Question about sweat pricing


Sep 19, 2006
So I've been reading all over the site trying to gather information, and I'm curious what the going rate for sweat is these days? The older guides indicated 1.1 PEC, how far off is that, and "what" determines market price? Is there a market on the auction for this stuff, or a reference somewhere for us newbies?

How do I actually sell these to veterans? Do I simply walk up to someone and ask, or how do I find people interested in these?

I spent about an hour online yesterday just getting to know the area, becoming familiar with the functions. I managed to gather 60 bottles worth of sweat in relatively little time, not sure if this is good or bad though.

in heavily newbie populated towns you will find sweat buyers
that take small ammounts of sweat and for these it shoulkd still be 1,1-1,2

of course you can also 'spam' to sell your sweat to others but i would
advise to have at least 1k or better 4k(sells nicely for 50ped at 1.25) :D
Kendrah said:
So I've been reading all over the site trying to gather information, and I'm curious what the going rate for sweat is these days? The older guides indicated 1.1 PEC, how far off is that, and "what" determines market price? Is there a market on the auction for this stuff, or a reference somewhere for us newbies?

How do I actually sell these to veterans? Do I simply walk up to someone and ask, or how do I find people interested in these?

I spent about an hour online yesterday just getting to know the area, becoming familiar with the functions. I managed to gather 60 bottles worth of sweat in relatively little time, not sure if this is good or bad though.


Really the only worthwhile way is to sit at the buying points for sweat and see in the All Chat what buyers are offering, then try to find the best deal. I recommend Port Atlantis for this, and lately Fort Zeus because a lot of sweaters have moved that way so the sweat buyers tend to follow.

Good luck.
A lot of newer players use Fort Troy rather than Zeus, as initially Fort Troy is easier to get to than Fort Zeus. Also for OJ's the Exarosaur & Daikaba youngs are easy to sweat than the Berycleds near Zeus. However, both are worth checking out along with Port Atlantis for prices :)
if you are looking to use the money towards hunting gear, there are usually people trading sweat for low end armor. You may only be able to sell at 1.1 but maybe find a trader offering 1.3 if its towards armor or a gun. lol i got bored and sweated yesterday then traded for a full set of goblin armor. not bad for an hour with nothing to do
You sweated for 1 hour and had enough sweat to buy a set of goblin?! :eek: OMG!!! How high is your sweat gatherer skill?!?!?! And where'd you sweat?
I've sweated about 3hrs worth maybe, only gathered 250 bottles or so. Skills are accumulating at least.
Achim said:
You sweated for 1 hour and had enough sweat to buy a set of goblin?! :eek: OMG!!! How high is your sweat gatherer skill?!?!?! And where'd you sweat?

lol it was all low TT but i got a deal for 1.3 per bottle on my sweat towards the armor at TT+15 pec each item and i was sweating around troy.
the sweat price is determined by ME price - Nexus price
so sweat's goin up huh? :confused: maybe it'll be better not to let newbies get scammed in cp or pa :rolleyes: when they reach the other mass sweating points they should have enough of experience not to be total noobs...
Some people make mention they can sweat up to 300-700 bottles in an hour. I'm significantly under that for obvious reasons.

I've read a lot of the guides, but what's giving someone the advantage to sweat so fast?

Are we talking people with significant sweating skill, higher evade, and possibly using Faps? (I think it is, hp restore devices) What other methods might help contribute towards sweating faster?

In PA, it's quite the run to the nearest mob from the revival center, are there other locations with closer mobs?

Any tips?

Thanks :D
Kendrah said:
Any tips?

sure. sweat in groups. if you lack the ability to suffer through the beating the animal gives you, then provide the animal more targets to reduce the frequency of any individual being hit.
Sweating at Phoenix used to be very popular as the revival was very close, but now MA have stuck a turret at the TP. Not sure if sweating still goes on there, if it does probably just a bit away from that turret (haven't had a chance to check myself due ti IRL issues). It would be worth checking out though.
Kendrah said:
In PA, it's quite the run to the nearest mob from the revival center, are there other locations with closer mobs?

Any tips?

