PETITION for Miners ...

Sign me up! Sin Flirter Hot
Michael Shadow Dunn
FruSnabel FruSnabel FruSnabel <--- Sign this dude up!
Lets hope somehting come

Lets hope somehting come

Version Update 10.0.10

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Many familiar names... Many strong players:dance:
Add me, Fire Taffer Kane,

We need some awesome mining competition, with pew pew...pew pew pew!! pew pew!! boom boom probe probe. robot mega beacon!!!!! spaceship pew pew, mining on spaceship pew pew pew pew pew pew. Know what I'm saying?
Add me, Fire Taffer Kane,

We need some awesome mining competition, with pew pew...pew pew pew!! pew pew!! boom boom probe probe. robot mega beacon!!!!! spaceship pew pew, mining on spaceship pew pew pew pew pew pew. Know what I'm saying?

talking about robot mega beacon?? what are they?? how do they work?
I don't get it :scratch2:

It is not clear, Petition for what ?
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Sven Melbus Christensen
Pifometre Pif Aragon

fed up to lose claims in trees and rocks...
a claim is a claim
Pifometre Pif Aragon

fed up to lose claims in trees and rocks...
a claim is a claim

A claim is not a find... and just as in pre VU10 claims sometimes appear under rocks and trees... because it is in the ground under a rock or tree... The difference now is that the trees and rocks solid obstacles... that's the life of a miner... not all claims are finds that can be exploited... and the new dynamics of mining... and has to be figured into your calculatons... as just bad luck...
A claim is not a find... and just as in pre VU10 claims sometimes appear under rocks and trees... because it is in the ground under a rock or tree... The difference now is that the trees and rocks solid obstacles... that's the life of a miner... not all claims are finds that can be exploited... and the new dynamics of mining... and has to be figured into your calculatons... as just bad luck...

I guess that's the thing I find hard to understand. I've always thought that just locating a claim was the whole challenge. So if you hear that sound and you get the claim in your inventory then you've (finally) been rewarded for your effort.

I do unsubscrive the open letter where I subrescrive again?
I use phone and touch there... dammit I need help
Little Miss Princess...add me here:)
Kerrnel Kernel 32
Simon God Adebisi
Falc Funkroma Roma
Esmerelda Esme Kalanza
It is easy to understand, the hunting profession brings 10 times more profit to MA (10 is an example, i would rather say 20 :silly2:)

So the smart guys at Mindark just drop those nice SGA items from hunting at 99% in order to make us all Miner (or leecher :yay:) go Hunting.:D

More seriously and tbh, i would rather see no sga items droping from mining than 10 imp excavator droping to several random guys mining at 100m from a tp with a tt finder.
You can add Ericarrie Ericarrie Saoirse, Erin kiki Karen, Mumbo Mums Jumbo & Stumpy Stumy wumpy to this list.

Bring on the items..... hunters can loot new tools for mining, crafters can loot new BP's for new ore tools..... Get who gets stung with the pricetags oh yeah the one that can actualy use the items.

Why cant we have more discoveries in the mining proffession? Lets say a slightly decayed-full tt (L) amps or some (L) excavators etc etc.

Think of how many grave's of miners there must be out there? Why cant we have:

"Ericarrie Ericarrie Saoirse drops a bomb unearthing an ancient burrial ground and finds a loot worth 65 ped" you look into the loot window to find an ore amp partialy decayed.

These dont have to be frequent (dont wanna upset crafters), but atleast at same frequency as say finding a beacon mission or SOOTO.
It is easy to understand, the hunting profession brings 10 times more profit to MA (10 is an example, i would rather say 20 :silly2:)

So the smart guys at Mindark just drop those nice SGA items from hunting at 99% in order to make us all Miner (or leecher :yay:) go Hunting.:D

More seriously and tbh, i would rather see no sga items droping from mining than 10 imp excavator droping to several random guys mining at 100m from a tp with a tt finder.


I used to spend alot of my mining time with full ghost 5B mining under all sorts of mobs, for 4x OA-103 and bombs I came back with 30-60 ped decay mob dependant, not including the decay on finder and amps!

When I hunt my decay bill is 50-100 ped so maybe double but 10-20x is bollocks!
im gonna sstop mine today

im gonna sstop mine today...
After see crafters loot our items i gonna finish mine today for 2 our 3 days...
I want see how many people are with me and see loot pool go down...
We need past a message to MA see we are together ...
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I used to spend alot of my mining time with full ghost 5B mining under all sorts of mobs, for 4x OA-103 and bombs I came back with 30-60 ped decay mob dependant, not including the decay on finder and amps!

When I hunt my decay bill is 50-100 ped so maybe double but 10-20x is bollocks!

It was not meant to be serious :silly2:
2 times more amount of decay is more than enough to make the difference. ;)

200 bombs dropped with of105 and extracted with the tt excavator will takes a big max of 10 ped decay (yes there was and there is still some good mining spot without any mob).

i will let you do the math and compare with a typical run on trox at ithaca for 200 peds.
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with 20 bombs

with 20 bombs miners can spend maximum 570 peds decay oa019 and hunters with 20 peds ammo? how much decay you get? LOL

This people make me laugh alot