Recall for cars... what about other items? :P

True Juan

Oct 6, 2006
Cz-Sk Crows
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True TJ Juan
Burnsey made a nice thread that explains how you can lend a car to anyone without losing it since there is an options called RECALL which puts the car back in your storage just simply by pressing a button...

Read here how the lending works for cars:

If its possible for cars, what about other items MA? :silly2:

I know they will NEVER implement it, but you can see they CAN ;) (and already have the code needed, for this :) )

Just wanted to point this out :)


EDIT: just realized Nadie also posted a thread...

EDIT2: im just making a point, not wanting this function for all items :)
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Yes i do believe these are the beginnings of a rental/lending system being trailed.
Good point.
I think if the car gets fully damaged whilst someone else has it tho it will go back to the owners storage? bit of a flaw in rental system possibly.....
As has been explained several times on this forum, for most people who ever want to own something nice in game, a lending system would be very bad. Items would be bought up by the wealthy for renting. There is no way a lending system could not be used as a renting system (also already demonstrated several times). You may think it would be great to borrow your friends nice item, but in reality your friend's item would be bought out by a wealthy renter, or he would be too tempted to rent it out himself rather than lend it out for free.

Imagine there was a law passed irl that no new houses could be built. The most wealthy would then buy up all the houses and rent them. The price for the houses would go far above what a normal person could pay. Thus most people would never own a house, they'd be rental slaves their entire lives. Sounds good?

Plus MA said they would not implement a loan/rental system.
As has been explained several times on this forum, for most people who ever want to own something nice in game, a lending system would be very bad. Items would be bought up by the wealthy for renting. There is no way a lending system could not be used as a renting system (also already demonstrated several times). You may think it would be great to borrow your friends nice item, but in reality your friend's item would be bought out by a wealthy renter, or he would be too tempted to rent it out himself rather than lend it out for free.

Imagine there was a law passed irl that no new houses could be built. The most wealthy would then buy up all the houses and rent them. The price for the houses would go far above what a normal person could pay. Thus most people would never own a house, they'd be rental slaves their entire lives. Sounds good?

Plus MA said they would not implement a loan/rental system.

this happens for real in college towns all over the USA..with houses
As has been explained several times on this forum, for most people who ever want to own something nice in game, a lending system would be very bad. Items would be bought up by the wealthy for renting. There is no way a lending system could not be used as a renting system (also already demonstrated several times). You may think it would be great to borrow your friends nice item, but in reality your friend's item would be bought out by a wealthy renter, or he would be too tempted to rent it out himself rather than lend it out for free.

Imagine there was a law passed irl that no new houses could be built. The most wealthy would then buy up all the houses and rent them. The price for the houses would go far above what a normal person could pay. Thus most people would never own a house, they'd be rental slaves their entire lives. Sounds good?

Plus MA said they would not implement a loan/rental system.

A fully agree with you :) And I never said I want this for all items, I just wanted to point out that MA has the ability to MAKE A LOAN SYSTEM, they just WONT and know it would ruin the game for a lot of ppl :)
i remember a while ago(since this has been brought up lotsa of times since beta) some MA official stated that they will not make a lending/renting system since it defeats the purpose of buying expensive items(or something to that extend)
The price for the houses would go far above what a normal person could pay. Thus most people would never own a house, they'd be rental slaves their entire lives.

Plus MA said they would not implement a loan/rental system.

errr , mod fap is hardly affordable by all now, in fact most of the stuff people would want to rent is way above what they can afford, shadow / angel / imk2 etc.

I used to think renting would never happen, but now I think it would be good for teh economy as it provides another way to make money - good for marketing.


it provided a way for us normal folk to get their hands on uber gear. - good for players who want to try out more areas of the game without having to invest $1000's - you could a have an uber day out for a few $'s
well, it seems like the car system was built as a cross between the taming system and the estate system... which makes me wonder if it soon won't be possible to rent out estates and mobile signs, oops I mean pets?!?... ;)
I think if the car gets fully damaged whilst someone else has it tho it will go back to the owners storage? bit of a flaw in rental system possibly.....

A bit of a flaw that a car can get fully damaged
Think was Marco who said here on forum that a lending system won`t be implemented cos would make a few rich avatars hoard items for lending purposes.
Soon to be sponsored Maserati :D with Logo decals, or am I just bullshiting ;)
As has been explained several times on this forum, for most people who ever want to own something nice in game, a lending system would be very bad. Items would be bought up by the wealthy for renting. There is no way a lending system could not be used as a renting system (also already demonstrated several times). You may think it would be great to borrow your friends nice item, but in reality your friend's item would be bought out by a wealthy renter, or he would be too tempted to rent it out himself rather than lend it out for free.

My thought here is that this isn't too different to RL property, yet it doesn't stop RL property markets being dynamic and vibrant, and a great place to trade, invest, and find value.

Imagine there was a law passed irl that no new houses could be built. The most wealthy would then buy up all the houses and rent them. The price for the houses would go far above what a normal person could pay. Thus most people would never own a house, they'd be rental slaves their entire lives. Sounds good?

I think there's a substantial difference between various countries around the world (Australia vs Germany from personal experience, and America different again from hearsay), in both the availability and affordability of property. My understanding is that the availability and affordability influence the ratio of renters to owners. It seems that property markets can function with both high and low proportions of as you say, "the wealthy" being owners.

I'm interested then in why allowing such commerce would be a bad thing. RL experience seems to me to show the opposite to be the case.

I reckon if it were possible to rent shop deeds for example (along with, of course, a proper secure interface for the landlord and tenant to come to an agreement on terms), it would overall be a good thing. It allows people to try before they buy. It allows people who don't have the capital to get started. It allows a new type of business to emerge (renting). It would stimulate the cycling of money through the economy. It would allow people in different countries to each other to do business without needing to hope they give the deed back.

When you say items would be bought up by a wealthy renter, I agree, and I see that this is the case with RL property. I guess my question is, what's so bad about this (given that we are operating in a RCE here, and capitalism is fundamental to its survival and growth)? Is the problem that you think some items would move out of the reach of ownership of most people? If that's the issue, here's a thought:

Thinking about non-rentable items in game that are expensive, the problem exists anyway. Renting them out would actually give access to the average non-wealthy person. It might make ownership further from reach, but it makes ACCESS further within reach. Rental markets don't necessarily mean that the wealthy rip off their customers either - in fact, price competition would likely stop that.

I'm not convinced overall that it would be a bad thing, so would love to read further debates about it. What do you suggest I search for if I want to read about where it's been said before that this would be a bad thing? Any particular threads you're aware of?
i remember a while ago(since this has been brought up lotsa of times since beta) some MA official stated that they will not make a lending/renting system since it defeats the purpose of buying expensive items(or something to that extend)

Yet H&R circle is allowed to do what they do.