Taming related ability & skill unlock chart


Animal Tamer
Jul 24, 2006
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Rob RobVee Vee
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Ever since VU 8.8 we can all see our level in each profession. In the assumption that higher levels within each profession can unlock certain abilities and skills, I'm trying to put together a chart. This chart only covers the four taming related professions: Animal Tamer, Pet Handler, Whipper (dmg) and Whipper (hit). I've also included the skill unlocks in these professions.


[SIZE="+1"]Animal Tamer[/SIZE]

Level - Recorded ability unlock
00,00 - Ability: Snablesnot-male Young tamable (confirmed)
00,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-male Mature tamable (unconfirmed)
01,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-male Old tamable (unconfirmed)
01,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-male Provider tamable (unconfirmed)
02,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-male Guardian tamable (unconfirmed)
00,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-male Dominant tamable (unknown)
00,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-male Alpha tamable (unknown)
00,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-male Old Alpha tamable (unknown)
00,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-male Prowler tamable (unknown)
05,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-male Stalker tamable (unconfirmed)

Level - Recorded ability unlock
00,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-female Young tamable (unconfirmed)
01,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-female Mature tamable (unconfirmed)
01,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-female Old tamable (unconfirmed)
01,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-female Provider tamable (unconfirmed)
01,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-female Guardian tamable (unconfirmed)
04,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-female Dominant tamable (unconfirmed)
00,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-female Alpha tamable (unknown)
05,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-female Old Alpha tamable (unconfirmed)
00,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-female Prowler tamable (unknown)
06,XX - Ability: Snablesnot-female Stalker tamable (unconfirmed)

Level - Recorded ability unlock
02,50 - Ability: Exarosaur Young tamable (confirmed)
03,00 - Ability: Exarosaur Mature tamable (confirmed)
03,50 - Ability: Exarosaur Old tamable (confirmed)
04,00 - Ability: Exarosaur Provider tamable (confirmed)
04,50 - Ability: Exarosaur Guardian tamable (confirmed)
04,25 - Ability: Exarosaur Dominant tamable (confirmed)
05,50 - Ability: Exarosaur Alpha tamable (confirmed)
06,00 - Ability: Exarosaur Old Alpha tamable (confirmed)
06,50 - Ability: Exarosaur Prowler tamable (confirmed)
07,00 - Ability: Exarosaur Stalker tamable (confirmed)

Level - Recorded ability unlock
05,00 - Ability: Daikiba Young tamable (confirmed)
06,00 - Ability: Daikibia Mature tamable (confirmed)
07,00 - Ability: Daikiba Old tamable (confirmed)
08,00 - Ability: Daikiba Provider tamable (confirmed)
09,00 - Ability: Daikiba Guardian tamable (confirmed)
10,00 - Ability: Daikiba Dominant tamable (confirmed)
11,00 - Ability: Daikiba Alpha tamable (confirmed)
12,00 - Ability: Daikiba Old Alpha tamable (confirmed)
13,00 - Ability: Daikiba Prowler tamable (confirmed)
14,00 - Ability: Daikiba Stalker tamable (confirmed)

Level - Recorded ability unlock
00,00 - Ability: 1 pet control in the wild (confirmed)
06,25 - Ability: 2 pet control in the wild (confirmed)
18,75 - Ability: 3 pet control in the wild (confirmed)
31,25 - Ability: 4 pet control in the wild (confirmed)
43,75 - Ability: 5 pet control in the wild (confirmed)

Level - Recorded skill unlock
01,00 - Skill: Animal Taming (confirmed)
50,00 - Skill: Combat Sense (confirmed)
60,00 - Skill: Scientist (confirmed)


[SIZE="+1"]Pet Handler[/SIZE]

Level - Recorded ability unlock
00,00 - Ability: 1 pet control at the stable (confirmed)
06,25 - Ability: 2 pet control at the stable (confirmed)
18,75 - Ability: 3 pet control at the stable (confirmed)
31,25 - Ability: 4 pet control at the stable (confirmed)
43,75 - Ability: 5 pet control at the stable (confirmed)

Level - Recorded skill unlock
01,00 - Skill: Animal Taming (confirmed)
60,00 - Skill: Scientist (confirmed)


