News: PSA Event Exploits

As it's now been named, I was also alluding to the gather sweat mission on Cyrene, as well as the zyn missions for the pet.
I dislike these 'open' invitations, or even completely unwanted progressions - but this gem-pvping was clearly intended, so bans are fine I think.
The exploit was invented at Cyrene as the sweat gathering requirement for some mission was to loot some ridiculous amount of sweat, I reported that on multiple places and it just got ignored. Not to mention various other exploits recorded and reported completely ignored.

Time to reopen old cases maybe as this is repeating offense
Not quite sure which came first, but this "method" is also prevelant in the Arkadia smuggler GMC hide gathering mission. Its been around for years and tbh I'm really surprised this slipped through the net, its been reported clearly in many different missions over the years.
Not quite sure which came first, but this "method" is also prevelant in the Arkadia smuggler GMC hide gathering mission. Its been around for years and tbh I'm really surprised this slipped through the net, its been reported clearly in many different missions over the years.

Yup, and I think thats probably why the timeouts and bans manifested at the levels they did. If mindark is repeatedly told of an issue and does nothing, then gives severe bans years down the line, that's not great. I see this as Mindark now drawing a line in the sand and saying: "We're going to be taking a harder stance on Exploiting mechanics - here's your first and final warning" to the wider community.

Though it's still early days for Mindark actually getting stricter on these, as I'm sure people who flagged this issue during this event, 'Tested' the exploits and didn't get progress rollback due to being good citizens. Which again is a bit of a mistake on Mindarks part as it simply just encourages a behaviour of exploit early, then flag to Mindark to protect your ass and prevent others from getting the same advantage.
I find it concerning how some here are claiming the moral high ground while at the same time calling for assassinations of their fellow players. My moral compass says this is wrong.

To be clear, I have not defended those that were deemed to be exploiting. I have been calling for greater accountability and quality from Mindark. There is a fine line between those two but easily confused.

I wish I lived in more enlightened times
I find it concerning how some here are claiming the moral high ground while at the same time calling for assassinations of their fellow players. My moral compass says this is wrong.

To be clear, I have not defended those that were deemed to be exploiting. I have been calling for greater accountability and quality from Mindark. There is a fine line between those two but easily confused.

I wish I lived in more enlightened times

100% and this all stems from Mindarks previous lack of punishment or holding the playerbase accountable for following the rules. Which has built up this mentality of 'exploit early, exploit often' which is super damaging to both player and mindarks reputations.

As always there'll be a mix of players who just want to play legitimately and grind, those that are salty that they would have exploited if they had the chance when these things get released, or those that just have an axe to grind against individual players and societies.

Ultimately it is up to Mindark to set the tone of the morality of how the players play the game and I hope this is the start of them actually getting involved and ensuring a fair level playing field for all.
OK ok, got to say this.
For the ones that do not know me ill introduce my self shortly and will say i am one of the few remaining lootable pvp junkyes, i do not claim i`m good at pvp just that i spend well over half my ingame time in lootable pvp areas.
Might be off-topic, might not, but....FINALLY LOOTABLE PVP HAD ANY PURPOSE! :))))))))))))))
And as a P.S. for those who say remove lootable pvp would fix this: remove the game it self would had fix any exploit ever, you can try that first then come with such `great` proposals.
Thank you, good bye!
As always there'll be a mix of players who just want to play legitimately and grind, those that are salty that they would have exploited if they had the chance when these things get released, or those that just have an axe to grind against individual players and societies.
Dissapointment comes from who are those people in each of those groups.
You have "big cyclers", who have not just an ability to finish the whole mission, but to do it in a most efficient way possible.
And they skip the most challanging part for greed.
And after, on this same forum, you get to read: "you have to risk", "just commit and youll be rewarded", etc... from some of those same people....
It leaves a really bad taste for the players who have been here for long enough, and false expectations for those who are new.
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Who rly cares who those people are...

Almost everyone does something that shud not be allowed... best example: everyone got a macro running and later post pics on forum how hard it was to become uber

The core problem is that mindark Releases stuff over and over without checking and then burst out waves of banns for faults caused by development.(straignt random like : ahh macro is ok, locking loot in lootable pvp is ok too, hmm rockets are broken thats ok too, oh wait that dude did jump in a vehicle while hunting thats worth a ban,broken limited weapon with 80+ efficiency from rt that gets no decay thats ok too)
We reached a stage where people who abuse bugs/exploit report other people who do it just to safe theyr own ass and Look innocent to mindark. Not because theyr super fair or something, no... because they culd Not withstand using this by theyr own.

Sorry to say that out loud, but i dont care...
The core problem is that mindark Releases stuff over and over without checking and then burst out waves of banns for faults caused by development.
So anyone that read "1000 ped of Gems while crafting" and decided to skip the rng factor of the crafting machine holds zero responsability in there actions as far as you are concerned?

