment.
Why I used them ... Good question, let's say I'm trying to find out something :unsure:

How long do you play each day?
I'm online whole day

How do you determine each session (run)?
Each run is determined by the sales profit I made the day('s) before

What size bankroll is sufficient in order to time your sales for the cyclical market trends?
I'm using a 5 digit bankroll
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Mission 1K Alicenies @ 489/1K

Cost (all decay/MU included) 3246 Ped

Netto TT return 3292 Ped : 101,40%
After sales (so with %) 3832 Ped : 118,04%
Profit/Loss so far : 586 Ped
Are you including the cost of auction fees in your P&L figures? Even if you sell small stacks at higher %s, the effective MU/profit comes down substantially and requires a far greater time input.
Are you including the cost of auction fees in your P&L figures? Even if you sell small stacks at higher %s, the effective MU/profit comes down substantially and requires a far greater time input.

Yes, the 'After sales' is the netto price
Since I'm stocking and wait till some % go up again, time input doesn't matter, but the ped amount does.
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Today I reached the 500/1K alic mission. :yay:
An update, also to show what you find with all those different finders and why I still think that what you find has to do with the drop cost + availability.
So what finder you use is not important IMO
And I already hear people saying wow ... that amount of oil ...
At times I sell more than I can mine and believe it or 109% net!!! Just use your brains o_O
From now on I'll also use the TM5 also

Cost (all decay/MU included) 3350 Ped
Netto TT return 3383 Ped : 100,98%
After sales netto (so with % and minus fee) 3943 Ped : 117,69%
Profit/Loss so far : 593 Ped

Profit/lossAlicCave sapGarcenMagerianNexusOilTypoVegetation
27,07TM 113,68%0,00%5,55%0,00%7,81%64,09%8,91%0,00%
-9,98Ziplex 511,22%3,85%1,68%5,92%4,61%61,04%11,25%0,00%
-12,24Sabad 215,86%5,13%1,95%0,99%5,33%53,88%16,18%0,00%
48,62Ziplex 1011,21%4,42%6,43%4,12%12,04%53,02%7,66%0,62%
113,65Ziplex 156,67%3,21%4,85%2,60%4,87%58,98%20,39%0,00%
-5,43Ziplex 206,16%0,00%4,23%3,69%14,04%55,17%15,52%0,00%
-9,48Ziplex 2511,28%0,00%3,14%5,13%13,86%58,84%6,54%0,00%
97,04TM 35,54%2,26%5,67%3,69%25,62%24,99%33,15%0,84%
-0,98TM 46,58%0,00%4,59%13,70%12,78%56,19%2,63%2,63%
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Just out of curiosity, was your former char a dedicated colorer? Or is leeloo some name from some game/movie/music thing that Im not aware of? If you were, hiho :)

Second thing, 4k in tt seems a little low for 2 decimal points if you tested that many finders throughout, or is that 4k for each? Not having done the math, I wouldnt be surprised if even just one sigma means 1, or even 2 full % points. Not disputing your findings tho, quite the opposite actually, I recently went from using unamped terramaster 6 down to f105 since it provides better MU in some area I really like to frequent. And using L30s cut it down to 1/4.

TM6 TT spendTM 6 est. MUTM6 est. profitL30 TT spendL30 avg MUTM6 est. profit

granted this isn't caly mining! So maybe planet partners have different thresholds or my area is/was just weird or maybe I messed up somehow, but it already felt off after just a few runs. Im still figuring out my mining spreadsheet but right now it does indicate that my area doesnt like even a little amping.

So yeah, I second trying different finders for your favorite spots.

thirdly, could I borrow MD-10 for a week when you arent using it? I wanna try very shallow mining without going rookie.

And lastly... wanna buy my oil for 105%? :p

Tx for the reply and to answer your first question yes :) My former ava was also a colorer.

Tested 4K in totall so far, but not used all those finders from the beginning cause some are harder to get than others or insane high %
The high % is the reason I didn't include the TK-120 / TK-220.

For me the stunning thing is that all F-finders are in profit, but in overall general mining, without amps is very stable imo.

Yes, this is caly mining.

Any results with the F-105 yet?
Wow huge dif between the TM6 and the L30 !!!
So it seems it's important to test dif finders indeed.

The MD-10 (got it at T2 for now) and Demonic are both 204 depth.
Just contact me in game, or I can sell you a Demonic MK-I for 134,43% so 6,39ped cause I craft those myself.

