Mining Help


May 8, 2006
I Dont Even Know what i need to buy to do minin and what i need to do to mine something :( Help Me im so lost!
go to the home page of this server and you see on the left were it says look underneath and look at the mining guides :D
hope it helps :D
to start with you need quite alot of peds just to get started, for that (if you dont deposit) you need to sweat, there are much help about that in this forum :)

to get started om mining, you get tools from the TT (Trade Terminal)
the blue one, not green/yellow/red (and not the blue box, thats storage)
then go to "tools" then "mining"
there you have

"Omegaton detectonator MD-10" for 2.4ped
"Genesis Star Earth Excavator ME/01" for 2ped
this two are used to mine ORE, and for that you need BOMBS (1ped=1bomb)
the bombs you find where you find these tools

"Omegaton enmatter detector ED-10" for 3ped
"Genesis Star Energy Extractor EE/01" for 2.4ped
This two are used to mine ENMATTER, and for that you need PROBES (1ped=2probes) the probes you find where you find these tools

so in the beginnning its quite expensive to become a miner.. but you can do it! GL
You should definately read the mining tutorial, as it describes when to use what tool (first explode bombs, then use scanner to find, then extract), as well as theories how to best find something.