[SIZE="+1"]Whipper (dmg)[/SIZE]

Level - Recorded skill unlock
18,00 - Skill: Melee Damage Assessment (confirmed)
45,00 - Skill: Wounding (confirmed)
80,00 - Skill: Kill Strike (confirmed)


[SIZE="+1"]Whipper (hit)[/SIZE]

Level - Recorded skill unlock
20,00 - Skill: Martial Arts (confirmed)
30,00 - Skill: Serendipity (confirmed)
50,00 - Skill: Combat Sense (confirmed)


Please post your ability and skill unlocks for these professions. I will update the chart accordingly.

Feel free to post comments or suggestions!
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You can unlock Animal Taming at Level 1 Pet handler, as well.
You can unlock Animal Taming at Level 1 Pet handler, as well.
Thanks! I'll update the chart!

Edit: We have now learned that in fact this skill unlock happens at level 0 Animal Tamer (or level 0 Pet Handler).
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Animal Tamer = 08 & Pet Handler= 08
and only 2 pets
Animal Tamer = 08 & Pet Handler= 08
and only 2 pets

I believe that the ammount of pets that you can control is unlocked in a very strange way :)
Just wait until 9, then you can complaim and change the information that 2 pets don't unlock somewhere at level 8, just at level 9

So far I only have one picture (besides mine) of people unlocking 3 pets.
it was over 19,6 in Animal Handler.

I'm sure that I unlocked 3 Pets arround 1900 (19,0 +- 0,1-0.2) accordingly to the data that I have.

I'm not absolutelly sure that I could control 3 pets with just 18,9 in Animal Handler (I have reasons to believe I did, but I'm not sure due to lack of required data, miss the screenshot of the message warning that I couldn't take more than ...)

I took some skills a few months ago to see if I was right (the lowest that I went was to 18,9)

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

3 Pets
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

What I'm absolutelly sure is that 4 months ago:
Neither Animal Tamer nor Animal Handler would unlock Serendipity.

At the end of this month I'm sure I can provide screenshots about 4 Pet Handling.
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Daikiba prowler taming ability unlocked at level 13 tamer. Based on your list there, it appears stalker is at level 14. I will try to verify that today, although i won't know if it's 15 or 14.
What I'm absolutelly sure is that 4 months ago:
Neither Animal Tamer nor Animal Handler would unlock Serendipity.
From www.pe-wiki.info: Serendipity: 'Level 30 in any profession'. Does this not apply for the Animal Tamer and Pet Handler profession?

Edit: I've changed it to 'unconfirmed' for now.
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From www.pe-wiki.info: Serendipity: 'Level 30 in any profession'. Does this not apply for the Animal Tamer and Pet Handler profession?

Edit: I've changed it to 'unconfirmed' for now.

That should read "any profession that uses serendipity". Those professions are (according to wiki): Biotropian, Dodger, Driller, Evader, Laser Sniper (Hit), Miner, Paramedic, Psychotropian(Dmg), Psychotropian(Hit), Pyrotropian(Dmg), Ranged BLP (Dmg), Ranged Gauss (Dmg), Ranged Laser (Dmg), Ranged Plasma (Dmg), Surveyor

So unless serendipity is gained while taming or training, it shouldn't unlock with them. I'll update wiki.
So unless serendipity is gained while taming or training, it shouldn't unlock with them. I'll update wiki.
Thanks for the information, I'll remove it from the chart then!
Thanks! Keep us posted! I'll update the chart!

I was able to tame a dai stalker tonight, so that ability unlocks at 14 or 15.
My guess is that 6 pets opens at lvl 55 btw, may be able to confirm that in a near future:)
I was able to tame a dai stalker tonight, so that ability unlocks at 14 or 15.
I'll update the chart with this ability unlock at level 14 Animal Tamer, but unconfirmed for now. I'm getting closer to this level myself (currently level 12 Animal Tamer).
Animal Tamer = 08 & Pet Handler= 08
can tame up to Daikiba Prov
Animal Tamer = 08 & Pet Handler= 08
can tame up to Daikiba Prov
Thanks! I'll update the chart!