And lastly ... :D but no ty ;)
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Just out of curiosity, was your former char a dedicated colorer? Or is leeloo some name from some game/movie/music thing that Im not aware of? If you were, hiho :)

Second thing, 4k in tt seems a little low for 2 decimal points if you tested that many finders throughout, or is that 4k for each? Not having done the math, I wouldnt be surprised if even just one sigma means 1, or even 2 full % points. Not disputing your findings tho, quite the opposite actually, I recently went from using unamped terramaster 6 down to f105 since it provides better MU in some area I really like to frequent. And using L30s cut it down to 1/4.

TM6 TT spendTM 6 est. MUTM6 est. profitL30 TT spendL30 avg MUTM6 est. profit

granted this isn't caly mining! So maybe planet partners have different thresholds or my area is/was just weird or maybe I messed up somehow, but it already felt off after just a few runs. Im still figuring out my mining spreadsheet but right now it does indicate that my area doesnt like even a little amping.

So yeah, I second trying different finders for your favorite spots.

thirdly, could I borrow MD-10 for a week when you arent using it? I wanna try very shallow mining without going rookie.

And lastly... wanna buy my oil for 105%? :p

Leeloo is the name of the main character in the film "The Fifth Element", I absolutely loved that film when I was a kid and also Mila Jovovich of course "eyebrows, eyebrows". 😂😂
I recently went from using unamped terramaster 6 down to f105 since it provides better MU in some area I really like to frequent. And using L30s cut it down to 1/4.

TM6 TT spendTM 6 est. MUTM6 est. profitL30 TT spendL30 avg MUTM6 est. profit

With the amp/pre-amped you will indeed find much less with MU or certain resources do not get through the amp because they are blocked.

There is a big difference between un-amped mining and amped mining.

Where with amped you go purely for the volume, while with un-amped you go for MU.

In the long term I think you are better off without an amp, which is why I opt for un-amped
With the amp/pre-amped you will indeed find much less with MU or certain resources do not get through the amp because they are blocked.

There is a big difference between un-amped mining and amped mining.

Where with amped you go purely for the volume, while with un-amped you go for MU.

In the long term I think you are better off without an amp, which is why I opt for un-amped
It's somewhat more nuanced than this. Yes, amping/using pre-amped finders does mitigate finding some resources that you would find otherwise without amping. However, it doesn't stop you from finding all resource types.

For instance, I mine amped for Quantium and Alternative. Quantium currently sells for 135-145%. Ordinarily, I receive weighted MU from each run of between 115-125%. I can cycle about 5k per 3 days. That works out to a profit of 9.25% on 95% TT return in worst-case scenarios and 18.75% profit in best-case scenarios. Said another way, that amounts to making ~460 - 940 PED in profit per 3 days. On average, I play around 3 hrs/day.

Meanwhile, someone like Leeloo who mines slower will probably get much higher average MU, say 125-140% MU. But she can probably only cycle 5k once per week or less (unless she plays the game nonstop, which most of us don't have time to do). So, that would work out to ~940 - 1,650 PED profit per 7 days.

Neither way is right or wrong, better or worse. But on a time-adjusted basis, amping is the way to go if you can buy amps at a reasonable price and find resources that don't have artificial caps on them with good MU.

Note - All this is subject to change at any time.
Well if you have the patience its fine but i never mined without amp since they added them, my main problem the profit is really capped and when pyrite was 250% i had the opportunity to make 25-30k monthly with amps or same value at aegis with 150-160% but a lot better avg %.
Well if you have the patience its fine but i never mined without amp since they added them, my main problem the profit is really capped and when pyrite was 250% i had the opportunity to make 25-30k monthly with amps or same value at aegis with 150-160% but a lot better avg %.
Mining in pvp is a different beast and not comparable imo. You are rewarded for taking a risk and/or investing in gear and skills to handle attacks. Such investments are quite substantial and you need to include at least the opportunity cost for the money tied down in your calculation, plus the potential risk of negative price development if you plan to sell it again in the future. The amounts needed upfront are also not for everyone.
Mining in pvp is a different beast and not comparable imo. You are rewarded for taking a risk and/or investing in gear and skills to handle attacks. Such investments are quite substantial and you need to include at least the opportunity cost for the money tied down in your calculation, plus the potential risk of negative price development if you plan to sell it again in the future. The amounts needed upfront are also not for everyone.

well in my post when i mention pyrite at 250% was actually in non lootable pvp, it was ashi, i mined there 3 months only because noobs made pyrite only 140-150%
well in my post when i mention pyrite at 250% was actually in non lootable pvp, it was ashi, i mined there 3 months only because noobs made pyrite only 140-150%
Ok, it was because you mentioned Aegis. Even in non-lootable you need to prepare for some mob attacks (L50 Atrox last time I looked) and potential griefing when excavating, although the latter might be handled by support (I have no experience with that). A number of miners aren't into hunting at all.
Leeloo is the name of the main character in the film "The Fifth Element", I absolutely loved that film when I was a kid and also Mila Jovovich of course "eyebrows, eyebrows". 😂😂
ohhh of course! How could I forget! Yeah I love that film too! matter of fact... gonna watch it again right now! Thx m8, you saved my hung over morning xD

on the subject tho, yeah ofc amps are a means to cycle more and D-Class and alternative used to be great, havent checked my old spots but sounds like it still is. I was just so surprised, that even that 1ped per drop preamped finder, affected the composition so much, i wasnt expecting that.

