FYI: Minning Log - Road to ath? or Mindark Broken System?

I almost did not mine this year, but even if i was in overmined area i was doing fine. His results are not normal at all.
I'll be back to mining soon there and there and see if i get the same result, but i doubt
finaly someone understand , that its not normal.....

Today i just get rekt , i going skip post any result today...
(for today i pure give up , will see tomorrow)

Go ahead mindark look at you logs
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So another rekt day.. going post

Spend 199150
Return 173590
-25 560 tt
tt 87.16%
Since storm souza dont teach you well , maybe you can read first post... when argue with messi about it.....


Spend 211550
Return 184929
-26 621 tt
tt 87.41%

58.376 drops so far
Highest Loot so far 905 Iron
5x Sooto (aka 10 minning box)

So mindark? you going make me cycle anoter 1.4m before stop with this b.s?
Spend 247022
Return 219408
-27 614 tt
tt 88.82%

Here somes updates....
Even more update .....
Spend 267336
Return 237354
-29 982 tt
tt 88.78%

70.524 drops

Highest claim so far 1896 Lysterium
All this ammount give me exact 7 Sooto
I not stop , but take break and start do no amp , to see if improve so far? absolute 0 changes

Spend 286386
Return 254735
TT 88.94%
-31 665 TT

So yea boys.. game is fine , pristine and bug free loot calculation.......
I not stop , but take break and start do no amp , to see if improve so far? absolute 0 changes

Spend 286386
Return 254735
TT 88.94%
-31 665 TT

So yea boys.. game is fine , pristine and bug free loot calculation.......
Try different depths that's not in common range that people are using. Ie f105 range 500 and high end range 1k+. I had some success in the in-between range around 700.

If it's still flat try amping up but make sure it's not amps for common claim sizes. Ie d class lvl 5. I used terra 6s with some success. Don't go above terra 6s because it's pure luck if it pays off or not.

At least what I seen in monria indoor mining you can go over the same area with same finder within a very short period as long as you change your claim size. What I mean by claim size is your drop amount to claim different sizes ample, sizeable etc etc.

Reason you keep coming up short is most likely the areas you are going is already been mined at the depth your at and claim size for the given period the server refreshed claims.

I could go on about waves in mining and all but rather not. They do exist for short periods of time or it's combo of alot success rates instead standard either way it's a wave and not truly random. Alot people don't see this apart from a few in fort argus who know what's going on and start shooting people for obvious reasons.
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Ok i did one amp in ug and get claim there but yo.... after you do this kind cycle , in 2 month , using lvl5 , D-class
and fews no Amp and see day after day tt 88% you get mind break sometimes.... i still dont expect guys understand since you are casual miners

I also did fews monria , but monria have no tax.....
but if talk about ath/cruide oil its happen before this log start , its alred did statment about it , show include tt 94% over 1.4m and argue several times its why this log exist and i dont sell out everything and call day of this cassino without regulation

Spend 312870
Return 279817

79.900 drops
-33 053 tt
tt 89.43%

I get one MD-50 T10 ..... so i playing around.....

My wishs to 2024.....
Mindark remove this stupid wave.... or at last for peoples that do no amp , since 2019 best areas In game resume in Pyrite and Alternative... and give oportunity to all areas , all pp , and include somes taxed land that before you nerf to ground is good and people pay damm tax and get they damm mu everyone is happy
I know this wave is universal and work all across mobs , ESI , Item in box(rings yada yada) , even rares BP

If guys not know how waves work , its period between 5-20min with insane good loot and mu with around 1-2h cooldown... enjoy
(note) dont matter how many people in the area or get same type you loot is free flow ,no any cap , its time based , not quantity based

In fact if you take in depth analyse about it , waves make people cycle less and mindark lose revenue , i can have double my average mu with half my cylce and decay to mindark

Since i lost P20... for reasons.... i be please if you trow L finders with high rank......

And Finaly.... God Lord if you give me some swarm drone that auto extract claims over x radius that use my shinning twen imp excav.... as base

Forget one to be fair , mindark i wish you open bit this blackbox.... after all you did with hunt explain dps/dpp/effy/and explain looter/in fact give even datas about it , so yea i be please and for sure encourage me to keep drop if you do that
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I followed the thread, i know there is no reason to make any comment ... cause its not helping.
But still i can share that things listed by Vadio are shared also by me: return cap (in certain period's like he says 88-90%); wave its total Bullshit; Blackbox - there is no clear statement how mining efficiency works.

Again, i am sure this will not change it is like in politics... adapt or die!
To be honest I always thought the waves were individually on server mining wise and that every 12 to 16 hours you get massive server refresh which updates what drops etc.

And the waves dependant on if they been claimed(their still their at certain depths claim sizes). Reason I say this is because some areas I have been through after what appeared to be a wave with weird combo setup totally not profitable mu wise I have came out +TT most likely because no one was mad enough to run that setup.

Either way the whole wave thing is rubbish I can kinda see why they done it because if it was true random you would get long periods globally nothing from a programming aspect unless you start attaching a personal modifier to a character.
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To be honest I always thought the waves were individually on server mining wise and that every 12 to 16 hours you get massive server refresh which updates what drops etc.

And the waves dependant on if they been claimed(their still their at certain depths claim sizes). Reason I say this is because some areas I have been through after what appeared to be a wave with weird combo setup totally not profitable mu wise I have came out +TT most likely because no one was mad enough to run that setup.

Either way the whole wave thing is rubbish I can kinda see why they done it because if it was true random you would get long periods globally nothing from a programming aspect unless you start attaching a personal modifier to a character.
MA isn't stupid ...

If you compare multiple servers you will always have a mix of fillers, normal and high % resources.
You can bypass some resources by not going too deep, but in general I see no difference in days, hours, ... and you get about the same TT returns with any finder and most important ... with any skills as long as you have maxed out the finder.

The fine tuning is in the % after sales... which determines how much profit/loss you will make.

They also know that not everyone has the patience for high % sales and play this out, and as long as some sell at low % or sell to the TT they will continue to lose.
Are you going to combine this with higher amps... and keep making the same mistakes over and over ... as Mczimi already said ...

By law, MA must have such an option so that you can make a profit from mining.
You just have to be willing and able to see how.
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so guys think i give up? , yes i tired this bullshit . used all kinds finders no amp , and result still same
if you not catch waves for MU and TT you be rekt

you can use MD-50 T10
you can use tm8

Amped or not amped
in Heavly crowed places like Argus or Empty like Next Island at end matter

You can create new account and get same results as me , soooooo based mindark have no respect to players like me
and keep overtime nerf everything to make us deposit more and more

If you are piss off with entropia state of game and consider entropia move way from skill based game to just gamble make sure written you concern to swedish gamble authority

Telephone: +46 (0)152-650 100
Visiting address: Finningevägen 54 BAddress: P.O.Box 199, 645 23 Strängnäs

And Finaly....

Spend 365952
Return 330974

29x Terra 6
657x lvl5
449x D-class
-34 978 tt
tt 90.44%

I at end archive break even but play 12h per day for this shit loots its huge waste time.....
How can you be rekt?

You haven't lost anything :unsure: and with markup and skill gains taken into account you have basically profited?

Or have you tt'ed most of your resources.. and failed to profit through your own actions?

Is that what your saying?
If you are piss off with entropia state of game and consider entropia move way from skill based game to just gamble make sure written you concern to swedish gamble authority

Why would I be pissed off?

I always did good in mining and I still do, even after I needed to start a second ava ...

With mining you can make the best profit ... skills are not needed but brains are with any finder, even rookie finders

Even if people try to help you, you do not listen so you can only blame yourself.

EDIT : Stop looking @ TT numbers and start learning to count TT+%.
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So guys keep think this way go foward ;)
I wish best luck , but for all others that ask me in DM and Silent read this topic , its my truth
you can bite messi and leelo truth or believe any you want...

Its why post only raw numbers and avoided util today say if profit or not
can easly conclude about tt 90% cap i telling for everynoe for years
and after shit ton drops no amp and amp make no real diference
dont even in markup.....

But yea boys.... do you own research.... i sure you guys going conclude same as me
Its why post only raw numbers

Try this version of posting for more credibility

But as I said its irrelevant what tt returns you got short term, we know for sure you profit once you sell your markup and that is very good thing to know because it motivates everyone who is mining with said 90% return to know once you sell markup you can profit.So I guess very good job.
Maybe you should mine more , and speak less
minning in 2024 its not same minning in 2012 ,

You average markup , and caps its not that huge anymore , even no amp
So yea you talk much to someone that dont minning

Stop be white knigth of this game , not worth
to try protect you investments in armor/gun/shops everything else

And since is hard to read. 0 its break even , not profit so
this community........ try distortion my words
But yea boys.... do you own research.... i sure you guys going conclude same as me
I can assure you, there is nothing you have posted here that I don't already know or have experienced myself.

I have been where you are back in 2007... and I would go as far as to say I was in a worse place than you.... and yes, before anyone bothers to look it up, I was very lucky in SGA.. which saved me or made me stop and think back then.

However... the big difference between you and me, is that... I did listen to others, I did learn by my mistakes and I did change.

I am very much still here today, very much still enjoying myself in mining and that's all down to me.

I feel for you and your losses... (but they're not losses imo), but YOU and only you, are the one who needs to change... not Entropia.
Well if you feel that tt 90% over 100k drops its normal or fair consider i most skilled and same time no life miner in game

Who is me to change you mind or put some sense there
Many tried help me , many indeed in fact help with research of this fact above

But like slogan say.. entropia is dynamic enjoy
*Note dynamic without any kind regulation can be lead so many abuses even so i accepty this fact/deal
Well if you feel that tt 90% over 100k drops its normal or fair consider i most skilled and same time no life miner in game
If you consider the above "after" your 52k... then yes, that's perfectly acceptable
Its explained in first page.... why this log exist , who this ath push me to tt 94 in other cycle , and why name this topic is road to ath
I know many dream about get ath , but ath not come for free , not anymore , you cant just drop and get 500k , mindark also denied keep some mechanism of payback/balance , even its happen to everyone often. if this exist or not , if exist so maybe yea who know? if not? we should keep talking about this 52k?

However at same time mindark track everything , include you average markup , its common fact when you get rekt tt mindark usual trow you some tridenite or esi or markup in overall and inverse to when you start hit shit ton ttfood you probably be fine tt wise , find balance is key and exploit markups waves its also key

However .... waves is shit ass system that only make you play less and give less revenue to mindark , its not help control mu on items its lazy desing for a complex game

We can keep discuss but i glady deconstruct each argument white knigths maybe have

I never tt items , except molecules
I calc my average markup and TT since 2010
So yea , i even try fews years ago mindark give me this numbers to see if did any mistake they said fuckoff
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"Many of the features and systems added over the past few years have gradually led to this update, which will significantly improve overall loot returns for the vast majority (upwards of 98%) of participants."
maybe you are part of the 2%

"Many of the features and systems added over the past few years have gradually led to this update, which will significantly improve overall loot returns for the vast majority (upwards of 98%) of participants."
maybe you are part of the 2%

unfortunately that is for hunting returns.