I would have liked to have seen the players that exploited this banned until right after the end of the event.
To be honest I did over 4k attempts this month but you fail to calculate that it drops high mu blueprints which I sold around 4 to 5k ped worth roughly. But it's certainly the hardest mission to do and even tech gizmo recycle which normally a good easy way getting garnets just wasn't playing ball with me. Kinda glad ma took action on the cheaters though. The drops do appear wave based though so I don't think it's about solid numbers.
PSA for those who are just getting into crafting during this event as well

If you're talking about boosted blueprints, any time you find a boosted blueprint it takes the boost directly from the trade terminal value of your hit. So say you find a finder amplifier (L) bp (L) that has a 10 ped boost and you got 30 clicks of it, that means that your hit was 300 ped over whatever tt you received, but the game instead gave you that tt in the form of a boosted blueprint. (Joda and I have both confirmed this.) So selling that boost value for markup at the value of the boost is essentially the same as getting the tt value you were withheld on the hit that gave the blueprint. I'm not trying to rain on your parade and it's good if you ended up in a decent spot overall after all those crafts, but as a veteran crafter I just want people to understand what they are getting in to as well as what their returns mean as some aspects of crafting such as boosted bps are not very well understood overall.
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Over a hundred replies I'm still waiting for some one to ask or answer what on earth a PSA is :dunno:

Doesn't look as if anyone will, so please please someone put me out of my misery what is a PSA?
No, everything that is required for existing missions on NI ans Toulan exists in loot. At least I managed to do all the local quests honestly (only sometimes with little difficulties). Perhaps newcomers complain of some infrequent drop.
I, admittedly, spent more time than a human should on looking for a forum post that was on the back of my memory.
I was referring to this:
Mindark now drawing a line in the sand and saying: "We're going to be taking a harder stance on Exploiting mechanics - here's your first and final warning" to the wider community.
i think the message is : Stay away from contests, don't fuck up in competitions !

something that i m saying it for some time now, cause i don't really care if someone is skipping sone side mission that has nothing to do with me directly, but in a contest is against me , my peds and my work and for that i will be always gnarly and grumpy

as i said at some point, u don't go IRL in contests full of drugs and expect to win wit out consequences, u can do that outside competition for your own health and fun, go for it, no1 cares
I, admittedly, spent more time than a human should on looking for a forum post that was on the back of my memory.
I was referring to this:
I realized that you had in mind Adrenal Oil (another person also mentioned this).
But... I finished this quest quickly enough. I did not run in the turmoil along Toulan and did not attack each mob. But previously conducted a small investigation and wrote out a list of mobs, from which Adrenal was noted on the wiki or in other places. And consistently checked them. And in the end, I looted from Lotus Invider. After a short time, I looted adrenal from Jeef Zajer also. There are other mobs, but personally I can confirm Lotus Invader and Jeef Zajer. I did not even know that someone has a problem with this stage, because it was necessary to loot only 10 units (rude 1-2 drops).
I believe quests should be such that it is quite difficult to pass (but not as difficult as the stage with 8GB Damaged RAM - this is too difficult and not at all fun, to be honest - mockery).

P. S. The Mind, we are tough offtopic, do not forget that this thread is for public execution, and not for discussing quests. :)
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way to deflect any responsibility. @OP

maybe get a testing team and stop using the community as your guinea pigs.

IMO these ppl deserve a cut of your monthly salary for doing your work.
They knew what they were doing, and it wasn't an attempt to be a helpful QA analyst. Why do people post delusional trash like this?
Yup, and I think thats probably why the timeouts and bans manifested at the levels they did. If mindark is repeatedly told of an issue and does nothing, then gives severe bans years down the line, that's not great. I see this as Mindark now drawing a line in the sand and saying: "We're going to be taking a harder stance on Exploiting mechanics - here's your first and final warning" to the wider community.

Though it's still early days for Mindark actually getting stricter on these, as I'm sure people who flagged this issue during this event, 'Tested' the exploits and didn't get progress rollback due to being good citizens. Which again is a bit of a mistake on Mindarks part as it simply just encourages a behaviour of exploit early, then flag to Mindark to protect your ass and prevent others from getting the same advantage.
Rest assured.. a lot of folks who got banned, as noted by their non existent activity, are not good citizens. LOL
i think the message is : Stay away from contests, don't fuck up in competitions !

something that i m saying it for some time now, cause i don't really care if someone is skipping sone side mission that has nothing to do with me directly, but in a contest is against me , my peds and my work and for that i will be always gnarly and grumpy

as i said at some point, u don't go IRL in contests full of drugs and expect to win wit out consequences, u can do that outside competition for your own health and fun, go for it, no1 cares
Unless you are Lance Armstrong.
3 day ban over a few workdays is hardly a punishment imo... it's just a warning shot.
If it would be a punishment it would have spanned over a weekend... even if it was just a 2day ban if it was the weekend it would have been a punishment.
Most people I know don’t play weekends. They all play weekdays while working and spend time with family and friends on the weekend so…
Rest assured.. a lot of folks who got banned, as noted by their non existent activity, are not good citizens. LOL
Sadly there are plenty of people still in game who aren't good citizens also... but we can't have everything can we?
Who rly cares who those people are...

Almost everyone does something that shud not be allowed... best example: everyone got a macro running and later post pics on forum how hard it was to become uber
Fk you have got us there. So true.
P. S. @The Mind, we are tough offtopic, do not forget that this thread is for public execution, and not for discussing quests. :)
Oh, lets be honest. Nobody going to do anything (player side). Nor MA will overturn whats already announced.
Full UL gear andies barely interact with the economy (except for raising prices 20%-50% on the next tiering in line out of inhability to properly acquire that amount, and will shove it in someones throat down the line who doesnt know or care about the "drama"). For the rest, look how many lapdogs there are, with a "clean" name, to do everything else. So, basically, any type of pressure inside the game will fail.
We didnt even get the confirmation that bonus mission will be rolled back. If its rolled, everybody will basically move on. If its not, maybe there will be another wave of unrest.

P.S. Could you post info about oils in the thread i linked please. Im pretty sure there are still people looking to do that quest.
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