From my time mining, the most restricted resources with amps are ofc the really rare ones like redulite, ruga, triden, but also some of the tiering resources. Way harder to hit lumis/henren/etc... with a big amp. However, unamped mining some of these resources tends to give you less than if you put a small amp due to the tt value of the resource. I have gotten more % of these resources with a lvl 2 amp than unamped just because of the bigger tt value things like lumis/solis/henren/cave sap have.
From my time mining, the most restricted resources with amps are ofc the really rare ones like redulite, ruga, triden, but also some of the tiering resources. Way harder to hit lumis/henren/etc... with a big amp. However, unamped mining some of these resources tends to give you less than if you put a small amp due to the tt value of the resource. I have gotten more % of these resources with a lvl 2 amp than unamped just because of the bigger tt value things like lumis/solis/henren/cave sap have.
Did you try different finders also?

Cause using finders with a higher decay might change the outcome of getting more of those resources, I'm thinking TM's now.
Did you try different finders also?

Cause using finders with a higher decay might change the outcome of getting more of those resources, I'm thinking TM's now.
I did, but for a very short time. Currently using a f105 + 2 depth enhancers to skill to a dsec l30/ tm 5. Don't have enough experience with higher decay finders to find out that kind of info atm. Don't feel like spending extra MU on a L finder that has same depth/ close to the same depth as the UL equivalent.
I speculate that the resource distribution is based on location, depth, drop cost and chance (similar to hunting hit chance, crit chance, block chance, etc). At certain locations, depths and cost you have a percentage chance to find x resources. As you play with location, depth and cost you either increase or decrease your percentage chance of finding specific resources, at least from my anecdotal findings. I'm unsure if it's set by server or specific nodes within servers.

A quick example (not actual data):

0-250m + 0-1ped = 2% chance to find rare, 1% epic, 0.5% mythic and 0.25% legendary resources found at that location and depth
0-250m + 1-2ped = 1% chance...
250-500m + 0-1ped = 2% chance...
250-500m + 1-2ped = 1% chance...

There's a sweet spot for depth and cost input to maximize your chances at finding the rare, epic, mythic and legendary resources. Kind of like income tax brackets where to maximize your income vs tax you pay. Sometimes that raise your boss gives you costs you more in tax thus negating most of the raise because you were pushed into a higher tax bracket.

I believe it's still possible to HOF on legendary resources but the chance of it happening are likely 0.0000001%, so low that it appears impossible.

Again, it's just anecdotal speculation.
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Any results with the F-105 yet?.

And lastly ... :D but no ty ;)
still doing that right now, I mine sloooooow, I'll add the numbers here when I reach 2kish ped mined. I don't usually keep track that closely for individual mu stuffs but it felt so different, that I started noting it down. I'll let y'all know.

lastly: haha crap! guess I'll have to start using my head, tho I have no idea how 😤
still doing that right now, I mine sloooooow, I'll add the numbers here when I reach 2kish ped mined. I don't usually keep track that closely for individual mu stuffs but it felt so different, that I started noting it down. I'll let y'all know.

lastly: haha crap! guess I'll have to start using my head, tho I have no idea how 😤

I'm also a very slow miner and never in a rush.
This is because no matter how many peds you have, at some point you need to wait for sales or (like most do) TT some or depo (again), so you are cutting into your own pedcard.

Checking out finders is the reason I started this thread + making some profit ofc so I'm looking forward to it :)

I also found it interesting what the dif was between your TM6 an L30 runs
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Why testing finders?

While most go as deep as possible for the hard to get stuff, this also has disadvantages.
Every miner has of course already experienced that you also mine a lot of resources that hardly have MU and that hardly go up and down.
By testing different finders, I discovered that you can avoid those resources, except oil. :rolleyes:
A little test some time ago I did for energized crystal is below.
As soon as you use a F-103 (depth 363,2), or higher you also get energized crystal, so that together with oil/edres gives you about 50% TT return, so here the MU of especially putty but also for lyta and sweetstuff is very important.
Just thinking out of the box here :sneaky:

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I understand now why fakenews is illegal 😂
Friday again, so weekly update

Cost (all decay/MU included) 3669 Ped
Netto TT return 3383 Ped : 99,95%
After sales netto (so with % and minus fee) 3943 Ped : 117,07%
Profit/Loss so far : 626 Ped

Very slow sales cause most is to low % to sell so less mining ...