Thanks :D

I liked sweating just at the borders of Jason Centre - it's not too far from a revival, not too laggy (graphics-wise), plenty of turrets to get rid of the mob if it's too annoying and you don't want to kill it yourself. Oh, and the creatures are tiny enough to survive for a while, too.
One other place I have found sweating to be quite nice is North of Atlas Haven. There are only snables and exarosaurs there, and the revival isnt that far away really. Sweating those Old Female snables I have found also tend to produce more sweat, the young males dry very quickly.

Another tactic is that you could do a sweat hunt, in other words sweat an animal until it is dry, or until it has very nearly killed you, then kill it yourself. I have found this a very economical way to do hunting as the sweat I gather tends to cover the cost of my ammo. Any loot tends to cover the cost of my decay with a slight profit. Oh, and try doing this with no armor or fapping, that way you don't get any decay on those items, and really, dying costs nothing :D.
gmccumskey said:
Sweating those Old Female snables I have found also tend to produce more sweat, the young males dry very quickly.

That's because a creature is sweatable (MaxHP/20 rounded up) times, so a 20HP SnabMYoung is dry after one success (Or rather suck-cess)... I'm not 100% sure if this formula is accurate, but I never really found it to be wrong (Try sweating an Atrox till it's dry, hell yeah.).

The amount of sweat itself seems to be generated from the 2-23 range, but maybe this range somehow grows with Sweat Gatherer skill. Maybe someone could post his best suck if it is above 23?
focus charge focus charge focus charge :wise:
I have had a succesful 32 suck :D
Kendrah said:
Some people make mention they can sweat up to 300-700 bottles in an hour. I'm significantly under that for obvious reasons.

I've read a lot of the guides, but what's giving someone the advantage to sweat so fast?

Are we talking people with significant sweating skill, higher evade, and possibly using Faps? (I think it is, hp restore devices) What other methods might help contribute towards sweating faster?

In PA, it's quite the run to the nearest mob from the revival center, are there other locations with closer mobs?

Any tips?

Thanks :D

One way how to speed up sweating can be also wearing an armor, like pixie cos it wouldn't block all damage but will reduce it a lot and you'll be able to stay alive till the mob is dry and still be able to go for the next one.

most of the damage dealed to you will be healed naturaly so you don't need to fap and at the moment you are really low on health just sit down and go fetch some food, by the time you'll be back your health will be restored :)

another way very good with combination with arrmor is to be Focused (bubbles), these will speed thing a lot, cos every time when you are hit and are concetrating your concetration wouldn't be disrupted.
But this is more advanced sweating technique and you need to understand that a portion of gathered sweat will go for repairs.

As for places where to sweat i recommend Fort Troy, cos of the nearest mob from revive and close to turrets also(in case of emergency). Mobs there are Exas(young-mature) and Daikibas(young-mature) both great for pixie as they deal impact damage.

Hope this helps Nakashu
(Ending of my previous post) ... along with when it was done (I heard that sweating changed several times in the past, so only recent suck-cesses are informative), the sweating skills at the time, underwear worn... Er, okay, going too far there :laugh: .
Caoryn said:
That's because a creature is sweatable (MaxHP/20 rounded up) times, so a 20HP SnabMYoung is dry after one success (Or rather suck-cess)... I'm not 100% sure if this formula is accurate, but I never really found it to be wrong (Try sweating an Atrox till it's dry, hell yeah.).

The amount of sweat itself seems to be generated from the 2-23 range, but maybe this range somehow grows with Sweat Gatherer skill. Maybe someone could post his best suck if it is above 23?

that formula is 99% corect(btw i came with it :D ), it just don't fit on every mob don't know why. :confused:

You should check this thread a lot of usefull things there.

as for the ammount of sweat for one pull, i expect it has also something to do with mobs stamina(health) but no proofs
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Nakashu - Well, I didn't know it was published anywhere, I only began reading EF since I have to sit in front of a computer at my job, and this is the conclusion I got to from my own sweating experience :laugh: . Thanks for the link, will give it a shot (And pass some more time, hehe...)
I got like 425 SG Skill and a soc mate god more than 1000 SG...still no higher amounts per pull and he also does not success more than other ppl....

btw: most of the reseller fuck the price up :/
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Bump of the month :D

see how the sweatprices have dropped in such a short time :scratch2:
and my SG skill raised to 1160 xD