Real Life Item looted!


The Half-Wit Phoenix
Feb 3, 2005
Swedish Woods
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Silicon Skam Chip
Real Life Item Looted!

This package in particular was looted by Starman a few days ago, and contains a real life poster which will be sent to him. What the poster look like, it doesnt say.

This starts a whole new era of looting, and brings PE and Real Life even more together. The community has long waited for PE merchandice and it seems now that all business and purchasing of real life items will be done from ingame.

We congratulate on the find, and plead for an update on what the poster looks like when it is has arrived.
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Very nice :)

Wonder what else can be found :)
holly moly...very nice
I want to loot a Car.

totally possible could you imagine the news if someone looted a Car it be totally worth the publicity it would generate.
Very cool indeed!

*Sveta- waiting for a tshirt :dunce:
Hmm...perhaps instead of PED, a large loot may be the next copy of The Entropian. I say this because this real-life item is related to P.E. I may be wrong, but you never know.
I quote

The Mystique Mighty has killed a Creature (Gibnib Young) and claimed loot at a value (poor English) of 1 000 000PED.

(Picture of Ferrari Keys in the loot window not included).
The Mighty said:
The Mystique Mighty has killed a Creature (Gibnib Young) and claimed loot at a value (poor English) of 1 000 000PED.
I think you forgot some zeros here ;)

back on topic, nice improvments... But I'm not really sure if i'll like it. When i deposit to get some peds, i want to be able to profit of them ingame... If i were to get back real items, i'd feel like i've just lost some peds. True, i have gain a nice irl items (i hope they're nice :D) but i'd prefer a way to choose if i want the irl item or to get some peds instead... but well, it's still a nice idea ;)
Great! Anyone know whats dropping them?
:eek::eek::eek: Very Interesting

Lets see what can we have?...
Well all the normal stuff such as

  • posters
  • t-shirts
  • caps
  • mugs
  • Bumper stickers
  • keyrings
But then we may see rarer(ridiculous) items such as

  • Employee Voodoo Dolls-Marco in particular
  • Love Heart Shaped Cushions embroidered with Marcos face (It's a love-hate relationship)
  • PE Books- the entropian & cheat books (I can dream, can't i?)
  • cars- with a diffrent mobs as a paint job
  • Trips- conventions to help promote PE ect.
But as cacail said some people would prefer to keep it in-game. To solve that you could possibly have coupons, which could be either redeemed for a RL item or sold to the TT for Peds.
Skam said:
This package in particular was looted by Starman a few days ago, and contains a real life poster which will be sent to him. What the poster look like, it doesnt say.
We congratulate on the find, and plead for an update on what the poster looks like when it is has arrived.

I think this is great. But...

will MA fork over the extra money to mail a poster to me if i live on the opposite side of the Earth from Sweden?

anyway, gratz Starman, and I like the concept, just a little concerned about evenhandedness in distribution.
I wonder? If I kill 1000 snabes a day for the next 30 days if I can get a beer stein - I'll damn sure need it!
Well done MA : ) Been waiting for something like this to come along for a while. Would definately like to get a PE T shirt and coffee mug to feed my morning addiction :D
It would be nice if the package was able to be sold or traded before item was actually sent. maybe clicking on it with an option to redeem or something. But you'd need to be able to know whats in it before trading or selling it.

Even if not...this is cool. I commend MA for the effort they seem to be putting into this game...errr...universe :)

Polynices said:
will MA fork over the extra money to mail a poster to me if i live on the opposite side of the Earth from Sweden?
I think it would be pretty hard for you to live anywhere with a steady internet connection that MA couldnt ship a poster for relatively little money ;)
Azrael said:
Even if not...this is cool. I commend MA for the effort they seem to be putting into this game...errr...universe :)
:rolleyes: it's a casino ...
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My question is: do only popular uber people get programmed into the real life item account lottery or anyone of us has a chance? If its pre-programmed, and only certain people can loot certain prizes, can I please request a LOOTIUS T-shirt? That would be my greatest accomplishment in this game.

Bearing a mark of my own religion. :D

Well, I wouldnt mind a ruby-decorated platinum crucifix either, but I guess, we can start of with modest... :laugh:
Ripper said:
  • Employee Voodoo Dolls-Marco in particular
  • Love Heart Shaped Cushions embroidered with Marcos face (It's a love-hate relationship)

  • :rofl: Id like a MarcoTeddy :D
Skam said:
:rofl: Id like a MarcoTeddy :D'll steal your piggy bank while you sleep :)
Azrael said:'ll steal your piggy bank while you sleep :)

Ill cuff him to my wrist just to make sure :D
Arokh said:
Hmm...perhaps instead of PED, a large loot may be the next copy of The Entropian. I say this because this real-life item is related to P.E. I may be wrong, but you never know.

Thats the idea i think ;) will make it easier for MindArk "to sell" The Entropian magazine if they put it as a loot at TT=200...And who will complain to loot The Entropian? Nobody...or perhaps someone who looted it 10 times..

Anyway,thats very good initiative from MindArk to add RL items to PE.
sounds cool. :) it would be nice to know what will be inside :)
Nice idea.
Im just wondering...

Is your location included into the loot equation?
Like this:
Sweden: 40 PED shipment
Australia: 400 PED shipment..

Hence.. If you live in sweden.. you need a 60-100 PED loot to be able to get the poster...
If you live in australia.. you need 420-500 PED loot....... ??

Nice idea if there isent any location specific stuff in the equation..
Whoa... That's what I call a neat loot ;)

/Sound, who will be genociding Molisk for the next days in hope for a Molisk Plush Doll :silly:
