News: Server Downtime for Release

about time for RDI update.
TOS update: You will own nothing and be happy.
Revamp in wave loot system? or replace for this crap?
Ezy RT codex. My guns are ready for the pewpee
Land Plot release
A new vc_redist.exe was incoming and a few other things instead of just the usual client update. Then a required computer restart.
did the vc redist install went through ? i got only errors on the redist update-> then i installed it manually, but client loader still brings up errors.

Update-> after i installed the vc-redist manually, i restarted the pc, but client loader doesnt check if its installed or not-> same error " cannnot install vc-redist"
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did the vc redist install wenth through ? i got only errors on the redist update-> then i installed it manually, but client loader still brings up errors.
No errors afaics, but messages rushed through too fast to read everything in between. I haven't restarted yet, it only popped up the message that I'll have to. Will wait until servers are back and try it out first.
All downloaded. 'puter restarted and client loader still in maintenance mode after more than 20 minutes.
*Runs Entropia ....*
No restart for me yet; I just closed the loader and restarted it. Also waiting for maintenance to end, so dwnlding RT while I wait on the offchance there is something interesting there now (new).
Servers are back. Game started and logged in without reboot.
In, working fine, curious about updates
Woot love the new items you have won the Cross world Puzzle
Servers are back. Game started and logged in without reboot.

Ty for info, i installed the 32bit+64bit vcredist manually +restart, now the update seems to work,can login now..:))
Servers are broke .. you are being kicked out from some areas ... just an info.