Name that Asteroid and win 5000 peds!!!

Two options really :
  1. Call it something short and simple, like Riches(t) Asteroid
  2. You are both businessmen - licence the "Club Neverdie" name and don't lose any name recognition to rebranding
I can't read them all .. but did someone already suggest "Sea In Dee" ? :D

(for real - congratz on the purchase) :)
Not sure if someone else mentioned it (and couldnt bother looking through half hundred pages lol, sorry :D) - but I think you should call it:


Not only because of the 'planet' this and that all over :D BUT because the word "planetoid" (Greek for "planet-like"), occasionally is used in English for the "larger asteroids". And we know it's an asteroids, and we know it is huge ;) And I believe you should get rid of the 'club', because NEVERDIE is still using the Club NEVERDIE name on ROCKtropia - and ... ROCK is somehow also taken lol
Planet Rock (But I expect that's taken)
And if the above is not fitting, why not just call it IDA .... (which was the name of the first asteroid ever to be discovered)

Good luck ^_^
Where's My Stadium (WMS) ;)
Space origin
Space port
First space port
Acer rock
Caldeira astroid
The astroid
Area 51
Next outset

Just a few , have not checked all other post`s either so might have duplicated:silly2:
" New Ogygia"
Oygygia is an Island where Calypso kept Odysseus prisoner for a number of years.
"Bushido's Destiny"
Bushido...Way of the Warrior
"Tempered Desire"
Did anyone suggest "Club NeverTried" already?

"Saint-Exupery's Rest"
He wrote "The Little Prince"
"Charons Crucible"
An Anagram of your avatar name that might be applicable:

John Foma Kalun

Turns into:

A Half Junk Moon

Probably suggested already but what about:

Astrorock or The Astrorock
Race to Space Place
Fast Ore Mining Area
Bombers Palace