It seems that at a certain point, every subsequent level in Animal Tamer unlocks the ability to tame a bigger Daikiba.
You forgot to mention behind "confirmed" who told you the infos :D.
just kidding, very good work, so a +rep from me to you!
Thanks Smoerble!

Some additional thoughts and information. It seems that the next level in pet control unlocks at level ~X,9. For example, the 3 pet control seems to unlock at level ~18,9 Pet Handler and the 4 pet control seems to unlock at level ~29,9 Pet Handler.

For the chart I'll just leave it at level 19 and 30 Pet Handler, so that others have clear goal to work up to.
This theory breaks down at 5 pets which unlocks at 44...let's see when 6 does
This theory breaks down at 5 pets which unlocks at 44...let's see when 6 does
Interesting, keep us posted!

I hope you can report a nice skill unlock at a certain level!
Useful chart Rob! Hope it will give a good indication of tamer's achievements
You forgot a very important skill...
Zoology seems to have a BIG influence on the number of pets you can tame...
I know of 2 people that have similar skills in taming and handling - but one can only do 3 pets - and the other 5 pets... They have a big difference in their zoology skills.....
So it might be a good idea to add zoology to your chart :)
You forgot a very important skill...
Zoology seems to have a BIG influence on the number of pets you can tame...
I know of 2 people that have similar skills in taming and handling - but one can only do 3 pets - and the other 5 pets... They have a big difference in their zoology skills.....
So it might be a good idea to add zoology to your chart :)

Zoology is a skill; what he has in the chart are the two professional standings that pertain to taming. Zoology, Animal Taming, Animal Lore, and many general skills all contribute to the Animal Tamer and Animal Handler professions he has in the chart. Skills by themselves are as you say, not the full story: the professional standing is the actual result of the skill levels that determines ability.
So, now we have the list of abilities for the Animal Tamer profession down to Daikiba Provider (and Snable-male Young at the first level).

There must be some data when Daikiba Young, Mature or Old unlocks. So, if you are new to taming, please post your experiences here! Also we'll need some information on the Exarosaurs and other Snables!

Edit: I'll add the other tamable creatures to the chart (but the unlock level will be 'unknown' for now)!
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lev 9 animal tamer, and i can tame Daikiba Guardians but not dom
4 active Pets unlocked at level 31

I new that the unlock of 4 Pets was either at level 30 or 31 (Great professional standing) but I last time I got there was before skills levels were shown with the current detail and anyway I got the by eating a chip so I didn't knew where far in Great level I was, it seems that the chip took me higher than what I expected that time.

Anyway I decided to try to figure this out and do it all over again so that I knew how taming is working.

I unlocked the ability to have 4 active Pets at level 31.
(somewhere at the middle of 31; aprox. ~31 + 1/4).

Here are screenshots before and after:

3 Pets:
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

4 Pets:
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Well this means that at the moment
I expect that people will unlock 6 Pets at level 57-59
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Intersting theory. I was expecting to unlock 6 pets at lvl 54 for some reason, as it is 10 levels above the 44 and a new pro-standing, but if that does not happen I will test your idea then:)

I am still wondering what higher level tamer pro-standing currently does, I guess now it is useless until new mobs are introduced that can be tamed...or do people think it has any other significance?

I am close to lvl 50 tamer as well, not sure if anything cool will happen there, will post once I get there:)

The interesting thing about the 6 pet unlock if it indeed does come when MG suggests, is that scientist skill should unlock at lvl 60 handler as well (a theory as well, but we know it is a skill that contributes to taming, and unlocks at lvl 60 scanner, paramedic and whipper so logically same in taming), and skilling that up should give a temporary boost to taming standings as well.

Anyways, the road to taming heights has been a bit slow, but I plan to take it to at least lvl 60 and 6 pet and scientist unlock and then see what happens...

Stay tuned:)
I unlocked the ability to have 4 active Pets at level 31.
Thanks! I'll update the chart with this confirmed data!

Edit: I was able to tame a Daikiba Old Alpha tonight, but not yet a Daikiba Prowler, so that confirms the ability to tame a Daikiba Old Alpha at level 12 Animal Tamer.
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