1 thing is getting clear, vegetation comes mostly from finders going deeper.

Profit/lossAlicCave sapGarcenMagerianNexusOilTypoVegetation
27,07TM 113,68%0,00%5,55%0,00%7,81%64,09%8,91%0,00%
-9,98Ziplex 511,22%3,85%1,68%5,92%4,61%61,04%11,25%0,00%
-12,24Sabad 215,86%5,13%1,95%0,99%5,33%53,88%16,18%0,00%
48,62Ziplex 1011,21%4,42%6,43%4,12%12,04%53,02%7,66%0,62%
113,65Ziplex 156,67%3,21%4,85%2,60%4,87%58,98%20,39%0,00%
-5,43Ziplex 206,16%0,00%4,23%3,69%14,04%55,17%15,52%0,00%
-16,08Ziplex 2512,01%1,97%2,68%4,42%9,25%51,42%15,74%1,52%
102,27TM 37,75%3,79%5,21%2,96%21,75%29,46%29,07%1,18%
-3,11TM 49,91%10,50%4,51%7,65%10,84%47,77%4,40%2,94%
-6,04TM 55,16%4,13%0,00%2,64%4,71%67,10%13,09%3,17%
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Today I reached the 550/1000 Alic with the following results

Cost (all decay/MU included) 3930 Ped
Netto TT return 3383 Ped : 99,64%
After sales netto (so with % and minus fee) 4604 Ped : 117,14%
Profit/Loss so far : 673,72 Ped

Tiime to make it more challenging

I have decided to also use pre-amped finders and possibly also amps... starting with amp 1 BUT
1 - First of all, I'm going to make a separate column for that for better comparisons
2 - If my numbers going too much in the red (in terms of loss) I stop amped to make up for the loss unamped.
3 - If I get too much b.llsh.t I also stop amped until I get back to a normal level that is sellable.

And before I start talking nonsense, I know there is a lot of speculation and stories going around.
I only believe one thing... those are my numbers.

DpthCost netTTTT+%SalesSales+%Profit/loss10 probesAlicCave sapGarcenMagerianNexusOilTypoVegatation
205,00TM1261,67261,95100,11%295,71113,01%34,04TM 113,40%0,00%5,04%1,34%9,40%59,95%10,88%0,00%
303,05Ziplex 5243,13204,4484,09%241,2399,22%-1,90Ziplex 511,94%2,86%2,59%7,34%6,10%58,63%10,05%0,00%
303,50Sabad 2102,6776,0074,03%90,4388,08%-12,24Sabad 215,86%5,13%1,95%0,99%5,33%53,88%16,18%0,00%
403,00Ziplex 10106,55137,9129,42%155,17145,63%48,62Ziplex 1011,21%4,42%6,43%4,12%12,04%53,02%7,66%0,62%
408,00TM 2208,61202,4497,04%235,14112,72%26,53TM215,46%2,70%4,41%2,22%11,99%56,63%6,45%0,00%
477,60Ziplex 15156,80231,04147,35%270,45172,48%113,65Ziplex 156,67%3,21%4,85%2,60%4,87%58,98%20,39%0,00%
552,3Ziplex 2051,9540,678,15%46,5289,56%-5,43Ziplex 206,16%0,00%4,23%3,69%14,04%55,17%15,52%0,00%
626,9Ziplex 25108,2979,1173,05%92,2685,19%-16,03Ziplex 2512,01%1,97%2,68%4,42%9,25%51,42%15,74%1,52%
631,8TM 3184,43236,88128,44%286,80155,51%102,37TM 37,75%3,79%5,21%2,96%21,75%29,46%29,07%1,18%
741TM 4108,7581,7475,16%105,7397,22%-3,02TM 49,91%10,50%4,51%7,65%10,84%47,77%4,40%2,94%
830,8TM 550,3037,8175,17%44,3088,08%-6,00TM 55,16%4,13%0,00%2,64%4,71%67,10%13,09%3,17%
3930,703916,3899,64%4604,42117,14%673,72Totall ped561,05108,03149,50149,00343,131818,73440,2514,80
-14,32673,72Totall %14,27%2,75%3,80%3,79%8,73%46,27%11,20%0,38%
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