This the thing you need to figure out yourself no one gonna share that info.
Check LBML for resources on each server.
Mine and see how the returns look on that server.
Try out variable spots on that server.
Keep note of these
Try variable amounts of probes.
Try diffrent time off day.
Try diffrent finders.
Once you'v done that quite a "few" times and noted where you did it.
You can see from the materials sold where was the best average MU provided to you then you try to replicate that and stick to it.
Someone smarter could explain this better but i think they are smarter then that.
OK How do I explain this....
Thanks to this being a program, I can repeatedly execute the same actions just like a normal miner can with something like lbml.
I am going to explain this as simple as I can. First off, I don't think that the resources are in the ground. I think that when you probe, a mathematical function or set of functions is called that determines the size of a hit. If the size = 0 well that's a miss..
What my python app does, is as follows.
i) load all the coordinate pairs surrounding my position into an array.
ii) determine the factor that it needs to search for - (this piece I am keeping to myself as it's essentially serves the same purpose as a random seed but it is less than one)
III) returns with the highest % match to that factor for each coordinate pair ie how well does the x and y coordinate divide into the factor.
iv) formats the result in the form of a waypoint
v) drops the waypoint into my clipboard
Just to be one hundred percent clear. It does not interact with the game in any way, shape or form. I simply input my coordinates into the app and it computes a result. If I have the math correct, it can scan for a factor that matches a value of loot. The math may involve a 2*5 and a one somewhere and obviously an e.
Basically it created lines just like an avatar does, so it mines like a real player would.
Finding for a factor of 50 would look like this int(coord/50)*50.
I understand what you are saying, you are looking at it physically in the virtual world, I am looking at it virtually in the real world..
Look at the sizes of the loot and figure out how that all works. Twenty onwards is a bit odd though, almost like there are two separate formulae.